O. Climate change impacts on coastal transport infrastructure in the Caribbean: enhancing the adaptive capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) UNCTAD in collaboration with UNEP, ECLAC and UNDP ($595,000) Background 1. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) share environmental and economic vulnerabilities and sustainable development challenges, such as susceptibility to natural disasters, remoteness from large markets and dependence on international trade and tourism. Low elevation and dependence on critical transport infrastructure like sea ports and airports makes them highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially increased temperature, flooding/sea-level rise and extreme weather events. Therefore, adapting ports and airports to the impacts of climate change is vital for the sustainable development prospects of these vulnerable nations. Targeted capacity building is required to develop effective adaptation measures that ensure the resilience of transport infrastructure, services and operations in SIDS. 2. The proposed project aims to enhance the understanding/technical knowledge among policy makers, transport planners and transport infrastructure managers from SIDS of the impacts of climate change on coastal transport infrastructure - in particular seaports and airports - and to build their capacity to develop adequate adaptation response measures. A case-study focusing on two vulnerable SIDS in the Caribbean region (Jamaica and St. Lucia) will be carried out to enhance the relevant adaptive capacity at the country-level (Phase I) and to develop a methodology/framework for assessing adaptation needs and priorities in coastal transport infrastructure (ports and, as appropriate, airports) as a tool for use in other SIDS (Phase II). The case-study involves three main components: (a) an assessment of the potential climate change impacts on ports and airports in Jamaica and St. Lucia, their direct costs and broader economic impacts; (b) an assessment of options for adaptation in response to the potential impacts; and (c) the development of a methodology/tool to assist transport infrastructure managers and other relevant entities in SIDS in assessing adaptation needs and priorities in coastal transport infrastructure. The results of the study will be presented and training in the methodology will be provided at workshops for stakeholders at the national and regional level. The two project countries which are the focus of the case-study (Jamaica and St. Lucia), have been selected with a view to different criteria, including size, economic parameters, geographical conditions and potential exposure of transport infrastructure. The methodology will, subject to locationspecific modifications, be available for use in other SIDS within the Caribbean region as well as in other geographical regions. 3. The project will be implemented by UNCTAD, but significant collaboration with other entities and stakeholders is envisaged, with inter alia United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), regional Commissions in particular the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, as well as the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC/CARICOM). Work would be carried out, as appropriate, in close cooperation with private sector partners and, importantly, with local stakeholders, including relevant port/airport and planning authorities and local academic institutions. Objective of the Organization: To strengthen the capacity of policy makers, transport planners and transport infrastructure managers in SIDS to take appropriate adaptation response measures to climate change impacts on seaports and airports Relationship to the strategic framework for the period 2014-2015 and the Millennium Development Goals: UNCTAD subprogramme 4 (Technology and logistics); Millennium Development Goals 1, 7, and 8. Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat Summary budget (Thousands of United States dollars) General temporary assistance Consultants Expert Group Meeting Travel Contractual services Operating expenses Workshops/training Total Indicators of achievement (EA1) Enhanced knowledge/understanding among policy makers, transport planners and transport infrastructure managers in SIDS of climate change impacts on seaport and airport infrastructure as well as associated implications for services and operations 23.2 174.2 24.0 108.6 17.0 3.0 245.0 595.0 (IA1.1) Formal feedback from stakeholders participating in activities under the project indicates significant improvement in the understanding of climate change impacts on coastal transport infrastructure and related implications for services and operations (IA1.2) Increased number of action plans, policy documents or strategy plans regarding coastal transport infrastructure planning and operation in the Caribbean region include consideration of climate change impacts (EA2) Strengthened capacity of policy makers, transport planners (IA2.1) Stakeholders and transport infrastructure managers in SIDS to effectively plan participating in activities under the and develop requisite adaptation measures that enhance the project endorse the methodology as a resilience of coastal transport infrastructure useful tool for assessing adaptation needs and priorities in respect of coastal transport infrastructure (IA2.2) Increased number of action plans, policy documents or strategy plans regarding coastal transport infrastructure planning and operation in the Caribbean region take into account the methodology for assessing adaptation needs and priorities or reflect other policy guidance/recommendations developed as part of the project Main activities 4. The main activities of the project will include: (A1.1) Organize a case-study with focus on two vulnerable SIDS in the Caribbean region (Jamaica and St. Lucia). The methodology developed as part of this activity will assist transport infrastructure managers and other relevant entities in SIDS in assessing risk, understanding impacts and identifying priorities for decision-making about adaptation measures/actions; (A1.2) Organize an expert group meeting to discuss and validate results of the case-study (including methodology), consider best practices, and provide substantive expert input regarding guidance/training material for capacity building; (A1.3) Develop guidance/training material for the purposes of dissemination of the results of the case-study and training on the methodology/tool; (A1.4) Organize two national capacity-building workshops to (i) disseminate results of the case-study among policy makers, transport planners and key private sector stakeholders; (ii) provide training in respect of the methodology/tool for assessing adaptation needs; as well as (iii) provide policy guidance/recommendations and share best practices for adaptation action; (A2.1) Organize a regional capacity-building workshop for other SIDS within the Caribbean region to (i) disseminate results of the case-study among policy makers, transport planners and key private sector stakeholders; (ii) provide training in respect of the methodology/tool for assessing adaptation needs; as well as (iii) provide policy guidance/recommendations and share best practices for adaptation action. The regional workshop is intended to ensure significant multiplier effects of the project for SIDS within the Caribbean region and in other geographical regions ; (A2.2) Establish a web-based platform: for information sharing; communication and dialogue, among relevant stakeholders and interested parties under the project activities. Detailed budget (US dollars) General Temporary Assistance Temporary assistance for support in preparation of guidance/training material, establishment of a web-based platform and organization of workshops, in support of activities A1.3, A1.4, A2.1, A.2.2 (2 work months x $11,600 per work month) = $23,232 Consultants International consultants International consultants for the tasks of undertaking the case -study, providing substantive input to guidance/training material and expert group meeting (EGM), holding workshops, in support of activities A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A.2.1 and A2.2 (7 work months x $10,000 per month = $70,000) + (consultants travel for 3 Workshops x 2 Field missions = $28,750) = $98,750 23 200 174 200 National / Regional consultants: National/Regional consultants for tasks of assisting with the case study, participating as resource persons in workshops and participating in expert group meeting, in support of activities A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4 and A2.1 and A2.2 (6 work months x $ 2,500 per month x 2 national consultants and 1 regional consultant = $45,000) + (consultants travel of $18,500) = $63,500 External Evaluation = $11,940 Expert Groups One Expert Group Meeting for the purpose of validating results of case-study (including methodology) and assisting in development of training/guidance material, in support of activities A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A2.1 and A2.2 ($4,000 per participant x 6 participants) = $24,000 24 000 Travel of staff UNCTAD Staff (implementing entity) Two Field missions organization and coordination of 3 workshops and participation as resource persons, in support of activities under the project, in particular activities A1.1, A1.4 and A2.1. ($7,500 average mission cost x 10 persons) = $75,000 Other Unite Nations staff members Participation as resource persons/experts in EGM [3 persons] and workshops [5 persons], in support of activities A1.2, A1.4 and A2.1 ($4,200 average mission cost x 8 persons) = $33,600 108 600 Contractual services In support of activities A.1.1 and A1.3. for printing study report and development of online/CD-Rom version = $2,000 Acquisition of local/regional level data for purposes of the study [bathymetric/topographic, meteorological/hydrodynamic (if available), aerial photographs/satellite images, socio-economic data] = $15,000 17 000 Operating Expenses In support of activities A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A2.1 and A2.2 (Postage, communications, printing of training materials) = $3,000 Seminars, Workshops and Study Tours Workshops & seminars 3 000 245 000 Total Two national workshops in support of activity A1.4 ($777 per participant x 40 x 2 workshops = $62,160 One regional workshop in support of activity A2. The majority of participants in the regional workshop are key stakeholders from all SIDS in the Caribbean region who will also act as country focal points to ensure multiplier effects/further dissemination of project insights and outcomes. In addition, representatives from relevant regional and sub-regional organizations in the Caribbean and in other geographic al SIDS regions will also participate. ($2,612 per participant x 70 x 1 workshop) = $182,840 595 000