Graduate Candidate Guide
Graduate Candidate Guide
Graduate Candidate Guide
Graduate Candidate Guide
Help us to honor you
by observing the following:
Help us to honor you
by observing the following:
Help us to honor you
by observing the following:
Help us to honor you
by observing the following:
ARRIVAL@ Youngkin Center
by 1:00p – Plan Carefully!
ARRIVAL@ Youngkin Center
by 1:00p – Plan Carefully!
ARRIVAL@ Youngkin Center
by 1:00p – Plan Carefully!
ARRIVAL@Youngkin Center
by 1:00p – Plan Carefully!
CHECK-IN at Fox Gym by 1:15p
3 tables for check-in by degree level
CHECK-IN at Fox Gym by 1:15p
3 tables for check-in by degree level
CHECK-IN at Fox Gym by 1:15p
3 tables for check-in by degree level
CHECK-IN at Fox Gym by 1:15p
3 tables for check-in by degree level
Receive card: name + major
Receive card: name + major
Receive card: name + major
Receive card: name + major
Write name “as it sounds” on card.
Write name “as it sounds” on card.
Write name “as it sounds” on card.
Write name “as it sounds” on card.
Keep card! Give to Reader later.
Keep card! Give to Reader later.
Keep card! Give to Reader later.
Keep card! Give to Reader later.
Report to Prep Area by 1:15p.
Check regalia appearance.
UG: tassel on right;
move to left when conferred
Grad: tassel on left for duration
Master Hoods:
laid flat across trapezius,
on either side of neck
Doctoral Hoods:
folded over left arm; carried on stage;
*Doc Stdnts check in @ Fox Gym;
1:30p instructions; hallway near gym
Report to Prep Area by 1:15p.
Check regalia appearance.
UG: tassel on right;
move to left when conferred
Grad: tassel on left for duration
Master Hoods:
laid flat across trapezius,
on either side of neck
Doctoral Hoods:
folded over left arm; carried on stage;
*Doc Stdnts check in @ Fox Gym;
1:30p instructions; hallway near gym
Report to Prep Area by 1:15p.
Check regalia appearance.
UG: tassel on right;
move to left when conferred
Grad: tassel on left for duration
Master Hoods:
laid flat across trapezius,
on either side of neck
Doctoral Hoods:
folded over left arm; carried on stage;
*Doc Stdnts check in @ Fox Gym;
1:30p instructions; hallway near gym
Report to Prep Area by 1:15p.
Check regalia appearance.
UG: tassel on right;
move to left when conferred
Grad: tassel on left for duration
Master Hoods:
laid flat across trapezius,
on either side of neck
Doctoral Hoods:
folded over left arm; carried on stage;
*Doc Stdnts check in @ Fox Gym;
1:30p instructions; hallway near gym
Line up in rows in Fox Gym,
alpha order by last name,
according to major (sign in stands);
Doc Stdnts: alpha order in hallway.
Candidates: be in line by 1:30p.
Do not move from line-up!
Be available for further directions:
marching instructions; pronunciation
Line up in rows in Fox Gym,
alpha order by last name,
according to major (sign in stands);
Doc Stdnts: alpha order in hallway.
Candidates: be in line by 1:30p.
Do not move from line-up!
Be available for further directions:
marching instructions; pronunciation
Line up in rows in Fox Gym,
alpha order by last name,
according to major (sign in stands);
Doc Stdnts: alpha order in hallway.
Candidates: be in line by 1:30p.
Do not move from line-up!
Be available for further directions:
marching instructions; pronunciation
Line up in rows in Fox Gym
alpha order by last name,
according to major (sign in stands);
Doc Stdnts: alpha order in hallway.
Candidates: be in line by 1:30p.
Do not move from line-up!
Be available for further directions:
marching instructions; pronunciation
CEREMONY – Announced by
Degree Level, then Degree Name
Walk to stage; hand card to Reader;
Ck regalia appearance throughout.
CEREMONY – Announced by
Degree Level, then Degree Name
Walk to stage; hand card to Reader;
Ck regalia appearance throughout.
CEREMONY – Announced by
Degree Level, then Degree Name
Walk to stage; hand card to Reader;
Ck regalia appearance throughout.
CEREMONY – Announced by
Degree Level, then Degree Name
Walk to stage; hand card to Reader;
Ck regalia appearance throughout.
March into lobby, moving LEFT
down corridor, returning to Fox Gym.
March into lobby, moving LEFT
down corridor, returning to Fox Gym.
March into lobby, moving LEFT
down corridor, returning to Fox Gym.
March into lobby, moving LEFT
down corridor, returning to Fox Gym.