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Activities for Probeware Temperature Probe
By Jim Dyer and Dustan Smith
Indiana Science Indicators Addressed:
Give examples of different ways scientists investigate natural phenomena
and identify processes all scientists use, such as collection of relevant
evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the application of imagination
in devising hypotheses and explanations, in order to make sense of
Explain that computers have become invaluable in science because they
speed up and extend people’s ability to collect, store, compile, and analyze
data; prepare research reports; and share data and ideas with
investigators all over the world.
Explain that technology is essential to science for such purposes as
access to outer space and other remote locations, sample collection and
treatment, measurement, data collection and storage, computation, and
communication of information.
Use technology, such as calculators or computer spreadsheets, in analysis
of data.
Select tools, such as cameras and tape recorders, for capturing
Read simple tables and graphs produced by others and describe in words
what they show.
Analyze and interpret a given set of findings, demonstrating that there
may be more than one good way to do so.
Investigate and describe that when a new material, such as concrete, is
made by combining two or more materials, it has properties that are
different from the original materials.
Demonstrate how graphs may help to show patterns—such as trends,
varying rates of change, gaps or clusters—which can be used to make
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Use logical reasoning to predict what will be observed.
 Read a graph and identify trends in the data.
 Explain that computers play an important role in the collection and analysis
of scientific data.
 Describe that new materials have different properties then what it comes
Quick Background/Overview:
The main purpose of these activities is to acquaint the user with the Probeware
software with a specific focus on using a temperature probe. The first activity is
a comparison of the insulating abilities of a normal plastic drinking cup and a
Styrofoam drinking cup. The first half of the activity involves observing how fast
hot water cools in each of the cups, while the second half involves observing how
fast cold water heats up in each of the cups.
The second activity is designed to observe the temperature changes associated
with exothermic and endothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions are those that
give off heat during the reaction and thus the temperature increases.
Endothermic reactions absorb heat during the reaction and thus the temperature
Note: If using Probeware is new to you, it is highly recommended that you visit the
Appendix section at the end of this activity to get yourself acquainted with the
Setup Temperature Sensor
Connect USB Link to Computer
Connect Temperature Probe to USB
(or to Xplorer GLX)
Setup the Probeware Software
Open PASPortal:
Here are three (3) ways to open PASPortal:
1) Select the quick-launch button for PASPortal (
) on the Taskbar, or
2) the desktop “Shortcut” link for PASPortal/DataStudio (
), or
3) if the “shortcut” is not visible on the desktop then try the long version: Select
the [Start] button on the Taskbar  Select [All Programs]  Place cursor over
[DataStudio] folder  Launch [DataStudio] Program.
Open DataStudio
Select “Create an Experiment”
Your screen should look like this now (below). The Probeware system is ready to
collect data. Note: For Macintosh users, the program my skip past the “Create
Experiment” step and go directly to a screen like the one below.
Which Insulates Better - Plastic Cup or Styrofoam Cup?
 Hot water source, e.g. coffee maker, hot plate (between 45 - 55 °C)
 Cold water source, e.g. ice water (around 0 °C)
 Ice (It may be convenient to store the ice in a Styrofoam container before
it is needed for the experiment.)
 8 oz (240 mL) plastic cups (widebottom) Solo
 8 oz (240 mL) Styrofoam cups (approximately the same size and shape as
the plastic cups)
 plastic teaspoon (for gentle stirring)
Set up experiment
1. If the temperature probe is not already set up, please do so as shown above.
2. Add 4 oz (120 mL) hot water to the cup (plastic cup for the first trial and
Styrofoam cup for the second trial). 4 oz (or 120 mL) is about half of the
cup’s volume. The key is to have a consistent volume of water for each of
the trials.
3. Place the temperature sensor in the hot water and click the Start button (
) in DataStudio or (
) on the Xplorer to begin collecting data.
Collect data for ten (10) minutes. (To see a more significant cooling “curve”
then you may elect to collect data for a significantly longer time. This may
be done during a different day so it can be run in the background during
other class lessons.)
4. After the data collection time period (ten minutes) is up, click the Stop
button (
) in DataStudio or (
) on the Xplorer to end data
*** If you have collected data remotely using Xplorer, your data can be
downloaded to the computer automatically. Connect the Xplorer to the USB
port on your computer using the cable provided, and follow the on-screen
Now would be a good time to save the data. Select [File], [Save As]. Select an
appropriate name for your file. This is just for safety reasons, so you do not
happen to lose the data. You will be able to analyze and manipulate the data and
resave the data later.
*** Adjust the scaling of your graph to fit nicely by selecting the “Scale to Fit”
for scaling.
My graph before “Scale to Fit”
After “Scale to Fit”
There is a lot you can do with DataStudio. If you are unfamiliar with navigating
around DataStudio, it is recommended that you visit the Appendix at the end of
this set of activities to learn a few of the more useful functions for this set.
Other Helpful DataStudio Tools:
 Use the Smart Tool ( ) to pinpoint starting and ending temperatures.
 Use DataStudio’s Note Tool ( ) to add annotations to your graphs.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the Styrofoam cup. Note: It is critical that the
starting temperatures be about the same (within 1 degree Celsius)!!! The
following is a sample result.
 When you select the [Start] button for the second set of data, it should
begin charting the data on the same graph as the first set of data.
Analysis for hot water in Styrofoam cup
 These downward sloping curves on the graph are called “cooling curves”. How
does the cooling curve for the hot water in the Styrofoam cup compare to
the cooling curve for the hot water in the plastic cup?
 Determine temperature change over the 10 minute period for each of the
curves. [Hint: Subtract the temperature at 10 minutes from the beginning
 What is the rate of heating/cooling (i.e. degrees/minute) for each of the
Perform the same experiment, except this time with ice-water. (Directions
Set up experiment (for ice-water)
 Add 4 oz (120 mL) ice-water to an empty plastic cup (Remember: The key to
good results is to have a consistent starting volume of water and a
consistent starting temperature between the two trials.) (Use a plastic cup
for the first trial and Styrofoam cup for the second trial.) *** Careful Make sure that no "ice" from the ice-water mixture gets into the
experimental cup!!! The reason is that any remaining ice in the cup will keep
the water from heating up, and it is the rate of heating we are trying to
observe. ***
Place probe in water
Start data collection (
). You can collect data on the same chart
as for the hot water experiments if you’d like.
Collect data for ten (10) minutes (to see a more significant "curve" then you
make elect to collect data for a significantly longer time. This may be
suggested to do during a different lab day and have it run in the background
while other class lessons are going on.
Stop data collection (
Save the activity: [File], [Save Activity As…], select a useful filename.
Check Graph to see if it looks smooth.
Use the “Scale to Fit” button
to optimize chart viewing.
Use the Smart Tool ( ) to pinpoint starting and ending temperatures.
Use DataStudio’s Note Tool ( ) to add annotations to your graphs.
Resave the activity: [File], [Save Activity].
Repeat ice-water experiment using a Styrofoam cup
Ice water (heating up) in plastic cup
Plastic cup vs. Styrofoam cup
Analysis for ice water in plastic cup
 Did the temperature change between the beginning of the experiment and
the end?
 Did it get warmer or colder?
 Determine temperature change over the 10 minute period for the plastic
cup. Subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature (at 10
What is the rate of heating/cooling (i.e. degrees/minute) for of the water in
the plastic cup?
Why do you think the temperature changed this way?
Analysis for ice water in Styrofoam cup
 How does the curve for the ice water in the Styrofoam cup compare to the
curve for the ice water in the plastic cup?
 Determine temperature change over the 10 minute period for the Styrofoam
cup. Subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature (at 10
 What is the rate of heating/cooling (i.e. degrees/minute) for of the water in
the Styrofoam cup?
 How do the rates of heating/cooling compare for each of the curves?
Discussion Items
 Based on your results, what can you say about the ability of the Styrofoam
cup to help keep hot water hot and cold water cold when compared to a
plastic cup?
(The following graph summarizes the cooling and heating curves.)
If there is a difference, why do you think there is a difference?
Which material is more effective at reducing the amount of temperature
Offer suggestions to further reduce the temperature change in future
experiments. [Examples: Use “nested” Styrofoam cups. Use a cardboard lid
to prevent heat loss out of the top of the cup.]
What are some other places where we use substances to keep something hot
or cold?
Exothermic Reaction - CaCl2 dissolving in water
 CaCl2 - from Driveway "Heat" by Prestone?
 Water (room temperature – prepare enough for your class ahead of time so
that the water temperature equals the temperature of the room)
 8 oz (240 mL) Styrofoam coffee cup
 Plastic teaspoon
Set up experiment
Materials for Exothermic Reaction
Collecting data
Add 4 oz (120 mL) water (room temperature) to the Styrofoam cup (~half
full). [Hint: Fill the cup consistently for each experiment.]
Place probe in water
Allow system to equilibrate (a fancy way of saying, “Let the temperature
stabilize.”). This should not be a problem if the water is already at room
Measure out 4 teaspoons (tsp) of CaCl2 in a separate (and dry) cup
Collect data (i.e. Hit the [Start] button) for about 10 seconds to establish a
baseline. (Obtaining a baseline means, “Let the temperature stabilize so you
have a clear starting temperature.”)
Add CaCl2 (from the dry cup) to the water and stir smoothly and
continuously with the spoon. [Note: do not allow the CaCl2 to “stick” to the
probe. This will create “hot spots” on the probe and cause temperature
“spikes” in the data.]
Collect data for 90-120 seconds (with continuous stirring)
Stop data collection.
Save the activity.
Check Graph to see if it is nice and smooth and that it is easy to determine
the temperatures at the bottom and top of the curve. (See graph below as
an example.) If it looks too erratic you may consider re-running the
Use the “Scale to Fit” button
to optimize chart viewing.
Use the Smart Tool ( ) to pinpoint starting and ending temperatures.
Use DataStudio’s Note Tool ( ) to add annotations to your graphs.
Save the activity under an appropriate filename.
 Did the temperature change?
 Did it get warmer or colder?
 Determine the temperature
change for this experiment.
 Predict what the temperature
change would be if you only
used 2 tsp of CaCl2.
 Why do you think the temperature changed?
 Do you think you could add enough CaCl2 that you could boil water?
 What are some specific uses you can think of for CaCl2?
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Endothermic Reaction - Baking Soda (NaHCO3) in Vinegar (acetic acid CH3CH2COOH)
 Baking soda
 Vinegar (Vinegar allows for more baking soda to react/dissolve, thus creating a
greater temperature drop than if mixed with just water.)
 8 oz (240 mL) Styrofoam coffee cups
 Plastic teaspoon
Set up experiment
 Add 4 oz (120 mL) vinegar (room temp) to the Styrofoam cup. (Cup should be about
half full.)
 Place probe in vinegar.
 Allow system to equilibrate
 Measure out 4 teaspoons (tsp) of baking soda in a separate “dry” cup
 Collect data (i.e. Hit the [Start] button) for about 10 seconds to establish a
 Add baking soda (from the dry cup) to the vinegar “slowly” and stir with the spoon.
Add the baking soda slow enough that the bubbles do not overflow out of the cup.
Keep adding and stirring until all of the baking soda has been added.
 Collect data for 90-120 seconds (with continuous stirring)
 Stop data collection
 Save the activity.
 Check Graph to see if it is nice and smooth and that it is easy to determine the
temperatures at the bottom and top of the curve. (See graph below as an example.)
If it looks too erratic you may consider re-running the experiment.
Use the “Scale to Fit” button
to optimize chart viewing.
Use the Smart Tool (
Use DataStudio’s Note Tool (
) to add annotations to your graphs.
Save the activity under an appropriate filename.
) to pinpoint starting and ending temperatures.
 Did the temperature change?
 Did it get warmer or colder?
 Determine the temperature
change for this experiment.
 Predict what the temperature
change would be if you only used
2 tsp of baking soda.
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 Why do you think the temperature changed?
 Do you think if you added enough baking soda that you could freeze water?
 What are some specific uses you can think of for baking soda?
Here are the two experiments, with the exothermic reaction on the left and the
endothermic reaction on the right.
If you collected both sets of data on the same graph, they might look like this.
 When the two graphs are compared directly, what do you notice that is different
between the two? (Hint: Look at the time variable. Possible Answers: The CaCl2
reaction has a much greater change in temperature. The baking soda reaction takes
a lot longer. This is because we had to add it slowly so that we did not lose the
vinegar out of the cup due to bubbling.)
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Here is a sample set of data of me picking up the Temperature Probe and holding it
in my hand for 60 seconds.
Things worth viewing: Digits, Graph, and Table
The three most useful items in the Display menu (on
the left side of screen) are the Digits, Graph, and
Table selections.
Digits: displays the numeric value of the probe
selected when recording data
Graph: displays the graph of the data
Table: displays the numerical values for your data
Sometimes it is helpful to see the temperature of
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the probe before you collect your experimental data. To see the numerical
value of the temperature probe while collecting data, select the Digits
) button. Note: Any box that is displayed on the screen can be
moved around and resized at your convenience,
To change the precision of the numerical value displayed in the Digits box,
select the “Digits Settings” box (
), followed by [Increase Precision].
Note: If you do not see an increase in decimal places, drag the right-hand edge
of the box farther to the right. (See below).
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Sometimes it is helpful to be able to see the raw data. This is simple enough.
Just select the Table (
) button, move and resize for your
Many of the things can be done in DataStudio the same way they could be done
in any other Windows program. Investigate for yourself and see. Try these
1) Determine the maximum temperature of the run.
2) Practice a few “drag and drop” maneuvers, e.g. drag the “Temperature” Data
to the “Table” Display and observe what happens.
3) Try to display the Graph, Table of data, and the Digits windows on the
screen in a user-friendly fashion.
4) Highlight some data (on the graph or the table) and observe what happens.
5) Collect a second set of data (hint: hit the start button again)
6) Change the rate of data collection (Hint: hit the [Setup] button)
7) Change the scaling of the axes.
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8) Use the cross-hairs ( ) (called the “Smart Tool”) to determine the exact
coordinates on a data point on the graph. Note: You can also use the arrow
keys to make fine adjustments to the position of the smart tool and the
slope tool. This may be of particular convenience for large sets of data.
9) Determine the slope of the graph at a point, e.g. at 30 seconds.
10) Double click on the graph to change the graph settings.
The main point is… if you want to do something reasonable with your data, then it
probably can be done and it can probably be done in a relatively simple and logical
way. Just poke around and try it.
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Temperature Probe Student Worksheet
Name: ___________
Which insulates better—Plastic of Styrofoam
Follow the instruction below:
Follow your teacher’s instructions about getting and starting the
computer to be used as a temperature probe.
In your Styrofoam cup put about 4 oz or 120 mL of warm water
(about a half a cup), put the thermometer in the cup and then hit
Watch the graph of the temperature for eight minutes. What
color line is being made? ___________ What is happening to
the temperature as the time goes by?
At the end of the eight minutes hit
Now in the plastic cup put the same amount of warm water (has to
be new water), add the thermometer and then hit
. What
color line is being made? ______________
Again watch the graph for eight minutes and then hit
What color line is being made? ______________ What is
happening to the temperature as the time goes by?
It will be easier to see the graphs if we could zoom in so click on
button. Which of the two cups had the greatest change in
temperature? _____________ Is this cup the better
insulator? ______ What was the rate of change of the worst
insulator? _____________ (hint: find the change in the
temperatures and then divide it by the time it took)
Now you will do the same experiments with ice water. Make a
hypothesis: Which one will be the better insulator this time and
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why? _________________________________
Get about the same amount of ice water in your Styrofoam cup
but make sure there are no ice cubes in it. Put the thermometer
in and hit
Watch the graph for eight minutes. What color line is being
made? ________________ What is different about this graph
then the graphs for the warm water?
When eight minutes are over hit
Now repeat the same process with your plastic cup. Make sure
the amount of ice water is the same that you used before. What
color line is being made for this run? ______________
Once you have done all four tests, answer the following questions:
What is the better insulated cup for ice water?
________________ Was this cup also the better insulator for
warm water? _________ What was the rate of change in
temperature for the plastic cup when it held ice water?
(remember the hint above) _________________
Make sure the thermometer is out of the water lay and hold it up
in the air. Hit
one more time. You are now measuring the
temperature of what? _______________ When the
temperature doesn’t change any more hit
. To what did
each of the cups temperatures try to go to?
______________________________ Which changed faster:
the warm water getting colder or the cold water getting warmer?
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Temperature Probe Student Worksheet
Endothermic and Exothermic Reaction
Name: ___________
Instructions: Follow the steps below and any addition instructions
provided by your teacher.
Exothermic Reaction:
1. Gather the supplies as directed by your teacher.
2. Turn your computer on, plug in the temperature probe and open the
data program.
3. Once your computer is ready to collect data, put about a half cup of
water (get from your teacher, not the faucet) in the Styrofoam cup.
4. Place the temperature probe in the cup, let it sit for 30 seconds and
press start. What is the temperature of the water? __________
5. In another cup, place two spoonfuls of Calcium Chloride (a type of
driveway melting salt) in another cup.
6. Pour the salt into your cup of water and stir with a spoon. Watch
the temperature graph. What is happening to the temperature of
the solution? ______________________________________
7. When the temperature stops decreasing or increasing stop
collecting data. What was the final temperature? ___________
8. How much did the temperature change in this experiment?
9. What do you think the temperature change would be if only one
spoonful was used? ____________
10. Repeat the experiment with one spoonful. What was the actual
change in the temperature? _________ Was it close to what you
expected? ______
Endothermic Reaction:
1. Gather the supplies as directed by your teacher.
2. Make sure your computer is still hooked up and working.
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3. Once your computer is ready to collect data, put about a half cup of
vinegar in the Styrofoam cup.
4. Place the temperature probe in the cup, let it sit for 30 seconds and
press start. What is the temperature of the vinegar? _________
5. Put two spoonfuls of baking soda in your other cup.
6. While one person stirs the vinegar, another group member should
slowly add the baking soda. It will bubble and spill if added to fast.
What is the temperature of the solution doing? ______________
7. Continue until there is no more baking soda in the cup. What is the
final temperature? ________
8. How much did the temperature change in this experiment?
9. What do you think the temperature change would be if only one
spoonful of baking soda was used? __________
10. Based on what you did in these experiments, if your teacher told
you that you would be doing an exothermic reaction, what would
you expect to happen? ______________________ What would
you expect for an endothermic reaction? __________________
11. What did you use the computer to do in these experiments? What
did the computer make or show you? ______________________
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