Commonly Used Medical Terms & Abbreviations The following is a list of medical terms and abbreviations that are often used in medical communications and correspondence. Most of these appear without periods according to standard contemporary medical style. In many cases, there is more than a single meaning for an abbreviation. In that case, meaning depends on the context of usage. a about; absent; absolute; absorbent; accommodation; acetum, acid, acidity; actin; active, activity; allergist, allergy; alpha; anode; answer, ante; anterior; aqua; area; artery; asymmetric, asymmetry; autopsyt aa each of; arteries aa seq amino acid sequence aar against all risks A adenine; ampere; asymptomatic Å angstrom AA Alcholics Anonymous; reactive amyloidosis AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm AAF anterior auditory field; ascorbic acid factor AAL anterior axillary line AAo ascending aorta AAOC antacid of choice AAP air at atmospheric pressure AAPC antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis AAR acute articular rheumatism; antigen-antiglobulin reactions AARE automobile accident, rear end AAROM AAS active assertive range of motion; active assisted range of motion acid aspiration syndrome; aneurysm of atrial septum; aortic arch syndrome AASH adrenal androgen stimulating hormone AASP acute atrophic spinal paralysis; ascending aortic synchronized pulsation AAT Aachen aphasia test; academic aptitude test; auditory apperception test; automatic atrial tachycardia AAU acute anterior uveitis AAV adeno-associated virus AAW anterior aortic wall A & B apnea and bradycardia A & I allergy and immunology A & P anterior and posterior; auscultation and percussion A & W alive and well A/O alert and oriented ab abort, abortion; about; antibody AB abdominal; abnormal; Ace bandage; active bilaterally; alertness behavior; antibiotic; antigen binding; apex beat; asthmatic bronchitis; axiobuccal Ab antibody Abb abbreviation Abbr abbreviation, abbreviated ABC absolute basophil count; absolute bone conduction; acalculous biliary colic; advanced breast cancer; airway, breathing, and circulation; antigen-binding capacity; apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis; aspiration, biopsy, cytology; assessment of basic competence ABCD airway, breathing, circulation, and differential diagnosis; airway, breathing, circulation, and defibrillate abd abdomen, abdominal abdom abdomen, abdominal ABE activity before exercise; acute bacterial endocarditis; atypical bronchial epithelium ABG arterial blood gases; autogenous bone graft ABI ankle to brachial index ABMT autologous bone marrow transplant ABN ABO acute bacterial nephritis; acute brachial neuritis; aseptic bone/bone marrow necrosis blood grouping system ABP androgen-binding protein ABPB abductor pollicis brevis ABPL abductor pollicis longus abs absent; absolute abt about ABW actual body weight ac acute; ante cibum, before meals AC acromioclavicular joint; alternating current acc acceleration; according ACD absorbent cover dressing; allergic contact dermatitis; anemia of chronic disease; anterior cervical discectomy; asymmetrical cortical degeneration syndromes ACDF adult children from dysfunctional family; anterior cervical discectomy and fusion ACE angiotensin converting enzyme ACF anterior cervical fusion AcG accelerator globulin ACG angiocardiography ACh acetylcholine AChE acetylcholinesterase ACI acute cardiac insufficiency ACL acromegaloid features; anterior clavicular line; anterior cruciate ligament aCLL atypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia ACLS advanced cardiac life support ACM acetominophen; acute cerebrospinal meningitis; alveolar capillary membrane; anticardiac myosin ACML atypical chronic myeloid leukemia ACMT artificial circus movement tachycardia ACN acute conditioned neurosis ventilation ACO alert, cooperative, oriented ACOM anterior communicating (artery) AComA anterior communicating artery ACOP approved code of practice Acous acoustic ACR abnormally contracting region; absolute catabolic rate; adenomatosis of colon and rectum; anticonstipation regimen; axillary count rate ACS acute cervical sprain, acute cervical strain; acute chest syndrome; acute confusional state; antireticular cytotoxic serum ACT achievement through counseling and treatment; actin; actinomyocin; activated clotting time; active motion; advanced coronary treatment; anticoagulant therapy; anxiety control training; asthma care training ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTS acute cervical trauma syndrome ACVB aortocoronary venous bypass ACVD acute cardiovascular disease AD admitting diagnosis; adult disease; alternating days; Alzheimer’s disease; atopic dermatitis; average deviation ADA adenosine deaminase; Americans with Disability Act; anterior descending artery ADC aid to dependent children; AIDS dementia complex add adduction, adductor ADD addiction; attention deficit disorder; average daily dose ADF acid detergent fiber ADG average daily gain ADH antidiuretic hormone; atypical ductal hyperplasia ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ad lib at will, as desired adj adjunct ADJ adjacent, adjoining, adjunct, adjust, adjuvant chemotherapy ADL activities of daily living adm administered, administration, administrator; admission, admit ADM abductor digit minimi; adaptive decision making; adenomyomatosis; adrenal medulla; adriamycin; adult-onset diabetes mellitus; alcohol, drug, and mental disorders; anterior deep masseter; atypical diabetes mellitus ADP abductor pollicis; adenosine diphosphate ADR adverse drug reaction ADT admission, discharge, transfer ADV advised ae, aet of age, aged AE above the elbow; adverse event AEB as evidenced by AED antiepileptic drug; automated external defibrillator AEH atypical endometrial hyperplasia AER auditory evoked response; average evoked response AF adult female; amniotic fluid; aortic flow; atrial fibrillation; atrial flutter AFB acid-fast bacillus Afid atrial fibrillation AFL artificial limb; atrial flutter AFLP acute fatty liver of pregnancy AFO ankle-foot arthroses AFP acute flacid paralysis; alpha-fetoprotein AFTR atrophy, flaccidity, tremor, rigidity Ag silver AG anion gap AGA appropriate-for-gestational age AGCT adult granulosa cell tumor AGG aggrivation agglut agglutination AGL acute granulocytic leukemia AGN acute glomerulonephritis agt agent AGTT abnormal glucose tolerance test AGUS abnormal glands of unknown significance AH abdominal hysterectomy; aterial hypertension AHC acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis; acute hemorrhagic cystitis; antihemophilic factor C AHCD acquired hepatocellular degeneration AHD acute heart disease; antihypertensive drug; arterio-hepatic dysplasia; atherosclerotic heart disease; autoimmune hemolytic disease AHE acute hazardous event; acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis AHF acute heart failure; antihemophilic factor AHG antihemophilic globulin AHGS acute herpetic gingival stomatitis AHI active hostility index; apnea-plus-hyopnea index AHJ artificial hip joint AHM ambulatory Holter monitor AHP acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis; air at high pressure; analytic hierarchy process AHR atrial heart rate AHRF acute hypoxemic respiratory failure aI active ingredient AI accidental injury, accidentally incurred; adiposity index; allergy and immunology; anxiety index; aortic incompetence, aortic insufficiency; artificial insemination; atherogenic index; atrial insufficience; autoimmune, autoimmunity AIA amylase inhibitor activity; anti-immunoglobulin antibody; anti-insulin antibody; aspirin-induced asthma. AIB avian infectious bronchitis AI-CAH autoimmune-type chronic active hepatitis AICD automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator AID acquired immunodeficiency disease; acute infectious disease; artificial insemination by donor; autoimmune deficiency, autoimmune disease AIDP acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS-OI AIDS with opportunistic infections AIH artificial insemination by husband AIIS anterior inferior iliac spine AIS adenocarcinoma in situ; adolescent idiopathic scoliosis AIT acute intensive treatment AJ ankle jerk AK above the knee AKA above knee amputation; also known as ALA aminolevulinic acid alb albumin alc alcohol ALD adrenoleukodystrophy; alcoholic liver disease ALG antilymphocyte globulin, antilymphocytic globulin alk alkaline alky alkalinity ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia; allergy ALS acute lumbar strain; advanced life support; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis alt alternate ALT alanine aminotransferase alt hor every other hour ALTE acute life-threatening event alv alveolar AM adult male; before noon AMA against medical advice; American Medical Association amb ambulance; ambulatory AMB ambulatory AMD age-related macular degeneration AMI acute myocardial infarction AML acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia amp amperage, ampere; ampule; amputation AMP adenosine monophosphate; amphetamine; amputation amt amount ANA anesthesia; antinuclear antibodies, antinuclear antibody anal analysis, analytic, analyze ANAL analgesic anat anatomic, anatomical, anatomy ANC absolute neutrophil count ANF atrial naturetic factor ANI acute nerve irritation ANLL acute non-lymphocytic leukemia ANRI acute nerve root irritation ans answer ANS autonomic nervous system ANX anxiety AO aorta AOB alcohol on breath AOD arteriosclerotic occlusive disease AODA alcohol and other drugs of abuse AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus AOM acute otitis media ap before dinner AP acute pneumonia; acute proliferative; aerosol pentamidine; alkaline phosphatase; angina pectoris; ante partum, before deliver; anterior pituitary; antero-posterior; aortic pressure; apical pulse; appendectomy, appendicitis, appendix; arterial pressure; atherosclerotic plaque AP & L anteroposterior and lateral APB atrial premature beat APC aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine APF animal protein factor APH aphasia app appendix appl applied approx approximate, approximately appt appointment APSAC anisoyloated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex APVOD arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular occlusive disease aq, AQ aqua, aqueous AR active resistance; admitting room; apical rate; artificial respiration; assessment report; assisted respiration; at risk ARC AIDS-related complex; American Red Cross ARD acute respiratory distress ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, adult respiratory distress syndrome ARF acute renal failure; acute respiratory failure; acute rheumatic fever ARI anxiety reaction, intense ARM anxiety reaction, mild AROM active range of motion ART Achilles' tendon reflex test; artery; articulation; artificial ARTH arthritic as astigmatism AS ankylosing spondylitis; anal sphincter; aortic stenosis; arteriosclerosis ASA acetylsalicylic acid (i.e., aspirin) ASAP as soon as possible ASC arteriosclerosis; ascending ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease ASIS anterior superior iliac spine ASPVD arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease assn association asst assistant AST aspartate transaminase as to as tolerated as tol at as tolerated airtight At astatine ATLS advanced trauma life support atm atmosphere, atmospheric ATP adenosine triphosphate; attending physician; autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura ATR Achilles tendon reflex ATS anxiety tension state; arteriosclerosis au angstrom unit; antitoxin unit Au gold; authorization AU according to custom AUA asymptomatic urinary abnormalities AUB abnormal uterine bleeding AUD arthritis of unknown diagnosis AUGH acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage AUL acute undifferentiated leukemia AUS acute urethral syndrome ausc auscultation aux auxiliary av average; avoirdupois; avulsion AV allergic vasculitis; anticipatory vomiting; arteriovenous; artificial ventilation, assisted ventilation; atriventricular; average; avulsion AVB atrioventricular block AVC aberrant ventricular conduction; aortic valve closure AVD aortic valve disease avdp avoirdupois AVDP average diastolic pressure AVH acute viral hepatitis AVHD acquired valvular heart disease AVHS acquired valvular heart syndrome AVO aortic valve opening, aortic valve orifice, atrioventricular opening AVO2 arteriovenous oxygen ratio AVP abnormal vasopressin; ambulatory venous pressure; arginine vasopressin; vasopressin AVPU alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive AVR accelerated ventricular rhythm AVRT atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia AVS aortic valve stenosis AVSD atrioventricular septal defect aw able to work; airway AW able to work; above the waist; alcohol withdrawal; alive and well; anterior wall AWA as well as ax axis Az nitrogen AZT azidothymidine b bacillus; barometric; bath; behavior; bicuspid; born; brother B black; born; boron B & C biopsy and curettage Ba barium BA blood alcohol; brachial artery; bronchial asthma BAB Babinski's sign BAC blood alcohol concentration bact bacteria, bacterial; bacteriological, bacteriology; bacterium BaE, BAE barium enema bal balance BaM barium meal BAM basilar artery migraine; bilateral augmentation mammoplasty BANS back, posterior upper arm, posterior neck, scalp BAP brachial artery pressure bar barometer, barometric barb, BARB barbituates bas basal; basilar; basophils, basophilic BAS beta-adrenergic stimulation baso basophil BAT best available technology; blunt abdominal trauma; brown adipose tissue BAV bicuspid aortic valve BB bad breath; bed bath; bed board; beta blockade, beta blocker; blanket bath; borderline; both bones; breakthrough bleeding; breast biopsy BBB blood-brain barrier; bundle branch block BBD benign breast disease BBS Barolet-Biedl syndrome; bashful bladder syndrome; benign breast syndrome; bilateral breath sounds; brown bowel syndrome BBT basal body temperature BC basal cell; basket cell; bicarbonate; biliary colic; birth control; blood count; blood culture; brachiocephalic; breast cancer; bronchial carcinoma BCA balloon catheter angioplasty; breast cancer antigen BCC basal cell carcinoma; benign cellular changes (pap smear); biliary cholesterol concentration. BCDRS brief Carroll depression rating scale BCDS bulimia cognitive distortions scale BCE basal cell epithelioma; benign childhood epilepsy BCF bioconcentration factor; breast cyst fluid BCG bacillus Calmette-Guérin; balistocardiogram; bromocresol green BCH basal cell hyperplasia BCHT bicaval heart transplantation BCL B-cell leukemia/lymphoma BCLS basic cardiac life support BCP birth control pills BCS breast conservation surgery bd twice per day BD barbital-dependent; barbiturate dependence; Batten disease; behavioral disorder; Behcet disease; belladonna; bile duct; birth date; blue diaper (syndrome); bound; Bowen disease; brain damage; brain dead, brain death; Briquet disorder; bronchodilation, bronchodilator; Byler disease BDI blunt duodenal injury Be beryllium BE barium enema; below elbow; benzoylecgonine (cocaine); brisk and equal BERG balloon-assisted endoscopic retroperitoneal gasless BF blood flow; bone fragment BFP biologic false positive BG bone graft BGS balance, gate, station BGTT borderline glucose tolerance test BH bill of health BHA butylated hydroxyanisole BHP benign hypertrophic prostate BHS beta hemolytic streptococcus BHT blunt head trauma; butylated hydroxytoluene Bi bismuth BI bodily injury; brain injury bid twice per day BIL bilateral bili bilirubin BIN twice a night biol biologic, biological, biology biw twice a week BJ biceps jerk; bone and joint BJE bones, joints, extremities BJM bones, joints, muscles BK back; below the knee BKA below knee amputation BKP back pain. BL blood loss Blad bladder bld BLE blood both lower extremities BLQ both lower quadrants BLS basic life support BLS-D basic life support and defibrillation BM basal metabolism; body mass; bone marrow; bowel movement BMD Becker muscular dystrophies; Best's macular dystrophy; bone mineral density BMI BMR body mass index basal metabolic rate BMT bone marrow transplant BMZ basement membrane zone BN bulimia nervosa BND barely noticeable difference BNO bladder neck obstruction BO body odor BOD biochemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand BOM bilateral otitis media BOO bladder outlet obstruction BOOP bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia BOP blood, ova, parasites bot botanical, botany; bottle BOW bag of waters bp base pair BP bipolar; blood pressure; body part; boiling point BPD borderline personality disorder; bronchopulmonary dysplasia BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy BPM beats per minute BPP blood pressure and pulse BR bed rest BRB bright red blood BRBPR bright red blood per rectum BRP bathroom privileges BS blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds; bronchial secretion BSA bowel signs active BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy BSL baseline BSN bowel sounds normal BSR blood sedimentation rate; bowel sounds regular BST blood serologic test BSU Bartholin, Skene, urethral (glands) BT base of tongue; bedtime; bitemporal; bladder tumor; bleeding time; blood type, blood typing; blue tongue; body temperature; brain tumor; breast tumor BTB breakthrough bleeding BTC biliary tract complication BTD biliary tract disease BTE behind the ear (hearing aid) BTL bilateral tubal ligation BTLS basic trauma life support BTP biliary tract pain BTR Bezold-type reflex; biceps tendon reflex BTS blue toe syndrome; bradycardia-tachycaxdia syndrome Btu British thermal unit BTW back to work; by the way BTx blood transfusion Buc, Bucc buccal BUdR bromodeoxyuridine BUE both upper extremities BULIT bulimia test BUN blood urea nitrogen BUN/CR blood urea nitrogen/creatine ratio BUO bleeding of undetermined origin, bruising of undetermined origin BUQ both upper quadrants BUR bilateral ureteral occlusion BUS Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands BV bacitracin V; bacterial vaginosis; blood vessel BVL bilateral vas ligation BW bed wetting; below the waist; birth weight; blood Wasserman; body weight BWS Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Bx biopsy BXO balanitis xerotica obliterans Bz benzoyl BZ, BZD benzodiazepine BZS, Bannayan-Zonana syndrome c calorie; cathode; centimeter; clonus; closure; cobalt; coefficient; contact; contraction C carbon; Celsius; centigrade; cervical; clonidine; cocaine; cortex; cytosine C sect, C-section cesarean section C & C cold and clammy C & M cocaine and morphine C/O care of; complains of C&S conjunctiva and sclera C/S cesaraean section c/w compatible with C/W continue with Ca CA calcium cancer; carcinoma; cardiac arrest; Caucasian adult; chronological age CAB coronary artery bypass CABG coronary artery bypass graft CAC cardiac accelerator center CAD coronary artery disease CAE carotid artery endarterectomy CAF caffeine; Caucasian adult female CAI confused artificial insemination cal small calorie Cal large calorie CAM Caucasian adult male; completmentary and alternative medicine cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate canc cancelled cap capacity; capsule CAT computed axial tomography, computerized axial tomography cath cathartic; catheter, cathertization; cathode cav cavity CAVB chronic atrioventricular block CB chest-back; chronic bronchitis; current complaint CBC complete blood count CBD closed bladder drainage; common bile duct CBF cerebral blood flow CBR chemical, bacteriological, and radiological; chemical, biological, and radiological; complete bed rest CBS cervicobrachial syndrome; chronic brain syndrome; culture-bound syndrome CBT CBV cognitive behavioral treatment/therapy; computed body tomography catheter balloon valvuloplasty; central blood volume; cerebral blood volume; circulating blood volume; cortical blood volume; Coxsackie B virus CBVD cerebrovascular disease CBW chemical and biological warfare cc cubic centimeter CC Caucasian child; chief complaint; colorectal cancer; common cold; corpus callosum; costochrondral; critical care; critical condition; Crohn colitis; current complaint CCA choriocarcinoma; circumflex coronary artery; common carotid artery; congenital contractural arachnodactyly; constitutional chromosome abnormality CCB calcium channel blocker CCBV central circulating blood volume CCC chronic calculous cholecystitis; chronic catarrhal colitis CCCT closed craniocerebral trauma CCD childhood celiac disease; cleidocranial dysplasia; clinical cardiovascular disease CCE cyanosis, clubbing or edema CCF compound comminuted fracture; congestive cardiac failure CCG cholecystogram, cholecystography CCH chronic cholestatic hepatitis CCHD cyanotic congenital heart disease CCI chronic coronary insufficiency CCK cholecystokinin CCM cerebrocostomandibular (syndrome); congestive cardiomyopathy; critical care medicine CCMS cerebrocostomandjbular syndrome CCR continuous complete remission CCT chocolate-coated tablet CCU cardiac care unit; coronary care unit; critical care unit cd CD candela cardiovascular disease; cause of death; Celiac disease; chemical dependency; common (bile) duct; communicable disease; constant drainage; contact dermatitis; contagious disease; convulsive disorder; Crohn disease; curative dose CDC calculated date of confinement; Centers for Disease Control CDI clean, dry, intact cDNA complementary deoxyribonucleic acid CDO congenital duodenal obstruction CDS cervico-dorsal syndrome CE cardiac enlargement CEA carcinoembryonic antigen Cel Celsius cen central CER conditioned emotional response cert certificate, certification, certified, certify cerv cervical Cervical dil cervical dilation CES central excitatory state cf compare CF complement fixation; cystic fibrosis CFNS chills, fever, night sweats CFS chronic fatigue syndrome CFT complement fixation test CG chorionic gonadotropin CGD chronic granulomatous disease ch child; chronic ch. br. syn. chronic brain syndrome CHA congenital hypoplastic anemia CHD childhood disease; congenital dislocation of the hip; congenital heart disease; coronary heart disease ChE cholestinerase chem chemical, chemist, chemistry chemo chemotherapy CHF congestive heart failure chg, CHG change CHI closed head injury chl chloroform CHL classical Hodgkin lymphoma CHO carbohydrate chol cholesterol CHOL serum cholesterol chr chronic CHS calvarial hyperostotic syndrome; Chediak-Higashi syndrome CI chemotherapeutic index CIA collagen-induced arthritis CICU coronary intensive care unit CID carpal instability, dissociative CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy cig cigarette, cigarettes CIG cigarette consumption CIMF chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIND carpal instability non-dissociative CIRC circulation; circumference CIS carcinoma in situ CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease CK check; creatinine kinase CKD result checked CKS classic Kaposi sarcoma cl centiliter; clavicle; clean; clinic; closure; clotting; cloudy Cl chloride; chlorine CL chest and left arm; cholelithiasis; chronic leukemia; cirrhosis of the liver; clavicle; corpus luteum; critical list CLA cerebellar ataxia; cervicolinguoaxial Clam cervical laminectomy CLBP chronic low back pain CLC Clerc-Levy-Critesco (syndrome) CLD chronic liver disease; chronic lung disease Cldy cloudy CLH chronic lobular hepatitis; corpus luteum hormone CLI corpus luteum insufficiency CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia clin clinical CLIP capitolunate instability pattern CLMV cauliflower mosaic virus CLON clonidine. ClP clinical pathology CLS cafe-au-lait spot CLSH corpus luteum stimulating hormone CLT clot lysis time; clotting time cm centimeter CM cardiac murmur; cardiomyopathy; Caucasian male; cause of death; cervical mucus; chondromalaccia; common migraine; complications; congestive myocardiopathy CMC carpometacarpal; cell-mediated cytolysis or cytotoxicity; chloramphenicol; chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis CMCC chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis CMCJ carpometacarpal joint CMD childhood muscular dystrophy, congenital muscular dystrophy CME continuing medical education CMF cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil; cytoxan, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil CMF/VP CML cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, and prednisone chronic myelocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia CMP cardiomyopathy CMV cytomegalovirus CN chloroacetophenone CNP continuous negative pressure CNS central nervous system CNV cranial nerve number 5 CNX cranial nerve number 10 CO carbon dioxide; childhood onset c/o complains of coag coagulation COC cathodal opening contraction COCl cathodal opening clonus coeff coefficient CO-GHD childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency COH carbohydrate col colony; color COLD chronic obstructive lung disease coll collect, collection; colloidal; collyrium comp comparative, compare; composition; compound conc concentrated, concentration cond condition cond ref conditioned reflex cond resp conditioned response conf conference cong congenital cons constant cont containing; contents; continue, continued conv convalescent coord coordination COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPE chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema cor corrected CoR Congo red cort cortex, cortical CP capillary pressure; cerebral palsy; chemically pure; compare; constant pressure; cor pulmonale CPAP continuous positive airway pressure CPB competitive protein binding CPC chronic passive congestion cpd compound CPE cytopathogenic effects CPI constitutional psychopathic inferiority CPK creatinine phosphokinase CPM counts per minute CPMS chronic progressive multiple sclerosis CPR cardiopulmonary resucitation; checks with previous results CPT Current Procedural Terminology CPX complete physical examination CPZ chlorpromazine CQI continuous quality improvement Cr chromium; creatinine CR cardiorespiratory; chest and right arm; closed reduction; clot retraction; complete remission; conditioned reflex, conditioned response; crown-rump CR & C closed reduction and cast crani cranial CRD chronic respiratory disease CRF corticotropin-releasing factor CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone CRI chronic renal insufficiency crit critical CRO cathode-ray oscilloscope CROM cervical range of motion CrP creatinine phosphate CRP C-reactive protein CRPD chronic restrictive pulmonary disease CRPF closed reduction and percutaneous fixation CRPS complex regional pain syndrome CRS catheter-related sepsis; caudal regression syndrome; cervical spine radiography; Chinese restaurant syndrome; colon and rectum surgery; congenital rubella syndrome CRST calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (syndrome) CRT cathode-ray tube; complex reaction time cryo cryogenic, cyrosurgery cryst crystalline, crystallized cs case; cesarean section; conditioned stimulus; consciousness; corticosteroid; current strength Cs cesium CS cardiogenic shock; caries-susceptible; carotid sheath; carotid sinus; celiac sprue; cervical spine; cesarean section; chronic schizophrenia; cigarette smoker; climacteric syndrome; congenital syphilis; conscious sedation; continue same; coronary sclerosis; coronary sinus; corticoidsensitive; corticosteroid; crush syndrome; Cushing syndrome CSB congenital short bowel CSBS contaminated small bowel syndrome CSCC cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma CSD cat scratch disease; combined system disease; conditionally streptomycin dependent CSF cancer family syndrome; cerebrospinal fluid; classical swine fever; colony-stimulating factor; coronary sinus flow CSH chronic subdural hematoma CSK chronic superficial keratitis CSM cerebrospinal meningitis CSP cervical spine CSR cervical spine radiography CSS Churg-Strauss syndrome CT cerebral thrombosis; cervical-thoracic; cervical traction; chemotherapy; circulation time; coated tablet; compressed tablet; compound tomography, computerized tomography CTa catemenia CTA clear to auscultation (about lungs) CTAB clear to auscultation bilaterally (about lungs). CTB confined to bed CTC chlortetracycline CTD connective tissue disease CTL cervical, thoracic, lumbar ctr center CTSP called to see patient cu cubic Cu copper CU clinical unit CUC chronic ulcerative colitis cult culture cur curative; current CV cardiovascular CVA cerebrovascular accident CVD cerebrovascular disease CVP central venous pressure CVR cardiovascular renal; cardiovascular respiratory; cerebrovascular resistance CVS chorionic villus sampling CW chest wall; crutch walking CX cervix; chest x-ray; consciousness; cultures CXR chest x-ray cyl cylinder, cylindrical cysto cystoscopic examination cytol cytological, cytology d date; daughter; day; dead; deceased; deciduous; degree; density; developed; deprivation; dexter; diameter; died; diopter; disease; divorced; dorsal; dose; duration D/A date of accident; date of admission D & C dilation and curettage D & E dilation and evacuation da daughter; day DA degenerative arthritis; delayed action DAH disordered action of the heart DAN danazol; diabetic autonomic neuropathy DAT delayed action tablet; dementia of the Alzheimer's type; diet as tolerated dau daughter DB disability dbl double DBP diastolic blood pressure DBW deficit birthweight; desirable body weight; diabetic black women; dosing body weight; dry body weight DC diagnostic center; direct current; doctor of chiropractic DCc double concave DCH deep cerebral hemorrhages; delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity; diffuse chorioamnionic hemosiderosis; diffuse choroidal hemangiomas DCR direct critical response DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ (breast cancer) DCM dilated cardiomyopathy DD developmentally disabled; discharge diagnosis; dry dressing DDC dideoxycytinidine DDD degenerative disk disease DDH developmental dysplasia of the hip DDI dedeoxyinosine DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDx differential diagnosis dec deceased decd deceased def, DEF defecation; deficient; definite deg degeneration; degree del delusion dent dental, dentist, dentistry depr depression derm dermatologist, dermatology DES diethylstilbestrol detn detention devel development DFI disease free interval DFP diisopropyl fluorophosphate DFS disease free survival dg decigram DGI disseminated gonococcal infection DGM duodenal gastric metaplasia DGR duodenogastric reflux DGS DiGeorge syndrome DH dermatitis herpetiformis DHA dehydroepiandrosterone; dihydroxyacetone DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone DHPG 1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl guanine DHT dihydrotestosterone DI date of injury; diabetes insipidus dia diameter; diathermy diam diameter dil dilute dilat dilation dim diminished DIP desquamative interstitial penumonitis; distal interphalangeal, distal interphalageal joints diph diphtheria dis, DIS disch disabled; disease discharge, discharged DISH diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis DISI dorsal intercalate segment instability DISL dislocate, dislocation disp dispensary dissd dissolved div divide, division; divorced DJD degenerative joint disease DKA diabetic ketoacidosis; did not keep appointment dkg dekagram dkl dekaliter dkm dekameter dl deciliter DL danger list DLE disseminated lupus erythmatosus DLS date last seen dm decimeter DM diabetes mellitus; diastolic murmur DMD daily maintenance dose; delayed mental development; depression and manic depression; dietary management of diarrhea; disseminated malignant disease; disseminated mycobacterial disease; Duchenne muscular dystrophy DMF decayed, missing, and filled teeth DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide DMT dimethyltryptamine DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DNase deoxyribonuclease DND died a natural death DNI do not intubate DNI/DNR do not intubate, do not resuscitate DNKA did not keep appointment DNR do not resuscitate DNS did not show for appointment DOA dead on arrival DOB date of birth doc document DOC died of other causes. DOD date of death DOE date of examination; dyspnea on exertion DOES, disorder of excessive somnolence (narcolepsy) DON demyelinating optic neuritis. dos dosage DOS date of surgery doz dozen DP deep pulse; diastolic pressure; dorsal pulses; dorsalis pedis DPA diphenylamine DPT diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus DQ developmental quotient dr dram; dressing Dr doctor DR delivery room; diabetic retinopathy; dorsal root; dressing DRE digital rectal examination DRG diagnosis-related group DRT dopamine replacement therapy; drug-resistant typhoid fever DRUJ distal radioulnar joint DRUL distal radioulnar ligaments DS diagnostic sensitivity DSD dry sterile dressing DSG dry sterile gauze DSS Dejerine-Sottas syndrome; dengue shock syndrome DT date of treatment; delirium tremens; distance test; due to; duration of tetany DTN diphtheria toxin normal DTP diphtheria and tetanus toxoids with pertussis; distal tingling on percussion (Tinel's sign) DTR deep tendon reflex/es dt’s delirum tremens DU diagnosis undetermined; duodenal ulcer DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding DUs drug users DVP direct venipuncture DVT deep venous thrombosis DW daily weight; distilled water; doing well DWD died with disease DWW diabetic white woman Dx diagnosis DX discharged; disease DXD discontinued DYS dysautonomia dysp, dyspnea DZ diazepam dz disease e without E emmetropia; enema; enzyme; eye E-ADD epileptic attentional deficit disorder E.coli Escherichia coli ea each EA educational age; electroacupuncture EAA electroacupuncture anathesia EAC external auditory canal EACD eczematous allergic contact dermatitis EAE experiemental allergic encephalomyelitis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis EBV Epstein-Barr virus ECA external carotid artery ECBO virus enteric cytopathogenic bovine orphan virus. ECC early childhood caries ECF extracellular fluid ECG electrocardiogram ECHO echocardiogram ECRB extensor carpi radialis brevis ECRL extensor carpi radialis longus ECS endocervical scrape ECT electroconvulsive therapy ECU extensor carpi ulnaris ED edema; effective dose; emergency department; erythema dose EDL extensor digitorum longus EDM extensor digitis minimi EDOD estimated date of delivery EDR electrodermal response EDS Ehlers-Danlos syndrome EEE eastern equine encephalomyelitis EEG electroencephalogram; electroencephalograph EENT eye, ear, nose and throat EF erythroblastosis fetalis EFA essential fatty acids EGA estimated gestational age EGD esophago-gastroduodenoscopy EGF epidermal growth factor Eh standard oxidation-reduction potential EHBA extrahepatic biliary artresia EHBF extrahepatic blood flow EHL extensor hallucis longus EIA enzyme immunoassay; equine infectious anemia; exercise-induced asthma EKG electrocardiogram; electrocardiograph ELB elbow elec electric, electrical, electricity ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay EM electromagnetic; electron microscope, electron microscopy; emergency medicine emb embryo, embryology embryol embryology EmBx endometrial biopsy EMF electromotive force; electromagnetic field EMG electromyogram, electromyograph, electromyography EMS emergency medical service, emergency medical services; endometrial scrape; eosinophiliamyalgia syndrome EMT emergency medical technician emul emulsion enl enlarged ENT ear, nose, and throat EOG electrooculogram eos EPB eosinophil extensor pollicis brevis Epi epithelial cells epil epilepsy, epileptic Epis. episiotomy Epis.LML left mediolateral episiotomy Epis. Med. medial episiotomy Epis. RML right mediolateral episiotomy epith epithelial, epithelium EPL extensor pollicis longus EPO erythropoietin; exclusive provider organization eq equal, equivalent ER emergency room ERE external rotation in extension ERF external rotation in flexion ERG electroretinogram ERPF effective renal plasm flow ER/PR estrogen/progesterone ERT estrogen replacement therapy; external radiation therapy ESB electrical stimulation of the brain ESF erythropoietic stimulating factor ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD end-stage renal disease ESRF end-stage renal failure EST electroshock therapy esu electrostatic unit Etio, etiol. etiology ETS environmental tobacco smoke ETT endotracheal tube ETT exercise tolerance test ex examined; example; exercise exc except, exception exp experiment, experimental; expired Exp. Lap exploratory laparotomy EXP expand; explain expt experiment exptl experimental ext external; extract; extremity ext. gen. external genitalia f farad, faraday; father; female; focal length; formula; function F Fahrenheit; female; filial generation F & E flexion and extension F/H family history F/I fever due to infection F/U follow-up FA failed appointment; fatty acid; Fanconi’s anemia; forearm FADIR flexion, adduction, and internal rotation FADIRE flexion, adduction, internal rotation and extension Fah Fahrenheit fam family FAMS functional assessment of multiple sclerosis FAP familial adenomatous polyposis FAQ frequently asked questions FAS fetal alcohol syndrome fasc fasciculus Fb fingerbreadth FB fingerbreadth; foreign body FBD fibrocystic breast disease; functional bowel disorder/disease; functional breathing disorder FBG fasting blood glucose FBS fasting blood sugar FCA fracture, complete, angulated FCC fracture, complete, comminuted; fracture, compound, comminuted FCCC fracture, complete, comminuted, compound FCD fracture, complete, deviated FCR flexor carpi radialis FCU flexor carpi ulnaris FD focal distance FDA Food and Drug Administration FDI first dorsal interosseus (muscle of the hand) FDP flexor digitorum profundus FEB fever FeLV feline leukemia virus fem female; feminine; femur FER flexion, extension, rotation FF fat free; filtration fraction; forward flexion FFA for further appointment FFROM full, free range of motion FFT forward flexion: fingertips to toes. FGF fibroblast growth factor FH family history FHS fetal heart sound FHT fetal heart tone fib fibrillation FID free induction decay fig figure FJRM full joint range of motion fl fluid FL flank; flexion; fluid; focal length; follicular lymphoma; fully lactating FLD frontal lobe dementia fl oz fluid ounce FMH fetal-maternal hemorrhage FNA fine needle aspiration FO fecal output FOBT fecal occult blood testing FOS full of stool/constipated fp freezing point FP family physician, family practitioner; family practice FPB flexor pollicis brevis FPL flexor pollicis longus fpm feet per minute FPM full passive movement fps foot-pound-second FR flocculation reaction; fracture; frequency of respiration; full range freq frequency FRJM full range of joint movement FSC fracture, simple comminuted FSH follicle-stimulating hormone FSOs family members and significant others. FSS frozen shoulder syndrome ft feet, foot FTKA failed to keep appointment FTND full term normal delivery FTT failure to thrive FTW fat weight; first time wheezing FU follow-up FUO fever of undetermined origin FWB full weight bearing Fx, FX fracture FYI for your information g gauge; gender; gingival; glucose; grain; gram; gravity; acceleration of gravity G gravida G/P gravida/para. GA gestational age GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid gal galactose; gallon galv GAS galvanic, galvanism, galvanized general adaptation response gastroc gastrocnemius GB gallbladder GBD gallbladder disease GBS gallbladder series; Guillian-Barre syndrome GC gas chromatography, gas chromatography; general condition; gonococcus G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor GDM gestational diabetes mellitus GE gastroenteritis; gastroenterology; gastroesophageal GED gastric epithelial dysplasia; generalised exfoliative dermatitis; generalized epileptiform discharges; Grave’s eye disease gen general; genus GFR glomerular filtration rate GG gamma globulin GH general health; growth hormone GHD growth hormone deficiency GI gastrointestinal GIP giant cell interstitial pneumonia GLC gas-liquid chromatography Gln glutamine Glu glucose; glutamic acid gm gram GM gastric mucosa; general medicine; grand mal; grand multiparity; grandmother; gray matter; gross motor GM and S General Medicine and Surgery GM-CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor GN glomerulonephritis GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone GO gonorrhea GOA generalized osteoarthritis GOK God only knows (the diagnosis) GOR gastroesophageal reflux GOT goal of treatment gp group GP genral paralysis, general paresis; general practitioner; genetic prediabetes; Goodpasture syndrome; gram positive GPR good partial remission gr grain; gram; gravity GRAS generally recognized as safe grav gravida, pregnant woman GRE gradient echo, gradient-recalled echo GSH glutathione GSR galvanic skin response GSW gunshot wound GTH gonadotropic hormone GTP guanosine triphosphate GU gastric ulcer; genitourinary GVH graft-versus-host GVHD graft-versus-host disease Gy gray gyn gynecologic, gynecologist, gynecology h height; hour H heroin; hydrogen H & E history and examination H & P history and physical HA headache; high anxiety HAT hepatic artery thrombosis Hb hemoglobin HBD had been drinking HBF hepatic blood flow Hpb high blood pressure HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen HBV hepatitis B virus HCG human chorionic gonadotropin HCL hairy cell leukemia HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy HCPS hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome HCT hematocrit HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide HCV hepatitis C virus HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease HD Hansen’s disease; hearing distance; heart disease; herniated disk; high dose; Hodgkin’s disease HDC high-dose chemotherapy HDL high density lipoprotein HDS herniated disc syndrome HEENT Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count HF hay fever; heart failure HG herpes gestationis hgb, Hgb, HGB hemoglobin HGH human growth factor HH hard of hearing; hiatal hernia HHV human herpes virus HHV-8 human herpes virus 8 HI hemaagglutination inhibition Hib Haemophilus influenzae, serotype B HIPC health insurance purchasing cooperative HIV human immunodeficiency virus HKAFO hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis hl hectoliter HL hearing loss; heart and lungs HLA heart, lungs, and abdomen; human leukocyte antigen HLK heart, liver, and kidneys HLV herpes-like virus HM heart murmur HMD hyaline membrane disease HMO health maintenance organization HNP herniated nucleus pulposus HNPCC hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer HO history of HOA hypertrophic osteoarthropathy HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy HOH hard of hearing HOP high oxygen pressure hor horizontal hosp hospital HP hot pack HPE history and physical examination HPI history of present illness HPIP history, physical, impression, plan HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography HPV human papillomavirus hr hour HR heart rate; high risk HRRR heart regular rate and rhythm HRT hormone replacement therapy hs at bedtime HS heart sounds HSA human serum albumin HSV herpes simplex virus ht height HT hypertension; hyperthyroidism HTLV human T-cell leukemia virus HTN hypertension HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome HV home visit; hyperventilation HVD hypertensive vascular disease HVL half-value layer HW healing well HWL healthy way of life Hz hertz i incisor; optically inactive I iodine I & D incision and drainage I&E internal and external I & O intake and output (as for fluids) I.M. intramuscular I.Q. intelligence quotient I.V., IV intravenous IAA indoleacetic acid IA incurred accidentally ib in the same place IBC inflammatory breast cancer; intraductile breast cancer; invasive bladder cancer; invasive breast cancer IBD inflammatory bowel disease ibid in the same place IBP ibuprofen IBS irritable bowel syndrome IBW ideal body weight IC between meals; intensive care; intracerebral ICA internal carotid artery ICBG iliac crest bone graft ICCU intensive coronary care unit ICD International Classification of Diseases ICF informed consent form; intracelluluar fluid ICP intracranial pressure ICS intercostal space ICSH interstitial-cell stimulating hormone ICSS intracranial self-stimulation ICT inflammation of connective tissue; insulin coma therapy ICU intensive care unit id the same ID during the day; identification; ill-defined; ineffective dose; infectious disease; inside diameter, internal diameter; intradermal IDA iron deficiency anemia IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IDK internal derangement of the knee IDU injection drug user IDW ideal weight ID50 median infective dose IE inner ear IF interferon IFG impaired fasting glucose IFN interferon Ig immunoglobulin IgA immunoglobulin A IgD IgE immunoglobulin D immunoglobulin E IGF insulin-like growth factor IgG immunoglobulin G IgM immunoglobulin M IH infectious hepatitis IHD ischemic heart disease IL ilio-lumbar; interleukin IL2 interleukin 2 IM internal medicine; intramuscular, intramuscularly IMHO in my humble opinion IMM immediate; immobilize; immunize IMO in my opinion Imp impression IMP improved in inch INC incomplete; inconclusive; increase IND indepedent; Indomethacin; investigational new drug INF infant; infarction inj, INJ injection; injury INK injury not known INR intermittent INS insulin; insurance int internal IO inferior oblique; intestinal obstruction IOFB intraocular foreign body IOM interosseous membrance IP interphalangeal; intraperitoneal, intraperitoneally IPA independent practice association; inferior phrenic artery; intimate partner abuse; isopropyl alcohol IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential IPT interpersonal psychotherapy, interpersonal therapy IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine IPx impaired glucose tolerance IQ intelligence quotient IR infrared; internal rotation IRE internal rotation in extension IRF internal rotation in flexion IS in situ; intercostal space IST insulin shock therapy IT indiopathic thrombocythemia; individual therapy; intensive therapy ITB iliotibial band ITP indopathic thrombocytopenic purpura IU immunizing unit; international unit; intrauterine IUD intrauterine device IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device IUD intrauterine device IUGR intrauterine growth retardation IV intravenous, intravenously; intraventricular; in vitro; in vivo IVC inferior vena cava; intravenous cholangiography IVD intervertebral disk IVDA intravenous drug addict IVDU intravenous drug user IVF in vitro fertilization IVH intraventricular hemorrhage IVI intravenous injection IVP intravenous pyelogram IVR intravaginal ring J mechanical equivalent of heat JCD Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease JND just noticeable difference JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JSN joint space narrowing JT joint JUV juvenile JV jugular vein K dissociation constant, ionization constant; potassium; kelvin ka cathode KA ketoacidosis kb kilobase kc KILOCYCLE kcal kilocalorie, kilogram calorie kc/s kilocycles per second KD knee disarticulation KFD Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease kg kilogram kgm kilogram-meter KID syndrome keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness KJ knee jerk kl kiloliter KLS kidney, liver, and spleen km kilometer KS Kaposi’s sarcoma KUB kidneys, ureter, and bladder L left; levorotatory; light; liquid; liter; lithium; lumbar; pound L & D labor and delivery L & H lungs and heart L & S liver and spleen L & W living and well LA left atrium LAD low-alcohol-drinking LAM laminectomy lap laparotomy laryngol laryngological lat. lateral lb pound LB large bowel LBO large bowel obstruction; lower body obesity LBP low back pain LBT LC low back tenderness Langerhans’ cells LCA left coronary artery LCL lateral collateral ligament LCM left costal margin LD learning disabled, learning diability; lethal dose LD50 median lethal dose LDH lactate dehydrogenase, lactic dehydrogenase LDL low density lipoprotein LDP lumbodorsal pain LE lower extremity; lupus erythmatosus Leu leucine LF left foot LFA left forearm LFD least fatal dose LFT liver function tests lg large LGA large for gestational age LGI lower gastrointestinal tract LH luteinizing hormone LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone Li lithium LIC left iliac crest liq liquid; liquor LIQ left inferior quadrant LIR left iliac region LK left kidney LKS liver, kidney, and spleen LL left lateral; left leg; left lower; left lung LLD leg length discrepancy LLE left lower extremity LLF left lateral flexion; left little finger LLL left lower leg; left lower lid LLQ lower left quadrant LLR left lumbar region LMP last menstrual period LN lupus nephritis; lymph node lob lobular LOC loss of consciousness LOQ left outer quadrant LOS loss of sight LPD luteal phase defect LPN licensed practical nurse LPS lipopolysaccharide LQ lower quadrant LRF luteinizing hormone-releasing factor LRT lower respiratory tract LRTI lower respiratory tract infection LS left side; liver and spleen; lumbar spine; lumbosacral LSD lysergic acid diethylamide LSP lumbar spine LSS lumbar spine stenosis LTH luteotropic hormone LTP long-term potentiation LTR longer terminal repeat LUA left upper arm LUE left upper extremity LUL left upper lob (of lung) LULA laparoscopy under local anesthesia LUOQ left upper outer quadrant LUP unable to preform LUQ left upper quadrant LV left ventricle LVH left ventricle hypertrophy LX lower extremity LYMP lymphocyte Lytes electrolytes m male; married; masculine; mass; meter; thousand; million; minim; minute; molal; molality; molar; molarity; mole; mucoid; muscle M mix; mitosis M & F mother and father M/H medical history M0 metastases absent M1 metastases present ma milliampere MA mental age; moderately advanced mac macerate MAC maximum allowable concentrate MACE major adverse clinical event MAE major arrhythmic events; medication administration error; moves all extremities MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia MAJ major; majority MAL malignant; middle axillary line mammo mammogram, mamography MAO monoamine oxidase MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor MAS manifest anxiety scale; meconium aspiration syndrome masc masculine MASH mobile army surgical hospital MASS massage; massive MAT maternal max maximum MAX maxilla MBC minimal bacterial concentration, minimum bacterial concentration MBD minimal brain dysfunction MBP major basic protein; myelin basic protein MBS Marie-Bamburger syndrome mc megacycle; millicurie MC medical corps mcg microgram MCH maternal and child health; mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mCi millicurie MCL mantle cell lymphoma; mast cell leukemia; midclavicular line MCO managed care organization MCP metacarapophalangeal joint M-CSF macrophage colony-stimulating factor MCTD mixed connective tissue disease MCV mean corpuscular volume MD medical department; Meniere’s disease; Doctor of Medicine; muscular dystrophy MDDe major depressive disorder, endogenous MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) MDR minimum daily requirement; multiple drug reistance ME medical examiner; middle ear MED medial; minimum effect dose Meds medication meg megacycle MEL melanoma mEq milliequivalent Met methionine MET methanphetamine mets metastases MFU medical follow-up mg milligram Mg magnesium MG myasthenia gravis MGD multiple gland disease MGF maternal grandfather MGGM maternal great grandfather mgm milligram MH marital history; mediastinal hernia; medical history; menstrual history; mental health MHC major histocompatibility complex MHD maintenance hemodialysis MHI mental health index; mental health information; minimal head injury MHN massive hepatic necrosis MHP hemiplegic migraine MHz megahertz MI mental illness; mitral incompetence, mitral insufficiency; myocardial infarction MIA medically indigent adult MID minimal infective dose; multi-infarct dementia MIH medication-induced headache min minim; minimum; minute MIN mammary intraepithelial neoplasia; minimal; minor MIS melanoma in situ; minimal incision surgery, minimally invasive surgery Miv mitral valve mixt mixture ml millilter ML maximum to left; midline MLD median lethal dose; minimum lethal dose MLT medical laboratory technician mm millimeter MM malignant melanoma; murmur; muscles MMA mastitis, metritis, agalactia MMG mammogram MMI maximum medical improvement mmol millimole MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMR measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine) Mn maganese MN malignant neoplasm mo month MO medical officer MOD moderate MODY maturity onset diabetes of the young MOF multiple organ failure mol molecular, molecule MOL more or less MOM milk of magnesia MOPP mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone morph morphological, morphology mp melting point MP menstrual period MPC maximum permissable concentration; mucopurulent cervicitis MPD multiple personality disorder MPF maturation promoting factor MPT modified physical therapy MPV mean platelet volume mR milliroentgen MR magnetic resonance; maximum to right; mitral regurgitation mrad millirad Mrad megarad mrem millirem MRG murmurs, rubs, or gallops MRI magnetic resonance imaging MRM modified radical mastectomy mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy ms millisecond MS mass spectrometry; minor surgery; mitral stenosis; multiple sclerosis MSC major septic complications; major symptom complex; maxillary sinus carcinoma; motile sperm count; motor-sensory cortex; multiple synchronous cancer; musculoskeletal msec millisecond MSG monosodium glutamate MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone MSL midsternal line MSO management services organization MSSU midstream specimen urine MST mean survival time, median survival time MSTI multiple soft tissue injuries MT more than; muscles and tendons MTBI mild traumatic brain injury MTD maximum tolerated dose mtDNA mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acd MTP metatarsal-phalangeal MTR masses, tenderness, rebound MTRG masses, tenderness, rebound, guarding MTSS medial tibial stress syndrome MTX methotrexate MUO myocardiopathy of unknown origin MUS muscle mV millivolt MV mitral valve MVA microvascular angina; motor vehicle accident MVMT movement MVP mitral valve prolase mW milliwatt MW megawatt mypo. myopia N nasal; newton; nitrogen; normal; index of refraction N & M nerves and muscles N & T nose and throat N/A not applicable N/T numbness and tingling N/V nausea and vomiting N/V/D/C nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation Na sodium NA no abnormalities; notapplicable; not available NAA no apparent abnormalities NABS normoactive bowel sounds NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; no active disease; no acute distress; no appreciable disease; nothing abnormal detected NAI no acute infection nanosec nanosecond NAR no action required NARD no apparent respiratory distress NB nail bed; neuroblastoma; newborn; note well NBI no bone injury NBM nothing by mouth NBS normal breath sounds NCA neurocirculatory asthenia NC no change; no complaint; non-contributory NCCI noncardiac cerebral ischemia NCD not considered disabling nCi nanocurie NCNS no complications, no sequelae NCO no complaints offered ND nondisabling; not distended NDT neurodevelopmental treatment Ne neon NE neurologic examination NEC necrotizing enterocolitis NED neg. no evidence of disease negative NERD no evidence of recurrent disease neurol neurological; neurology NF National Formulary; neurofibromatosis ng nanogram NG nasogastric NGF nerve growth factor NGT nasogastric tube NGU nongonococcal urethritis NH natural health; neurologic history NHL non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma NHP natural head position NICU neonatal intensive care unit NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NIL nothing NIP no infection present; no inflammation present NK natural killer (cells); not known NKA no known allergies NKD no know disease NKDA no known drug allergies nl nanoliter NL normal; normal limits NL/NP nonlactating/nonpregnant NL/P nonlactating/pregnant nm nanometer NM neuromuscular; nodular melanoma; not measured; not mentioned NMA neurogenic muscular strophy NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate nmol nanomole NMR nuclear magnetic resonse NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome NMSC non-melanoma skin cancer NMT not more than NN neonatal; nerves; notes NNP non-pregnant normotensive women; normal, non-pregnant no number NOC night NOD non-obese diabetic NOF neck of femur NOK next of kin NOP no ocular pain; not otherwise provided for NOS no organisms seen; not otherwise specified NP neuropsychiatric; neuropsychiatry NPC no previous complaint NPH no previous history NPN nonprotein nitrogen NPO nothing by mouth NPT normal pressure and temperature nr near NR no refill; not remarkable NREM non-rapid eye movement (sleep) NRI nerve root involvement, nerve root irritation NRM normal range of motion NRN no return necessary NROM normal range of motion NRT nicotine replacement therapy ns nanosecond NS nerves; neurosurgery; no show; nonspecific NSA no significant abnormalities NSAD no sign of significant disease NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSC no significant change NSD no significant defect; no significant difference; nominal standard dose; non-specific damage; nonspecific dermatitis; non-specific duodentitis; non-sudden death; nonsuicidal depressed; normal spontaneous delivery; normotensive sedentary nsec nanosecond NSF no specific findings NSI no sign of infection; no sign of inflammation NSR normal sinus rhythm NSU nonspecific urethritis NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery NT not tender NTD neural tube defect NTG nitroglycerine NTM nontuberculous mycobacteria NTP normal temperature and pressure NV nausea and vomiting NVD nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea NYD not yet diagnoses O opening; oxygen O & E observation and examination O & P ova and parasite O/E on examination OA osteoarthritis OB obstetric; obstetrician; obstetrics OB-GYN obstetrician-gynecologist; obstetrics-gynecology OBJ object, objective OBL oblique OBP ova, blood, parasites OBS observer; obstetrician; obstetrics; organic brain syndrome obstet obstetric; obstetrics OC obsessive-compulsive; on call; oral contraceptive OCC occasionally; occiput; occupation OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder OCE comprehensive examination; oral conjugated estrogens OCP oral contraceptive pills of every day OD once daily; outer diameter; overdose; right eye OE on examination; orthopedic examination; otitis externa OH occupational history OHS OI open heart surgery opportunistic infection oint ointment ol oleum OL left eye OM osteopathic manipulation; otitis media OMS osteomyelosclerosis ON optic neuritis ONC oncology OO osteoid osteoma OOB out of bed OP operation; out-patient OPC out-patient clinic opg opening OPH ophthalmia, ophthalmology, ophthalmological OPI opiates opp opposite opt best; optician, optics OPT out-patient; out-patient treatment OPV oral polio vaccine OPWL opiate withdrawal OR operating room; oriented ORALABX oral antibiotics org organic ORL otorhinolaryngology ORS oral rehydration salts; oral rehydration solution; oral surgery; orthopedic surgery ORTH, Ortho orthopedic, orthopedics Os Osgood-Schlatter (disease); osteogenic sarcoma, osteosarcoma OS bone; left eye; oral surgery OSAS obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Osm osmol oss osseous ost osteopathic OT occupational therapist, occupational therapy; old tuberculin; otolaryngology OTC over the counter OV office visit oz ounce p pathological P parental; part; percentile; pharmacopeia; phosphorus; pint; pole; population; position; positive; posterior; pressure; pulse; pupil P: plan P & A percussion and auscultation Pa proactinium PA pernicious anemia; physician assistant; pulmonary artery PABA para-aminobenzoic acid PAC premature atrial contraction PACU postanesthesia care unit PAD peripheral arterial disease, peripheral arteriosclerotic disease PAF platelet-activating factor PAL posterior axillary line PAN polyarteritis nodosa PAO periarticular ossification PAOD peripheral arterial occlusive disease Pap Papanicolaou (test) para number of pregnancies PAS para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-Schiff PASA para-aminosalicylic acid PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia path pathological, pathology pathol pathological, pathologist, pathology Pb lead PB phenobarbital PBC primary biliary cirrhosis PBI protein-bound iodine PBO placebo PBS postprandial blood sugar pc after meals PC percent, percentage; pheochromocytoma; phone call; posterior cervical; professional corporation; purified concentrate PCB polychlorinated biphenyl PCF posterior cervical fusion PCG pubococcygeus pCi picocurie PCKD all parameters checked; polycystic kidney disease PCL posteroir cruciate ligament PCN penicillin PCOD polycystic ovarian disease PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome PCP pentachlorophenol; phencyclidine; Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; primary care physician PCR polymer chain reaction Pcs preconscious PCV packed cell volume PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure PD interpupillary distance; Paget disease; Parkinson’s disease; partial denture; per diem; progressive disease; pulmonary disease PDD pervasive developmental disorder PDGF platelet-derived growth factor PDR Physician’s Desk Reference PE pelvic examination; penile erection; physical examination; physical exercise; pleural effusion; powdered extract PEARL pupils equal and reactive to light Peds pediatric PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure PEP phosphoenolpyruvate per by; period, periodic; person per os by mouth perf perforated, perforation PET positron-emission tomography pf picofarad PFJ patellofemoral joint PFPS patellofemoral pain syndrome pg picogram PG prostaglandin; pseudogout PGA pteroylglutamic acid PGE prostaglandin E PGF paternal grandfather PGH pituitary growth hormone PGL persistent generalized lymphadenopathy PGP progressive generalized paralysis PGR psychogalvanic reaction, psychogalvanic reflec, psychogalvanic response ph pharmacopeia; phosphor PH past history PHA phytohemagglutinin pharm pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacy PhN phrenic nerve PHN phenacetin; portal hypertension; post-herpetic neuralgia; pulmonary hypertension PHO physician-hospital organization PHS Public Health Service PHX past history phys physical; physician; physiological PI personal injury; present illness; protease inhibitor PID pelvic inflammatory disease; prolapsed intervertebral disk PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension pil pill PIP proximal interphalangeal PIPJ proximal interphalangeal joint PK pain-killer; psychokinesis PKU phenylketonuria PL posterolateral PLF posterior lumbar fusion PLSS portable life support system PLT platelet pm premolar PM after noon; petit mal; poliomyositis; postmortem PMA positive mental attitude; progressive muscular atrophy PMB postmenopausal bleeding PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMH past medical history PMI pace-maker implantation; painless myocardial infarction; past medical illness; point of maximum impact PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte pmol picomole PMP previous menstrual period PMS premenstrual syndrome PMT premenstrual tension PN pain; psychoneurotic PNC prenatal care PND postnatal day PNH paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria PNI peripheral nerve injury po by mouth PO postoperative; postovulatory POD postoperative day; postovulatory day poly(A) polyadenylate, polyadenylic acid poly (C) polycytidylic acid poly I:C polyinosinic and polycytidylic acids POME persistent otitis media with effusion POMR problem-oriented medical record Pop popliteal tendon POS point-of-service (plan) poss possible post posterior post-op postoperative pp parts per; postpartum PP pellagra preventive; per protocol; presenting problem PPA phenylpropanolamine ppb parts per billion PPD packs per day; permanent partial disability; purified protein derivative PPH past pertinent history; primary pulmonary hypertension PPLO pleuropneumonia-like organism ppm parts per million PPMS primary progressive multiple sclerosis PPO preferred provider organization PPS pelvic pain syndrome; poor progesterone surge; postpartum psychiatric syndromes; post-polio syndrome; prenatal psychological stress ppt parts per thousand; parts per trillion; precipitate PPT plasma pregnancy test PR Peer Review Organization; positive response; progress report; pulse rate preop preoperative prep Pri perpare primary PRI progressive renal insufficiency Prl prolactin prn as needed PROM passive range of motion; premature rupture of membranes prot protocol PrP prion protein PRRE pupils round, regular, and equal PRT patient refused test ps picosecond PS paraspinous; pathological stage; physical status; present symptoms PSA prostate-specific antigen PSF posterior spinal fusion PSIS posterior superior iliac spine PSP posterior spinous process PSRO professional standards review organization PST palmar skin temperature; paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; problem-solving therapy PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia psych psychological, psychology psychol psychologist, psychology pt patient PT patient; permanent and total; physical therapist, physical therapy; pneumothorax PTA prior to arrival PTD permanent total disability PTFE polytetragluoroethylene PTH parathyroid hormone PTR patellar tendon reflex PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder PTX pneumothorax PUD peptic ulcer disease; pulmonary disease PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid pulv powder PUO pyrexia of unknown origin PUVA psoralen ultraviolet A PV bleeding per vagina; paravertebral; polycythemia vera PVB premature ventricular beat PVC premature ventricular contraction PVD peripheral vascular disease; pre-senile vascular dementia PVE prosthetic valve endocarditis PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone PVR post-void residual pvt private PVT paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia PWA person with AIDS Px pneumothorax; prognosis PX papular xanthoma; physical examination; prescription; prognosis PZI protamine zinc insulin q every Q2H every two hours QA quality assurance QAM every morning qd every day qh, qhr every hour qid four times per day ql as much as you please qm every morning qn every night QOD every other day QOH every other hour qp as much as you please QPM every afternoon qs sufficient quantity qt quart qv as much as you will r roentgen R rectal; respiratory; right R/O rule out R/T related to Ra radium RA refractory anemia; rheumatoid arthritis; right atrium rad root RAST radioallergosorbent test RATx radiation therapy RBC red blood cells; red blood count RBE RBF relative biological effectiveness renal blood flow RBRVS resource-based relative value scale RCA right coronary artery RCM right costal margin RCT randomized clinical trial; randomized controlled trial RD reaction degeneration; registered dietician; respiratory disease RDA recommended daily allowance RDS respiratory distress syndrome re regarding RE right eye redox oxidation-reduction reg regular REM rapid eye movement (sleep) rep let it be repeated RES reticuloendothelial system RF rheumatic fever; rheumatoid factor RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism RFS relapse-free survival Rh rhesus (factor) Rh neg. Rh negative Rh pos. Rh positive RH relative humidity RIA radioimmunoassay RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation RIH right inguinal hernia RK radial keratotomy RL right lateral RLF retrolental fibroplasia RLL right lower lobe (of lung) RLQ right lower quadrant RMA refuses medical assistance RMR resting metabolic rate Rn radon RN registered nurse RNA ribonucleic acid RNase ribonuclease RO rule out ROI region of interest ROM range of motion ROP retinopathy of prematurity ROS review of symptoms ROT rule of thumb rpm revolutions per minute RPR rapid plasma reagin (test) RPT registered physical therapist RQ respiratory quotient RR respiratory rate; risk ratio RRA registered records administrator RRL registered records librarian RRMS relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid RROM resitive range of motion RRR regular rate and rhythm RRT registered respiratory therapist RS Raynaud syndrome; rectal suppository; rectosigmoid; Reiter syndrome; Rett syndome; review of symptoms; Reye syndrome; Richter’s syndrome; right sacrum; right septum; Roberts syndrome; Rous sarcoma RSA right subclavian artery RSB right sternal border RSC right subclavian RSD reflex sympathetic dystrophy RSI repitition strain injury RSO right superior oblique RSR regular sinus rhythm; right superior rectus (muscle) RSS rectosigmoidoscopy; Russell-Silver syndrome RSV respiratory syncytial virus; Rous sarcoma virus RSVC right superior vena cava rt. right RT radiation therapy, radiotherapy; reaction time; recreational therapy; renal transplantation; respiratory therapist; right thigh; room temperature RTC return to clinic; round the clock Rtd retarded RTD renal tube defect RTI respiratory tract infection rtl rectal RTO return to office RTS Rett syndrome RU routine urinanalysis RUL right upper lobe (of the lung) RUQ right upper quadrant RV right ventricle RVF right ventricular failure RVH right ventricular hypertrophy Rx prescription; therapy, treatment s without S sacral; signa; smooth; subject; sulfur S&S signs and symptoms S-A sinoatrial S/L sublingual S/S signs and symptoms sa according to art SA sinoatrial node SAD seasonal affective disorder SAE serious adverse event SAL saline SAR suspected adverse reaction SAS signs and symptoms sat saturated SBE shortness of breath on exertion SBO small bowel obstruction SBP SBS systolic blood pressure sick building syndrome s.c., SC subcutaneous SCAN suspected child abuse or neglect SCC squamous cell carcinoma; standard clinical criteria SCD sickle cell disease; sudden cardiac death SCDs steroid contraceptive drugs SCI spinal cord injury SCICU spinal cord intensive care unit SCID severe combined immundeficiency SCM state certified midwife SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus SD shoulder disarticulation; stable disease SDA specific dynamic action SDAT senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type Se selenium sec second sed rate sedimentation rate SED skin erythema dose SEM scanning electron microscope, scanning electron microscopy SES socioeconomic status SFA saturated fatty acids; superficial femoral artery sg specific gravity SGA small for gestational age SGOT serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase SH serum hepatitis; social history SHAFT sad, hostile, anxious, frustrating, tenacious syndrome Si silicon SI International System of Units; serum iron SIDS sudden infant death syndrome Sig signa(ture) SIS small intestine submucosa (hernia repair) SIV simian immunodeficiency virus SK streptokinase sl sublingual SLE systemic lupus erythmatosus SLP short luteal phase SLS Stein-Leventhal syndrome sm small SM simple mastectomy; smooth muscle; sports medicine; streptomycin; submandibular; submaxillary; submucous; surrogate mother; symptoms; systolic murmur SMA superior mesenteric artery SMAO superior mesenteric artery occlusion SMD senile macular degeneration SME severe myoclonic epilepsy SNF skilled nursing facility SO standing order; significant other; superior oblique SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, and plan SOB short of breath sol solution SOP SOS standard operating procedure if occasion require, if necessary sp species (singular) SPCA serum prothrombin conversion accelerators SPECT single photon emission computed tomography SPF sun protection factor sp gr specific gravity sp nov new species spp species (plural) SQ subcutaneous sq. squamous Sr strontium SR sedimentation rate S-R stimulus-response sRNA soluble ribonucleic acid SRS-A slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis ss one half SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSSS stapholococcal scalded skin syndrome STAT immediately STD sexually transmitted disease STH somatropic hormone STM short-term memory STP standard temperature and pressure STS serologic test for syphilis supp. suppository surg surgeon, surgery, surgical SUs substance users SV simian virus; stroke volume SVC superior vena cava SVE supraventicular extrasystole SVT supraventricular tachycardia SWI surgical wound infection Sx signs and symptoms Sz seizure T absolute temperature; tesla; thoracic; thymine; tritium T & A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy T & T time and temperature T/S transverse section TA transactional analysis TACHY tachycardia TAE transarterial embolism TAH total abdominal hysterectomy TAM tamoxifen TAT thematic apperception test TB tubercle bacillus; tuberculosis TBD to be determined TBF tick-borne fever; total body fat TBG thyroid-binding globulin, thyroxine-binding globulin TBI thrombotic brain infarction; total bilirubin; traumatic brain injury TBMM total body muscle mass TBS to be scheduled TBSA total body surface area TBW total body water TCA tricyclic antidepressant TCR T cell (antigen) receptor TCT thrombin clotting time Td tetanus and diphtheria (toxoids) TD tardive dyskinesia tds to be taken three times per day tech technician TEM transmission electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TFT thrombus formation time; thyroid function test TGF transforming growth factor TGV thoracic gas volume; transposition of great vessels THBSO total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy THC tetrahydrocannabinol THP total hip prosthesis THR total hip replacement THV terminal hepatic venule Ti titanium TIA transient ischemic attack tid three times per day TIL tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte tinct tincture TJD transient job disability; traumatic joint disease TKA total knee arthroplasty TKR total knee replacement TLC tender loving care; thin-layer chromatography; total lung capacity TLE temporal lobe epilepsy TM transcendental meditation; tympanic membrane TMA thrombotic microangiopathy TMD temperomandibular disorder TMJ temperomandibular joint, temperomandibular joint syndrome TNF tumor necrosis factor TNM tumor, nodes, metastases TNTC too numerous to count t.o. telephone order TOF time-of-flight top topically TORCH TOS toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus thoracic outlet syndrome Tox toxic, toxicology TP total pancreatectomy TPA tissue plasminogen activator TPI Treponema pallidum immobilization test TPP thiamine pyrophosphate TPR temperature, pulse, respiration TQM total quality management tr., tinct. tincture TRF thyrotropin-releasing factor TRH thyrotropin-releasing hormone tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid Trp tryptophan TrPl treatment plan TRT testosterone replacement therapy TRUS transrectal ultrasonography Tryp tryptophan Ts skin temperature TS temperature, skin; thoracic surgery; total solids (in urine); Tourette’s syndrome; toxic syndrome; transexual; tricuspid stenosis; triple strength; tropical sprue; Turner syndrome TSA total shoulder arthroplasty; tumor-specific antigen; thyroid-stimulating antibody TSB total serum bilirubin TSBA total serum bile acids TSC tranverse spinal sclerosis TSD Ty-Sachs disease TSE testicular self-examination; total skin examination TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone; transient synovitis of the hip Tsp teaspoon TSP total serum protein TSPL transplant TSS total suspended solids; toxic shock syndrome; tropical splenomegaly syndrome TST total sleep time; treadmill stress test; triciptal skinfold thickness; tumor skin test TT testicular torsion; therapeutic touch; trombin time; tibial tubercle; total time; transient tachypnea; tuberculin test TTB third trimester bleeding TTD transient tic disorder TTE transthoracic echocardiography TTH thyrotropic hormone TURB transurethral resection of the bladder TURP transurethral rection of the prostate TvC treatment versus control TVH total vaginal hysterectomy TvT treatment versus treatment TVT transmissable vaginal tumor TVUS transvaginal ultrasound TWG total weight gain Tx treatment; therapy Tyr tyrosine U uracil; uranium UA urinanalysis UC ulcerative colitis; uterine contractions ud use as directed UDP uridine diphosphate UE unemployed; upper extremity; urea and electrolytes UF ultrafine; uterus firm UG upward gaze UI urinary incontinence ULN ulnar UMP ung uridine 5'-monophosphate unguent, ointment Unh unnilhexium Unp unnilpentium Unq unnilquadrium UO urine output UP universal precautions UR upper right; urine URI upper respiratory infection URTI upper respiratory tract infection USO unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy USP United States Pharmacopeia USS ultrasound scan ut dict as directed UTI urinary tract infection UTP uridine triphosphate UV ultraviolet V vanadium; volt VAD ventricular assist device VCG vectorcardiogram VD venereal disease VDRL serology test for syphilis VE vaginal examination VF ventricular fibrillation Vi virulent VIN VIP vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia vasoactive intestinal peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide VIT vital; vitamin VLDL very low-density lipoprotein VLF very lowfat diet VMA vanillylmandelic acid VMD doctor of veterinary medicine VOC volatile organic compound vol volume VPB ventricular premature beats VS vesicular stomatitis VSA vital signs absent VSD ventricular septal defect VSS vital signs stable V/S/TOP vaginal suction termination of pregnancy VT ventricular tachycardia v/v volume per volume W tungsten W/U workup WA wide awake WAIS Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale WC white blood cell; whooping cough WDHA watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, and achlorhyria (syndrome) WEE western equine encephalomyelitis WF white female WHO World Health Organization WM white male WN well nourished; West Nile fever WND Wilson disease; wound WNL within normal limits WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White (syndrome) WR weight-reducing diet ws water soluble wt weight w/v weight in volume w/w weight in weight x power of magnification Xe xenon XP xeroderma pigmentosum XR x-ray XRAY x-ray XRT x-ray therapy XS excess alcohol consumption yo years old Z atomic number; impedance Zn zinc ZPG zero population growth