MECHANOCHEMICAL ACTIVATION OF DISPERSED LAYER COMPOSITES ON THE BASIS OF TALC AND A SERIES OF BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE SPECIES Lugovskoy S, Lugovskoy A, Zinigrad M. Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel Abstract. Interaction of mineral talc as an inert carrier with bioactive species (salicylic acid, glycerin, olive oil) was studied by IR Spectroscopy. Substitution of the silicate hydroxyls by organic acid or alcohol moieties occurs for all the species studied. Dispersed layered composites, built from the silicate (talc) matrix, to which a bio-active component is bound, are formed in this interaction in the time scale of 1 а 5 minutes. The formation of new materials viz. layered dispersed mechanocomposites proceeds due to etheri- or esterification of the basic active sites on the silicate surface with acids or alcohols. INTRODUCTION The mechanochemical approach to the solid-phase synthesis of organic compounds has some advantages as compared to the conventional “wet” chemical methods. It allows the elimination of the dissolution stage and therefore excludes the problem of wastes containing organic pollutants, which enables the development of environmental friendly synthetic technologies. So, B. X. Wang and X. P. Zhao demonstrated that the interaction between kaolinite and glycerin occurs via the reaction of layered kaolinite hydroxyls and those of glycerin [1]. Mechanochemical milling was also used for the immobilization of organic acids by esterification and etherification [2], as well as for performance of a series of mechanochemical acidbase reactions for obtaining hybrid organic-organometallic materials [3]. Margetić has studied a "Highspeed vibrational milling" (HSVM) method on various groups of chemical reactions, such as Diels-Alder and 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions, Reformatsky, Prato and Bingel reactions and others [4]. Polycondensation of salicylic acid with formaldehyde in the course of mechanochemical processing was investigated by our group [5]. Our research demonstrated that the interaction in the course of the mechanochemical activation of solid bio-active materials with talc occurs via the reaction of talc hydroxyls with the hydrogen atoms of the biological agents. EXPERIMENTAL Salicylic acid (Aldrich, 99.0+%), glycerin (Aldrich, , 99+%) and food grade olive oil were taken as model bio-active materials and mixed in mass ratio 1:10 to 1:4 with talc (powder, 350 mesh) prior to mechanochemical activation. The mechamochemical activation was performed on a Planetary Ball Mill PM-100 (Retsch), drum rotation velocities 100-650 rpm and corresponding jar rotation velocities 200-1300 rpm. Agate milling jars 125 mL and 10 mm agate milling balls were used. Infrared spectra were measured on FTIR System Spectrum BX (Perkin Elmer) with the use of standard KBr tablet samples. 2-145 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mechanochemical Activation (MCA) of the individual reagents The process of mechanochemical activation of talc and the individual bioactive agents was preliminarily studied in order to understand the processes taking place in the course of joint activation of the organic molecules with the layered silicate. The structure of talc is built of silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons. A talc layer is formed of two SiO4-tetrahedron lattices facing by their apexes one towards another, and a lattice of magnesium oxide octahedrons between the silica lattices. Van der Waals forces bind the layers together.5 octahedron tetrahedron O Si OH Mg Fig. 1. Talc Structure. IR absorbance spectra of raw and activated talc were studied formerly [6,7,8]. Our experiments demonstrated that no significant changes of talc structure occur in the course of the first 10-20 seconds of activation. Apparently, only inter-layer Van der Waals bonds are broken during the initial stage of activation due to severe displacement deformation, while stronger intra-layer bonds remain intact (Fig 2.). We assume that the number of acidic and basic sites grows in the course of MCA. On the reaction of the acidic groups with basic sites, water molecules are formed, whose presence is proven by the characteristic valent and deformational vibrations in the spectra of talc after 30 second and longer activation. Activation for 5 minutes results in complete destruction of talc crystal structure (Fig 2.). IR spectra of such samples demonstrated only broad bands of an amorphous product and water assumedly weakly polarized by magnesium cations [9]. Therefore, the MCA of talc for less than 30 second causes its dispersion without significant changes of the crystalline structure. MCA of mono-carbon acids In the process of MCA of all mono-carbon acids, IR absorbance assigned to valent OH vibrations is observed as a broad band having some unclear maxima in the range 2500-3350 cm-1 [7]. The main maximum is observed at about 3000 cm-1, and a 2-146 sharper secondary peak appears at about 2650 cm-1 and is considered characteristic. This broad band at 3000 cm-1 was assigned to the ν-OH bond vibration masked by the very intensive band of valent vibrations of СН3- and СН2-moieties having pronounced maxima at 2955, 2920, 2870 and 2850 cm-1 [8]. The secondary band at about 2650 cm-1 is attributed to the interaction of OHvibrations with the vibrations of dimers at lower frequencies. Bands at 940 and 1430 cm-1 are attributed to the deformation OH-vibrations, and the latter band is also caused by the valent C-O vibration. Antisymmetric vibrations of C=O are assigned to the band at 1710 cm-1 and the shoulder at 1690 cm-1 [6]. IR spectra of salicylic acid in the process of MCA were described previously by us. [5]. From the comparison of the IR spectra of the salicylic acid before and after the activation it is obvious that hydrogen bonds are not broken in the course of the activation. Therefore, the crystal structure of the acid is not affected by the activation and no destruction of acid dimer takes place. Presumably, mechanochemical activation causes dislocation deformation along slip planes while relatively stronger hydrogen bond structure is preserved. The weaker interlayer bonds are broken in the activation process and are quickly restored soon after. MCA of individual glycerin and olive oil was not performed, because these substances are liquid. MCA of salicylic acid IR spectra of salicylic acid in the process of MC activation were described elsewhere [12]. From the comparison of the IR spectra of the salicylic acid before and after the activation it is obvious that hydrogen bonds are not broken in the course of the activation. Therefore, the crystal structure of the acid is not affected by the activation and no acid dimer destruction takes place. Presumably, mechanochemical activation causes dislocation deformation along slip planes while relatively stronger hydrogen bonds structure is preserved. The weaker interlayer bonds are broken in the activation process and are quickly restored soon after. MC activation of the system “talc-glycerin” Glycerin normally forms clusters [10] due to the formation of relatively stable hydrogen bonds that is confirmed by the ОН valent vibration absorbance at 34503250 cm-1 in the IR spectrum (Fig. 2). The position of the absorbance bands of OH vibrations evidences that the glycerin molecules are orientated in the direction facilitating the formation of hydrogen bonds, which is typical for alcohols. We attribute the observed band having two maxima at 1475 cm-1 and 1465 cm-1 to mixed ОН + СН2 vibrations of glycerin, whereas the band at 1060 cm-1 is assigned to С-О [11]. 2-147 а) b) 55sec Talc Absorbance Absorbance 10min 155sec Glycerin 10min Glycerin 4000 3600 3200 , cm 55sec 155sec Talc 2800 1800 2400 1600 1400 , cm -1 1200 -1 с) 55sec Absorbance 10 min Talc 155sec Glycerin 1400 1200 1000 cm 800 600 -1 Fig. 2. IR absorption spectra of glycerin and talc before and after the activation measured in the range of 3800-2600 cm-1 (а), 1900-1200 cm-1 (b), 1400-600 cm-1 (c). After 55 second MC activation of talc-glycerin system significant changes in IR absorbance spectrum take place in the range of 3600–3100 cm-1 (Fig. 3а), where glycerin ОН и ОН bands are observed. A broad band having its maximum at 3430 cm-1 appears after 3 minutes of activation (Fig. 2a). The bands with maxima at ~3430 см-1 can be assigned to valent and deformation water molecules vibrations13 evidencing the formation of water in the course of MC activation of talc with glycerin. The decent of valent (3750-3600 cm-1) and deformation (915 and 940 cm-1) bands of talc OH-groups is also observed. No significant change takes place for the main vibrations of the tetrahedron and octahedron lattices of talc layers (1150-950 and 800-700 cm-1), [12,13], except only a slight decrease of the intensity of the as Si-O-Si antisymmetric vibration band at 1115 cm-1. Therefore, the crystal structure of talc remains intact. We attribute the change of absorptions in the range of 3600-3100 cm-1, the decrease of intensities of internal and external talc OH-groups, accompanied by the change of the band at 1500-1400 cm-1 and the appearance of water molecule OHvibrations to the mechanochemical interaction of glycerin with talc basic surface sites. Etherification of talc and glycerin hydroxyls results in the formation of a mechanochemical composite, in which silicate surface metal ions are chemically bound to alkyls via oxygen bridges similar to alkoxides. 2-148 Therefore, the performed study demonstrates that polyatomic alcohol hydroxyls can take part in mechanochemical interactions with surface atoms of natural silicate. MCA of the system “talc – olive oil” Olive oil contains unsaturated fat acid moieties viz. 75% of oleic, 13% of linoleic and 0.55% of linolenic acids. In the course of mechanochemical activation of talc with the oil (Fig. 4 a-c) IR spectra demonstrate the decrease of C=O and O-H valent vibrations of carboxyls (1710 and 2700-2400 cm-1), appearance of water valent and deformation vibrations (broad bands having weak maxima at 3600 and 1630 cm-1) and appearance of new absorption bands in the characteristic range of carboxylate ions (1590 and 1460 cm-1) [9]. Simultaneously, talc band intensities decrease, particularly those of valent and deformation vibrations of surface talc hydroxyls (3695, 3670, 3650 and 940 сm-1). Simultaneously, talc bands intensity decreases, particularly of valent and deformation vibrations of surface talc hydroxyls (3695,3670, 3650 and 940 сm-1). а) b) oil1(T-oil)correct.spc oil2(oil-T)correct.spc 65sec 95sec 635sec 1235sec 65sec Absorbance Absorbance 20min 10min 95sec oil 10min 20min oil 95sec 65sec 4000 3000 2000 , cm 1000 3000 2600 2200 , cm -1 1800 -1 c) oil1(T-oil)correct.spc oil2(oil-T)correct.spc 65sec 95sec 635sec 1235sec 65sec Absorbance 20min 10min 95sec oil 2000 1500 1000 , cm 500 -1 Fig. 3. IR absorption spectra of olive oil and talc before and after the activation measured in the range of 4000-500 cm-1 (а) and narrow ranges of 3000- 1500 cm-1 (b) and 2000-600 cm-1 (c) 2-149 We believe that the strong chemical bonding of talc to acids occurs due to the interaction of acid protons with talc hydroxyls. This is confirmed by the appearance of new absorption bands characteristic for the ionized carboxyls [7] in the IR spectrum of the reaction product. We assign these changes to the neutralization of hydroxyls of talc, which are formed in the course of mechanochemical activation, by acid protons formed in mechanochemical hydrolysis of the oil. Carbon acid anions are therefore bound to cationic sites of talc. CONCLUSIONS The proposed mechanochemical synthesis can be used as a "clean" and environmental friendly method of synthesis of organic and composite materials. It allows getting rid of the dissolution stage and therefore of the problem of solventcontaining wastes. Because no solvents or catalysts are used, the obtained materials can be further used without additional purification. The performed study demonstrated the possibility of obtaining composite materials based on natural silicates and containing polyatomic alcohols by the fast and clean mechanochemical method. Such materials serve as active agents for various cosmetic and drug compositions. Only dispersion of talc occurs during first 20 second of mechanochemical treatment. For longer activation times, talc Me-OH bonds are broken and talc layer lattice is destructed. Acidic and basic surface sites are formed and water is produced on their recombination. Mechanochemical activation of silicates (talc) with alcohols occurs via the reaction of basic active sites on the silicate surface with alcohol hydroxyls. Mechanochemical activation of talc with organic acids occurs via the reaction of talc hydroxyls with acid protons and formation of water. The nature of bond in the product of mechanochemical activation is determined by the nature of reacting functional groups. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wang B. X., Zhao X. 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