Soil Biodiversity Programme Modelling Initiative Preliminary Report No. 1: Modelling carbon flux in soil ecosystems: quantifying indirect effects of biota and physical, chemical and biological interactions. Authors: M. Toal (CEH Monks Wood), A. Meharg (University of Aberdeen) 31/8/00 1 Report No. 1 Modelling carbon flux in soil ecosystems: quantifying indirect effects of biota and physical, chemical and biological interactions. Introduction Modelling is an ideal technique to simulate nutrient and energy flux in soil ecosystems. However, a number of limitations in current soil ecological models have been recognised. Process-based approaches (Molina et al., 1983; Parton et al., 1988; Svendsen et al., 1995) aim to predict carbon turnover at the field or ecosystem level over extended timescales (years to decades). This approach has been criticised due to its inability to account for the impact on carbon transformations of perturbation within the biotic community (McGill, 1996). This is a serious criticism as the majority of nutrient transformations in soils are mediated by soil biota. Modelling techniques that explicitly describe the role of biota in the nutrient cycling process (organismorientated models), have been developed to counter this criticism (DeRuiter et al., 1993; Hunt et al., 1987). Organism-orientated models (based on soil food webs) quantify nutrient fluxes by calculating carbon and nitrogen transformation by a range of biotic functional groups. However, these models have also been criticised for examining system dynamics from a purely trophic perspective, where the ‘links’ in these models represent solely the material flow of carbon between organisms. These models have been criticised for not including non-trophic effects of soil organisms which may have an indirect effect on nutrient cycling (e.g. amendment of the physical structure of soil), (Brussard, 1998) (Ettema, 1998). 2 Soil ecosystems are structured due to complex interactions between physical, chemical and biological attributes (Figure 1). These interactions are both direct and indirect and an array of non-linear processes and positive and negative feedbacks exist within the soil ecosystem. In recent years, a number of reviews have emphasised the need to consider these indirect, non-linear and feedback effects when attempting to understand the functioning of the soil community (Lavelle et al., 1997) (Brussard, 1998) (Smith et al., 1998) (Young et al., 1998). The consensus of opinion in these and other reviews is that studies must be undertaken to devise new quantitative theory in order to increase ecological realism in nutrient cycling models (Smith et al., 1998) (Lavelle, 2000). Advances in modelling theory are urgently needed as there are a number of crucial areas which have received little quantitative study. For example, certain groups of organisms directly transform only a small amount of energy or nutrients, but play a disproportionately large role in amending the physical structure of the soil (e.g. ecosystem engineers). The action of ecosystem engineers is important as it has a large indirect effect on organisms which do control the majority of energy and nutrient flux in soil systems (e.g. bacteria and fungi) through affecting soil structure and consequently air and water availability (Jones et al., 1994) (Lawton, 1994) (Jones et al., 1997). Soil fauna also comminute SOM, which increases plant litter surface area and hence, its’ susceptibility to microbial attack (Brown, 1993; Lavelle et al., 1997; Seastedt, 1984). Thus, organisms which do little to alter the chemical nature of SOM may still influence the rate of nutrient cycling in soil communities by affecting the physical nature of carbon substrates via metabiosis (Waid, 1999). These indirect effects which may strongly influence carbon cycling have received little systematic study from a modelling perspective. Without a quantitative understanding of the indirect effect of ecosystem engineers and other soil 3 fauna on nutrient and energy flux, we cannot hope to build accurate models of the soil community (Brussard, 1998) (Ettema, 1998). To build models that take account of these crucial areas, a model structure such as that illustrated in Figure 2 must be adopted, as opposed to the purely trophic model structure illustrated in Figure 3, on which most organism-orientated models are based. Models that include indirect effects of organisms on nutrient cycling and physicalchemical-biological interactions have seldom been formulated before, yet this approach is fundamental if the functioning of soil ecosystems is to be understood in detail (Smith et al., 1998) (Lavelle, 2000). This paper suggests a quantitative framework for modelling carbon flux in soils where both direct and indirect interactions between physical, chemical and biological attributes are accounted for at the core of model structure. It must be stressed that this model in its present state is not a fully calibrated prediction of the dynamics of carbon in a real soil ecosystem. For example, specific models of carbon flow describe compartment sizes with units such as g C mm-3. By contrast, this model uses units such as w C svol, describing a mass of C (w C) in a defined soil volume (svol). This step has been taken as this paper describes a model structure, as opposed to giving specific numerical predictions for a defined ecosystem. If this model approach was adopted, then site/ecosystem specific calibration experiments could be carried out. This model merely provides a quantitative structural framework on which future models of soil ecosystems could be based. 4 Methodology Modelling carbon flux in soils Paustian (1994) outlines two main methods of modelling carbon flux in soils, ‘Process-orientated’ modelling (where models focus on aggregated processes mediating the movement and transformations of matter or energy; soil organisms are implicit in the model formulation) and ‘Organism-orientated’ modelling (where models quantify the flow of nutrients and energy through soil biota, and explicitly describe functional or taxonomic groups of organisms in the structure of the model). A detailed mechanistic, organism-orientated model would be the ideal technique to quantify carbon flux as the direct and indirect effects of organisms would be explicitly described. However, organism-orientated models are highly data demanding and we do not yet possess sufficient theory or empirical data to describe the interrelationships between a number of important organisms at a mechanistic level. For example, we do not know the extent to which pore size distribution and pore connectivity are influenced by enchytraeids and earthworms, hence we cannot produce accurate mechanistic models for soil water and air content, which are important influences on microfloral growth (and hence carbon flux). A range of physical, chemical and biological interactions that are fundamental to soil function have yet to be quantitatively described. However, a number of workers are beginning to examine methods of constructing a range of mechanistic models (Anderson et al., 1997) (Davidson and Park, 1998) (Otten and Gilligan, 1998; Otten et al., 1999) (Bailey et al., 2000). These studies provide an excellent basis for building overarching mechanistic models of organism growth and carbon flux, but due to incomplete 5 modelling theory and a lack data describing a number of soil processes, we cannot as yet produce large scale mechanistic models of the soil ecosystem. Yet there is a pressing need to find a quantitative, predictive methodology to describe carbon flux in soils which reflects the ecological realism of field conditions. Therefore, how should tractable modelling of carbon flux within the soil ecosystem be approached today? This report describes a modelling methodology that builds on existing information about a number of soil processes. The methodology is termed ‘micro-process’ modelling. A micro-process model can be defined as a model that includes the resultant effects of biological-chemical-physical interactions, but does not mechanistically describe them. For example, in a micro-process model, the mechanistic effect of fauna on soil structure, and the subsequent effect of soil structure on air and water and eventually microflora, is bypassed. For example, the feedback effect of fauna on microbial growth, (illustrated in Figure 2) is described by a statistical relationship between faunal biomass, a soil structural parameter and water percolation rate. The water content of the soil then affects microbial growth rate. The micro-process methodology borrows from both organism-orientated approaches (in that the effects of specific groups of organisms are described) and process-orientated approaches (in that statistical relationships, as opposed to mechanistic explanations are used to describe model linkages). Micro-process models can be seen as an example of an ‘integrated’ approach (Paustian, 1994). The relationships between organisms and their physico-chemical environment in these micro-process models could gradually be replaced by more mechanistic treatments of soil systems as the knowledge front within soil ecology advances. These micro- 6 process models could bridge a gap between the present knowledge base, where a dearth of models exists, and the future, where we will have an increased understanding of the mechanistic nature of soil interrelationships (Figure 4). To illustrate this proposed method, a micro-process carbon flux model has been constructed describing a simple biological-chemical-physical soil system. Direct and indirect effects of the interacting soil attributes (e.g. water, carbon substrates and microflora) are described within a spatio-temporal context. A general methodology for constructing microprocess models of carbon flux in soil ecosystems The model is dynamic as it describes C flux/C compartmentalisation in the soil system through time. It is also defined on a spatial basis, according to soil horizons. Figure 5 illustrates a column of soil divided into three horizons (each horizon is represented by a structurally identical submodel). The submodels could be defined for any spatial scale desired, (e.g. cm3, dm3 etc.). Each submodel could also be adjusted to give different horizons (or adjacent soil ‘columns’) different numerical values for their parameters to simulate spatial heterogeneity. The novelty of this approach is that both direct and indirect effects on carbon flux are described within the model structure and physical-chemical-biological interactions are accounted for. 7 Model attributes Physical Soil moisture content Chemical Recalcitrant carbon substrates – Represents the bulk of soil organic matter (SOM). Labile carbon substrates – Represents the soil pool of carbon substrates that is available for utilisation by microflora. Biological Worms – This group represents fauna which physically affect soil physical structure (they are an example of an ecosystem engineer). The amendments to soil structure then affect soil moisture content and consequently microbial growth. These organisms also ‘comminute’ the recalcitrant SOM, making it more readily available for microfloral utilisation. Microflora – This represents a generic soil microbial biomass. Grazers – This group represents protozoa/nematodes/microarthropods which graze the microflora. These fauna are assumed not to amend the physical structure of the soil. Roots – Roots manifest themselves as carbon inputs into the system (dead roots and exudations). 8 Model relationships (qualitative description) The carbon inputs into the model are derived from soil organic matter and root exudations. Water (i.e. rainfall) is also needed as an input. The biotic community (worms, microflora and grazers) then interacts with the chemical and physical attributes of the system and carbon is cycled. The relationships between the model attributes are qualitatively described in Tables 1 to 3. It is realised that not all links have been made even for this simple system (e.g. leaching of carbon substrates, invasion of adjacent soil columns by microflora etc). Furthermore, the microflora are represented by a single compartment within the model, whereas thousands of different genotypes of soil fungi and bacteria coexist under field conditions. The model has been purposefully oversimplified as this is only an illustration of the ‘micro-process’ method. If this method is considered worthy of further analysis, then a future study could calibrate the model on a sitespecific basis. Model relationships (Quantitative description) The overall model describes the dynamics of carbon flow in a column of soil from a semi-natural ecosystem, to a depth that encompasses the rooting zone (Figure 5). The depth profile is divided into three horizons, each represented by a similar submodel (Figure 6, with component definitions in Tables 4 and 5). The timestep of the model is 9 1 day and the duration of the model run is three years (1095 timesteps). These spatial and temporal scales have been arbitrarily selected for illustrative purposes; they could be adjusted, depending on model requirements and data availability. All model compartment definitions, units and initial values are given in Tables 4 and 5. The following sections describe the quantitative links between model attributes. Physical parameters Soil Moisture Content – Soil moisture content is determined by rainfall and water percolation rate. Rainfall figures are taken from the Sourhope Automatic Weather Station (daily rainfall figures in mm). The AWS data for 1999-2000 is used in all three years of the model run. The rainfall is input into the uppermost submodel (submodel 1, Figure 5). First order kinetics are assumed to describe percolation, hence if a pulse input of water is input into submodel 1 at t = 0, the dynamics of water percolation are illustrated in Figure 7. A number of studies have demonstrated that worms increase water percolation rates in soils by a factor ranging from 2 to 10 (Tisdall, 1978) (Edwards et al., 1979) (Clements, 1982) (Lee and Foster, 1991). Hence it was assumed in the model that a relationship existed between water percolation rate and worm biomass. The derivation of this relationship and the equations that describe the effect of worm biomass on soil structure and hence percolation rate are given are given in Appendix 1. The methodology given in Appendix 1 was used to derive equations 1 to 4, which describe water flux down the soil column. 10 Biological parameters Microflora - Monod kinetics have been used in the majority of models describing carbon utilisation by microflora (Smith, 1982) (Darrah, 1991a; Darrah, 1991b) (Scott et al., 1995) (Blagodatsky and Richter, 1998a) (Kreft et al., 1998). Hence Monod kinetics have also been assumed to adequately describe microfloral population dynamics (Equations 5 and 6) in the present model. Table 4 contains kinetic parameter definitions. It is assumed that microbial growth is affected by soil moisture according to the relationship illustrated in Figure 8. Figure 8 is a plot of maximum growth rate against a parameter v, a measure of soil moisture, where v is defined as the instantaneous soil moisture content/maximum soil moisture content at saturation (Equation 7). Low values of v describe drought conditions, whereas high values can be interpreted as waterlogged or flooded conditions. As can be seen, it is assumed that microbial growth rate is lowered under conditions of drought or waterlogging. In order to modify the Monod equation to account for soil moisture, a parameter p was formulated to amend the microfloral growth rate (Figure 9 and equations 5 and 8), where p is controlled by v. As can be seen, the factor max/p approaches max under optimal water conditions, because p tends to 1, leading to maximal microfloral growth rates. Conversely, the factor max/p becomes very small at the extremes of water condition as p increases under drought or flooded conditions, leading to lowered microbial growth rates. To avoid max/p tending to 1/infinity, the value of p was truncated to 5 at v0.05 and v0.95. This approach is based on (and extends) the relationship between soil moisture and maximal growth rates described in Scott et al. (1995), where different values of max are given, depending on the moisture content of 11 the soil. Microbial death and waste production are assumed to follow first order kinetics and these processes are accounted for in equation 5. Microfloral respiration must also be affected by soil moisture, and is described by equation 6. Worm biomass – Worms are treated as being an ‘influence’ only, they do not represent a physical compartment of C within the system. However, a submodel of carbon utilisation by worms could be added to the model if required (Whalen et al., 1999). Figure 10 illustrates worm ‘residency’ in the rooting zone through time, where the population is at a minimum during summer and at a maximum during the late autumn/early winter period (Gerard, 1967). Fauna are known to indirectly increase the decomposition rate of SOM through activities such as comminution (Seastedt, 1984) (Brown, 1993) (Lavelle et al., 1997). Hence the overall model must include a quantitative description of the indirect effect of fauna on SOM dynamics. It is assumed that the functioning of worms (e.g. comminution) acts to increase the availability of C to microbes. Therefore, within the structure of the model, it is assumed that fauna act upon the decomposition rate kd , which controls the transfer of carbon from the recalcitrant C to the labile C compartment. Specifically, a minimum rate (kd_min) has been assumed for transfer of C from recalcitrant to labile OM in the absence of worms. The action of worms increases the rate constant kd until a maximum decomposition rate is reached (kd_max) at maximum worm biomass (Emax). The presence of worms can increase the decomposition rate of SOM by a factor of 1.5 to 10 when compared to scenarios where worms have been deleted (Cortez, 1998) 12 (Yamashita and Takeda, 1998). An increase in the rate constant kd due to the presence of worms was conservatively estimated from within this range, i.e. it was assumed that kd_max = 2* kd_min. Equation 11 describes the effect of fauna on decomposition. In equation 11, the constant Cd is the increase in recalcitrant C decomposition rate, over and above the minimum rate, caused by faunal processing at Emax. In order to avoid dividing a zero by Emax, Et should be given a very small conditional value (e.g. 0.000001) if Et = 0. Grazers - The biomass of the grazers is assumed to be directly proportional to that of the microflora, and death and excretion are described by first order rate constants. Equation 9 describes the dynamics of C-flux through the grazers. Chemical parameters The carbon inputs into the model are ultimately derived from carbon fixation in the above ground plant biomass. Inputs are in two forms – dead roots (deposited into the recalcitrant C pool) and root exudations (deposited into the labile C pool). Plant derived carbon inputs are related to carbon fixation throughout the year, however, there is little quantitative data presently available on the dynamic input of carbon into SOM from exudation and root turnover in relation to primary production. Hence both Ir and Il will be given constant values throughout the year. 13 Cr – The recalcitrant substrates are a recipient compartment for carbon losses from the roots due to death. The recalcitrant substrates represent the bulk of SOM and these substrates depolymerise to the labile substrate pool obeying first order kinetics, amended by the effect of comminution by worms. Ir is increased due to root death (which is assumed to vary under drought or flooding, influenced by p, equation 10) and microfloral and grazer death. Equation 11 describes the dynamic behaviour of the recalcitrant SOM C. Cl – The labile substrate pool is increased due to root exudation, Cr depolymerisation and grazer and microfloral waste production. Cl is decreased due to microbial utilisation of labile carbon substrates. It is assumed that root biomass decreases down the soil profile, therefore Ir and Il are given decreasing values with depth (Table 5). Il is decreased due to root death (which is assumed to vary under drought or flooding, influenced by p, equation 12). Equation 13 describes the dynamic behaviour of the labile C. Results The model was run using the simulation package ModelMaker 4.0.1. Examples of model output are given in Figures 11 to 13. The advantage of this modelling approach is that various hypotheses can be tested within the model (e.g. effects on carbon flux of group deletions, reductions in biomass, differences in water conditions, carbon input levels, spatial differences etc, plus many more with increased model complexity). For example, if worms are deleted (thus decreasing water percolation 14 rate and production of labile substrates from recalcitrant SOM), the carbon cycle within the model system is altered (Figure 13). As can be seen, when worms are deleted, the water content of the submodels is increased (with frequent flooding), the microbial biomass is lowered and decomposition of the recalcitrant SOM (Cr) is impaired. This build up of recalcitrant SOM may then impact on plant productivity, as demonstrated in ecotoxicological studies where deletion of earthworms due to the build up of soil pollutants leads to an increase in SOM levels and a decrease in plant productivity (Coughtrey et al., 1979; Spurgeon and Hopkins, 1999). This result should be treated with caution as a host of other influences are not included, but this merely demonstrates how the model could be used to study the dynamics of the soil ecological community. The model provides a quantitative, rather than qualitative, framework to answer questions posed by authors such as Jones et al. (1994), who ask ‘How should we model [ecological] engineering?’. The structure of the model itself is elastic, therefore if a sufficient number of fundamental soil functions are included, the approximate behaviour of the system could be tractably simulated. If model complexity was increased and calibration properly attempted, predictions could be made under a range of scenarios and tested against reality. This model is a device which could be used to tie together the results of diverse projects within the field of soil ecology. This modelling methodology has advantages over previous methods as biological, chemical and physical attributes of the system are seen as being equally important and direct and indirect effects are quantitatively described at the core of the model structure. 15 Obviously, there are a great many areas where further model development is necessary. A number of these improvements to model structure are listed below. ‘Opening out the boxes’ – At present, the model has only one compartment representing microflora. In reality, there is immense microbial diversity under field conditions. Methods to account for this diversity in model structures need to be developed (see report No. 2). Variations in microbial physiology could also be taken into account, using techniques such as those described in Blagodatsky et al., (1998). Improve the description of water flow down the soil profile to increase hydrological realism in the model structure. The model in its present state assumes that microbial growth is limited by soil moisture alone. However, the effect of limitation in a number of parameters could be accounted for. Values for a range of p inhibition constants could be defined for temperature, pH, C/N ratio of carbon inputs etc. Above ground plant productivity models could be mechanistically linked to the below ground carbon cycling model. A number of other functional groups could be included in the model, such as mycorrhizae, based on models of carbon flow through individual groups (Staddon, 1998). Conclusions A model framework has been forwarded that can account for direct and indirect 16 interactions within the soil food web and physical-chemical-biological interactions. This model could not directly be applied to the field site to make site specific predictions of carbon flux in its present state. The model described in this report is a framework on which to build more ecologically realistic models of nutrient flux, which will eventually elucidate factors which control nutrient dynamics in soil systems. Further collaboration with other workers is needed to amend the model structure and tune parameter values (e.g. Mark Bailey: microbial diversity and water stress; David Hopkins: effect of worms on soil structure; Phil Ineson: quantifying carbon inputs into the system). 17 Model equations Water percolation – Equations 1 to 4 describe the flow of water down the soil profile from one submodel to the next. S dW1 R kw _ min t cw W1 dt Sop Equation 1 S S dW2 kw _ min t cw W1 k w _ min t cw W2 dt Sop Sop Equation 2 dW3 S S kw _ min t cw W2 kw _ min t cw W3 dt Sop Sop Equation 3 dWS S kw _ min t cw W3 dt Sop Equation 4 Generic submodel dynamics – Equations 5 to 13 describe the within submodel dynamics. Equations 5 to 13 are repeated for each sub-model. max Cl dM p M k1 M k 2 M k 3 M dt K m Cl Equation 5 max C dMCO2 1 Y p l M dt Y K m Cl v Equation 6 Wn Wmax Equation 7 18 p 0.25 1 v(1 v) Equation 8 dG k3 M k 4 G k 5 G k 6 G dt Equation 9 I r I r _ min p ; If p > 5, I r 1.1 Equation 10 E dCr I r k2 M k5G kd _ min t cd Cr dt Emax Equation 11 Il Il _ max p ; If p > 5, I r 1.2 Equation 12 max max Cl dCl Et p 1 Y p I l kd _ min cd Cr k1M k4G M M dt Emax K m Cl Y K m Cl 19 Cl Equation 13 References Anderson, A.R.A., B.A. Sleeman, I.M. Young, B.S. Griffiths, 1997 Nematode movement along a chemical gradient in a structurally heterogeneous environment. 2. Theory. Fundamental and Applied Nematology. 20: 165-172. Bailey, D.J., W. Otten, C.A. Gilligan, 2000 Saprotrophic invasion by the soil-borne fungal plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and percolation thresholds. New Phytologist. 146: 535-544. Blagodatsky, S.A., O. 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Global Change Biology. 4: 703-712. 22 Tables Table 1 – Physical attributes of the microprocess model Table 2 – Chemical attributes of the microprocess model Table 3 – Biological attributes of the microprocess model Table 4 – Microprocess model parameter definitions Table 5 – Initial values for selected variables Figures Figure 1 – Soil attribute interactions Figure 2 – A schematic representation of a model containing both direct and indirect influences on carbon flux in soils Figure 3 – A schematic representation of a trophic model of carbon flow in soils Figure 4 – Temporal development of soil ecological models Figure 5 – An illustration of the hierarchical approach to micro-process modelling Figure 6 – Expanded micro-process submodel (solid lines represent the physical flow of carbon or water. Dashed lines represent ‘influence’ of one model attribute on another – no physical flow of substances occurs along a dashed line) Figure 7 – The temporal behaviour of water percolating down a soil column after a pulse input at t = 0. Figure 8 – The relationship between maximal microbial growth rate and soil moisture. Figure 9 – The relationship between the moisture inhibition factor p and soil moisture content Figure 10 – Worm biomass in the rooting zone throughout the timescale of the model run. Figure 11 – Dynamic behaviour of carbon in each model compartment through time (submodel 1) Figure 12 – Depth profile of microfloral biomass in model system with time (submodels 1 to 3) Figure 13 – Effect of ecosystem engineer deletion on soil moisture, microbial biomass and recalcitrant SOM carbon (submodel 1) 23 Table 1 Attribute Affects: Directly/indirectly? Soil moisture microflora Directly (microfloral growth is negatively affected by drought or flooding) Dead root carbon inputs Directly (inputs increase under drought or flooding, due to increased root death) Root exudations Directly (inputs decrease under drought or flooding due to increased root death) Attribute Affects: Directly/indirectly? Labile carbon substrates Microflora Directly by providing an energy source for microfloral growth Recalcitrant carbon substrates Labile carbon substrates Directly by providing a further carbon source for the labile carbon pool Table 2 24 Table 3 Attribute Affects: Directly/indirectly? Worms Soil moisture Directly, by altering percolation rate Carbon substrates Directly, by increasing decomposition rate of recalcitrant carbon to labile carbon through comminution microflora Indirectly, through the effect of worms on water and carbon substrate balance Labile carbon substrates Directly (microflora use labile carbon as an energy source and return wastes to labile C pool) Recalcitrant carbon substrates Directly (due to death) grazers Directly (microbes provide a food source for grazers) microflora Directly, by using microflora as a foodsource Microflora Grazers Carbon substrates (Cl and Directly (due to death and Cr) excretion) Roots Labile carbon substrates Directly (increase Cl pool by exudation) Recalcitrant carbon substrates Directly (increase Cr pool due to death of roots) 25 Table 4 Parameter Definition Initial value/function Units (see notes) 0.0005 t-1 Table 2 Table 2 0.9 w svol-1 w svol-1 t-1 E Faunally induced increase in decomposition constant at Emax Recalcitrant carbon pool Labile carbon pool Faunally induced increase in water percolation constant at Emax Worm population biomass Figure 10 w svol-1 Emax G Ir_min Il_max k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 Maximum worm population in rooting zone Grazer carbon pool Dead root carbon input rate (minimum) Exudate carbon input rate (maximum) Microbial excretion rate Microbial death rate Grazing rate Grazer excretion rate Grazer death rate 10 Table 2 Table 2 Table 2 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.02 w svol-1 w svol-1 w svol-1 t-1 w svol-1 t-1 t-1 t-1 t-1 t-1 t-1 k6 kd_min Km kw_min M MCO2 p R S Grazer respiration rate Minimum recalcitrant C decomposition rate Saturation constant for microfloral growth Minimum water percolation rate Microbial biomass carbon pool Carbon dioxide pool Microfloral maximal growth rate Moisture inhibition parameter Daily rainfall (Sourhope) Soil structure parameter 0.05 0.0005 150 0.1 Table 2 0 4.0 Equation 8 Variable 0.0001 t-1 t-1 w svol-1 t-1 w svol-1 w svol-1 t-1 mm - v Wmax Wn Ws Y Proportion of maximum moisture capacity Maximum water capacity of submodel n Initial water content of submodel n Initial water content of sink Microbial yield coefficient Equation 7 20 10 0 0.5 f svol-1 f svol-1 f w w-1 cd Cr Cl cw max 26 Notes The units are arbitrary for this illustrative model. They could be adjusted to ng C cm -3 or mg C dm-3, depending on the requirements and scale of the model. In the above table, the units are as follows: w – unit of mass (e.g. ng, mg, g) svol – unit of soil volume (mm-3, cm-3, dm-3) t – unit of time (the time unit used in this model run is ‘day’) f – unit of fluid (e.g. ml, l) Table 5 1 Submodel 2 3 Initial Cr 2100 700 400 Initial Cl 10 7 2 Initial G 6 3 1 Irmin 0.2 0.1 0.05 Ilmax 6 3 1.5 Initial M 30 15 7.5 27 Figure 1 e.g.: Species diversity Interaction strength Physiological state BIOLOGICAL CHEMICAL PHYSICAL e.g.: C/N ratio pH P, K content e.g.: Pore volume Moisture content Void space spatial arrangement 28 Figure 2 Water Air CO2 microflora Available soil carbon Soil structure fauna Burrowing/ bioturbation Comminution Solid arrows: material flow of carbon Dashed arrows: ‘influence’ of one component on another (no material flow of carbon) Figure 3 microflora Available soil carbon fauna 29 CO2 Figure 4 Far future? ‘Ideal’ Mechanistic models of C flux Direct and indirect effects and feedbacks quantitatively described in a mechanistic manner. Phys/chem/biol interactions quantitatively related mechanistically Near future Microprocess models of C flux Direct and indirect effects on C flux quantitatively described using a small scale process model methodology Phys/chem/biol interactions quantitatively related Calibration by best available data Present Large scale process models/small scale trophic models/empirical data Small number of structurally simple trophic models Large amount of empirical data that is not immediately amenable to modelling. Poor understanding of phys/chem/biol interactions, indirect effects and feedbacks 30 Figure 5 SUB-MODEL 1 Rainfall V W1 FIELD-SCALE MODEL p Ir Il F4 Cr F5 Cl M_CO2 F2 Water_flow F6 F7 S Sub1 Sub4 Out1 Out4 F1 M F8 F3 Eworm_popn_lag eworm_popn F9 G_CO2 G F1 Out1 SUB-MODEL 2 Rainfall V W1 Water flow F4 In1 In3 Sub2 Sub5 Out2 Out5 p Ir Il F4 Cr F2 F5 Cl F5 Water flow M_CO2 F2 Water_flow F6 F1 F7 S In4 Sub3 Sub6 Out3 Out6 M F8 F3 Eworm_popn_lag In2 eworm_popn F9 G_CO2 G Out1 F3 F6 Water flow C1 SUB-MODEL n 31 C2 Figure 6 Rainfall V W1 p Ir Il F4 Cr F5 Cl M_CO2 F2 Water_flow F6 F1 F7 S M F8 F3 Eworm_popn_lag eworm_popn F9 G Out1 32 G_CO2 Figure 7 100 Water content (arbitrary units) 90 80 70 60 W1 W2 W3 Ws 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time 33 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 8 max Microbial growth rate min Drought Optimal Soil moisture content 34 Flooding Figure 9 5 4 p 3 2 1 0 0.05 0.50 v (Wt/Wmax) 35 0.95 1 Figure 10 1 0 9 8 7 6 E 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 3 6 5 7 3 0 T i m e ( d a y s ) 36 1 0 9 5 Figure 11 1000 Cr1 Cl1 grazers1 M1 M_CO2_1 g_CO2_1 100 10 1 0 365 730 1095 Time (days) Figure 12 60 C content in each compartment (w/svol) C content of each compartment (w/svol) 10000 50 40 M1 M2 M3 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 Time (days) 37 1095 Figure 13 7 0 -1 ) 6 0 S o i lw a t e rc o n t e n t( + w o r m s ) S o i lw a t e rc o n t e n t( -w o r m s ) 5 0 4 0 Watervolume(fsvol 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 6 5 -1 ) 6 0 M i c r o b i a lb i o m a s s( + w o r m s ) M i c r o b i a lb i o m a s s( -w o r m s ) 5 5 5 0 4 5 MicrobialC(wsvol 4 0 3 5 3 0 2 5 2 6 0 2 0 -1 ) 2 5 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 RecacitrantSOMC(wsvol 2 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 7 0 0 R e c a l c i t r a n tS O M C ( + w o r m s ) R e c a l c i t r a n tS O M C ( -w o r m s ) 1 6 0 0 1 5 0 0 3 6 5 7 3 0 T i m e ( d a y s ) 38 1 0 9 5 Appendix 1 Quantifying the effect of ecosystem engineers on soil processes – modelling the influence of fauna on water percolation rates in soil. It is widely recognised that certain species of fauna amend the physical structure of soil, which in turn affects a number of ecosystem processes. The following section describes a simple model which quantifies the effect of an ecosystem engineer (E) on water percolation rate via amendment of the physical structure of soil. Consider the percolation rate of water through a volume of soil as a first order process (Equation 1) dW I w kwW dt Equation 1 Where W is the water content of soil volume V, Iw is the input rate of water into V and kw is the rate constant controlling percolation rate of water out of V. It is assumed that the action of E causes an increase in the number of burrows in soil (where worms are an example of an ecosystem engineer), which acts to increase the percolation rate of water (kw). The percolation rate kw will attain a maximum value (kw_max) if the E population in soil volume V is at a maximum (Emax). kw will attain a minimum value (kw_min) when E = 0. E will exert its effect on kw via its effect on soil structure, S. Graphically, the relationship between the three quantities E, S and kw at equilibrium is illustrated in Figure 1. 39 Figure 1 kw_max Sop Emax 0 00 t t 0 0 t As can be seen, at Emax, the physical state of the soil is at its optimal configuration (Sop) producing a maximal percolation rate, kw_max. The variable S can be considered as a quantity describing a physical attribute such as total earthworm burrow length in soil volume V. However, the physical structure/state of the soil is not at equilibrium under natural conditions; the physical state of the soil changes through time (e.g. worms create burrows and the burrows themselves break down due to ageing and bioturbation). Therefore, the dynamics between E, S and kw must be quantified. Consider first a situation where burrows (an example of a biologically created soil physical structure) are indestructible. Burrow creation is related to E biomass according to the relationship illustrated in Figure 2: Figure 2 Sop Emax 0 tx 0 ty 40 tx ty However, burrows have a finite ‘lifespan’ (T). New structures will be created in proportion to E biomass and old structures will be destroyed T timesteps after their creation. Therefore: Rate of change of S = Production rate of new structure Destruction rate of old structure Allowing one unit of E biomass to produce one unit of ‘structure’ per time period gives: dS ED dt Equation 2 Where D is the destruction rate of older structure, proportional to E at t-T. E and D are illustrated in Figure 3 for the time period t = 0 to 365, where T = 30: Figure 3 1 0 E 8 (equivalent to the 6 production 4 rate of S) 2 E 0 1 0 8 D 6 (equivalent to E at time t-T) 4 2 D 0 0 41 6 0 1 2 0 1 8 0 2 4 03 0 0 3 6 0 T im e A graph of S under the above conditions for the time period t = 0 to 365 is illustrated in Figure 4: Figure 4 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 S 1 5 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 S 3 6 5 7 3 0 1 0 9 5 T i m e The relationship between S and E has been defined (Equation 2). The next step is to relate S to kw. In the absence of E in soil volume V, percolation rate (kw) is at a minimum (kw_min). kw is increased in proportion to S until a maximum value is reached (kw_max). Hence, the percolation rate through V can be separated into 2 components according to equation 3, where x is the increase in percolation rate caused by E through S. kw _ max kw _ min x The value of x is described by equation 4 42 Equation 3 x St cw Sop Equation 4 As can be seen, the factor St/Sop becomes 1 when St is at a maximum (Sop). Hence at St = Sop, x = cw, where cw =kw_max-kw_min. In order to avoid dividing a zero by Sop, S should be given a very small conditional value (e.g. 0.000001) if St = 0; this occasion will arise if E = 0 for an extended period of time. In conclusion, equations 5, 6 and 7 relate ecosystem engineer biomass to water percolation rate. kw kw _ min St cw Sop Equation 5 dS ED dt Equation 6 cw kw _ max kw _ min Equation 7 It is realised that this is not a complete description of the effect of ecosystem engineers on soil structure and consequently soil processes. There are a number of areas where this model deviates from reality, however, no previous models have attempted to include the dynamic effect of ecosystem engineers on soil processes and this simple model is viewed as a first step towards increasing biological realism in carbon flow models where the indirect effects of ecosystem engineers may be important. 43