Publications Selected Refereed Publications 1. Liu, C. C. (1996). Review of the value of rope-skipping for modern woman. Physical Education Quarterly, 25(3), 48-53. 2. Liu, C. C. (1997). The effect of opening from school physical facility-the case studies of the swimming pool-open of National Pingtung Polytechnic Institute. Physical Education Quarterly, 26(1), 11-17. 3. Liu, C. C. (1997). Effect of interest-option teaching design on college students' physical fitness. Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 6(3), 241-250. 4. Liu, C. C. (1997). Investigation on the certificates and license of national sport coaching system and structure. Physical Education Quarterly, 26(4), 22-28. 5. Liu, C. C. (1998). Research of the impact of sex, grade and life style to elementary pupils’ physical fitness. Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 7(1), 81-91. 6. Liu, C. H., Yang, M. H., Liu, C. C. & Wu, C. T. (1998). Effects of two-week weight reduction by exercise on men Ob Gene expression product Leptin. Bulletin of Tak-Ming Junior College of Commerce, 13, 165-180. 7. Liu, C. C. (2001). A study of the cause-effect relationship among exercise behavior, physical fitness and sport-specific self-concept of college students. Annual Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 1(1), 25-36. 8. Liu, C. C. and Kao C. H. (2002). Research regarding contents of services and infrastructures of sport in relation to tourism destination in Pingtung County. Journal of Taiwan Society for Sport Management, 1, 245-263. 9. Liu, C. C. (2002). Issues and solutions of grassroots sport development in Taiwan. National Sports Quarterly, 31(2), 38-47. 10. Liu, C. C. and Zhuang, Z. R. (2002). A review in the value of Tai-Chi Chuan to the senior citizens’ healthcare. Van Nung Journal, 24, 359-372. 11. Liu, C. C. and L. W. (2002). Monopolized development and antitrust policy in professional sport. Bulletin of Physical Education, 33, 237-250. 12. Liu, C. C. (2002). The relationship of the effect factor among body mass index, body image and sport self-confidence in elementary school children. Bulletin of Physical Education, 33, 223-236. 13. Liu, C. C. and Chou, H. S. (2002). A study on the relationship of university students’ attitude toward physical education and achievement of sport skill. Journal of Physical Education in Higher Education, 4(1), 1-12. 14. Liu, C. C. and Chou, H. S. (2002). Analysis of the socio-cultural characteristics of the hidden curriculum in physical education--Introspection toward the characteristic patterns of hidden curriculum. Journal of Physical Education and sports, 13(1), 13-30. 15. Liu, C. C. and Shen, Y. C. (2002). A study of development and marginality of students’ attitude toward physical education. The University Physical Education & Sports, 63, 88-96. 16. Liu, C. C., Zhuang, Z. R. & Shen, Y. C. (2002). Development of a scale for evaluation of objectives perception tendencies, participation factors and involvement levels of college students toward school’s annual games. Journal of Physical Education in Higher Education, 4(2), 31-44. 17. Liu, C. C. and L. W. (2002). Analysis of management of professional baseball in Taiwan. Sports Management Quarterly, 3, 4-13. 18. Liu, C. C., Zeng, H. X., Wu, C. Y. & Shen, Y. C. (2002). The research of sport competition trait anxiety and sport-specific self-concept on collegiate volleyball players. Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 11(4), 367-377. 19. Liu, C. C. and Chang, C. F. (2002). A comparative study on the patterns of government involvement in sport. Bulletin of Physical Education. 34, 135-148. 20. Liu, C. C. and Yeh, K. T. (2002). An analysis of economic impact of the 2002 intercollegiate athletic competitions of Taiwan on Kaohsiung area. Journal of Taiwan Society for Sport Management, 2, 14-30. 21. Liu, C. C. (2002). Hidden curriculum in pedagogy of sport. In Chou, H. S. (ed.), Pedagogy of sport (pp. 146-170). Taipei: Shtabook. 22. Liu, C. C. (2002). Application of critical incident technique on study of pedagogy of sport. In Chou, H. S. (ed.), Methodology of pedagogy of sport (pp. 65-85). Taipei: Shtabook. 23. Liu, C. C. (2002). The investigation of Motivation, frequency, categories of participation and satisfaction of sport tourism of college students in Taiwan. Pingtung: Rui-Yu. 24. Liu, C. C. and Chang, J. Y. (2003). Physical education phenomenon analyzing and implementing way from multicultural perspective. Journal of National Hsin Chu Teachers College, 17, 165-193. 25. Liu, C. C. (2003). The development and trends of sport tourism. National Sports Quarterly, 32(3),60-67. 26. Liu, C. C. (2003). Involvement of volunteers in physical education and sports. National Sports Quarterly, 32(4),17-26. 27. Chou, H. S. and Liu, C. C. (2003). A study on determinants of attitudes toward physical education in Taiwan. Journal of Physical Education in Higher Education, 6(1),1-16. 28. Liu, C. C. (2004). A study of the policy change of physical education and sport from the central government budget in Taiwan. Bulletin of Physical Education, 37, 203-214. 29. Liu, C. C., Wang, C. T., & Chiou, G. S. (2004). The influence of traditional culture and social change to the Rukais’ sports life and sport achievement– A sample of Rukai Tribe of Wu-Tai in Pingtung. Journal of National University of Tainan, 38(2), 91-113. 30. Liu, C. C. (2005). Impact of university evaluation to the leisure-related departments. Sports Management Quarterly, 9, 17-26. 31. Liu, C. C., Chang, C. M., Liu, Y. H., and Hung, C. H. (2005). A study of tourists’ motivation, expectation, satisfaction and property on diversity sport tourism. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management, 2 (2), 24-36. 32. Liu, C. C., Jiang, P. Y., Li, C. J., Wei, L. N., and Wang, J. B. (2005). A study of tourists’ recreation motivations and satisfactions at Taiwan Aboriginal Culture Park. The proceeding on TASSM 2005 Conference (Shu-Te University of Science and Technology 2005/11/03-05),46-60. 33. Liu, C. C., Lee, H. C., and Chuang, C. J. (2006). Survey of motivating factors, activity forms and the nature of experiences among sport tourists--A case study in Heng-Chun Peninsula tourism destination district. Bulletin of Physical Education, 39(4), 149-161. 34. Liu, C. C. (2007). Analysis of Taiwan's ocean-based sports tourist development. National Sports Quarterly, 36(3),22-31. 35. Liu, C. C., Chuang, C. J., Chen, C. N., Lin, Y. S., Chen, P. C., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A study of sport tourism’s impacts on the local socio-culture-- A Case Study of Kenting Traveling Destination. Journal of Physical education, 14 (Supp), 11-16. 36. Chuang, C. J., Liu, C. C., Yeh, H. Y., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A case study of travel disputes in sports event tourism-- An example of baseball cheering team at 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. Journal of Physical education, 14 (Supp), 17-21. 37. Liu, C. C., Chuang, C. J., Change, C. C., Hsieh, H. Y., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A compared study of service quality satisfaction during different carrying capacity in the recreational facilities and services-- A case study in Bblue Lagoon Hydrophilic Theme Park in Kaohsiung on Taiwan. 14 (Supp), 49-53. 38. Liu, C. C., Lu, Y. Y., Jeng, C. M., Huag, L. C., Tzeng, Y. Z., Lin, Y. F., & Tsai, P. J. (2008/4). A study of Taiwanese experience marketing and involvement towards festival events in Taiwan. Journal of Sport Knowledge, 5,353-369. 39. Kao, C. H. & Liu, C. C. (2008). The effect of enhancing sport participation behavior with promotion strategy intervention. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management, 5 (2), 31 -42. 40. Liu, C. C., Liu, Y. H. & Meng, H. J. (2008/12). A study of construct and measure a model for people’s benefit recognition of local festival events in Taiwan. Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(2),134-155. 41. Liu, C. C., Chuang L. Y., Chen, H. H., & Lee, L. S. (2009). A Study of The Relationship of Consumers’ Psychological Factor and Consumers Satisfactions towards Hakka Specialty industry: A Case Study of Nei-Pu Pingtung. NPUST Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3 (1), 146-161. 42. Liu, C. C., Liu, Y. H. & Ma, S. M. (2009). A Study of Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Professionals in Physical Education and Sports. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management, 2009, 6 (2), 157 – 175. 43. Liu, C. C. (2010). The social and economic benefits of development of sports industry. National Sports Quarterly, 39(1),38-44. 44. Liu, C. C., & Lu, I. Y. (2010). Sport tourism development and internationalization. Journal of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, 34, 5-6. 45. Liu, C. C., & Chang, Y. J. (2010). A Study of the Relationship between the Interest Association, Perceived impacts and benefits cognitive of mega sport event venue facilities in Taiwan: A case of the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management, 2010, 7 (2), 30 –41. 46. The relationship of administrative organizations between central and local of sports. National Sports Quarterly, 39(4), 60-67. Conference Papers 1. Liu, C. C. (1997). The relationships between college students' involvement and satisfaction with interest-divided physical education program. Proceeding of the Conference on Physical Education and Sports 1997, Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation, 409-425. 2. Liu, C. C. (1998). Research on sport-specific self-concept of collegiate students. Proceeding of 1998 Asian Conference of Sport Science and Physical Education ( January 21-23, 1998), 123-132. 3. Liu, C. C. (1998). A study of relationships between collegiate students’ physical fitness and sport-specific self-concept. Proceeding of the Conference on Physical Education and Sports 1998, Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation, 485-495. 4. Liu, C. C. & Huang, M.Y. (1998). Comparative research on the sport competition trait anxiety and sport-specific self-concept of badminton players across Taiwan Strait. Proceeding of the 1998 International Coaching Symposium of Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation. 5. Liu, C. C. (1999). The effect of physical education on fitness, fitness knowledge, fitness attitude, exercising frequency and sport-specific self-concept of collegiate students. Proceeding of the International Conference on Physical Education and Fitness Education In National Pingtung Teachers College (May, 6-7, 1999), 46-62. 6. Liu, C. C. (2000). A Comparison of primary school students on sport-specific self-concept. Proceeding of the Conference on Physical Education and Sports 2000, Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation, 331-336. 7. Liu, C. C. (2001). The effects of socioeconomic status, sport experiences, sport attitudes, and ages on sport behavior and fitness of university students. Proceeding of AIESEP Taiwan 2001 International Conference (National Taiwan Normal University 90/6/20-22), 21-22. 8. Liu, C. C. (2001). Analysis and strategy of the athlete’s deviant behavior of doping in Taiwan. Proceeding of the 2001 Conference of Reform Strategy on Physical Education (Culture University 90/6/28-29), 40. 9. Liu, C. C. & Chiou G. S. (2001). Problems and challenges of professional baseball development in Taiwan in past ten years (1990-1999). Proceeding of the 4th Seminar of History in Physical Education and Sports for North Eastern Asia (China Cheng-Du, 2001/08/3-6), 305-307. 10. Liu, C. C. (2001). A study on the relationship of causes and effects on sport behavior, fitness and sport-specific self-concept of college students in Taiwan. Proceeding of the 2001 FISU Congress (Beijing, 2001/08/22-26). 11. Liu, C. C. (2001). The relationship of the effect factor among body mass index, body image and sport self-confidence in elementary school children. Proceeding on Conference of National Society of Physical Education, R.O.C., 31. 12. Liu, C. C. and Zhuang, Z. R. (2002). Development of a scale for evaluation of objectives perception tendencies, participation factors and involvement levels of college students toward school’s annual games. Proceeding of Conference on Physical Education and Sports 2002, CTUSF, 289-299. 13. Liu, C. C. (2002). The relationship of sex-role, socioeconomic status, significant other with recreational sport attitude, recreational sport participation and recreational sport experiences of college students. Proceeding of International Conference on Sports and Leisure Management 2002, R.O.C., 84. 14. Liu, C. C. and Hsu, C. M. (2003). The confirmation of participation motivation scale of sport tourism -The case of college students. The proceeding on International Conference of Sprort Marketing-FitnessClub Management(Asia World Plaza, Oct 18-19, 2003),28-29. 15. Liu, C. C. (2003). A study of the policy change of physical education from the budget analysis of Taiwan government. The proceeding on The 5th Seminar of History in Physical Education & Sport for North Eastern Asia (Wufeng Institute of Technology, Dec 19-23 2003), 303-305. 16. Liu, C. C. (2003). A study of tourists’ motivation, expectation, satisfaction and property on diversity sport tourism. The proceeding on 2003 Conference of Sport Tourism and management of leisure industry (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 2003/12/27-28),146-147. 17. Liu, C. C., Zeng, H. X., Chen, W. C., and Shen, Y. C. (2003). Compared study of satisfaction of sport tourists. The proceeding on 2003 Conference of Sport Tourism and management of leisure industry (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 2003/12/27-28),351-360. 18. Liu, C. C., Jiang, P. Y., Li, C. J., Wei, L. N., and Wang, J. B. (2005). A study of tourists’ recreation motivations and satisfactions at Taiwan Aboriginal Culture Park. The proceeding on TASSM 2005 Conference (Shu-Te University of Science and Technology 2005/11/03-05),46-60. 19. Liu, C. C., Huang, C. H., Liu, Y. H. (2006). A study of motivation, constraints, participating classification and experience nature of sport tourism in Taiwan. The 9th World Leisure Congress (Oct, 6-11, 2006, Hangzhou China). 20. Liu, C. C., Wu, C. Y., & Wu, C. G. (2006). A study of sport tourism’s Impacts on the local economic-- A Case Study of Kenting Traveling Destination. proceeding on 2006 Taiwan Allied Conference for Physical Education and Sport Academic Organizations(National Taiwan Normal University, 2006/12/16-17)), 34. 47. Liu, C. C., Wu, C. Y., & Chang S. M. (2006). A study of purchasing motivation, satisfaction of health care tourist in Heng-Chun Peninsula tourism destination district, (National Taiwan Normal University, 2006/12/16-17)), 197. 48. Liu, C. C., Lee, J. Z., Jiang, M. J., Jiang, P. R., Chen, M. H., & Xu, M. J. (2007). A study of stadium service index and service quality--Case studies of stadiums in Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County. The proceeding on 2007 Conference of management of sport and leisure industry (The department of kinesiology, health, leisure and recreation of Chienkuo Technology University 2007/04/28), 1, 365-375. 49. Liu, C. C., Zhuang, L. Y., & Chen, H. H. (2007). An inventory for the scale development of consumer psychological measurement of Hakka specialty cultural industry. The proceeding on Conference of history and perspective of Hakka culture (Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan hosting; Graduate Institute of Hakka industry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 2007/09/21-22), 2. 50. Liu, C. C., Chuang, C. J., Chen, C. N., Lin, Y. S., Chen, P. C., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A study of sport tourism’s impacts on the local socio-culture-- A Case Study of Kenting Traveling Destination. The proceeding on International Conference of Third (2007) Social Sport (Hua-Nan University of Science and engineering, Hua-Nan University of Norma, PRC, 2007/11/1-3), 245-247. 51. Liu, C. C., Chuang, C. J., Change, C. C., Hsieh, H. Y., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A compared study of service quality satisfaction during different carrying capacity in the recreational facilities and services-- A case study in Bblue Lagoon Hydrophilic Theme Park in Kaohsiung on Taiwan. 14 (Supp), 284-285. 52. Chuang, C. J., Liu, C. C., Yeh, H. Y., & Chiang, M. S. (2007). A case study of travel disputes in sports event tourism-- An example of baseball cheering team at 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. The proceeding on International Conference of Third (2007) Social Sport (Hua-Nan University of Science and engineering, Hua-Nan Normal University, PRC, 2007/11/1-3), 309. 53. Liu, C. C., Ma, H. P., Liu, L. F., & Shen, Y. S. (2007). A study of physical activity and regular exercises among nationals in Taiwan. The proceeding on International Conference on Physical Activity and Health Promotion (The Department of Recreation Sports and Health Promotion, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 2007/11/10-11), 113. 54. Liu, C. C., Chang, I. J., Chen, Y. P., Chu, F. Y., & Chen, J.Y. (2007). A comparative study on products, management strategies of different leisure industries. proceeding on 2007 Taiwan Allied Conference for Physical Education and Sport Academic Organizations(Taiwan Society for Sport Management hosting, inNational Taiwan University, 2007/12/15-16)),143-144. 55. Liu, C. C., Chen, Y. P., Chang, I. J., Chu, F. Y., & Chen, J.Y. (2007). A comparative study on customer service procedures of different leisure industries. proceeding on 2007 Taiwan Allied Conference for Physical Education and Sport Academic Organizations(Taiwan Society for Sport Management hosting, inNational Taiwan University, 2007/12/15-16)),145-146. 56. Liu, C. C., Huag, L. C., Tzeng, Y. Z., Lin, Y. F., & Tsai, P. J. (2008/4). A study of Taiwanese citizens’ participating behaviors in local festival events. The proceeding on 2008 Conference of management of sport and leisure industry (The department of kinesiology, health, leisure and recreation of Chienkuo Technology University 2008/04/26), 2, 508-517. 57. Liu, C. C., Tzeng, Y. Z., Jeng, C. M., Huag, L. C., , Lin, Y. F., & Tsai, P. J. (2008/5). A Study of Taiwanese Loyalty and Benefit Cognitive towards Festival Event. Proceeding of 2008 International Sport Knowledge Conference (The Idea of Aletheia University, 2008/05/24), 46-60. 58. Chuang, L. Y., Liu, C. C., & Chen, H. H. (2008/6). A study of the participates and marketing strategy of Hakka cultural industry in Nei-pu Tung. Proceedings of 2008 Conference of Multi-Culture and Industry Development (Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry, Pingtung, 6, June, 2008), 319-328). 59. Chang, C. Y., Liu, C. C., Liu, Y. H., & Ni, K. L. (2008/6). A study of active sport tourism participation and the characteristics of sport tourists in Taiwan. The 7th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students’ Research in Tourism & Hospitality. 3-4 June 2008, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA. 60. Liu, C. C., Chuang, C. J., Jeng, C. M., Huag, L. C., Tzeng, Y. J., Lin, Y. F., Tsai, P. J., & Liu, Y. H. (2008/6). A study of people’s marketing experience, involvement, loyalty, and benefit cognitive towards local festival events in Taiwan. The 7th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students’ Research in Tourism & Hospitality. 3-4 June 2008, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA. 61. Liu, C. C., Chang, C. Y., Chen, C. N., Liu, Y. H., & Ni, K. L. (2008/6). A study of sport tourism’s environmental impact: A case study of Kenting traveling destination in Taiwan. The 7th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students’ Research in Tourism & Hospitality. 3-4 June 2008, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA. (accepted) 62. Liu, C. C., Chuang, L. Y., & Chen, H. H. (2008/10). A study of the relationship of consumers’ psychological factor and consumers satisfactions towards Hakka specialty products--A case study of Liu-Dui and Nei-pu Tung. 2008 Conference of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and University of Science and Technology Beijing(University of Science and Technology Beijing, 18-19, 10, 2008). 63. Liu, C. C., Liu, Y. H., & Chang, C. Y. (2008/11). A study of construct and measure a model for people’s benefit recognition towards local festival events in Taiwan. Proceedings 4th Asian Association for Sport Management Conference, 495. (hosted by Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, CRU, Bangkok, November, 26-29, 2008), 495. 64. Liu, C. C., Chang, C. J., & Ma, S. M. (2009). A study of the participation and consumption of sport tourism among different socio-economic status in Taiwan. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociology of Leisure (RC 13) Mid-term Conference (held on 23-26 October 2009 in Beijing, China). Abstracts, 35-36. 65. Ma, S. M., Ma, S. C., & Liu, C. C. (2009). The Role of Psychological Well-Being in Leisure Participation. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociology of Leisure (RC 13) Mid-term Conference (held on 23-26 October 2009 in Beijing, China). Abstracts, 31-32. 66. Liu, C. C., Lee, C. H., Tsai, F. H., Chen, Z. M., & Lee, S. Y. (2010).A Study of the Socialization into Sport and Motivations of Athletes in Taiwan. Proceeding of The 4th Forum of Social Sport of China (2010/09/19-22 Shanghai Normal University)。 67. Liu, C. C., Chang, C. J., Lee, C.H., & Chang, Y. J. (2010). A Study of the Relationship between the Interest Association, Perceived Impacts and Benefits Cognitive of Mega Sport Event Venue Facilities in Taiwan. Proceeding of The 16th Asian Games Science Congress, 297-298 (2010/10/9-12, Sport University, Guangzhou, China)。 68. .Chang, C. J. & Liu, C. C. (2010). A Revised Leisure Model Base on the Older Adults' Recreation Sports Interaction. Proceeding of The 16th Asian Games Science Congress, 82 (2010/10/9-12, Sport University, Guangzhou, China)。 Book or Book Chapter 1. Liu, C. C. (1998). Effect of Interest-Option Teaching Design on College Students' Physical Fitness. Pingtung, Taiwan: Rui-Yu Press. 2. Liu, C. C. (2000). Comparative Study of manpower supply and demand trends Social Change in the physical education in Taiwan. In G. S. Chiou, et al., The thinking of administrative management of physical education ( pp. 213-234). Taipei, Taiwan: Sage. (ISBN 957-496-170-2) 3. Liu, C. C. (2002). The potential curriculum of sport pedagogy. In H. S. Chou, et al., Sport pedagogy.Taipei, Taiwan: Sage. (SBN 957-496-266-0) 4. Liu, C. C. (2002). The application of Critical incident analysis in sport pedagogy research. In H. S. Chou, et al., The Research Methods of sport pedagogy (pp. 65-85). Taipei, Taiwan: Sage. (ISBN 957-496-287-3) 5. Liu, C. C. (2002). The Investigation of Motivation, Frequency, Categories of Participation and Satisfaction of Sport Tourism of College Students in Taiwan. Pingtung, Taiwan: Rui-Yu Press. (ISBN 957-8747-30-6) 6. Liu, C. C. (2005). A Study of Participation Status of Sport Tourism in Taiwan. Pingtung, Taiwan: Rui-Yu Press. (ISBN 957-8747-47-0) 7. Liu, C. C. (2007). A study of sport tourism’s impacts on the socio-culture, environment and economic-- A case study of the Kengting traveling destination. Pingtung, Taiwan: Rui-Yu Press. (ISBN 978-957-8747-66-1) 8. Liu, C. C. & Chiou, G. S. (2008). The policy changes in physical education and sport in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan: Hua Hin Press. (ISBN 978-957-29909-7-1) 9. Chiou, G. S., Liu, C. C., Kwan, W. Y., Chen, G. Y., Chang, J. Y., & Yang, Z. W. (2009). Introduction to sport administration. Taichung, Taiwan: Wagner Press. (ISBN-9789866335242 10. Liu, C. C. (2010). Sport tourism. Taipei, Taiwan: Huadu. (ISBN 978-986-6860-91-1)