October 24, 2011

Associated Student Government
Monday October 24th, 2011
Call to order 3:05 PM
Present: Elsie Floyd, Melissa Childs, Scylise Little, Ethan Garrison, Justin Parker,
Hyunkyu Jun, Ally Cuneo
Not Present: None
Approval of Past Minutes
Melissa motions to approve past minutes
Ethan seconds
Motion passed
Clubs Visitors
1. RHA (Resident Hall Association)
 Have officers, members, and meet all qualifications to become a club
 Attended clubs rush
 President of RHA is Jack Mcguiness
 Is to be a social group that will meet once a month
 May request funds from ASG and will fundraise if necessary
2. DI Ghosties
 Turned in all clubs forms and came to ASG meeting
Approval of Clubs
Ethan motions to approve both the RHA and DI Ghosties Clubs
Scylise seconds
Motion passed
Advisor Report
1. Amber Hastings (OCCSA) wants to know what days ASG has available for a site
visit to SOCC campus, so as to be able to better represent the campus
2. ASG members need to go see Dana in the switchboard office and get proxy cards
3. ASG e-mail accounts have been created and the passwords need to stay the same
or changes need to be sent to Karina
4. The office now has a phone and phone number, which is up on the board
5. One Heart Creations is coming up next week
6. Received external hard-drive
7. Bottles need to be taken to be recycled soon
Executive Reports
Are we having any more movie nights?
Scylise – It’s a possibility
Weekly report slips need to be filled out each week, don’t forget
Vice President elections are soon
Director Reports
Activities Director
Movie night is tomorrow and Ethan will help Scylise with decorating Lakeview A
There will need to be people to help clean up afterwards
Sustainability Director
Went to sustainability committee meeting
Committee wants to increase involvement of students with sustainability, looking
at more bike racks and installing solar panels onto roofs
Communications Director
Laker Loo for this week has been approved but need to be revised and then emailed out, will be put up soon
Clubs Director
Three official clubs so far
Math club is doing very well
Meeting with clubs this week
Clubs room is now only available by request and in advance
Volunteer Director
Went to BnT, we have a general layout for the front of the sweatshirts and gave
them freedom to design the back
BnT is going to send copies of how the sweatshirts will look
Scholarship fund is getting going, but there is lots of paperwork involved that will
take time
Committee Report
Elsie – We will be checking on the textbooks that are currently in the library and figuring
out which textbooks are still needed
Justin and Jun – May be asking senators to help with this project, but it will be up to the
co-chairs of the committee
Scylise – Need to get in contact with Linda to see if and where we could do the wall on
New Buisness
Elsie – Applications for Vice President are due by Friday, October 28th at 5:00 PM and
then candidates have a week to campaign
Old Buisness
Justin moves to approve Nathan as a senator for ASG
Ethan seconds
Motion passed
Other Matters
Karina – Oregon Students of Color Association conference is coming up in three weeks,
it is optional, but a minimum of two people have to go
Ally motions to approve $700 for conference
Melissa seconds
Motion passed
Old business for next week – Allocating funds for printer ink
Meeting adjourned 3:51 PM