Cross-references to other Articles

Cross-references to other Articles
Cross-references to other articles in EQR will significantly enhance the value of a given article and
will be one of the key features of any online edition of the Encyclopedia.
Cross-references can be placed both in the body of an article ('inline cross references'), or at the
end of the article ('Related Articles'). 'Inline cross references' refer the reader to other articles
which give more detailed information on the topic under discussion at that point; 'Related
Articles' is a simple list of other articles which you feel the reader would find of interest.
In-line cross-references
This is a cross-reference in the text of an article to the full title of another article. Typically
this takes the form:
...(see Split-Plot Designs)...
It is also possible to include 'fragment' cross-references. This is where the standard text of
an article includes a word (rather than the full article title), the context of which calls for a
cross-reference. For example, the text might read:
"This same modeling strategy can be applied beyond the normal linear model described
above to generalized linear models, allowing for the adjustment for covariates in a wide
range of models."
The words 'generalized linear models' could then be cross-referenced to the article entitled:
'Generalized Linear Models for Dispersion Effects'
In the print edition, the fact that a word is a fragment cross-reference will be indicated by
the use of a bold typeface.
Related articles
The list of related articles should be presented immediately before the references. For
example the readers of an article ' Split-Plot Designs' may also be interested in articles such
as 'Supersaturated Designs' and 'Uniform Designs'.
Adding cross-references
Primarily, contributors will be responsible for including both types of cross-reference in their
articles, although both Section Editors and Editors-in-Chief may add any further cross-references
they believe are necessary.
To assist contributors in identifying target articles (i.e. articles which are being cross-referred
to), the Publisher has made available a list of all articles currently commissioned for this
Encyclopedia on
It is important that articles are cross-referred to by Unique ID, and not by article title. This
ensures that the title of the target article will be cited accurately in the final product, even if the
article title changes between commissioning and going to press.
In the body of an article we would therefore expect to see:
....running text...(see eqr026)...running text...
rather than
....running text...(see Split-Plot Designs)...running text...
where ‘eqr026’ is the Unique ID for the article ‘Split-Plot Designs'.
With regard to lists of related articles we would expect to see the following in the manuscript:
Related Articles
rather than:
Related Articles
Supersaturated Designs
Uniform Designs