Call identifier Call2b-2013
Date of publication: 15/12/2013
Deadline: 15/01/2014
Object: This call is aimed at identifying a “micro-project” and specifically a mobile
virtual museum aimed at connecting a selected number of museum collections
with their stories, belonging to 4 different locations. The “micro-project” will be
developed and integrated within V-MUST.NET final event.
The selected
component or application might be also integrated in the V-MUST.NET platform by
the proposing partner(s).
Tot budget available in Call 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d: Euro 69333,00
Number of components awarded: max 1
Eligibility conditions: applicants should be V-MUST partners or V-MUST
associated members applying together with a partner.
How to apply: fill in the form (Annex 1) and send it to and to
WP5 leader
Evaluation procedure: two steps evaluation
1. About V-MUST development camp
This call is part of V-MUST Development Camp. The DevCamp is an action oriented to the
competitive selection of: (a) few small development or integration actions (Call 1, Call 2, Call 3)
and (b) the personnel involved in the training or research activities (PhD students, visiting
scientists, fellows: Call 4). Submissions to the calls 1, 2 and 3 should be presented by V-MUST
partners, but any submission could be co-authored also by external institutions if
“associated members”1. On the other hand, the contribution of external partners to a
submitted proposal will be highly appreciated and will be positively assessed in the evaluation
This is due to administrative reasons (transferring the sum assigned to a selected proposal will be easy if the submitter is a partner
and administratively very hard if not). Association Procedure is explained in the website ( )
process. This follows a precise policy of the V-MUST project: these calls will be the main
instrument to open the project to the contributions of external institutions/experts.
2. About C2: V-MUST Call for Micro-projects
The Call for Micro Projects (Call 2 or C2) is integrated with WP5 activities. It include three
subcalls: Call2a, Call2b, Call2c, Call2d.
The goal is the identification and integration of internal or external components/services which
could/should be added to V-MUST platform and that would be integrated in V-MUST final event
(Keys2Rome). The selected components will be integrated in the platform by the proposing
Call 2a
“Call 2a” is aimed at identifying a technological solution for an onsite virtual museum based on
natural interaction aimed at making visitor playing with objects (belonging to museum
collection) their original context and their stories. Educational games based on natural
interaction, interactive holograms and 3d display showcases solutions are welcome (max 2
micro-projects ideally complementary, max budget Call 2a: 21.888,00 Euro)
Call 2b
“Call 2b” is aimed at identifying a technological solution for a mobile virtual museum aimed at
connecting a selected number of museum collections with their stories, belonging to 4 different
locations. It should be based on technology such as Augmented/Virtual or Mixed Reality,
leveraging new forms of interaction, and shall be delivered as a downloadable application from
the web (Web App). (max 1 project, max budget Call 2b: 12.500,00 Euro)
Call 2c
“Call 2c” is aimed at identifying a technological solution for an onsite virtual museum based on
tangible interaction, whose goal will be to connect a selected number of 3d objects belonging
to four museums, with their stories, original locations, making the users aware of the general
context of the exhibition. 3D printing solutions might be proposed and encouraged, as well as
integrated solutions of tangible interfaces and projection systems (max 2 micro-projects, max
budget Call 2c: 20.000,00 Euro)
Call 2d
Call 2d is aimed at identifying a technological solution for an on line virtual museum, whose
goal will be to create an online access to the exhibition, integrating micro-projects and online
test-beds already developed by the v-must consortium. The website will show the story behind
the exhibition and will connect the four venues, serving as the fifth (online) venue. Through
the website, it would be possible to download the App (Call 2b) on Keys to Rome and also to
access 3d interactive applications where 3d models will be available together with their
metadata and information on sources / hypothesis used for the reconstructions. In fact the
online virtual museum shall be connected with the online repository (created by v-must) storing
the 3 content created together with the metadata (max 1 project: 15.000,00)
The calls are exclusively oriented to software development and do not include content
production. Nevertheless content optimization, format conversion, camera animation, character
animation might be included. All content will be made available through the V-MUST platform,
immediately after the final communication to the applicants. Content will be integrated into the
micro-project in strict cooperation with a V-MUST Content Reference (VCR) that will be
Design of the proposed solution is included, although it will be developed in cooperation with a
V-MUST Design Reference (VDF) that will be appointed.
Regarding software development, applicants will need to specify details on the software/tools
they will use and on the hardware needed. Open Source or Open API will be preferred, although
not required. Low cost solutions with simple maintenance policies, will be preferred. The
software will be developed in cooperation with a V-MUST Technical Reference (VTR) that will
be appointed.
The selected applicants will be required to use V-MUST production services (SVN, Owncloud,
Track) that will be made available through the platform.
The selected applicants will be asked to update an online Blog, during the development of the
micro-project, and to deliver a final technical report, that shall suit as documentation for
The selected micro-projects are expected to be developed starting from 1st of February 2014
and to be delivered the 1st of June 2014.
2.1 Timetable
Call C2b is open
First eligibility check by V-MUST executive board members
Evaluation and selection by external boards members
Final Communication to the applicants
3. Requirements
The proposed micro-project will need to take into consideration the concept, the plan for the
final event and the general story. It also would need to handle multimedia material (3d
models, audio, video) created by V-MUST partners. All selected solutions will be installed in the
final event, Keys2Rome. Micro-projects that will be flexible enough to be included in all 4
locations will be preferred, although not strictly required. Micro-projects that will make available
an on line version of their solution will be also preferred, though not required
3.1 Key2Rome Concept
“Keys To Rome” is a unique exhibition that, for the first time ever, will be organised at the same
time in four incredible locations around Europe and its coasts: Rome at the Imperial Fora
Museum, Alexandria at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Amsterdam at the Allard Pierson Museum
and Sarajevo at the newly restored City Hall.
A story will connect those four museums and their collections, involving visitors in the
exploration of Roman Culture through the eyes of a grandfather and its nephew, in the attempt
to get back the memory of their family of traders, before its complete lost .
“Keys to Rome” represents also a challenging attempt to explore how new technologies can
enhance visitors experience in different ways, without loosing a connection with heritage sites
and museum collections. One of the goal in fact is to create different kind of experiences for
visitors but fully integrated with the museum or site reality.
“Keys to Rome”, organised by the Virtual Museum Transnational Network, curated by
archaeologists, art historians, architects, computer scientists and communication experts, will
open the 8th of July, until the 2nd of November 2014.
3.2 General Plan
In every museum, the exhibition is divided in pre-, during and post-visit stages. Technology is
part of them, accompanying the visitors in different ways:
1) Introduction: The visitor listens to a short introduction on the story (tech: short movie)
2) Visit: The visitor explores the museum and the selected collections, finding close to the
objects, hints on the stories behind them (possible tech: mobile application, interactive screens,
interactive display showcases, tangible interfaces for objects) [Call 2b] [Call 2d]
3) Interactive Exploration: The visitor plays with the objects, trying to find them in their original
context helped by the stories of the family (tech: natural interaction game, interactive
projections) [Call 2a] [Call 2d]
4)Summary of the experience: The visitor have a final vision of the entire empire, the objects
on shows in all locations, their original provenience, the interconnections with the stories
(possible tech: tangible interfaces, interactive projections) [Call 2c] [Call 2d]
5) An on line experience. The Internet will be the 5th location of the exhibition. Here visitors
could prepare themselves and get more information after the visit [Call 2d]
3.3 General Story
The general story is provided to visitor in the Introductory part of the exhibition.
Gaius, a successful trader, brings his grandson, Marcus, to his office at the Trajan Markets. It is
the first day of the new year the festival of Ianus. Flaccus, Marcus's father, has died some years
before, during the earthquake that damaged the whole city. Although the boy has been to the
office many times before, today seems different: his grandfather is acting very strangely. Gaius
tells his grandson Marcus he has to learn family's secrets, then leads him along Via Biberatica
(Trajan Markets, Rome), towards the taberna (Roman shop) where their stuff is placed and
explains him that every object hides a story. At the end of the grandfather explanation, they are
in a dark room where the torch light shows a corridor with wooden shelves on both sides. On
the shelves there are some ancient chests, old, dark and full of dust. On each chest there is a
marble epigraph with an inscription, not readable. Gaius explains how to bring to light the
ancestors stories. At the end of the introduction, visitors understand their goal. They have to
help Marcus and reveal the past.
3.4 Specific Requirements for Call 2b
After the introduction, visitors are encouraged to visit the museums and their collections, to find
the objects belonging to the story, to understand their use, the place they belong to. They are
also asked to uncover short stories “hidden” behind each object (i.e. how Quintus Decius died
because of the falling of a statue). The objects visible in one of the museums may be connected
to the objects visible in other museums of K2R exhibition.
A mobile application should be made available for the visitors (to be downloaded from the
website or/and at the museum).
The application should be used by visitors with their smartphones and tablets (the operative
system should be specified: if IOS or/and Android).
A limited number of devices, prepared and ready, might be hired in each location.
Since it might be the case Internet connection will have some disconnections, or not be
available from time to time (the exhibition is held in museums where usually there is no or little
connection), the proposal should either not be Internet-dependent or propose a solution in
case no internet connection is available.
The proposal should address some or all the following functionalities:
the app let the visitor discover
which objects of the museum
are also part of the
exhibition and of the main
 map of the museums with the
position of the objects
 2d panorama of the rooms / video
might be provided upon request
 3d models of the objects as they
are today conserved in the
 Video/Pictures shooting for
training of the system in
case of Augmented Reality
 optimized/ converted 3d
get information regarding
those objects
 Pictures of the object as it is
visible at the museum
 short texts will be provided
 Reference rendering for object
from 3d model
 Specific renderings of the
objects would be produced
by the proponent using
provided 3d models
Extend reality and physical
objects by augmenting
additional virtual information
 Pictures, text and metadata as on
display at the museum
 3D rendering within standard
 3D feature map
reconstruction of selected
 Adaptation to other than iOs
Unveil one or more stories
regarding the object
 short text on the stories (audio
can be prepared but it is not
included in this call and would
need to be delivered by the
 Audio
see how objects appeared
 Reference rendering of the object
 Specific renderings of the
originally and in their original
as it was originally in its context
 3d models of the reconstructed
 3d models of the context/
environment they belong to
objects would be produced
by the proponent using
provided 3d models
connect the object with other
objects /location/ stories in
the same museum or in other
museums of K2R
 Conceptual Map of possible
interconnection of the objects /
stories/ locations
 A specific concept should
be added and described on
this functionality
G Provide a connection with
the natural interaction game
(Point 3 above)
 Detail Description of the game
and of the technology used for its
development will be provided not
before Jan 2014
 A specific concept should
be added and described on
this functionality
Provide a connection with
the final application (Point 4
 Detail Description of the
application and of the technology
used for its development will be
provided not before Jan 2014
 A specific concept should
be added and described on
this functionality
Enable production and sharing
of 3d content
 Visitors would use smart-phone
to take pictures and produce 3d
models of the objects they see.
The objects will be than published
on line in webGL format
 A specific concept should
be added and described on
this functionality
Digital Asset:
The call is exclusively oriented to software development and do not include content
production. Nevertheless content optimization, format conversion, camera animation might be
included (see above).
Any necessary “training” regarding the application and the devices (pictures/videos shooting)
should be carried out by the proponent.
Digital assets that will be provided include:
1. 3d models of the objects as they are today conserved in the museums; 3d models of the
objects reconstructed. An average of 6-20 objects for each location have been selected (an
example at this link2) and acquired in 3d. The complete list will be provided to the selected
2. 3d models of the context/environment they belong to (buildings, sites, rooms); An average of
3 reconstructed environments will be made available for each location (an example at this link3).
The complete list will be provided to the selected applicant.
3. other multimedia material: audio of the stories; pictures and videos of the
objects/environments as they are today.
The VCR (v-must content reference) will be available to check content with the software
The VDR will be available supporting the development of the final concept and design
(interface/interaction) of the application.
The VTR will be available to check the development of the software and the setup with the
Space available:
Rome: 5 rooms where objects are located: (2 at ground floor, 1 at first floor, 2 at second floor)
Internet Connection: presumably yes
Amsterdam: 6 rooms where objects are located (same floor)
Internet Connection: presumably yes
Sarajevo: 2 rooms in the basement of the city hall
Internet Connection: presumably yes
Alexandria: 3 areas (same floor)
Internet Connection: tbd
English, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Bosnian (translation will be provided to the selected applicant,
while any needed audio track should be created by the applicant).
Issues to consider in Call 2b proposal:
The following features, addressing important issues, will be positively evaluated by the
 offer a solution that is connected with other applications available at the museum or on
line (see 3.2 in this call);
 offer a solution that is simple to use by the visitors;
 offer a solution that is innovative in term of technologies, addressing i.e. Augmented
Reality, adaptive story telling etc.
 offer a solution that is innovative in term of concept (E,F,G,H solutions - see above) i.e.
opening “windows” from one museum space to another museum space
 specify in detail hardware, space required, type of connection needed
Proponents should provide video-material or interactive example of projects already developed
by them.
The call budget does not include the hardware, although a working demo on a device should be
delivered. They will be provided by the applicants to the VTR, together with the application.
Evaluation (jun-nov 2014)
A program of evaluation will start from June 2014 (M1) and will last until November 2014 (M6).
All micro-projects will be evaluated by v-must consortium at M1 and M3. Applicants after the
delivery of the micro-project should be open to further updates of their solution, following
evaluation results.
4. Guidelines
In order to participate to this call, the applicant should:
 meet the eligibility criteria;
 prepare the proposal and fill in Annex 1 with all information required ;
 sign the Annex 1 and send it via mail both to the project coordinator ( and WP5 coordinator (
4.1 Eligibility criteria
These are the criteria to be met in order to be eligible for participation. Those criteria will be
verified during the first evaluation step:
Submit a completely filled in application form
Be a partner OR an associate member presenting the
request together with a partner (please note that all awards could be
transferred only to a V-MUST partner, due to administrative reasons).
 If you are a v-must partner: write the proposal following requirements and
compliance requests (describe how the proposed solution will answer and
help the provided user scenarios); send it to and
to WP5 coordinator (
If you are an associated member: contact a v-must partner and propose a
joint application; write jointly the proposal, following requirements and
compliance requests (describe how the proposed solution will answer and
help the provided user scenarios); let the partner send the proposal to and to WP5 coordinator
If you are not an associated member: follow the on line procedure to
became an associated member; contact a v-must partner and propose a
joint application; write jointly the proposal, following requirements and
compliance requests (describe how the proposed solution will answer and
help the provided user scenarios); let the partner send the proposal to and to WP5 coordinator
Describe how the budget will be used;
Submit all required documentation before the deadline.
4.2 Evaluation criteria
The evaluation committee will, during the second evaluation step, read the proposals. They will
use a Scoring Matrix as reference (see below).
The criteria followed will be:
1. technological innovation (the solution proposed is highly innovative in term of technology and it
will represent a good example for the future of museums)
2. content innovation/design (the concept the proposed micro-project present is highly innovative
for the museum sector)
3. software sustainability (the solution will be delivered in open source or with open API, the
proposed use is simple and easy to be maintained)
4. flexibility (the solution can be used in all 4 locations and on line)
5. integration with the local museum / collection and with other applications (the solution is
stricly referred to the museum/collection and i.e. proposes a solution to connect it with the mobile
In the following table are listed in the Scoring Matrix the criteria :
Evaluation Criteria
1 Technological Innovation
2 Content Innovation
3 Software Sustainability
4 Flexibility
5 Integration
Max 6
Max 6
Max 6
Max 6
Max 6
Max 30
5. Selection process
The proposed components will be evaluated in a 2-steps evaluation process.
Step 1
To participate in the call, certain criteria for eligibility are defined. During step 1, an
eligibility check is performed internally by V-MUST Executive Board members, based on
the fulfilment of evaluation criteria4.
Step 2
A second evaluation is than performed by an external committee (Expert Advisory
Board), following a Scoring Matrix.
6. Submission of applications
After the applicant has prepared and filled in the Annex 1, he/she should: sign the Annex 1 and
send it via mail both to the project coordinator ( and WP5 coordinator
( All proposals should be sent before h 23:00 (CET) of the
name of institution/company
contact person
[e-mail, tel]
Type of partner:
name of institution/company
contact person
[e-mail, tel]
Type of partner:
name of institution/company
contact person
[e-mail, tel]
Type of partner:
Please describe shortly your activity and your experience related to the call. Add reference to your best
* = required field
A – find objects in the museum
D – show stories behind objects
G – connection with N.I. game
B – show information on object
E – show how objects have been H – Connection with final
and context
C – augmented reality
F – connection with other
museums / their objects/ stories
I - 3d content creation and
please describe in detail the technical solution you propose, the software you are going to develop,
features of the software, libraries used, licensing, etc.
please describe the min/max space needed by your solution
please describe the hardware OR other material needed by the set up
Please describe how you would involve museum visitors and how many of them will be involved
please describe the technological solution you propose, highlighting what is innovative in what you
please describe the concept and the interaction / interface solution you propose, highlighting what is
innovative in it
Please describe in detail how your solution is sustainable and maintain, if the software is open or
you would provide open API
Please describe how the solution you propose can be installed in different locations, if it could be
accessed also on line
what kind of integration you envision as referred to the exhibition, the story, museums, collections and
other applications?
Use of v-must funding*
please describe how the budget will be used in case of selection
Personnel Costs
Travel Costs
Requested budged from V-MUST
…..., .. Euro