Update on New Organisations Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) Clinical Commissioning Groups will be responsible for the majority of the NHS budget from April 2013. CCGs in south west London are well on their way to being authorised to take on their responsibilities from this date and are already operating with delegation of budgets and responsibilities. They have their clinical leadership, chief officer and chief finance officer posts filled and are currently recruiting to the rest of their structures. To use their budget for management resources in the most effective way, CCGs are complementing their in-house teams by buying support from new Commissioning Support Units (CSUs). We have reviewed our governance arrangements so that from 1 October, CCGs and their boards can lead decision making for those areas that they are responsible for. CCG Boards will remain accountable to the relevant PCT Board. For more information about CCG development visit the NHS South West London website: http://www.southwestlondon.nhs.uk South West London CCGs – Chairs and Chief Officers Croydon CCG Chief Officer – Paula Swann Clinical Chair – Dr Anthony Brzezicki Paula.swann@croydonpct.nhs.uk anthony.brzezicki@nhs.net Kingston CCG Chief Officer – David Smith Clinical Chair – Dr Naz Jivani David.smith@kpct.nhs.uk Naz.jivani@kpct.nhs.uk Merton CCG Chief Officer – Eleanor Brown Clinical Chair – Dr Howard Freeman Eleanor.Brown2@nhs.net Howard.Freeman@swlondon.nhs.uk Richmond CCG Chief Officer – Dominic Wright Clinical Chair – Dr Andrew Smith Dominic.wright@richmond.gov.uk andrewsmith9@nhs.net Sutton CCG Chief Officer – Dr Chris Elliot Clinical Chair – Dr Brendan Hudson celliott@nhs.net Brendan.hudson@swlondon.nhs.uk Wandsworth CCG Chief Officer – Graham Mackenzie Clinical Chair – Dr Nicola Jones Graham.mackenzie@wpct.nhs.uk nicola.jones2@nhs.net Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) There are three of Commissioning Support Units in London and these are the organisations where most PCT staff will go. South West London CCGs will be served by the South London Commissioning Support Unit (SLCSU). SLCSU will provide services such as contracting support, information and IT, financial management and communication services. From April 2013, CCGs can choose to buy their commissioning support from a range of providers, but for now most in London are using one of the three London CSUs. The full business case for SLCSU has recently been published. You can find a copy at: http://us5.campaignarchive1.com/?u=b94d96b7856ba7c7374fb2323&id=a5c2c0a459&e=1cd0a68b81 SLSCU Management Team Managing Director Interim Director of Contracting & Performance Interim Chief Operating Officer Commercial Director Interim Director of Business Intelligence & ICT Nick Relph Jeremy Burden Debbie Turner Richard Chapman Henry Wilson n.relph@nhs.net jeremy.burden@nhs.net debbie.turner9@nhs.net richard.chapman@nhs.net henry.wilson@nhs.net 1 Public Health Most public health functions will go to local authorities, and transition plans for functions and staff are underway with each council in south west London. In south west London each local authority has chosen to have their own Director of Public Health and public health team. This has meant some changes in Sutton and Merton, which is currently a shared team and new Directors of Public Health are being recruited. A new Director of Public Health, Dr Mike Robinson, has also been appointed for Croydon. The majority of staff are expected to transfer to local authorities. For more information about public health in your borough please contact NHS South West London Director of Public Health or your local DPH. Directors of Public Health NHS South West London Dr Jonathan Hildebrand Jonathan.hildebrand@kpct.nhs.uk NHS Kingston Dr Jonathan Hildebrand Jonathan.hildebrand@kpct.nhs.uk NHS Wandsworth Dr Houda Al-Sharifi Houda.al-sharifi@wpct.nhs.uk NHS Croydon Dr Mike Robinson Mike.robinson@croydonpct.nhs.uk NHS Richmond Dr Dagmar Zeuner Dagmar.zeuner@richmond.gov.uk NHS Sutton and Merton Dr Val Day Val.day@swlondon.nhs.uk Some public health functions, such as immunisation, will move to the NHS Commissioning Board and some will move to Public Health England. It is currently expected that the handovers of management responsibility for PHE will from January 2014 and local authorities in March 2013. Primary Care Commissioning, performance management and CCG development The NHS Commissioning Board will have four regional offices, one of which will be in London. In London, Anne Rainsberry is the regional director. Commissioning of GPs, dentists, pharmacies and optometrists will be moving to the NHS Commissioning Board. It will also commission specialist services and prison and military health services. The NHSCB will also be responsible for oversight of the authorisation process for CCGs, the 2013/14 commissioning planning round and future performance management of CCGs. Nationally, there are 27 local area teams with staff working from a number of office bases across their geographical area. All local area teams will have the same core functions around clinical commissioning group (CCG) development and assurance, emergency planning, resilience and response, quality and safety, configuration, system oversight and partnerships and stakeholder engagement, with the senior leadership of the local area team participating as a full partner on health and wellbeing boards. In London there is a more integrated structure with one director for three local area teams working as an essential part of the overall pan-London arrangements for direct commissioning and functions supporting the delivery of service innovation. These arrangements reflect both the distinct nature of the London region and the need to ensure effective working with partners at both a borough and London-wide level. Simon Weldon is the Director of NHS Operations and Delivery and Penny Emerit is the Delivery Director for South London. 2 You can read more about the NHS Commissioning Board here: http://www.commissioningboard.nhs.uk/ NHS Trusts and Foundation status All NHS provider trusts are expected to become Foundation Trusts (FTs) by 2014. The NHS Trust Development Authority is a new body established to oversee this process. Alwen Williams, currently NHS North East London and the City PCT cluster Chief Executive, has been appointed as Director of Development and Delivery for the NHS TDA and is leading this for London. Alwen will be responsible for performance management of non-FT NHS providers in London from October and for Trust planning for 2013/14. Alwen will account to the NHS London board in this capacity for the remaining six months of the SHA. To find out more about the NHS TDA you can view their website here: http://www.ntda.nhs.uk/ If you would like further information about the NTDA, please contact Phil Rudd on 0207 932 1950 or by email at phil.rudd@dh.gsi.gov.uk. The NHS estate Where providers occupy more than 50% of PCT owned or leased premises that are deemed service critical clinical infrastructure, the property can transfer to them on the basis that they take all or none of the qualifying property. All other PCT owned properties will transfer to a new organisation – NHS Property Services Ltd. Staff associated with providing the estates/facilities service for those properties will transfer to the respective organisations. 3