What is ID Patrol

What is Equifax ID Patrol?
Equifax ID Patrol is the most comprehensive identity protection product available from
Only Equifax ID Patrol enables consumers to lock and unlock your Equifax credit file
(certain exceptions apply‡), access a trained ID Theft Resolution Specialist 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, receive alerts if their Social Security number (if elected) or up to
ten major credit/debit card numbers they provide are found on suspected Internet trading
sites± and monitor their credit with all three nationwide credit reporting agencies, all in
one product.
What features does Equifax ID Patrol offer?
Equifax ID Patrol packs several identity protection features into one simple tool,
including the following:
 Identity Theft Resolution Specialist, a trained specialist available 24/7 to help
consumers understand the process of notifying the proper authorities, banks
and other financial institutions in the event that their identity is stolen.
Equifax WebDetectTM†, an innovative feature that constantly scans suspected
Internet trading sites and provides alerts to consumers if their personal
information ( Social Security number or major debit or credit card numbers)
is found.±
Equifax Credit Report ControlTM‡, an exclusive product that lets consumers
lock and unlock their Equifax credit file online or by phone.
ID Patrol also monitors a consumer’s credit file with all three nationwide
credit reporting agencies for key changes — such as when someone opens
credit in the consumer’s name—and sends them e-mail alerts within 24 hours
of those key changes.†
Do consumers really need an identity theft protection product?
Consumers should not wait until they have become a victim to take steps to protect
themselves. Equifax ID Patrol is designed to alert consumers to potential instances of
fraud sooner and to help prevent identity thieves from obtaining credit in their name. A
proactive approach is the best way for consumers to protect themselves and minimize
damage to their credit in the event that theft does occur.
How much does Equifax ID Patrol cost?
Consumers can order Equifax ID Patrol for $16.95 per month or $169.95 annually.
What makes Equifax ID Patrol different from other identity theft protection
Equifax ID Patrol gives consumers access to a comprehensive product that includes
features exclusive to Equifax like the ability to lock and unlock their Equifax credit file
(certain exceptions apply‡) and access to a dedicated, specially trained team of identity
theft resolution specialists available around-the-clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Does Equifax ID Patrol include identity theft insurance?
Yes, in the event that an Equifax ID Patrol subscriber becomes a victim of identity theft,
they can be reimbursed for a range of expenses up to $20,000 with no deductible (certain
limitations and exclusions apply) and at no additional charge to the subscriber. ††
Fraud alerts are free, so isn’t that enough?
Fraud alerts alone are not enough. A comprehensive, credit monitoring-based identity
protection product like Equifax ID Patrol does even more to help consumers protect
themselves and minimize the damage that can be caused by identity theft. An initial 90day fraud alert is an indicator to the lender that additional steps should be taken to verify
that the consumer authorized a request to open a new credit account, increase the credit
limit on an existing account or obtain a new card on an existing account.
Why is it important to have a credit monitoring-based identity protection product?
The longer it takes to detect identity theft, the costlier the damage that can be done.
Equifax ID Patrol features daily credit monitoring and alerts consumers to activity on
their credit file within 24 hours of key changes, so that if they see evidence of fraud, they
can act quickly. Additionally, Equifax ID Patrol enables consumers to restrict access to
their Equifax credit file with Equifax Credit Report Control‡**– one of the most
effective ways to prevent identity thieves from obtaining credit in their name.
Who are ID Theft Resolution Specialists and can they really help me?
Equifax Identity Theft Resolution Specialists are part of a dedicated team of trained
representatives who help victims understand what steps they should consider taking to act
quickly and assertively to minimize the damage that identity theft can cause. Specialists
will provide victims with an identity theft resolution kit that includes the following:
Identity Theft Resolution Checklist. A resource of contact numbers and
websites of the appropriate government agencies to notify in the event one’s
identity is stolen. The checklist also lists some additional steps consumers
should consider taking.
Fraud Affidavit. The Identity Theft Resolution Specialist will assist the
consumer in completing portions of the Fraud Affidavit and provide the
Fraud Affidavit to the consumer. The consumer will then need to check the
Fraud Affidavit for accuracy, sign it, make copies and send it to their
How can I order or learn more about Equifax ID Patrol?
Consumers can order or learn more about Equifax ID Patrol by visiting
8.1 million people were victims of identity theft in 2007. *
Every minute 15 people become new victims of identity theft. *
$5,574 is the average identity fraud amount per individual in 2007. *
On average it takes a victim of identity theft 157 hours to resolve new account fraud. †††
Identity theft is now surpassing drug trafficking as the nation’s number one crime. †††
*Javelin Strategy & Research, 2008 Identity Fraud Survey Report.
† Equifax's credit monitoring products are protected by US Patent 7,028,052.
†† Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Master Policy underwritten by Travelers Casualty and
Surety Company of America and its property casualty affiliates, Hartford, CT 06183. Coverage
for all claims or losses depends on actual policy provisions. Availability of coverage can depend
on our underwriting qualifications and state regulations. Coverage not available for residents of
New York.
††† Identity Theft Resource Center, Identity Theft, The Aftermath 2007 Study.
‡**Equifax Credit Report Control is only available while you have a current subscription to ID
PatrolTM or an Equifax Credit Watch™ product. Locking your credit file with Equifax Credit
Report Control will prevent access to your Equifax credit file by certain third parties, such as
credit grantors or other companies and agencies. Credit Report Control will not prevent access to
your credit file at any other credit reporting agency, and will not prevent access to your Equifax
credit file by companies like Equifax Personal Solutions which provide you with access to your
credit report or credit score or monitor your credit file; Federal, state and local government
agencies; companies reviewing your application for employment; companies that have a current
account or relationship with you, and collection agencies acting on behalf of those whom you
owe; for fraud detection and prevention purposes; and companies that wish to make pre-approved
offers of credit or insurance to you. To opt out of such pre-approved offers, visit
± WebDetect can scan suspected internet trading sites for your Social Security number (if you
choose to) or up to 10 major credit/debit card numbers you provide. Because the addresses of the
suspected internet trading sites searched by WebDetect are not published and frequently change,
there is no guarantee that WebDetect is able to locate every possible internet site where
consumers’ personal information is at risk of being traded. Your Social Security number or the
credit/debit card numbers you have chosen to scan for with WebDetect may be at risk of being
traded on the internet even if you do not receive a WebDetect alert.