Quiet When Listening To Teacher


Mary’s Social Story March 2008.

Title – Quiet when the teacher is talking.

 Make into an A5 booklet with a title page and other pages with a small amount of text and symbols or photos. Mary could draw a picture on the booklet if she would like to. Make a small prompt card (possibly credit card sized or half A5 size) and take a photo of this to put in the story as well as shown below. Example:

Photo of Mary sitting on the carpet appropriately

Possibly a symbol with


Quiet and listen.

 Ensure all staff are aware of the social story. Have a copy of Mary’s prompt card to use for all whole class inputs.

 Possibly design a reward card based on Mary’s interests to add a sticker to immediately that she is quiet when shown the card. Perhaps use a reward card that has a photo of the prompt card on it, or add stickers to the back of the prompt card. OR link into the current reward system.

When she achieves a certain number of stickers, she could have a reward activity.

The attached draft social story will need modifying to ensure that it matches the strategy used by the teacher and the school expectations for Christian.

 Read the social story before each on carpet session.

 Sit next to Mary, slightly behind her so the focus is on the social story.

 Possibly introduce by saying “We are going to read a story about being quiet when the teacher talks to the class. You sometimes find this hard,

I think. I wrote this story to help you.”

 Perhaps role play the social story so that Mary fully understands what

‘quiet’ means which is different from ‘talking quietly’.

Follow on social stories could address listening, putting up hand to answer a question etc.

Title Page

Quiet when the teacher is talking

A story for Mary. Photo

Mary draw picture?

Page 1

My name is Mary.

I go to Chester School.

My teachers are usually Mrs Duffy, Mrs Rose and Mrs Channon.

Sometimes other teachers teach my class.

Photo of Mary in classroom with teachers?

Photo of all teachers in school?

Page 2

I often sit on the carpet with the children in my class.

The teacher talks to us about lots of different things.

Children need to listen to the teacher.

(This helps them to learn.) Add this line if you feel it’s needed.

Children try to be quiet when they listen to the teacher.

Photo of class sitting and listening?

Page 3

When I am sitting on the carpet, I will try to be quiet and listen to the teacher.

Photo of Mary sitting on the carpet appropriately

Possibly a symbol with


Quiet and listen.

Page 4 (or combine with Page 3 if more practical!)

Prompt card

This is important because it helps me to learn. This will make my teacher happy.

Photo of teachers smiling?

Or happy faces?
