Math 107 Assignment Sheet

SPRING 2005, Morgan-Krick
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
These assignments are from For all Practical Purposes, 6th edition. Due dates will announced in
class: use the last column of this chart to list the dates. To check answers to odd problems, use
the answers provided in the back of your packet: the answers in the back of the book have a
number of errors. Sections marked with “*” are sections that will be turned in for credit.
PREPARE: Read chapter thoroughly, highlighting and making notes in the margins as
you go. Study “Review Vocabulary” p. 19 and “Skills Check” p. 21-22 (Answers on p.
*REACTION: Read Spotlight 1.1 (pg 4), 1.2 (pg 5), and 1.3 (pg 17). Write a short
reaction paragraph to each one to be turned in. (Worth 3 points)
PRACTICE: ODD SET: Pgs Ch 1-1 to 1-11 in packet. # 1 – 7 odd, 11, 13, 17, 21-51
odd (do not turn in)
*PERFORM: EVEN SET: Pgs Ch 1-12 to 1-15 in packet. #14, 20, 30, 46
These problems should be done very neatly and carefully, and should include a written
narrative/description of what’s going on in each problem (see P4 in packet). Use the
pages in your packet for turning in these problems: problems done on your own paper will
not be accepted. (Each problem is worth 3 pts)
*PARTICIPATE: GROUP PROBLEMS: Pgs Ch 1-16 & 17 in packet: #32 & 54. Be
sure to work in groups of 2 to 4, and turn in a group journal sheet with the problem: see
syllabus for more details. Again, work very neatly and carefully! I expect to see quality
work! (Worth 5 points)
PREPARE: Read chapter thoroughly, highlighting and making notes in the margins as
you go. Study “Review Vocabulary” p. 56-58 and “Skills Check” p. 59-60 (Answers on p.
*REACTION: Read the two articles in your packet on pages P11a, b, c. Write a 1-2
paragraph reaction on each article to be turned in. Also do 1-paragraph reactions to
Spotlight 2.4 (pg 57) (Worth 5 points)
PRACTICE: ODD SET: Pgs Ch 2-1 to 2-8 in packet. #1, 9, 11, 21 (do not answer
question about a “standard lock”), 23, 29, 41, 43, 55, 63, 71
*PEFORM: EVEN SET: Pgs Ch 2-9 to 2-21 in packet. #8, 16, 20, 22, 30 (you must use
brute force method), 36, 40, 42, 46, 60, 62, 70, 72. Any minimum cost Hamiltonian
Circuit or spanning tree needs to have a total cost associated with it. Remember written
explanation/context for each problem! Each problem is worth 3 points.
EXTRA PRACTICE I: Do P17a-b in your packet: finding minimum cost Hamiltonian
circuits. Solutions are in the Math 107 notebook in the Library. Do not turn in.
EXTRA PRACTICE II: Do P18a-d in your packet: Using Kruskal’s algorithm to find
the minimum cost spanning trees. Solutions are in the Math 107 notebook in the Library.
Do not turn in.
*PARTICIPATE: GROUP PROBLEM: Construct a weighted, order-requirement
digraph for making scrambles eggs and toast. Use the following tasks: Gather ingredients.
Gather utensils. Melt margarine in pan to keep eggs from sticking. Crack eggs into bowl.
Whip eggs. Put eggs in pan to cook. Toast bread in toaster. Stir eggs (we’ll assume we
only stir them once). Cook eggs until done. Butter toast. Put toast and eggs on a plate.
The weights on the digraph should represent the time taken to do each task. (HINT: We
will not cover this information in class until the very end of the chapter. Your group is
encouraged to carefully read pages 52-56 so you can get this problem done early) (Worth
5 points)
TEST 1 (Covering Chapters 1 & 2): Worth 100 points
Chapter 3
PREPARE: Read chapter thoroughly, highlighting and making notes in the margins as
you go. Study “Review Vocabulary” p. 104 and “Skills Check” p. 105-106 (Answers on p.
*REACTION: Read Spotlight 3.1 (pg 86), and 3.3 (pg 103). Write a short reaction
paragraph to each one to be turned in. (Worth 3 points)
PRACTICE: ODD SET: Pgs Ch 3-1 to 3-8 in packet. #7, 9, 11, 15, 19, 25, 39, 41, 71.
Also do #51, 53, 55 from textbook, pg 114-115 (these are not in your packet).
*PERFORM: EVEN SET: Pgs Ch 3-9 to 3-18 in packet. #8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 30, 40, 42,
64. ALSO turn in Map from P25d, colored using vertex-coloring process, using no more
than 4 colors and distributing colors as evenly as possible. States should be completely
colored, not just the vertices. Be careful of Michigan, which is in 2 pieces! Each problem
is worth 3 points.
*PARTICIPATE: GROUP PROBLEMS: Pgs Ch 3-19 to 3-21 in packet . #12, 72, 44
(do 72 before 44). (Worth 5 points)
Chapter 4
PREPARE: Read chapter thoroughly, highlighting and making notes in the margins as
you go. Study “Review Vocabulary” p. 158 and “Skills Check” p. 159-160 (Answers on
p. SC1)
*REACTION: Read Spotlights 4.1 (pg 122), 4.2 (pg 154), and 4.3 (pg 157). Write a
short reaction paragraph to each one to be turned in. (Worth 3 points)
PRACTICE: ODD SET: Pgs Ch 4-1 to 4-20 in packet. #1, 3, 7-33 odd, 37, 41, 45
(NOTE: For #37, 41, 45, refer to the steps listed at the bottom of the first column on page
163 in your text.
*PEFORM: EVEN SET: Pgs Ch 4-21 to 4-29 in packet 12, 26, 28, 40, 46, 48. Be
certain you are following graphing guidelines on P26 in your packet. Be sure all
information for mixture problems is shown clearly. We will talk about this in class. Each
problem is worth 3 points.
*PARTICIPATE: GROUP PROBLEM: Do problem #4 on P31a in your packet. Use
the templates on P27c & d in your packet. Be careful: the problem refers to MINIMIZING
COST as opposed to MAXIMIZING PROFIT. The same concepts we have been talking
about in class still apply, but watch the direction of your inequalities! (Worth 5 points)
TEST #2 (Chapters 3 & 4): Worth 100 points
These assignments may be changed by the instructor either in writing or by an
announcement made in class.
We will also cover a section on Tessellations: Refer to pages P32 & P33 in your
packet for detailed information about homework for this last unit.
If time allows, we will do a section on personal finance. You will receive
information about this section later in the quarter.