Volatility Spillovers and Dynamic Correlation in European Bond Markets Vasiliki D. Skintzi* Apostolos-Paul N. Refenes Financial Engineering Research Center (FRC) Department of Management Science and Technology Athens University of Economics and Business Abstract This paper examines the volatility transmission mechanism from the US bond market and the aggregate Euro area bond market to twelve individual European bond markets. A bivariate EGARCH model with a dynamic conditional correlation structure that deals with US effects as exogenous is used. Our results suggest that significant volatility spillovers exist from both the aggregate Euro area bond market and the US bond market to the individual European markets. Moreover, the price and volatility spillovers have increased after the European Monetary Union for most European bond markets. Keywords: Volatility, spillover, dynamic correlation, Euro JEL Classification: C32, F30, G15 * Correspondence author, Financial Engineering Research Centre, Department of Management Science & Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business, 47A Evelpidon & 33 Lefkados 113 62 Athens, Greece; e-mail: vikiski@aueb.gr 1 1. Introduction The liberalization of capital flows facilitated by recent developments in trading technologies and improved transmission of news has resulted to increased integration between international financial markets. Understanding the behavior and sources of international financial markets linkages is important for diversifying internationally, pricing securities and making asset allocation decisions. The objective of this study is to investigate the market factors influencing European bond markets. More specifically, we measure how and to what extent the volatility of a European bond market is affected by local shocks, regional shocks and world shocks. In addition to exploring the volatility transmission mechanism, the time-varying correlation structure between the European bond markets is investigated. The issue of interdependence among international financial markets has received significant attention in the finance literature. A number of studies have focused on stock market interdependence in terms of price and volatility spillovers (e.g. Eun and Shim, 1989; Hamao, Masulis and Ng, 1990; Koutmos and Booth, 1995). Of particular interest is the impact of world factors to national stock markets. For example, Bekaert and Harvey (1997) study the nature of volatility in emerging stock markets and find that volatility in emerging markets is less influenced by world factors. Ng (2000) studies the influence of world and regional factors in the Pacific-Basin region. She finds that both world and regional factors influence the Pacific-Basin stock markets although the influence of world factors is more intense. This study focuses on the magnitude and the changing nature of price and volatility spillovers in the European bond markets. The recent developments within the European Monetary Union (EMU) have resulted to increased stock market interdependence among EMU countries and, consequently, question the dominance of the world financial markets in the Euro area. Fratzscher (2002) investigates shock spillovers from US to European equity markets. He finds that the transmission of shocks from the Euro area has become more important compared to shocks from the US market. The aim of our study is to investigate how local, regional and world market factors affect the European bond markets by measuring how and to what extent the volatility of a European market is affected by shocks in the same country, in the aggregate Euro area bond market and, finally, outside Europe (US). 2 The contribution of this study is threefold. While most of the previous studies have focused on the interaction between a single pair of countries, we investigate the influence of two major market factors, regional and world, to both Euro and non Euro area national bond markets within the European region. Secondly, this study focuses on the relationships between bond markets that, relative to equity markets, are less studied in the literature (see Clare and Lekkos, 2000). Thirdly, most approaches for modeling volatility spillovers assume conditional time-invariant correlations in order to simplify the estimation procedure (see Booth et al, 1997; Laopodis, 2002; Miyakoshi, 2002). However, several studies (e.g. Erb et al, 1994, and Longin and Solnik, 1995, amongst others] provide evidence that support the time-variability of correlation. This study builds upon the methodology developed by Darbar and Deb (2002) and models volatility spillovers assuming a time-varying conditional correlation. Finally, extending the sample period beyond the launch of Euro in January 1999, allows us to test how the bond markets interdependence has changed after this major event. The volatility transmission mechanism is modeled using a multivariate extension of Nelson’s (1991) Exponential General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) model. The model used allows for both mean and volatility spillovers and captures potential asymmetries in the volatility spillover mechanism. Similar approaches for modeling volatility spillovers have been used in Kootmos and Booth (1995), Booth et al (1997), Ng (2000), So (2001). Moreover, the multivariate model allows for a dynamic structure of conditional correlation. The overall results indicate that there are short-run dynamic relationships between the individual European bond markets and the aggregate Euro area bond market in terms of both price and volatility spillovers. The price and volatility spillover process as well as the correlation structure has significantly changed for a number of European bond markets after the introduction of Euro. Finally, the US bond market significantly influences the individual European bond markets in terms of both price and volatility spillovers. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the bivariate EGARCH model used for modeling volatility spillovers and the dynamic correlation structure. Section 3 describes the dataset and reports some preliminary 3 statistics. Section 4 presents and analyses the empirical results, and Section 5 concludes. 2. Volatility Spillover Model The aim of this analysis is to investigate the sources of volatility for bond markets in the European region. Bekaert and Harvey (1997) construct a volatility spillover model by assuming two sources of volatility, local and world factors. Ng (2000) extends her model assuming stock markets are affected by three sources of shocks, local, regional and world. Miyakoshi (2003) uses a bivariate EGARCH model between local stock market and regional factors and models world shocks as exogenous factors for the case of Asian equity markets. Our empirical volatility spillover model is based upon the models developed in these studies. More specifically, the volatility spillover mechanism in a European bond market is modeled by assuming three sources of shocks, local, regional and world. Regional shocks are represented by the returns of an aggregate Euro area bond market index, while world shocks are represented by the returns in the US bond market. Following Miyakoshi (2003), regional shocks are modeled as an endogenous variable, while shocks in the US bond market are an exogenous variable in the bivariate volatility spillover model between Euro area index and each European bond market. A well documented empirical finding in the finance literature is that bad news have a larger impact on volatility than good news. However, while this empirical finding has been widely explored for stock markets (see Koutmos and Booth, 1995, and Booth et al, 1997, amongst others), the asymmetric phenomenon in bond returns volatility has received little attention. To capture the potential asymmetric behavior of bond returns and avoid imposing non-negativity constraints on GARCH parameters, we employ a multivariate version of the EGARCH model developed by Nelson (1991). Suppose Ri,t, REU,t and RUS,t represent the weekly return of a European market i, the Euro area index, and US, respectively, at time t. Ωt-1 is the information set 2 available at time t-1. i2,t , EU ,t , and σEUI,t are the conditional variances of the European market i and the Euro-area regional index, and the conditional covariance between the European market and the Euro area index, respectively. εi,t and εEU,t are 4 the innovations of bond market i and the aggregate Euro area index, while zi,t and zEU,t are the standardized innovations, i.e. zi,t = it / i ,t . An EGARCH model for each European bond market i (i = 1,…,N) including both price and volatility spillovers is formulated as follows: Ri ,t i 0 i1 REU ,t EU 0 EU 1 i 2 Ri ,t 1 i RUS ,t 1 i ,t EU 2 REU ,t 1 EU RUS ,t 1 EU ,t i ,t εi ,t It 1 EU ,t i2,t H i ,t iEU ,t (1) N 0, H i ,t (2) iEU ,t 2 EU ,t (3) 2 ln i2,t i 0 ii fi zi ,t 1 iEU f EU zEU ,t 1 i ln i2,t 1 i ln RUS ,t 1 (4) 2 2 2 ln EU ,t EU 0 EUEU f EU z EU ,t 1 EUi f i zi ,t 1 EU ln EU ,t 1 EU ln RUS ,t 1 (5) fi zi ,t 1 zi ,t 1 E zi ,t 1 i zi ,t 1 (6) where E z i ,t 2 / 1/ 2 The conditional mean equation is specified in equation (1), and the parameters βi2 and βEU1 measure the impact of the Euro area aggregate bond market returns on the returns of bond market i and the impact of the returns of bond market i on the Euro area index returns, respectively. Also, λi and λEU measure the impact of US market returns on the European market i and the Euro area market returns, respectively. The conditional variance equation of bond market i, described in equation (4), contains a function of lagged standardized residuals from the Euro area index and its own lagged residuals. The parameter αiEU is the volatility spillover coefficient, while parameter γi measures the degree of volatility persistence. 5 Asymmetry in the volatility process is modeled by equation (6). Parameter δi measures the asymmetric impact of innovations, with the partial derivatives being: 1 i , for zi 0 fi zi ,t / zi ,t -1+ i , for zi 0 (7) in equation (6) measures the size effect, while the term δ z The term zi ,t E zi ,t i i,t measures the sign effect. If δi is negative, a negative innovation tends to reinforce the size effect, while a positive innovation tends to partially offset it. Thus, a significant and negative δi coefficient provides evidence of asymmetry. The relative importance of negative innovations to positive innovations in the volatility process is measured by the ratio, 1 i / 1 i . Finally, the impact of US squared market returns in the individual local markets and the Euro area regional market is reflected in coefficients φi and φEU. To take into account the time-variability of conditional correlation, we employ a methodology developed by Darbar and Deb (2002). The conditional covariance σiEU,t is modeled as a function of the conditional correlation and variances. In order to ensure that the conditional correlation ρiEU,t falls into the range (-1,1), an index function ξiEU,t (-,) is used. The correlation index function is assumed to depend on the cross-products of the standardized innovations and the past values of the index function. The conditional correlation is a logistic transformation of the index function. iEU ,t iEU ,t i ,t EU ,t 1 1 exp ij ,t (8) iEU ,t 2 iEU ,t c0i ciEU zi ,t 1 z EU ,t 1 giEU iEU ,t (9) (10) A number of studies e.g. Fratzscher (2002), Billio and Pelizzon (2003) have documented that links between stock markets have changed before and after EMU. In 6 order to account for possible change in the spillover parameters, dummy variables are added in the spillover parameters as well as in the correlation index function as follows: i 2,t i 2 i*2 Dt , * EU 1,t EU 1 EU 1 Dt i ,t i i* Dt , * EU ,t EU EU Dt * * iEU ,t iEU iEU Dt , EUi ,t EUi EUi Dt i ,t i i* Dt , (11) * EU ,t EU EU Dt c0i ,t c0i c0*i Dt Given a sample of T observations the parameters of the bivariate EGARCH model are estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood function: T L θ lt θ T ln 2 t 1 1 T 1 T ' ln H θ t ε θ H t1εt θ 2 t 1 2 t 1 t (12) where θ is the parameter vector of the model. The algorithm developed by Berndt et al (1974) is used to maximize the log likelihood function and obtain parameters estimates via Quasi Maximum Likelihood estimation. Statistical inference is based on robust test statistics developed by Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) to take into consideration the non-normality of residuals. 3. Data description and preliminary statistics Data employed in this study consist of weekly bond total return indices from eight Euro area countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain), four non Euro area countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK) and the US. The choice of such a broad sample enables us to compare the volatility spillover mechanism between countries that have or have not joined the Euro. The data are sampled weekly (Friday-to-Friday) over the period from 1 February 1991 to 31 December 2002. Datastream Benchmark Bond Indices with five years average 7 maturity are used as proxies of the bond markets. We use Datastream indices, as they are broader measures of market returns and tend to be more homogenous. Returns are calculated as the growth rate of the bond indices, Rit = log(Pt/Pt-1), measured in terms of US dollars 1 . Weekly returns are used in order to avoid the problem of nonsynchronous trading and the day-of-the-week effects. The euro area index return is calculated for each Euro area bond market as a weighted-average of the markets that have joined the Euro excluding the market under consideration. For each individual bond market i, it is calculated as follows: N REU ,t w Rk ,t k ,t k i N w k i (13) k ,t where k includes only the countries that have joined the euro, and wk,t is the share of the market capitalization of bond market k in the total Euro area bond market. In the case of the non Euro area bond markets, the Euro area index is the market value weighted index of the eight Euro area bond markets in the sample. Summary statistics for the weekly returns of the twelve European bond markets, as well as for the US bond market are presented in Table 1. The average weekly returns in the European bond markets range from 0.138% (in Germany) to 0.211% (in Italy), while the standard deviations range from 0.004 to 0.007. The skewness and excess kurtosis statistics indicate that negative shocks are more common than positive shocks, while large shocks are more frequent than expected in all bond markets. Moreover, all returns series are not normal. This is also confirmed by the Jarque-Bera statistic that rejects the null hypothesis of zero skewness and excess kurtosis for all European bond markets in the sample at the 5% significance level. Among the European and US bond markets, the first-order autocorrelation ranges from -0.102 to 0.051 and the Ljung-Box statistic indicates the persistence of linear dependence up to seven lags in Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and US. The Ljung-Box 1 Weekly index closing prices are measured in a common currency, following Ng (2000), Billio and Pelizzon (2003). The underlying assumption is that investors are unhedged against foreign exchange risk. 8 statistic for the squared returns shows evidence of non-linear dependence in all markets (except from Germany and Netherlands). Moreover, applications of the ARCH Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test of Engle (1980) provide evidence for the existence of ARCH effects in the European and US bond markets. To obtain an idea for the extent of linkages between European bond markets and US, Table 2 presents the unconditional contemporaneous correlations between the Euro area / US and European bond markets. For the whole sample period the correlations between the individual European markets and the Euro area range from 0.619 to 0.840, while the correlations between the European markets and US range from 0.189 to 0.476. To further investigate whether the bond market linkages have changed over time, the sample period was divided into two sub-periods before and after the introduction of Euro (1 January 1999). In all pairs, the intertemporal dependencies have strengthened after the introduction of Euro. This suggests that the globalization of the bond markets has substantially increased as a result of the EMU. 4. Empirical Results 4.1 Volatility Spillover Effects The objective of this study is to investigate the spillover mechanism between European bond markets including the effects of the US bond market as an exogenous variable. The bivariate EGARCH model applied in the analysis allows for both price and volatility spillover as well as for time-varying correlation structure. To evaluate the appropriateness of the estimated spillover model, the Ljung-Box test for the 24th order serial correlation in the level and squared standardized residuals as well as the Engle and Ng (1993) asymmetric tests are performed. Table 3 depicts the p-values of the residual diagnostic tests. The Ljung-Box test statistics provide no evidence of linear or non-linear dependence in the standardized residuals. Moreover, with the only exception of Italy, no linear dependence is found in the cross product of standardized residuals indicating that the model correlation structure is not misspecified. The asymmetric test statistics depict that the bivariate EGARCH model captures the interaction between the bond markets adequately with the exception of the positive sign bias test for Belgium and France. 9 The maximum likelihood estimates of the bivariate EGARCH model for the Euro area and non Euro area bond markets are reported in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Price spillovers from the aggregate Euro area bond market to the individuals European bond markets and vice-versa are measured by coefficients βiEU and βEUi, respectively. For the case of Euro area bond markets, the estimated coefficients provide evidence of significant price spillovers from the aggregate Euro area bond market to Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Spain. From these bond markets only Belgium and France exhibit reciprocal spillovers to and from the aggregate Euro area bond market. No linear dependencies in either way exist for the rest Euro area and the four non Euro area bond markets. Turning to second moment interdependencies, volatility spillovers, measured by coefficients αiEU and αEUi, are more extensive and reciprocal. Significant two-way volatility spillovers exist in Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy from and to the Euro area aggregate bond market index. Additionally, the Euro area index volatility spills to Austria and Spain. Netherlands is the only bond market within the Euro area that volatility spills to the aggregate Euro area bond market, while no significant spillovers exist for the Euro area index to this market. For the non Euro area bond markets, significant reciprocal volatility spillovers exist for Denmark and UK bond markets to and from the aggregate Euro area bond market index. Additionally, Norway volatility spills to the Euro area index, while the Euro area index volatility spills to Sweden. The volatility persistence in the European bond markets volatility process implied in equation (4) is measured by the coefficient γi. The values of γi coefficients in Tables 5 and 6 provide evidence of strong volatility persistence in all countries. The estimated coefficients are significant and close to one for all countries. Austria exhibits the strongest persistence, while UK exhibits the weakest persistence. Moreover, the own market effects measured by coefficients βi1 and αii are significant in the price and volatility process of most European bond markets. The price and conditional variance processes specified in equations (1) - (6) permit own market shocks and shocks in the Euro area bond index to have an asymmetric impact in the volatility process of each European bond market and vice versa. Economically speaking, this means that negative innovations in one market have greater impact in the volatility process of the other market than positive 10 innovations. Our results indicate that shocks in the aggregate Euro area bond index have an asymmetric impact in the bond market volatility process of Austria, Belgium, France, Italy and the four non Euro area markets. Turning to the US exogenous effects, bond market returns for Austria, Belgium Spain, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are significantly influenced by the world factor of the US bond market. In all Euro area bond markets, volatility is significantly affected by the US bond market volatility. In the case of the non Euro area markets, bond market volatility is not influenced by the US market volatility with the exception of Norway. Interestingly, in all cases the following equations hold: iEU i , ii i (14) The results of equation (14) suggest that European bond market volatilities are more influenced by the regional Euro area factor than by the US factor supporting the exogeneity of the US market. Additionally, the own market volatility effects have a stronger impact in the individual European bond market volatility that the exogenous US volatility effects. By including the Euro dummy variables described in equation (11) we allow the price and volatility spillover parameters to take different values before and after the introduction of Euro. The estimated coefficients for the dummy variables indicate that the price spillovers from the Euro area index to the individual Euro area bond markets have significantly increased after the introduction of Euro with the only exception of Ireland. Turning to the volatility processes, the volatility spillover parameters from the aggregate Euro area bond index to Germany, Italy and Sweden and the volatility spillovers from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Denmark to the aggregate Euro area bond market have increased after the introduction of Euro. The exogenous effect of US to the European bond market returns has not been affected by the introduction of Euro. The specification of our model is based on the assumption of exogeneity of the US market and endogeneity of the Euro area market index. We test this specification by treating the US bond market as endogenous and the aggregate Euro area bond market index as exogenous in the volatility spillover model. Table 6 presents the results for 11 the price and volatility spillovers from US to the individual European bond markets (coefficients βi2, and αiUS) and from the individual European bond markets to US (coefficients βUS1 and αUSi). While price and volatility spillovers from US to several European bond markets are significant, almost none of the individual European bond markets affect the US bond market returns and return volatility. More specifically, only the German bond market returns and the UK bond market volatility significantly affect the US bond market return and volatility, respectively. 4.2 Time-varying conditional correlations Similar to the parameters obtained usually from the estimation of the conditional variance process, the ARCH parameters ciEU in the conditional correlation equation are generally small and significant. The GARCH parameters giEU are large and close to one indicating that time-varying correlation exhibits a high degree of persistence. These results are similar to the parameter estimation of the conditional correlation equations estimated in Darbar and Deb (2002). With the inclusion of an additive dummy variable in the conditional correlation equation described in equations (8) (10), we conclude that the correlation between the individual European bond market and the aggregate Euro area bond market has increased after the introduction of Euro in the case of Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Denmark. Only the correlation between Belgium and the Euro area bond market has significantly decreased after the introduction of Euro. The estimated conditional correlations from the bivariate EGARCH model between each one of the Euro area bond markets and the aggregate Euro area bond index are displayed in Figure 1. In all cases bond market return correlations exhibit a significant variation and have a number of spikes. Apparently, there is a significant increase in correlation levels after January 1999. Additionally, the variation of conditional correlations reduces significantly after the introduction of Euro. Figure 2 presents the estimated conditional correlations between each of the four non Euro area bond markets and the Euro area bond market index. Apparently, the correlation structure does not change significantly before and after the introduction of Euro with the exception of Denmark. The lowest levels of correlation are exhibited between the UK bond market return and the aggregate Euro area bond market returns. 12 5. Conclusions This paper investigates the magnitude and changing nature of the volatility spillovers from the aggregate Euro area bond market and the US bond market to eleven individual European bond markets. The econometric methodology used to model the volatility transmission mechanism allows us to investigate the price and volatility transmission mechanism as well as the time-varying correlation structure between the individual European bond markets and the aggregate Euro area bond market index. The empirical results of this study are threefold. Firstly, significant price and volatility spillovers exist between the aggregate Euro area bond market and the individual European bond markets both within and outside the Euro area. The second moment interdependencies are far more pronounced and reciprocal than the first moment interdependencies. Moreover, the own market effects are significant in the price and volatility process of most European bond markets. In most of these markets local and regional shocks have an asymmetric impact in the bond market volatility process. While this is a well-documented stylized fact for stock market returns, it has not been extensively investigated for bond market returns. Secondly, the results of our analysis indicate that the world market factor of US has a significant influence in the individual European bond market volatility process. While the US market returns influence the European bond market returns in a limited number of cases, the US bond market volatility is a significant factor in explaining the individual European bond market volatilities in almost all cases. Finally, the introduction of Euro has significantly affected the price and volatility transmission mechanism in both Euro area and non Euro area bond markets. In most European bond markets, the price and volatility spillover coefficients from and to the aggregate Euro area index have significantly increased after this major event. 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Dev. ρ(1) LB(7) ρ2(1) LB2(7) -0.024 -0.047 -0.027 -0.033 0.020 0.039 0.036 0.022 9.879 18.703 * 11.965 13.467 12.510 6.772 16.923 * 8.430 0.047 0.131 0.028 0.007 0.058 0.107 0.000 0.097 34.656 * 47.901 * 34.386 * 11.684 30.748 * 63.477 * 4.127 109.020 * 36.105 * 37.817 * 25.721 * 9.917 28.318 * 40.957 * 3.417 106.870 * 0.048 0.051 -0.102 -0.014 -0.067 12.148 22.110 * 22.142 * 12.649 19.276 * 0.087 0.045 0.081 0.195 0.005 36.145 66.748 * 29.601 84.327 16.352 * 24.101 * 40.115 * 28.836 * 77.987 * 16.251 ARCH LM(7) Skewness Kurtosis JB statistic -0.438 * -0.233 * -0.138 -0.328 * 0.201 * -0.127 -0.220 * -0.138 * 4.429 * 5.327 * 4.423 * 4.517 * 9.258 * 6.651 * 6.023 * 9.991 * 72.573 * 145.556 * 54.297 * 70.559 * 1015.758 * 346.632 * 241.014 * 1264.709 * -0.692 * -0.349 * 0.191 * 0.308 * -0.300 * 9.257 * 7.407 * 10.085 * 6.815 * 3.964 * 1060.718 * 514.263 * 1300.371 * 385.724 * 33.386 * Euro area markets AUS BEL FRA GER IRE ITA NETH SPA 0.144 0.153 0.145 0.138 0.166 0.211 0.144 0.196 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.004 0.007 Non Euro area markets DEN NOR SWE UK US 0.160 0.159 0.182 0.163 0.141 0.006 0.005 0.007 0.006 0.006 * denotes significance at the 5% level of confidence 16 Table 2 Unconditional contemporaneous correlations among bond markets Full Sample 1/2/91-31/12/98 1/1/99 – 31/12/02 Euro Area markets Country AUS BEL FRA GER IRE ITA NETH SPA With Euro area 0.763 0.804 0.836 0.811 0.732 0.619 0.840 0.689 With US With US 0.366 0.398 0.458 0.438 0.444 0.257 0.476 0.189 With Euro area 0.732 0.736 0.782 0.744 0.660 0.542 0.778 0.630 With US 0.270 0.273 0.340 0.321 0.356 0.159 0.366 0.062 With Euro area 0.828 0.964 0.956 0.948 0.928 0.969 0.963 0.945 0.302 0.268 0.278 0.451 0.747 0.653 0.604 0.611 0.194 0.183 0.189 0.385 0.921 0.702 0.823 0.795 0.588 0.470 0.590 0.640 0.512 0.672 0.706 0.688 0.678 0.644 0.698 0.621 Non Euro area markets DEN NOR SWE UK 0.790 0.668 0.646 0.659 Table 3 Diagnostic Checking: P values of test statistics Ljung-Box Q(24) statistic Country LB(24) AUS BEL FRA GER IRE ITA NETH SPA DEN NOR SWE UK 0.8190 0.2240 0.5390 0.4920 0.6460 0.7170 0.5440 0.5540 0.2760 0.5360 0.9340 0.2420 LB2(24) LB12(24) 0.2960 0.1370 0.6200 0.3270 0.3200 0.1730 0.4520 0.8470 0.2130 0.5260 0.9050 0.3400 0.5300 0.5040 0.4450 0.6050 0.2450 0.0000 0.6170 0.8870 0.1910 0.4510 0.8520 0.6330 Engle and Ng (1993) diagnostics tests Sign bias Negative size Positive size Joint test test bias test bias test 0.9132 0.2856 0.2324 0.2011 0.3180 0.7381 0.0229 0.0536 0.0776 0.7929 0.0203 0.0732 0.6130 0.3471 0.4125 0.3148 0.3037 0.9857 0.8950 0.4912 0.2824 0.1915 0.5982 0.6039 0.7477 0.4431 0.4929 0.5325 0.1771 0.3052 0.1806 0.5300 0.5112 0.7719 0.5009 0.4640 0.4078 0.7625 0.2384 0.1052 0.0520 0.7443 0.0495 0.1073 0.4279 0.8599 0.9077 0.6496 17 Table 4 Results of the bivariate EGARCH models for the Euro area bond markets AUS BEL FRA Price spillover parameters βi2 -0.030 0.221** -0.337** βi2* 0.238** 0.273** 0.224** βEU1 0.041 -0.347** 0.362** βEU1* 0.219** 0.267** 0.205** Variance spillover parameters αiEU 0.152** 0.464** 0.380** αiEU* 0.029 0.022 0.017 αEUi 0.041 -0.153** -0.114** αEUi* -0.004 0.012 0.002 Own effects βi1 0.001 0.001 0.003** αii 0.126** 0.340** 0.079 USA effects λi 0.252** 0.189** 0.103 λi* -0.009 -0.064 0.290 φi 0.014** 0.038** 0.020** φi* 0.000 0.001 -0.002 Volatility persistence γi 0.995** 0.985** 0.980** Asymmetry δi 3.837 -0.762** -1.922** δEU -0.734** -0.219** -0.349** Correlation index parameters c0i* -0.003 -0.036** 0.005 ciEU 0.084** 0.086** 0.071** giEU 0.996** 1.005** 1.001** GER IRE ITA NETH SPA -0.190 0.348** 0.113 0.305** 0.138 0.053 -0.061 0.094 0.127 0.148** 0.012 0.157** -0.307** 0.331** 0.171 0.284** -0.015** 0.254** 0.020 0.273** 0.093** 0.130** 0.083** 0.116 0.138 0.053 -0.061 0.094 -0.141** 0.149** 0.198** 0.105** 0.059 0.010 0.095** -0.009 0.234** -0.010 0.049 -0.089** 0.001** 0.159** 0.001** 0.180** 0.002** 0.353** 0.001** 0.219** 0.002** 0.050 0.170 -0.101 0.022** -0.001 0.154 0.115 0.021** 0.000 0.152 -0.163 0.043** 0.001 0.132 -0.108 0.023** -0.001 0.290** -0.113 0.016** -0.001 0.990** 0.993** 0.981** 0.994** 0.983** 0.118 0.110 0.010 0.069 -0.220** -0.245** 1.327 -1.716 -0.021 0.165** 0.080** 0.108** 0.977** 0.061 0.202** 0.088** 0.130** 0.982** 0.955** 0.053** 0.031 0.087** 0.120** 0.987** 0.989** ** denotes significance at the 5% level of confidence. t-statistics are calculated using Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) robust standard errors. 18 Table 5 Results of the bivariate EGARCH model for the non Euro area bond markets DEN NOR SWE Price spillover parameters βi2 0.050 0.024 0.000 βi2* 0.013 0.158** 0.200** βEU1 0.028 -0.113 -0.035 βEU1* 0.004 0.146** 0.138** Variance spillover parameters αiEU 0.261** -0.015 0.111** αiEU* 0.107 -0.073 0.213** αEUi -0.114** 0.305** 0.064 αEUi* 0.100** -0.019 -0.070 Own effects βi1 0.000 0.001 0.001 αii -0.210** -0.677** -0.155 USA effects λi 0.253** 0.200** 0.291** λi* -0.095 0.050 -0.233 φi -0.004 -0.012** -0.006 φi* 0.002 -0.001 0.000 Volatility persistence γi 0.980** 0.937** 0.989** Asymmetry δi -0.420** -0.192 -0.314 δEU -0.337** -1.440** 0.194** Correlation index parameters c0i* 0.135** 0.028 0.015 ciEU 0.043** 0.109** 0.093** giEU 0.944** 0.958** 0.953** UK 0.051 0.025 0.051 -0.096 0.182** 0.029 0.153** -0.130 0.001** -1.061** 0.124 -0.039 -0.012 0.004 0.893** 0.400 -0.512** 0.006 0.024 0.970** ** denotes significance at the 5% level of confidence. t-statistics are calculated using Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) robust standard errors. 19 Table 6 The exogeneity of the US market Return Equation βi2 βUS1 Euro area markets AUS 0.255** 0.075 (2.654) (1.396 BEL 0.194 -0.028 (1.777) (-0.538 FRA 0.205** 0.016 (2.088) (0.260 GER 0.258** 0.108** (2.666) (2.090) IRE 0.164 0.006 (1.712) (0.153) ITA 0.191 -0.021 (1.621) (-0.969) NETH 0.195 0.104 (1.958) (1.912) SPA 0.368** 0.035 (3.004) (0.919) Non Euro area markets DEN 0.258** 0.097 (2.715) (1.606) NOR 0.175 0.036 (1.774) (1.287) SWE 0.168 -0.015 (1.459) (-0.682) UK 0.078 -0.018 (0.968) (-0.684) Variance Equation αiUS αUSi -0.047 (-1.233) 0.021 (0.452) -0.096 (-1.655) -0.021 (-0.433) -0.094** (-2.266) 0.066 (1.146) -0.025 (-0.528) -0.057 (-0.880) 0.107 (1.559) -0.055 (-1.726) 0.084 (1.262) 0.068 (1.127) -0.078 (-2.013) -0.045 (-1.622) 0.080 (1.280) -0.039 (-1.161) -0.048** (-2.034) -0.066** (-2.068) -0.029 (-1.182) -0.078** (-3.470) -0.040 (-1.316) -0.035 (-1.160) -0.001 (-0.020) -0.085** (-2.395) 20 FIGURES Austria 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Belgium 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 France 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Germany 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Fig. 1.Estimated conditional correlations between the Euro area bond markets and the aggregate Euro area index. 21 Ireland 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Italy 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Netherlands 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Spain 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Fig. 1. (continued) 22 Denmark 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Norway 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Sweden 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 UK 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 Feb-91 Feb-92 Feb-93 Feb-94 Feb-95 Feb-96 Feb-97 Feb-98 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Feb-02 Fig. 2. Estimated conditional correlations between non Euro area bond markets and the aggregate Euro area index. 23