LESSON PLAN 3 – Charisma mae B. Grandez Class level Classroom Advanced Room 1,Mad Progress expectation The students should be able to learn the vocabulary that describes a juvenile delinquent and be able to use the modal verbs “must”, “ought to” and “should” to imply obligations and suggestions. Lexis that describe a juvenile delinquent and the use of modal verbs to make obligatory sentences. Juvenile delinquency To enable the students to know and learn the meaning of juvenile delinquency and the people who are responsible of it. To teach the students the proper use of modal verbs in making a sentence of obligation or suggestion. To help the students learn and understand the vocabulary that pertains to juvenile delinquency. That the students will understand the target language. That the students will have a view of the responsibilities of the parents, teachers, friends and juvenile(himself) in the issue of delinquency. That the students will learn the use of modal verbs to imply an obligation or suggestion. E.g. Parents must know their child’s whereabouts all the time. White board,markers,A4 pictures(of young boys behind bars),worksheets and handouts(summaries of 2 books, jumbled sentences, true/false),role play dialogue patterns. The warm-up activity will give the students an overview of the target language. The vocabulary activity will aid the students to know the different vocabulary and use it in a proper context. The grammar activity will help the students understand and use modal verbs to indicate an obligation or suggestion. The produce activity will enhance the students oral skills through role plays and dialogues. 2pm was a good time to teach this lesson. I able to carry out the lesson properly. Students were interactive and interested with the lesson at the same time. Although I think the lesson don’t fit well with the other students due to the reason that they don’t have children of their own, yet they were still so much engaged in asking and answering questions pertaining to the lesson. The downside of the lesson was when their focus wavered during written activities, which I attributed to hunger and tiredness, since it was almost past lunchtime and some of them came directly from work. Subject Topic Aim Objective Knowledge assumed Material & equipment Learning assessment Post lesson notes Lesson date Lesson duration 13 August 2015 1 hour Tasks Pha se 1 2 Durati on 2 mins. 5 mins. Topic Teacher activity Student activity Resources Introduction I introduce my name. I write my name on the board. Students introduce themselves. White board, marker and sheet of paper. I will ask the students their names and let them write it on the sheet of paper. Students write their names on the sheet of paper. Warm-up Show the students a picture of a boy inside a prison cell. Ask the students what Interaction T-S,S-T A4 picture(a boy inside a prison cell), white board and marker. can they say about the pictures and write their answers on the board. Students will tell what they think of the picture. Present the word juvenile delinquency and explain its meaning, form and pronunciation. 3 6 mins. Written task Explain the task-pair the students for a pair work and give each pairs a picture of young boys with handcuffs. Interaction T-S,S-S White board, markers and A4 pictures(young boys in handcuffs). Let the students write a list of the causes behind juvenile delinquency. Write their answers on the board and discuss. 4 7 mins. Vocabulary presentation Ask the students who were responsible for the juvenile delinquents. T-S Interactions T-S,S-T White board and marker Write their answers on the board. Explain the meaning, form and pronunciation Of each vocabulary. T-S Parents Teachers Friends/peers Juvenile(himself) 5 3 mins. Reading task Explain the task to the students-give the students handouts that contain short summaries of two books on juvenile delinquency, let the students read the summaries quietly and individually. Then choose two students to read each summaries to the class. 6 8 mins. Vocabulary activity Explain the task-put students in pairs for a pair work. From the Interaction T-S Handouts(book summaries) Students read the summaries to the class. Interaction T-S,S-S Handouts(book summaries),papa and pen summaries that they read they should take out 10 words that relates to juvenile delinquency and make 10 sentences for each words. T-S I pick out one word and use it in a sentence. E.g. jail-Jail is the place where you put bad people. Monitor the students while they do the activity and correct them if necessary. Students check their answers. Let them check their answers in pairs and discuss their answers. 7 9 mins. Grammar presentation Explain the use of a modal verb “must” to imply a strong obligation of somebody. Cite an example on parents obligation towards their children. I point to the students that they should say... * Parents must provide for their children. * Parents must protect their children at all cost. Explain the use of “ought to” to indicate what somebody should do/suggestion. Students should e saying… *Teacher ought to tell the parents. *Teacher ought to speak to the child. Explain the use of “should” to indicate a suggestion on what is the right thing to do. Students should say…. Interaction T-S White board and marker *Teenagers should listen to their parents. *They should avoid drugs. Students read the sentences on the board. Drill each sentences with the students. 8 8 mins. Grammar activity Explain the task-give the students worksheets that have jumbled sentences where they should rearrange the words to form the correct sentence. Interaction T-S Make the first sentence an example. Monitor the students while they answer and check their answers. Students check their answers. T-S Discuss their answers afterwards. 9 7 mins. Produce activity Explain the task to the students-put the students in pairs for a role play give each pairs a dialogue pattern where they could follow it in making a dialogue. Interaction T-S Student A will be the parent who inquire about his son’s bad behavior at school. Student B will be the teacher. S-S Model the task with a student. T-S Dialogue patterns(for role play) Supervise and monitor the students. 10 5 mins. Wrap-up Read five statements and ask the students if the statement is true/false. E.g. Parents are responsible for their children. True Give encouraging Interaction T-S Worksheet words to the students. Bid them goodbye. Students bid the teacher goodbye. 11 5 mins. Back-up 1 Explain the task-put students in pairs for pair work students will make five sentences using each modal verbs “must”, “ought to “and “should”. Interaction T-S,S-T Paper 12 4 mins. Back-up 2 Explain the taskstudents will make a short essay about juvenile delinquency, using the vocabulary and modal verbs. Interaction T-S Paper Students who attended Name Conchi Peñalver Age 60 Level Advanced Yana 32 Advanced Ilia 36 Advanced Notes Conchi was trying her best to keep up with the others. Offered her thoughts quite freely. She had difficulty reading and pronouncing words. Yana was the strongest among the three, she was very open with her insights. Knew and understand a lot of English words. She was very good in rearranging words to make a correct sentence. Ilia was the quiet among the three, had a difficulty in expressing his opinions to others. He knew some vocabulary but had problem pronouncing them.