Noorvik PM 10 data summary Noorvik has sampled for more than one year. Between January 1, and December 12, 2004 the sampler recorded 10 exceedances of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM10 (dust). The NAAQS health standard is set at 150 μg/m3. The overall average dust concentration for the year was measured at 79 μg/m3 (including the double run data). The median concentration is 13 μg/m3. This indicates that the air quality for most of the year is good, but that during periods of dust events the concentrations are often very high. The average exceedance day shows a concentration of 322 μg/m3 more than double the NAAQS. Data capture for the year was above 85%, based on a 1/6 sampling schedule. EPA requires at least a 75% data capture for EPA funded monitoring projects. Dust concentration in Noorvik 2004 700.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 Health standard 200.0 100.0 0.0 1/ 9/ 0 1/ 4 23 /0 4 2/ 6/ 0 2/ 4 20 /0 4 3/ 5/ 04 3/ 19 /0 4 4/ 2/ 0 4/ 4 16 /0 4/ 4 30 /0 5/ 4 14 /0 5/ 4 28 /0 6/ 4 11 /0 6/ 4 25 /0 4 7/ 9/ 04 7/ 23 /0 4 8/ 6/ 0 8/ 4 20 /0 4 9/ 3/ 04 9/ 17 /0 10 4 /1 / 10 04 /1 5/ 10 04 /2 9/ 11 04 /1 2/ 11 04 /2 6/ 12 04 /1 0/ 04 PM10 cncentration in ug/m3 600.0 Date Date PM10 concentration ug/m3 26-Jul-04 254.3 cloudy w/ chance of shower 11.7 29-Jul-04 59.5 1/15/2004 9.7 8/1/04 5.0 cloudy, dry, and dusty rained over weekend, cloudy and damp 1/22/2004 217.3 8/4/04 59.8 overcast, damp, high humidity 1/27/2004 7.6 8/7/04 2/2/2004 7.9 8/11/04 11.3 raining, running 1/6 2/9/2004 9.6 8/13/04 2/16/2004 153.3 8/16/04 10.2 hot, dry, dusty 2/20/2004 7.7 8/19/04 206.7 hot, smoky 90+ , dry 2/23/2004 23.4 double run 8/25/04 267.8 dry, dusty at runtime monitor accidentally unplugged 8/31/04 68.0 invalid, double run, holiday 138.6 Invalid Entry , double run Date PM10 concentration ug/m3 1/4/2004 1/9/2004 Comments no sample, sampler unplugged 4-Mar-04 Comments 3/9/2004 12.8 3/15/2004 4.6 double run 9/12/04 30-Mar-04 3.3 roads melting, muddy 9/18/04 12-Apr-04 4.1 snowing 9/21/04 111.0 dry, dusty, cooling down 20-Apr-04 5.2 warm, wet, roads wet, mud 9/24/04 12.5 cold, dry, roads dampened by snw 22-Apr-04 6.3 roads drying up 9/30/04 43.9 dry, dust of snowon round 28-Apr-04 31.3 coold day 35 degrees 10/6/04 7.7 windy, light dusting of snow 5-May-04 2.7 rain, snow, sleet 10/12/04 149.9 11-May-04 6.3 invalid, ran with filter cover on 10/18/04 4.4 windy, snow on ground 17-May-04 20.3 foggy mist 10/24/04 26-May-04 29.0 double run 10/30/04 40.3 cloudy, cold and windy 9/6/04 dry, cold, windy 4-Jun-04 568.1 hot dry sunny 11/5/2004 25.4 1/6 sampling, clear cold, windy 10-Jun-04 162.0 hot partly cloudy, dusty 11/11/2004 8.4 clear, cold, just snowed 16-Jun-04 5.6 11/17/2004 13.1 30 kot winds at time of run 22-Jun-04 1.6 11/23/2004 7.1 windy, blowing snow 14-Jul-04 478.2 raining all day hot dry dusty, 78 F, machine never turned on. Motor needs to be replaced dry and dusty, changed motor, foggy in 11/29/2004 19.0 cold, blowing snow, windy 17-Jul-04 228.9 windy, clear, dusty 12/5/2004 7.6 partly cloudy, slight breeze 20-Jul-04 331.7 dry, dusty 12/11/2004 7.9 blowing snow at time of change 23-Jul-04 607.6 dry, dusty, windy, clear