NAME: Catherine A. Collins-Fulea
US Status: Resident Alien # A041100293
BIRTHDATE: 2/11/56
Place of Birth: Canada
WORK ADDRESS: Henry Ford Hospital SS#: 367866268
2799 W. Grand Blvd. WP3 Licensure:MI
Detroit, MI 48202 RN,CNM130311
ACNM 3763
9/85-6/88 Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. MSN
9/82-4/85 Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan. BSN
5/78-5/79 Plymouth School of Midwifery, Plymouth, England. SCM
9/74-12/77 Radcliffe School of Nursing, Oxford, England. SRN
3/91-present Division Head, Midwifery Services
OB/GYN Department, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan.
7/87-3/91 Director, Nurse-Midwifery/Physician Assistants
Grace Hospital Division, Harper-Grace Hospitals, Detroit, Michigan.
2/84-6/87 Coordinator, Nurse-Midwifery Service, FBU,
Grace Hospital Division, Harper-Grace Hospitals, Detroit, Michigan.
8/81-2/84 Patient Care Coordinator, Family Birthing Unit,
Grace Hospital Division, Harper-Grace Hospitals, Detroit, Michigan.
11/79-3/81 Staff Nurse, Labor and Delivery,
Grace Hospital Division, Harper-Grace Hospitals, Detroit, Michigan.
5/79-9/79 Staff Midwife, Labor and Delivery
Freedom Fields Hospital, Plymouth, England.
12/77-5/78 Staff Nurse, Accident Service,
Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England.
9/92-present Adjunct Clinical Faculty/Lecturer, Nurse-Midwifery Tract
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
1/89-2002 Clinical Instructor, Maternity & Gynecologic Nursing
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
1/12-Present US-MERA Steering Committee-ACNM Representative
American College of Nurses-Midwives, Washington, DC
6/11-present Vice President
American College of Nurses-Midwives, Washington, DC
1/09-6/09 Joint Commission Expert Panel on Perinatal Measures
The Joint Commission, Chicago, IL
2/08-9/08 Perinatal Measures Steering Committee
National Quality Forum, Washington, DC
6/06-6/09 Board of Directors Region IV Representative
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC
5/02- 6/06 Chair, Division of Standards and Practice
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC
3/03-present Mid-Level Provider Council Member
11/96-10/98 Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
5/95-present Voluntary Review of Quality of Care Program, Peer Reviewer
American College of Obstetrician Gynecologists, Washington, DC.
11/95-6/01 Governing Board, Division of Standards & Practice
Quality Management Section Chair,
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC.
3/98-10/98 UCSF Center for the Health Professions
Taskforce on Midwifery, San Francisco, CA
5/92-6/96 Chair, Administrative Manual Task Force
Service Directors Network, American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC.
6/90-12/95 National Precertification Committee,
Chair Exam Sub-Committee, American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC
9/92-9/94 Chair, Eastern MI Chapter
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Detroit, MI.
10/90-11/92 Chair, National Service Directors Network,
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC.
5/86-4/90 Chair, Peer Review Committee
Michigan Chapter, ACNM, Detroit, Michigan.
6/85-5/90 National Program Committee
5/87-5/88 Local Chair, National Program Committee
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC.
6/86-8/86 Task Force on Midwifery
Ontario College of Nurses, Toronto, Ontario.
9/84-11/87 Executive Secretary, Michigan Chapter,
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Detroit, Michigan.
American College of Nurse-Midwives
Michigan Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives
American Congress of Obstetrician Gynecologist
6/03 ACNM Dorthea Lang Pioneer Award
5/98 Fellow, American College of Nurse-Midwives
4/87 Sigma Theta Tau, Theta Psi Chapter
85-87 Who's Who in American Nursing
5/87 $1,000 research grant, Michigan Nursing Diagnosis Assoc.
Collins-Fulea, C., Klima, K., Wegienka, G. Prevalence of Low Vitamin D Levels in an Urban
Midwestern Obstetric Practice: JMWH, 57(5) 439-444. (2012)
Collins-Fulea, C. Models of Organizational Structure of Midwifery Practices Located in Institutions with Residency Programs: JMWH, 54(4) 287-293. (2009)
Collins-Fulea, C., Mohr, J., Tillett, J. Improving Midwifery Practice: The American College of
Midwives’ Benchmarking Project. JMWH, 50(6) 560-574.
Collins-Fulea, C. (Chair) Quality Management Section ACNM: Handbook on Quality Management.
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, 2000.
Paine, L., Besser, M., Collins-Fulea, C., Garceau, L., Myers-Ciecko, J., Rooks, J., Spears, G.,
Williams, D., Dower, C. : Charting a Course for the 21 st Century: The Future of Midwifery. Pew
Health Professions Commission, University of California, San Francisco, 1999.
Collins-Fulea, C., Kriebs, J., Peterson, B. :Quality Management in Midwifery Practice,
Seminars for Nurse-Managers 6(3)149-160.
Collins-Fulea, C.(editor): An Administrative Manual for Nurse-Midwifery Services,
Kendell Hunt Pub., 1994. (Second edition May 1996)
Collins, C.: Job satisfaction of CNM's Luxury or Necessity? JNM
Collins, C.: Job satisfaction of Certified Nurse-Midwives. (Master's Thesis) 1988
Collins, C. & Kennedy, J. Job Satisfaction on the Home-from-Home Unit. Leichester,
England. Phase I 1990, Phase II 1992
Collins, C.: Refresher/Pre-certification Graduate Survey. American College of
Nurse-Midwives. 1992
1996-present CNM Expert Reviewer
Voluntary Review of Quality of Care Program,
American College of Obstetrician Gynecologist
Washington, DC
1993-present Expert Witness/Reviewer
5/93-1/98 CNM Expert Reviewer
Health Investigation Division
Bureau of Occupational and Professional Regulation, Lansing MI
2/00-6/01 Benchmarking Consultant
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington DC
9/96 Business Aspect of Initiating a Midwifery Service
Riverview Hospital/ Dr. Wolfe, Trenton MI
11/93-3/94 Establishment and Initial Management of a Midwifery Service
Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital, Pontiac MI
4/92 How to Establish a Midwifery Service
Hurley Medical Center, Flint MI
11/92-2/94 Mercy Hospital, Detroit MI
Establishment and Initial Management of a Midwifery Service
6/12 “Could that Error have been Prevented?”
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Long Beach, CA
6/11 “Strengthening Midwifery Practice Environment Through Education of OB/GYN Residnets”
International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Durban, South Africa
5/11 “Incidence, Significance and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency”
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX
9/10 “Perinatal Quality Measurement: Panel Perspective”
AWHONN Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
10/09 “What’s New with Credentialing CNM’s”
Midwifery Business Network, Denver, CO
2/9 ‘Emerging Professional Issues for CNMs/CMs”
Annual Ohio Midwifery Retreat, Ohio
1/9 ‘Emerging Professional Issues for CNMs/CMs”
Annual Michigan Midwifery Retreat, Kalamazoo, MI
4/08 ‘Midwives Working with Residents’
Grand Rounds, University of Cincinnati Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
2/08 ‘National Office Update”
Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat, Newark, Ohio
1/08 ‘National Office Update”
Michigan Annual Midwifery Retreat, Kalamazoo, Michigan
2/07 ‘National Office Update”
Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat, Cincinnati, Ohio
1/07 ‘National Office Update”
Michigan Annual Midwifery Retreat, Kalamazoo, Michigan
6/06 ‘Breech Presentation: Incidence & Treatment’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah
2/06 ‘Benchmarking Midwifery Practice’
‘Building a Successful Practice’
Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat, Butler, Ohio
1/06 ‘Prevention of Preterm Labor”
“Breech Presentation: Treatment Options’
20 th Annual Sanford H. Cole MD Memorial OB/GYN Symposium, Miami, Florida
11/05 ‘Benchmarking: The Next Generation’
‘Productivity using RVU’s’
Nurse-Midwifery 10 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/05 ‘Benchmarking Midwifery: Examples of Exemplary Practices’
“Preterm Labor Detection and Treatment’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Washington, DC
10/04 ‘Midwifery Benchmarking Update’ ‘Exemplary Leadership’ ‘Effective Staff Evaluations’
Nurse-Midwifery 9 th Annual Business Institute, Albuquerque, NM
6/04 ‘Benchmarking Midwifery: Examples of Exemplary Practices’
‘Midwives & Residents: Practice Models that Work’
“Preterm Labor Detection and Treatment’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA
4/04 ‘Benchmarking Midwifery: Examples of Exemplary Practices’
Varney Symposium, Yale School of Nursing, New Haven, CT
‘Using ACNM benchmarks to Determine Productivity’
‘Midwifery Response to Residency Changes’
Nurse-Midwifery 8 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/03 ‘Peer Review, Quality Assurance & Quality Improvement: Making Sense of it all’
‘Midwives Teaching Resident: Sharing our Secrets or Growing Future Consultants’
‘Using Benchmarking to Improve the Care you Provide and Your Productivity’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Palm Desert, CA
11/02 ‘The Marginal Employee: Counselling and Documentation’
‘Benchmarking & RVU’s: Negotiating Reasonable Productivity Expectations Based on National CNM
Benchmarking Data’
Nurse-Midwifery 7 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/02 ‘Developing Data to Enhance Revenue’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
4/02 ‘Benchmarking Midwifery in America’
International Confederation of Midwives Congress, Vienna, Austria
11/01 ‘Marginally Performing Midwives: How to Help’
‘Benchmarking Midwifery Practice: Advantages and Disadvantages’
Nurse-Midwifery 6 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/01 ‘Marginally Performing Midwives: How to Help’
‘Benchmarking to Improve Midwifery Practice’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
9/00 ‘Benchmarking for the Success of Midwifery Practice’
‘Models of Productivity: Relative Value…Who’s Value’
Nurse-Midwifery 5 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/00 ‘Peer Review, QA & QI: Making it Work for You’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Anchorage, Alaska
10/99 ‘The ACNM Benchmarking Project’
‘Benchmarking, Quality and the Bottom Line’
Nurse-Midwifery 4 th Annual Business Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/99 ‘How to Implement a Quality Management Program in an Individual Midwifery Practice’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida
10/98 ‘Benchmarking within an Organization’
Showcase for Innovations Conference, Chicago, IL
7/98 ‘Benchmarking in Midwifery Practice’
Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 3 rd Annual Institute, Ann Arbor, MI
5/98 ‘Quality Management in Midwifery Practice: An Orientation to Benchmarking’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA
10/97 ‘Quality Management and Benchmarking’
Service Directors Network Meeting, Hartford, CT
7/97 ‘Quality Management in Midwifery Practice’
‘Justifying the Administrative Role’
Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 2nd Annual Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/96 ‘Foreign Educated Nurse-Midwives, The Untapped Resource’
American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention, Palm Desert, CA
5/96 ‘Job Satisfaction of Nurse-Midwives’
‘Words of Wisdom for Service Directors’
Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 1st Annual Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan
3/96 ‘Managed Care and Nurse-Midwifery’
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Annual Semmelweiss Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
10/92 'Total Quality Management'
Service Directors Network, ACNM, Denver, CO
10/91 'Norplant Patient Counselling and Insertion Instructions'
Third Annual Midwifery Conference, Detroit, Michigan
10/90 'Job Satisfaction of American and English Midwives'
International Confederation of Midwives, Kobe, Japan
10/90 'Foods and Fluids in Labor'
Second Annual Midwifery Conference, Detroit, Michigan
5/90 'CNM Job Satisfaction: Luxury or Necessity?
35th National Convention, ACNM, Atlanta, Georgia
5/13 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (0.5 CEU)
Nashville, TN
1/13 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (0.2 CEU)
Mount Pleasant, MI
2012 GYN Grand Rounds and M&M Conferences (4 CEU)
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI
10/12 Midwifery Works Conference (0.8 CEU)
New York, NY
6/12 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (0.5 CEU)
Long Beach, CA
1/12 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (0.2 CEU)
Kalamazoo, MI
2011 GYN Grand Rounds and M&M Conferences (4 CEU)
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI
10/11 Midwifery Business Network Conference (0.9 CEU)
Fullerton, CA
9/11 HF Production System LEAN Training (0.7CEU)
Detroit, MI
9/11 Birth-Clinical Challenges in Labor and Delivery (2.475CEU)
Chicago, IL
6/11 Triennial Congress, ICM (2 CEU)
Durban, South Africa
5/11 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.6 CEU)
San Antonio, TX
4/11 ACOG Quality Reviewer Training (1CEU)
Washington, DC
1/11 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (0.2 CEU)
Kalamazoo, MI
2010 OB/GYN Grand Rounds and M&M Conferences (4 CEU)
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI
6/10 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (0.8 CEU)
Washington, DC
2/10 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (0.2 CEU)
Kalamazoo, MI
6/09 Preserving the Integrity of the Pelvic Floor & Advanced Suturing Skills Cadaver Lab
Synergy Medical Education Alliance, Saginaw, MI
6/09 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.15 CEU)
Seattle, WA
4/09 Transforming Maternity Care (0.6 CEU)
Childbirth Connections, Washington, DC
2/09 Ohio CNM Winter Retreat (1 CEU)
1/09 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (1 CEU)
Kalamazoo, MI
11/08 IHI Improving Perinatal Care (0.75 CEU)
San Diego, CA
6/08 28 th Triennial Congress, ICM (2.1 CEU)
Glasgow, Scotland
5/08 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.2 CEU)
Boston, MA
2/08 Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat (1.0 CEU)
Newark, Ohio
1/08 Michigan Annual Midwifery Retreat (1.0 CEU)
Kalamazoo, Michigan
6/07 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.0 CEU)
Chicago, IL
4/07 Implanon Training (0.3 CEU)
Livonia, Michigan
2/07 Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat (1.0CEU)
Cincinnati, Ohio
1/07 Michigan Annual Midwifery Retreat (1.0 CEU)
Kalamazoo, Michigan
6/06 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.0 CEU)
Salt Lake City, Utah
2/06 Ohio Annual Midwifery Retreat (1 CEU)
Butler, Ohio
1/06 20 th Annual Sanford H. Cole MD Memorial OB/GYN Symposium (0.8 CEU)
Miami, Florida
11/05 Nurse-Midwifery 10 th Annual Business Institute (2 CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/05 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.25 CEU)
Washington, DC
10/04 Nurse-Midwifery 9 th Annual Business Institute,
Albuquerque, NM
6/04 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.15 CEU)
New Orleans, LA
5/04 VRQC Reviewer Training Program (1.1CEU)
ACOG, Washington, DC
4/04 Varney Symposium, Yale School of Nursing (.8CEU)
New Haven, CT
2/04 Michigan CNM Winter Retreat (2.5 CEU)
Grand Haven, MI
11/03 Nurse-Midwifery 8 th Annual Business Institute (2 CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/03 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.25CEU)
Palm Desert, GA
4/03 Limited Third Trimester OB Ultrasound (1.3CEU)
Houston, TX
11/02 Nurse-Midwifery 7 th Annual Business Institute (1.5CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/02 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.35CEU)
Atlanta, GA
4/02 26 th International Congress (2 CEU)
International Confederation of Midwives, Vienna, Austria
11/01 Nurse-Midwifery 6 th Annual Business Institute (1.5CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
9/01 ACOG VRQC Reviewer Training Program (1 CEU)
Washington, D.C.
6/01 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.2CEU)
Washington, D.C.
9/00 Nurse-Midwifery 5 th Annual Business Institute (1.5CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/00 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1CEU)
Anchorage, Alaska
10/99 Nurse-Midwifery 4 th Annual Business Institute (1CEU)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
5/99 American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Convention (1.2 CEU)
Orlando, Florida
10/98 Showcase for Innovations Conference (2 CEU)
Chicago, IL
9/98 ACOG Voluntary Review of Quality of Care Reviewer Training Program (2CEU)
Chicago, IL
7/98 Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 3 rd Annual Institute (1 CEU)
Ann Arbor, MI
5/98 National Convention (1 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, San Francisco, CA
7/97 Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 2nd Annual Institute (1.8 CEU)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
6/97 National Convention (1 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Boston, Mass.
3/97 Models of Collaborative Practice (1.62 CEU)
ACNM, MCA, & NACC, Washington, D.C.
6/96 National Convention (1.75 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Palm Desert, CA
5/96 Nurse-Midwifery Service Directors 1st Annual Institute (1.7 CEU)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
3/96 Nurse-Midwifery Program, Semmelweiss Conference (1 CEU)
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Atlantic City, NJ
10/95 Managed Care Initiative Briefing (.25 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Washington, DC
5/95 National Convention (2.3 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Dallas Texas
10/94 'Faculty Practice' & 'Health Care Reform' (.4 CEU)
ACNM Service Directors Meeting, Seattle Washington
10/93 4th Annual Midwifery Conference (.8 CEU)
South-East MI Chapter, ACNM, Detroit, MI.
5/93 National Convention (1 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Orlando FL.
9/92 Pharmacology and GYN Update (1.6 CEU)
Regional Workshop, American College of Nurse-Midwives, Chicago, IL.
9/92 Total Quality Management (4.2 CEU)
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit MI.
5/92 National Convention (1.7 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Phoenix, Arizona
10/91 'Productivity' and 'Precepting Students' (.3 CEU)
ACNM Service Directors Meeting, Charleston, SC.
10/91 3rd Annual Midwifery Conference (.6 CEU)
Michigan Chapter, ACNM, Detroit, MI.
5/91 National Convention (1.75 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
3/91 Norplant Training Session (.2 CEU)
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.
10/90 Anatomy of a Business Plan (.3 CEU)
ACNM Service Directors Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
10/90 22nd International Congress (2.0 CEU)
International Confederation of Midwives, Kobe, Japan.
10/90 2nd Annual Midwifery Conference (.5 CEU)
Michigan Chapter, ACNM, Detroit, MI.
5/90 National Convention (1.0 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Atlanta, Georgia
3/90 Conference on MI Maternal & Perinatal Health (.62 CEU)
Dearborn, MI.
10/89 1st Annual Midwifery Conference (.52 CEU)
Michigan Chapter, ACNM, Detroit MI.
6/89 National Convention (1.0 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, San Diego, California.
2/89 Contraceptive Technology (1.3 CEU)
Contemporary Forums, Washington, D.C.
9/88 Fourth Annual Michigan Nursing Diagnosis Symposium (.7 CEU)
Michigan Nursing Diagnosis Assoc., Grand Rapids, Michigan
5/88 Clinical Instructor's Workshop (.7 CEU)
Joyce B. Thompson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
4/88 National Convention (1.2 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Detroit, Michigan
10/87 Budgeting Issues (.4 CEU)
ACNM Service Directors Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah
5/87 National Convention (1.9 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Orlando, Florida
10/86- Professional Development Series #1-4,
2/87 Warton Business School(28 hrs)
Harper-Grace Hospitals, Detroit, Michigan
4/86 National Convention (2.1 CEU)
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Portland, Oregon