中科院化学研究所高分子博导 中国科学院化学研究所研究人员简介 韩志超 博士 研究员 博士生导师 高分子物理专业 Charles C. Han Ph.D. Professor Polymer Physic 高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室 State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics & Chemistry Resume & Research Interests 1944 出生 1966 毕业于台湾大学化工系 学士 1973 获美国 University of Wisconsin 博士。 Born 1944 B.S. 1966 Chemical Engineering Nat. Taiwan University M.S. 1969 Physical Chemistry University of 1974-2002 美国国家标准与技术局,研究科学家; Houston Ph.D. 1973 Physical Chemistry University of 1985-1989 VAMAS POLYBLENDS 美国代表(理 Wisconsin, Madison 事) 1974-2002 Research Scientist, National Institute of Standards & Technology 1985-1995 美国国家标准与技术局 共混高分子 1985-1989 VAMAS POLYBLENDS U.S. 研究团队 主任 Representative 1985-1995 Group Leader, Polymer Blends 1999-2002 年 美国国家标准与技术局 多相材料 Group, National Institute of Standards & 研究团队 主任 Technology 1999-2002 Group Leader, Multiphase materials 1995-2002 美国国家标准与技术局,首席研究员 Group, National Institute of Standards & 2002-今 中国科学院化学研究所,高分子科学与 Technology 材料联合实验室主任,首席科学家。 1995-2002 National Institute of Standards & Technology, Fellow 2002-present Director and Chief Scientist, Joint Lab of Polymer Science and Materials, ICCAS 光散射应用,光散射动力学,雷利强迫 光散射,小角中子散射及小角 X 射线散射在 高分子中的应用 高分子试验统计物理学 light Application of light scattering, dynamic scattering, forced Rayleigh light scattering, small angle neutron scattering and small angle X-ray scattering in polymer 在稀溶液、中度溶液、高浓缩溶液中的 高分子动力学 分子构相、构型和共聚物体中的有序无 序转变 高分子混合物中的平衡态行为和旋节线 分解动力学 光致上色和光致去色标记聚合物系统及 其在光传播和光学记录中的应用 大量或者薄膜共混高分子和高分子共聚 物的形貌和性能控制 高分子混合物的剪切相依性的静态和动 态行为,以及其在加工过程中的应用 聚烯烃共混物的相分离和结晶性 research Experimental statistical physics of macromolecules Polymer dynamics in dilute, semidilute and concentrated solutions Molecular conformation, domain structures and order-disorder transition of block copolymers of Equilibrium phase behavior and kinetics spinodal decomposition of polymer mixtures dye Photo-chromic and photo-bleachable labeled polymeric systems and its application in diffusion and optical recording Morphology and property control of polymer blends and block copolymers in bulk and in thin film Shear dependence of the static and kinetic phase behavior of polymer mixtures and its application in processing Phase separation and crystallization of polyolefin blends Selected Publications Hayashi, M., Hashimoto, T., Hasegawa, H., Takenaka, M., Grull, H., Esker, A.R., Weber, M., Satija, S.K., Han, C.C., Nagao, M., “ Interface Between a Polysulfone and Polyamide as Studied by Combined Neutron Reflectivity and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Techniques”, Macromolecules, 2000, 33, 8375 Kielhorn, L., Colby, R. H., and Han, C. C., “Relaxation Behavior of Polymer Blends After the Cessation of Shear”, Macromolecules, 2000, 33, 2486 Xie, R., Karim, A., Douglas, J. F., Han, C. C., and Weiss, R. A., “Spinodal Dewetting of thin Polymer Films”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1998, 1251 Nakatani, Alan I. And Han, Charles C., “Shear Dependence of the Equilibrium and Kinetic Behavior of Multicomponent systems” in “Structures and Properties of Multi-Phase polymeric Materials”, Araki, T., Tran-Cong Q., and Shibayama M., Eds, p233. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1998 Yu, J. W., Douglas, J. F., Hobbie, E. K., 1. Han, Charles C., “Polymer Characterization Techniques and Their Applications to Blends: Chapter I. Overview of Polymer Blends Characterization”, Edited by George P. Simon, Published by Oxford University Press, 2003 2. Schmidt, G., Nakatani, A. I., Butler, P. D., and Han, C. C., “Small Angle Neutron Scattering from Viscoelastic Polymer-Clay Solutions,” macromolecules, 2002, 35, 4725 3. Wang, H., Shimizu, K., Hobbie, E. K., Wang, G. Z. G., Meredith, J. C., Karim, A., Amis, E. J., Hsiao, B. S., Hsieh, E. T., and Han, C. C., “Phase Diagram of a Nearly Isorefractive Polyolefin Blend”, Macromolecules, 2002, 35, 1072 4. Grull, H., Esker, A. R., and Han, C. C., “Polymer Transport Across Isotope-Selective Interdiffusion Barriers”, Europhy. Lett., 2002, 57, Kim, S. K., and Han, C. C., “Shear-Induced 533 “Homogenization” of a Diluted Polymer Blend”, 5. Jeon, H. S., Nakatani, A. I., Hsu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 78, 2664 W., Hobbie, E. K., and Han, C. C., “Phase Inversion of Polybutadiene (PB)/ Polyisoprene (PI) Blends Under Quiescent and Shear Conditions”, Langmuir, 2001, 17, 3087 Tel:010-8261 8089 Fax:010-6252 1519 E-mail: c.c.han@iccas.ac.cn Address:中科院化学所(100190) 中国科学院化学研究所研究人员简介 徐 坚 博士,研究员,博导 高分子化学与物理专业 Jian Xu Ph.D. , Research Professor Polymer Chemistry & Physics 高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室 State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics & Chemistry Resume & Research Interests 1961 年生 1982 年成都科技大学化学系理学学士 1985 年成都科技大学高分子材料系工学硕士 1985-1992 年北京化工大学高分子材料系讲师 1995 年四川大学高分子材料工学博士 1997 年中国科学院化学研究所博士后 1998 年日本北海道大学大学院客座研究员 现任中国科学院化学研究所研究员,化学研究 所副所长,高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室 副主任 料 光纤 Born 1961. B.S., 1982, Chengdu University of Science and Technology. M.S., Chengdu University of Science and Technology. Joined Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology in 1985. Lecture, 1985-1992. Ph. D., 1994 , Sichuan Univerisity. Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995- 1996. Joined Institute of Chemistry in 1997. Visiting Scientist, 1998-1999, University of Hokkaido, Japan. Professor, 1999-. Vice Director of Institute of Chemistry, Deputy Head of State Key Lab. of Polymer Physics & Chemistry. Smart polymer & biological gels and bionic 智能聚合物和生物凝胶及仿生材料 materials 分子间和分子内有机-无机杂化物材 高性能的功能聚合物和通信用聚合物 高分子溶液及其分子量表征 Inter-/intra-molecular inorganic-organic hybrids Advanced materials of functional polymer and optical polymer fiber Polymer solution and characterization of molecule weight and its distribution Selected Publications Xu Jian, Shi Lianghe, Ye Meiling, Conformation of Ying Guan, Chen Qiang, Xu Jian et al., Study on amphiphilic branch chain in copolymer surfactants on interface, J. Polym. Sci. Phys. Ed., 35,827-830,1997 Xu Jian, Wu Guanying, Sun Yufeng, Shen Yibing, A new theoretical formula for the determination of the copolymer composition distribution measured by GPC, Macromol. Rapid Comm Comm., 18, 601-607, 1997 Jian Xu, Peijun, Meiling Ye, Lianghe Shi, Determination of Molecular weight of polyethylene with high temperature GPC, Macromol Rapid Commun., 19, 115- 118, 1997 Xu Jian, Shi Lianghe, Ye Meiling, XPS study of polymer surfactants on interface, J. Polym. Sci. Phys. Ed., 37,2297-2302,1999 Xianmin Zhang, Jian Xu, Kaori Okawa, Yoshinori Katsuyama, Jianping Gong, Yoshihiyo Osada, Kengsheng Chen, In situ monitoring of hydrogel polymerization using speckle interferometry, J. Phys. Chem. B., 103(15), 2888 -2891,1999 hydrogel gelation by interfereometry, Macromol. Rapid Comm., 21(14), 998-1001, 2000 T. Narita, A. Hirai, Jian Xu, et al., Substrate effect of gel surfaces on cell adhesion and disruption, BioMacromolecules,1(2), 162-167, 2000 Kii, J. Xu, J. Gong, Y. Osada, X. Zhang, Heterogeneous polymerization of hydrogels on hydrophobic substrate, J. Phys. Chem. B., 105(20), 4565-4571, 2001 J. Gong, A. Kii, J. Xu, Y. Hattori, Y. Osada, A possible mechanism for the substrate effect on hydrogel formation, J. Phys. Chem. B., 105(20), 4572 -4576, 2001 Y. Guan, Y. P. Cao, Y. X. Peng, J. Xu, S.C. Chen, Complex of polyelectrolyte surfactant as novel shape memory networks, Chem. Comm., 1694-1695, 2001 Tel:010-62556180 E-mail:jxu@infoc3.icas.ac.cn Fax:010-62569564 Address:中科院化学所(100190)