Chapter 15 Nonrenewable Energy Resources

Chapter 15 Nonrenewable Energy Resources
I. Solar and Commercial Energy Resources
A. Types of Energy do we use?
1. Solar Energy = ________________________________
2. Commercial Energy = ___________________________
3. Developing vs. Developed Countries
a. Developing countries -_______________________
b. Developed countries –__________________________
B. How should we evaluate energy resources?
1. Evaluate energy resources by:_______________________
2. Primary cause of air, water, land disruption relates
(fossil fuels) Carbon Dioxide, Sox and NOx
3. What alternatives do we have?
a. Sun,______________________________________
C. Net Energy? Only energy _________________
1. Net Energy ______________________________________________________________________________
2.Ex. net energy is like, __________________________________________
3. Net Energy Ratio: 10/8 =1.25
a. 10 units of oil from ground, 8 units to find, extract = 2 units of useful
b. Oil has ______net energy ratio, nuclear has a _____net energy ratio.
II. Oil
A. What is crude oil, and how is it extracted and processed?
1. Crude Oil -________________________________________
a. Consists of hydrocarbons, small amounts of sulfur, oxygen,
b. ______and __________often found together
2. Primary oil Recovery
a. involves ___________oil using a well.
3. Secondary oil Recovery
a. involves ___________to force remaining oil to surface.
4. Enhanced or tertiary oil recovery
a. involves _____________________to force heavy oils upward.
5. Refining Oil –pp. 359
a. Oil is ___________________in gigantic columns. Then separated into
liquid components.
b. Refining crude oil_________________________________________
c. Most _______________________________________in developed countries.
d. 2nd most widely used source for developing countries.
B. Who has the world’s oil supplies?
1. OPEC __________________________________________11 countries have
67% of the oil reserves.
a. Saudi Arabia = 26%, Iraq = 10%
2. Other counties like Soviet Union, Mexico, Alaska also has large oil
reserves but exploration shows that they will not expand.
3. U.S. imports ________of its oil, 2010 by up to 70%
C. How long will oil supplies last?
1. Global oil reserves___________________________.
a. Undiscovered oil reserves might exist and could increase
estimated time of depletion.
b. oil usage is estimated to increase by _________by 2010
D. Pros and Cons for Oil
1. Pro’s
a. __________, adjust for inflation and its same cost as 1975
b. easily _________________or pipeline
c. ______________from ground easily
d. ____________net energy yield.
2. Con’s
a. _________depleted within 44 to 48 years
b. cause pollution ______and______, carbon dioxide
c. ______________and land disturbance
d. oil is ____________
e. ____________global climate
f. _______________on foreign countries
E. Pros and Cons for Oil Shale
1. _______________comes from solid fine-grained rock (shale)
2. Pros
a. Could help _______________for many years
3. Cons
a. ______________net energy yield
b. processing oil from oil shale _________________________
c. surface _______________
d. methods of _____________________________is to expensive right
F. Pros and Cons for Tar Sand
1. Tar Sand is _______________________________= high sulfur heavy oil
2. Pros available in Canada, __________________, Colombia
3. Cons
a. Low net _____________ yield
b. large _____________________used in processing
c. plants create _________________________ponds.
III. Natural Gas
A. What is Natural Gas?
1. Natural Gas is____________________________, smaller amounts of ethane,
propane. (4 Types = Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Butane)
a. Most natural gas deposits ________________________which are
located near____________, where high temps. and pressures have
broken down long chain hydrocarbons.
b. Liquefied _______________Gas (LPG)
i. propane and butane gases used for __________areas
ii. compound is often added to give them a ____________
c. Some natural gas reserves are being wasted because it is more
expensive to transport than the cost _____________________________
B. Who has the World’s Natural Gas supplies?
1. Russia and ______________= 40%
2. Iraq = 12%, Qatar = 5%, Iran = 4%
3. Most natural gas in US. is domestic and is_________________________.
C. Pros and Cons of Natural Gas
1. Pros
a. _______________than oil
b. reserves could last as long as 65 -80 yrs.
c. transported easily by pipeline
d. __________________net energy yield
e. produces less air pollution compared to other fossil fuels.
f. _____________________then oil
g. natural gas vehicles are _____________________
h. high efficient _____________________
2. Cons
a. some highly toxic H2S can be ______________________
b. Natural Gas must be converted to liquid if transported by tanker
c. Leaks ________________can occur, sending large amounts of methane
into the atmosphere (greenhouse gas)
d. Nonrenewable Source of energy ____________________years.
IV. Coal
A. What is Coal and how is it extracted / processed?
1. Formed in several stages from remains of ___________________plant
a. 4 stages
i. Peat - low heat content
ii.. _____________- low heat content, sedimentary rock
iii. Bituminous - Extensively used in fuel, high heat
iv. __________- highest heat content, supplies limited.
b. As __________its water content decreases and its carbon content i
2. Extraction of coal
a. Subsurface mining - done underground, labor intensive, dangerous
cave-ins and black lung disease.
b. Surface mining / ____________- coal lies close to earth’s surface
bulldozers remove material. (strip mining = flat__________, contour strip
mining = hills, Mnts.
c. Open pit mining (Quarry)
B. How is Coal used?
1. Coal provides about _______________of world’s commercial energy.
2. Major users of coal - China, U.S. USSR, Germany, India
C. Coal-Fired Power Plant
1. How is electricity produced?
Step 1 Coal is _______________and Burned in huge boiler.
Step 2 Water is boiled and turned into high temp. Steam
Step 3 Steam _____________which turns the rotor of a generator.
Step 4 Generator produces___________________.
2. Removing harmful air emissions
a. electrostatic precipitators - remove __________________
b. scrubbers - remove most sulfuric dioxides
D. What are the Pros and Cons of Solid Coal?
1. Pros
a. Most _________________fossil fuel, large coal reserves
b. high net energy yield
c. ______________ to extract
2. Cons
a. ______________________effects associated with extraction = land,
black lung
b. water pollution
c. dirtiest______________________, release carbon dioxide, NOx, SOx
d. Human health from air pollutants
E. Pros and Cons of Converting Solid Coal into Gaseous and Liquid Fuels.
1. Pros
a. Synthetic Natural Gas (Coal Liquefaction) can be used to produce
b. easily transported and less air pollution with transportation.
2. Cons
a. ___________________________energy yield
b. Large use of synfuels would accelerate depletion of fossil fuels
c. Problems with_______________________________.
V. Nuclear
A. What happened to Nuclear Power.
1. Developing nuclear power began late 1950’s (3 Reasons)
i. Atomic energy commission promised ___________________
ii. Govt. paid ____________________
iii. ______________________-protected U.S. Nuclear facilities (accident)
2. U.S. no nuclear facilities since 1978
i. 1997 - 105 licensed commercial facilities exist.
ii. _________U.S. electricity comes from nuclear.
3. What happened?
i. High construction & operation cost
ii. Frequent malfunctions & poor management
iii.___________________, Poor public opinion
B. How do nuclear fission reactors work?
1. 4 steps
i. Fuel U-238 and Plutonium -239 __________
ii. Energy is released as heat
iii. By controlling control rods the ______________and heat can be
iv. steam is made and __________________
2. Steam is made and turbine spins.
3. Light - Reactors -(parts)
i. Core - fuel rods are packed with U-238
ii. Control Rods-regulate the ________________
iii. moderator - slows down neutrons emitted.
iv. coolent - water, circulates through __________________
4. Spent fuel is being stored at Nuclear facilities.
5. decommissioned - retired
C. Advantages of Nuclear Power
1. No___________________________________________________
2. Water pollution and disruption of land is low
3. Globally annual death toll is low.
4. A little fuel produces _________________________
CC. Disadvantages
1. Poor Public Opinion
2. Nuclear Waste Material – long half life
3. __________________
4. Expensive to build plant – up front cost!
D. How Safe?
1. Three mile island - lost coolant from mechanical failures & human error
2. 26 nuclear reactors are identified _____________________
3. French design has had many mechanical problems, $$$
E. Low level radioactive waste
1. Disposed of in __________________________
2. U.S. stores in underground facilities (landfills)
F. High level radioactive waste
1. Methods of Storage
i. Bury deep underground -ii. shoot it into space at sun -iii. Bury under Antartic Ice sheet
iv. Dump into _______________________
v. bury in deposit of mud - ocean floor
vi. change it into less harmful isotopes.
G. How widespread are contaminated radioactive sites
1. 45,000 sites may be contaminated (EPA)
i. 20,000 belong to ________________________
H. What do we do with old Plants?
1. Walls of reactor become _________________________
2. 3 methods have been proposed in decommission
i. immediate _________________
ii. mothballing (Just let it sit)
iii. _____________________
I. Connection b/t reactions and weapons?
1. High grade uranium can be used to make weapons.
J. Can we avoid nuclear power?
1. High cost to build _____________________
2. Nuclear and solar are most expensive
3. High Cost _____________________
4. Insurance
K. Nuclear Power Future
1. Govt. should fund studies
L. Feasible Alternatives
1. Breeder Nuclear Reactors - ____________________________________
M. Nuclear Fusion
1. 2 isotopes of Hydrogen come together.
a. denterium & ________________