David Trang University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology 1680 East-West Rd., POST 517 Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 956-5903 (office) dtrang@higp.hawaii.edu Education Ph.D. 2009-Present University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, United States Geology and Geophysics (GPA – 3.89) Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis Committee: Dr. Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis, Dr. Paul G. Lucey, Dr. B. Ray Hawke, Dr. Scott K. Rowland, Dr. Stephen J. Freeland B.S. 2004-2009 University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai‘i, United States Astronomy and Geology (GPA – 3.70) Advisor: Dr. Kenneth A. Hon and John C. Hamilton B.A. 2004-2009 University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai‘i, United States Physics (GPA – 3.70) Advisor: Dr. Kenneth A. Hon and John C. Hamilton Research Experience 2009-Present Research Asst. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics and Planetology My primary work is to understand the surface of the Moon through the integration of multiple remote sensing data sets. The completed and ongoing projects include modeling the optical constants of olivine and pyroxene in the near-infrared, optical constant modeling of synthetic lunar glasses in the ultraviolet to near-infrared, understand the origin of lunar concentric craters, and identifying volcanic vents in lunar pyroclastic deposits. Spring 2008 and Spring 2009 Fellow University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Institute for Astronomy - Hilo I calibrated one of the CCD cameras for the Very Young Stellar Object Survey (VYSOS) project with Dr. Bo Reipurth. In addition, I created a database of survey regions to optimize coverage of star formation with the minimum amount of frames. 2007-2009 Intern United States Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory 1 1 I developed the procedure in collecting and processing kinematic Global Positioning System data (kGPS). Also, I conducted kGPS surveys on Kīlauea and Mauna Loa in order to understand the volcanic deformation. Summer 2006 Intern Center for Adaptive Optics – University of California at Santa Cruz All-Sky Survey High Resolution Air-Shower Telescope (ASHRA) Project I assisted in assembling and calibrating a cosmic ray detector. Publications 2013 D. Trang, Lucey, P.G., Gillis-Davis, J. J., Cahill J. T. S., Klima R. L., Isaacson P.J. (submitted), Near-Infrared Optical Constants of NaturallyOccuring Olivine and Synthetic Pyroxene as a Function of Mineral Chemistry, Journal of Geophysical Research. Abstracts 2013 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Characterization of Localized and Regional Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits for Composition and Block Population D. Trang, J. J. Gillis-Davis, J. T. S. Cahill, B. J. Thomson, B. R. Hawke, T. A. Giguere, P. J. Isaacson, D. B. J. Bussey Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared k-spectra Modeling of Synthetic Lunar Pyroclastic Glass D. Trang, J. J. Gillis-Davis, P. G. Lucey Global Distribution of Radar-Bright Halos on the Moon Detected By LRO Mini-RF B. J. Thomson, D. B. J. Bussey, J. T. S. Cahill, C. D. Neish, R. K. Raney, D. Trang 2012 American Geophysical Union Near-Infrared Optical Constants of Olivine and Pyroxene D. Trang, P.G. Lucey, J.J. Gillis-Davis, J.T.S. Cahill, R.L. Klima, P.J. Isaacson 2012 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference The Geology of the Plato Region of the Moon D. Trang, J.J. Gillis-Davis, B.R. Hawke, P.J. Isaacson, P.D. Spudis 2 2 2011 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference The Origin of Lunar Concentric Craters D. Trang, J.J. Gillis-Davis, B.R. Hawke, D.B.J. Bussey 2010 Geological Society of America The Origin of Lunar Concentric Craters D. Trang, J.J. Gillis-Davis, B.R.Hawke 2010 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Using Mini-RF To Investigate the Anomalous UVVIS Spectrum In The Apollo and Plato Region D. Trang, J.J. Gillis-Davis, K.K. Williams, D.B.J. Bussey, P.D. Spudis, L.M. Carter, C.D. Neish, B.J. Thomsom, G.W. Patterson The Optical Constants of Olivine in the Near-Infrared as a Function of Iron Content D. Trang, P.G. Lucey, J.J. Gillis-Davis Using Mini-RF To Improve Accuracy of Lunar TiO2 Distribution Maps J.J. Gillis-Davis, D. Trang, D.B.J. Bussey, K.K. Williams, L.M. Carter Silica Debris Star Systems – Spitzer Evidence for Lunar Formation Events & Crustal Stripping or Magma Oceans & Late Heavy Bombardments? C.M. Lisse, C.H. Chen, M.C. Wyatt, A. Morlok, P. Thebault, G.S. Orton, L.N Fletcher, H. Fujiwara, J.C. Bridges, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, E.J. Gaidos, D. Trang Awards 2009 2008 University of Hawai‘i at Hilo - Geology Department Outstanding Senior Award Hawai‘i NASA Space Grant Hawai‘i NASA Space Grant Proposals 2013 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship 2013 FeO and TiO2-Bearing Glass Synthesis: To produce a new spectral remote sensing compositional map of pyroclastic deposits on Moon and Mercury. Investigators: Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis, David Trang 2012 NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics 2012 3 3 Pyroxene and Olivine Synthesis: A strategy to improve spectral remote sensing derived data products Investigators: Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis, Julia Hammer, David Trang NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship 2012 Investigating Three Lunar Red Spots: The Plato, Apollo, and Moscoviense Regions Investigators: Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis, David Trang 2011 Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory Guest Scientist Program Using Data from GRAIL to Investigate Upwelling Associated with the Procellarum KREEP Terrain, to Examine Correlations Between Morphologic Features and Igneous Intrusions, and to Determine the Lunar Intrusive to Extrusive Ratio Investigators: Jeffrey J. Gillis-Davis, David Trang Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award Origin of Lunar Concentric Craters David Trang Skills Computer: Surveying: Language: Programming: IDL, MatLab, Bash, GMT, HTML, MySQL, PHP Applications: Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and Powerpoint; iWork: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote; Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign; Autodesk 3ds Max; ENVI; Isis; ERDAS IMAGINE; ArcGIS Global Positioning Systems (GPS) English (Fluent), Hawaiian (Basic), Cantonese (Basic), French (In progress) 4 4