Supporting Information Nanoprecipitation for Ultrafiltration Membranes Qifeng Wang,†,‡ Sadaki Samitsu,† Yoshihisa Fujii,† Chiaki Yoshikawa,§ Toyohide Miyazaki,† Hidekuni Banno,† and Izumi Ichinose*,† † Polymer Materials Unit, National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050044, Japan § Biomaterials Unit, National Institute for Materials Science, 2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan ‡ Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, United States (Present address) E-mail: Phase separation in nanoprecipitation In general, the use of a very good solvent for a polymer brings about delayed demixing of the polymer solution and leads to coarsening of the phase separation structure. This has been widely investigated with regard to the fabrication of porous membranes. As an example, the binodal curves of the polymer/NMP/water and polymer/THF/water systems are illustrated in the diagram to the right (Mulder, M., Basic Principles of Membrane Technology, 2nd ed.; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997; pp 123-140). When using NMP, demixing of the polymer solution occurs rapidly with the addition of a small amount of water and the resulting polymer-rich phase contains a small amount of NMP. In contrast, demixing of the polymer in tetrahydrofuran (THF) proceeds slowly and the polymer-rich phase contains a significant amount of THF, as shown by the tie line in the phase diagram. In our nanoprecipitation process, delayed demixing produced coarse polymer nanoparticles that contained a large 1 amount of THF. Conversely, NMP induced instantaneous demixing of the polymer solution and generated small, rigid nanoparticles that assembled into fibrous nanoparticle fibers. Similarly, polystyrene (PS; Mw 480,000 by GPC) nanoparticle fibers were obtainable using a NMP/ethanol system but were not achieved using THF. In the present study, therefore, we frequently used NMP as a good solvent for polymers. Preparation of ultrafiltration membranes In a typical experiment, a dispersion of polymer nanoparticle fibers containing 0.1 mg of the polymer was filtered through a CA filter with an effective area of 2.27 cm2. The polymer weight (0.1 mg) corresponds to volumes of 5, 2 and 30 mL of the PVPh, PVDF and PANI solutions, respectively. The filtration volume could be varied based on the effective area of the CA filter or the desired thickness of the ultrafiltration membrane. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the surface of a CA filter with a 200 nm cut-off is shown to the right. This image was obtained using a Hitachi S-4800 after coating the specimen with a 2 nm thick platinum layer to prevent electric charging effects. The filter evidently has many pores several micrometers in diameter, and these pores can be well covered by filtering a dispersion of polymer nanoparticle fibers. PVDF nanoparticle fibers were usually prepared from 1 mL of a NMP solution of PVDF (1.0 mg mL-1) and 19 mL of ethanol, using this dispersion for the preparation of the nanoparticle membranes. The choice of ethanol as a poor solvent was important so as to realize a high rejection rate for 5 nm Au nanoparticles. Figure S1 shows SEM images of PVDF nanoparticle membranes prepared using water and a water/ethanol mixture as the poor solvents as well as an image of a typical membrane obtained with ethanol. When using a 1:1 water/ethanol mixture, the membrane exhibited large pores, while employing water as the poor solvent gave a more defined nanoparticle morphology with increased porosity. PVDF nanoparticles prepared with water seemed to be the most rigid, while the nanoparticles prepared with ethanol as the poor solvent were relatively soft and sticky. In the latter case, the PVDF nanoparticles likely contained small amounts of NMP and ethanol. 2 A B C Figure S1. SEM images of PVDF nanoparticle membranes prepared using different poor solvents: (a) water, (b) water/ethanol (1:1 v/v) and (c) ethanol. Evaluation of filtration performance Figure S2 shows the changes in the UV-vis absorption spectra of 10 nm Au nanoparticle solutions before and after filtration. The red spectra with an absorption peak near 520 nm correspond to the original feed solutions. In the cases of PVPh and PVDF nanoparticle membranes, this peak almost disappeared in the filtrates (blue spectra), indicating 99% and 98% rejection. The filtrate from a PANI nanoparticle membrane retained a very weak peak due to the 10 nm Au nanoparticles, from which the rejection rate was calculated to be 95%. As shown by the green spectra, the concentration of the Au nanoparticles was approximately doubled when half of the feed solution had been filtered, indicating that the removal of the Au nanoparticles was achieved by filtration, not by adsorption. Figure S2. UV-vis spectra of 10 nm Au nanoparticle solutions before and after filtration with PVPh, PVDF and PANI nanoparticle membranes. Red, blue, and green spectra are feed, filtrate and concentrated solutions, respectively. The spectra were obtained when 4.91, 5.04 and 4.75 mL of 10 nm Au nanoparticle solutions (10 mL) were filtered by PVPh, PVDF and PANI membranes, respectively. 3 Pressure resistance of nanoparticle membranes Figure S3 shows the water fluxes of PVPh, PVDF and PANI nanoparticle membranes at high pressures. These membranes were prepared using 0.1 mg of the corresponding polymer on a CA filter (effective area: 2.27 cm2). The membrane thicknesses are shown in Figure S4. The water flux of the PVPh nanoparticle membrane increased linearly up to 0.4 MPa with a slight change in slope at this pressure, after which the flux again increased linearly up to 2.0 MPa. The PVDF nanoparticle membrane showed linear flux increases up to 0.5 MPa, and then up to 1.4 MPa with a slightly decreased slope. However, the flux obtained from this membrane at a pressure difference of 2.0 MPa deviated considerably from linearity, likely due to the decrease in porosity of the membrane at such a high pressure. The PANI nanoparticle membrane showed the same tendency as the PVPh membrane up to 0.9 MPa, although a large increase in flux was observed at 1.4 MPa, most probably resulting from the formation of small cracks in the membrane and the associated increase in leakage. However, it is safe to say that none of these nanoparticle membranes exhibited significant structural changes up to a pressure of 0.9 MPa. Figure S3. Water fluxes of polymer nanoparticle membranes at high pressures. Control of membrane thickness Figure S4 summarizes the relationship between the thicknesses of PVPh, PVDF and PANI nanoparticle membranes and the polymer mass used in the preparation of the corresponding polymer nanoparticle fibers. As discussed in our communication, some portion of the polymer is lost in the filtration process, judging from the thickness and density of the porous membranes. Since the CA filters had pores several micrometers in diameters, it is possible for fragments of the polymer nanoparticle fibrous network to pass into or through the filter. However, since a portion of each polymer dispersion forms an extended network structure, the 4 thickness of the nanoparticle membranes still increases as the polymer mass used to produce the nanoparticle dispersion increases. Figure S4. Thicknesses of polymer nanoparticle membranes prepared using various polymer masses. Water fluxes under different pH conditions Figure S5 presents the water fluxes of PVPh, PANI and PVDF nanoparticle membranes over the pH range of 2.0 to 12.0. These membranes were prepared in the same manner as those summarized in Table 1 and the pH was adjusted using either HCl or NaOH. The water flux was measured at a pressure difference of -0.08 MPa. The water flux of the PVDF nanoparticle membrane did not show any remarkable changes over this pH range, while the PANI membrane flux decreased slightly at lower pH values. In contrast, the PVPh membrane flux was stable at low pH, but unstable at a pH of 12.0. It is well known that the phenol groups of PVPh deprotonate at high pH values and so this membrane is likely to be slightly expanded at pH 12.0 such that the pore sizes are increased. Notwithstanding the flux variations, these three membranes were all stable over the range of pH 2.0 – 10.0. Figure S5. Water fluxes of polymer nanoparticle membranes under different pH conditions. 5 Figure S6 shows the reversible color change of a PANI nanoparticle membrane. The color of this membrane changed from blue to green when water with a pH of 2.0 was filtered through it and returned to blue when water at a pH of 3.0 was filtered (note that, due to the reflection of light from the membrane, the photographic images appear to have different colors). Figure S6. Photographic images of a PANI nanoparticle membrane at pH 2.0 and 3.0. Pore size control using nanoparticle porogens Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with relatively large pores were prepared by mixing porogen nanoparticles into the dispersions of polymer nanoparticle fibers. In one trial, 4 mL of an ethanol solution of PVPh (0.5 mg mL-1, 50 °C) were added to 96 mL of water (30 °C) with vigorous stirring. After 5 min the volume was adjusted to 100 mL with water. In addition, 1 mL of a NMP solution of PVDF (1.0 mg mL-1, 25 °C) was mixed with 19 mL of ethanol (25 °C) in a similar manner. The resultant dispersions of PVPh nanoparticle fibers (10 mL) and PVDF nanoparticle fibers (10 mL) were mixed, after which 2 mL of the mixed dispersion was filtered through a CA filter (effective area: 2.27 cm2). The resulting PVPh/PVDF nanoparticle membrane was treated with 20 mL of ethanol to dissolve the PVPh in the membrane and then immersed in boiling water for 10 min to improve the mechanical properties of the membrane. The above UF membrane prepared by the removal of PVPh nanoparticles showed an extremely high water flux of 3270 L m-2h-1 at a pressure difference of -0.08 MPa, and its rejection of 40 nm Au nanoparticles was 98% or greater. In sharp contrast, the rejection of 20 nm Au nanoparticles was less than 10%, indicating that many pores greater than 20 nm were formed by the removal of the PVPh nanoparticle porogen. This membrane was stable for drying and storage at an ambient temperature. 6 Large-area nanoparticle membrane Our filtration-based process for the fabrication of polymer nanoparticle membranes has also been applied to the manufacture of large-area ultrafiltration membranes. Figure S7 shows a photographic image of a PVDF nanoparticle membrane with an area of approximately 1000 cm2. We have confirmed that all areas of this membrane show excellent rejection properties, as reported in our communication. To increase the ease of handling of this material, the membrane was frequently treated with hot water or hot glycerin. Figure S7. Photographic image of a large-area PVDF nanoparticle membrane. 7