Narrative Introduction

Introduction to Narrative: verb forms
A narrative is a story: it describes an event in the past. Normally we use
three verb forms to describe what happened: 1) the past continuous
2) the simple past 3) the past perfect. The narratives in HD1 will be
personalised (use "I") and 200+ words written in 45 minutes.
Instructions: b) Underline verb forms in the sections below. Examples have been done
for you. b) Fill in the blank in front of “used” with "often", "sometimes" or "seldom".
1. Past Continuous (progressive): was/were + verb + ing (________________used)
The past continuous is good for setting the scene; it is used for an action that continues
for some time and is usually paired with an action in the simple past. 1 It is often used
with "as", "while", and "when".
Mohammed was driving along the road when suddenly … (+ simple past)
As the two men were crossing the desert, they … (+ simple past)
When … happened (simple past), the car was speeding down the deserted highway.
When the lights went out (simple past), I was talking to my brother.
2. Simple Past: 2nd part of verb (-ed)
This is used for “quicker” actions; they may interrupt #1 (past continuous).
Mohammed was driving along the road when suddenly he saw a camel run out in front
of him. He braked as hard as he could but couldn't stop in time. The car hit the camel.
The man got out of the car and checked to see if the animal was alive.
The two men were crossing the desert when they heard a loud bang. It sounded like a
rifle but they were not sure. They heard another shot but this time something hit the side
of the car. Now they were sure.
When the accident happened, the car was speeding down the deserted highway. The
driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove straight into a tree. Ten minutes later, another
car passed by. The driver saw the accident and stopped his car to call the police.
See other side 
You must put a comma in the beginning of the sentence if it starts with "when". Certain stative verbs are NOT used
with past continuous – e.g. “seemed, appeared, was/were, became”.
3. Past Perfect: had + past participle, p.p. (3rd part of verb (__________________used)
You can use the past perfect to describe something that happened before another thing
in the past (for which you usually use the simple past). It is sometimes used for reported
speech after verbs such as "say, tell, report, recount".
Past perfect (had fallen) ----------------- Simple past (passed/stopped) -------------- Present (now) -----------------
& Past cont. (was speeding)
The car was speeding down the deserted highway when the accident happened. The
driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and driven straight into a tree. Another car passed
by. The driver saw what had happened and stopped his car. He called the police and
said that he had witnessed an accident.
Introduction to Narrative: verb forms (key)
A narrative is a story: it describes an event in the past. Normally we use
three verb forms to describe what happened: 1) the past continuous
2) the simple past 3) the past perfect. The narratives in HD1 will be
personalized (use "I") and be 200+ words written in 45 minutes.
Instructions: b) Underline verb forms in the sections below. Examples have been done
for you. b) Fill in the blank in front of “used” with "often", "sometimes" or "seldom".
1. Past Continuous (progressive): was/were + verb + ing
(sometimes used)
The past continuous is good for setting the scene; it is used for an action that continues
for some time and is usually paired with an action in the simple past. 1 It is often used
with "as", "while", and "when".
Mohammed was driving along the road when suddenly … (+ simple past)
As the two men were crossing the desert, they … (+ simple past)
When … happened (simple past), the car was speeding down the deserted highway.
When the lights went out (simple past), I was talking to my brother.
2. Simple Past: 2nd part of verb (-ed)
(often used)
This is used for “quicker” actions; they may interrupt #1 (past continuous).
Mohammed was driving along the road when suddenly he saw a camel run out in front
of him. He braked as hard as he could but couldn't stop in time. The car hit the camel.
The man got out of the car and checked to see if the animal was alive.
The two men were crossing the desert when they heard a loud bang. It sounded like a
rifle but they were not sure. They heard another shot but this time something hit the side
of the car. Now they were sure.
When the accident happened, the car was speeding down the deserted highway. The
driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove straight into a tree. Ten minutes later, another
car passed by. The driver saw the accident and stopped his car to call the police.
You must put a comma in the beginning of the sentence if it starts with "when". Certain verbs are NOT used with past
continuous – e.g. “seemed, appeared, was/were, became”.
See other side 
3. Past Perfect: had + past participle, p.p. (3rd part of verb)
(seldom used)
You can use the past perfect to describe something that happened before another thing
in the past (for which you usually use the simple past). ). It is sometimes used for
reported speech after verbs such as "say, tell, report, recount".
Past perfect (had fallen) ------------------- Simple past (passed/stopped) ----------------- Present (now) -------------
& Past cont. (was speeding)
The car was speeding down the deserted highway when the accident happened. The
driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and (had) driven straight into a tree. Another car
passed by. The driver saw what had happened and stopped his car. He called the
police and said that he had witnessed an accident.