DN Wells Inspection Template DRAFT July 2015

Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Work Instructions
Topic specialists should use this template to record their inspection of the Well Engineering and Operations aspects of a design or relocation notification, and
of a design notification for a non-production installation to be converted to a production installation. Inspection should be against the requirements of
Exemplar Approach - This template should be used in accordance with the scope of the Inspection Instructions when the topic is included for inspection. An
exemplar approach may be sufficient if some material has been previously inspected and has not materially changed.
The template is one of a series covering all inspection topics, which together form a complete record of the design or relocation inspection and create
evidence of the inspection of the notification. The templates identify the specific regulatory requirements of SCR2015 for the topic and indicate what the
competent authority expects to find within a notification to demonstrate that those requirements are met. The template complements the published guidance
that supports the regulations and topic sector guidance. The templates are available to promote transparency and assist duty holders in drafting submissions.
Green text indicates regulatory requirements that are new in SCR2015.
Black text represents regulatory requirements that are contained in both SCR2005 and SCR2015.
Potential Non Acceptance Issue - A Non Acceptance Issue (NAI) is a deficiency in the demonstration made within a safety case, which, if not resolved, will
prevent the case from being accepted under the relevant statutory provisions. During the inspection of the design or relocation notification, the inspector must
identify any potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to the attention of the duty holder.
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
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Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Relevant Pre-Existing Guidance
 APOSC Principles:
Principle 1
The factual information should meet the SCR2015 requirements and provide sufficient detail to support the arguments made in the case
Management of health and safety
Principle 2
The safety case should demonstrate that the management system is adequate to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions
Major accident risk evaluation
Principle 13
In deciding what is reasonably practicable, the case should show how relevant good practice and judgement based on sound engineering,
management and human factors principles have been taken into account
Major accident risk management
Principle 16
The safety case should explain how inherently safer design concepts have been applied in the design decisions taken
Principle 17
The measures for preventing major accident hazards should take account of the various activities undertaken during the installation’s current
phase of operation
Principle 26
A design notification should describe how the principles of risk evaluation and risk management are being applied to the design to ensure that
major accident risks will be controlled so as to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions
Principle 27
Well engineering aspects, especially those that refer to well operations before the start of facility operations, should be included in the design
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Page 2 of 8
Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Other Guidance Reference:
The following documents are industry guidance that can aid in determining if the duty holder is following good industry practice:
Well Lifecycle Practices Forum
Guidelines for the suspension and abandonment of wells
Guidelines on qualification of materials for the suspension and abandonment of wells
Guidelines for well-operators on competency of well-examiners
Guidelines for well-operators on well examination
Guidelines on competency for wells personnel
Guidelines on relief well planning for offshore wells
Well life cycle integrity guidelines
Guidelines on BOP Systems for Offshore Wells
Energy Institute
 Model code of safe practice Part 17 Vol 1,2 & 3 – High Pressure High Temperature Wells
 Model code of safe practice Part 15 – Area classification code for installations handling flammable fluids
 Guidelines for offshore oil and gas installations that are not permanently manned
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Page 3 of 8
Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
1. Design / Relocation notification requirements
a) SCR2015 Schedule 5 – Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification for a production
1. The name and address of the operator of the installation.
2. A general description of the means by which the management system of the operator will ensure that the structure and plant of the installation will be
designed, selected, constructed and commissioned in a way which will control major accident risks to comply with the relevant statutory provisions.
3. A description of the design process from an initial concept to the submitted design or selection of an existing installation, the relevant standards used and
the design philosophy used to guide the process.
4. A description of—
the chosen design concept in relation to the major hazard scenarios for the particular installation and its intended location, and the primary
risk control features, including suitable diagrams, and a summary of the other design options which were considered;
the criteria used to select the chosen design concept and the process by which the selection was made.
5. A suitable plan of the intended location of the installation and of anything which may be connected to it, and particulars of—
7. Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, which the installation is capable of performing.
8. A description of—
the principal systems on the installation;
the installation layout;
any petroleum-bearing reservoir intended to be exploited using the installation; and
the basis of design for any well to be connected to the installation.
9. A description of the verification scheme which complies with regulation 13(1) and an initial list of the safety and environmental-critical elements and their
required performance.
10. A general description of the safety and environmental management system by which the intended major accident risk control measures are to be
maintained in good effect.
11. Where a non-production installation is to be converted for use as a production installation, a justification demonstrating that the installation is suitable
for such conversion.
12. Where a production installation is to be moved to a new location to serve a different production operation, a demonstration that the installation is suitable
for the proposed production operation.
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Potential NAI
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
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Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments
Para 1 - Does the notification have the name and address of the operator
of the installation? If applicable has a separate Well Operator been
(APOSC Principle 1)
Para 2 – From a well operations and engineering perspective. Does the
notification contain a general description of the means by which the
management system of the operator will ensure that the structure and
plant of the installation will be designed, selected, constructed and
commissioned in a way which will control major accident risks to comply
with the relevant statutory provisions?
For well operations the RSP is the Offshore Installations and Wells
(Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996. Regulations 13 to 21.
(APOSC Principle 2)
Para 3 - From a well operations and engineering perspective. Does the
notification contain a description of the design process from an initial
concept to the submitted design or selection of an existing installation, the
relevant standards used and the design philosophy used to guide the
(APOSC Principle 26)
Para 4(a) - From a well operations and engineering perspective. Does the
notification contain a description of the chosen design concept in relation
to the well operations and engineering major hazard scenarios for the
particular installation and its intended location, and the primary risk control
features, including suitable diagrams, and a summary of the other design
options which were considered?
(APOSC Principle 26)
Para 4(c) - From a well operations and engineering perspective. Does the
notification contain a description of the criteria used to select the chosen
design concept and the process by which the selection was made?
(APOSC Principle 26)
Para 5 – Does the notification contain a suitable plan of the intended
location of the installation showing what wells are to be connected to it?
(APOSC Principle 1)
Para 7 - Does the notification contain details of what type of well
operations the installation is capable of performing? i.e. drilling and
completion operations; well workover and well servicing operations.
(APOSC Principle 17)
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Page 5 of 8
Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Para 8(a)(b)(e) & (f) - Does the notification contain descriptions with
suitable diagrams of the wells and equipment used in well operations?
Does it contain the following?
Installation and subsea wells
Drilling facilities
Well bay area
Well pressure control equipment
Well shut-in systems
Protection against dropped / swinging load
Subsea protection systems
Installation hazardous areas
Well schematic / description
Completion diagrams
Wellhead / xmas trees
Reservoir conditions
Reservoir fluid properties
Intermediate formations
Shallow formations
Drilling problem history / experience
Casing, completion, wellhead and xmas
tree design
Details of the well operations MAH, and
identified mitigation measures for them.
Shallow gas identification evaluation
Identification and evaluation of geological
hazards and uncertainties, including
temperatures, pore and fracture gradient
(APOSC Principles 1, 13, 16 & 27)
Para 9 – Does the notification contain a description of the verification
scheme as it applies to the wells controlled by the installation, which
complies with regulation 13(1)?
Has the notification included the wells and well monitoring / control
systems in the initial list of the safety and environmental-critical elements
and their required performance?
(APOSC Principle 26)
Para 10 - Does the notification have a general description of the operator’s
safety and environmental management system, with respect to well
It could contain general details of the following?
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Page 6 of 8
Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Manning philosophy for well operations
Well operations organisation
Competency / training in well operations
Selection and control of well operations
Well operations procedures / policies
Well pressure control policy
Well directional control policy
Annulus monitoring policy
Well integrity management arrangements
(APOSC Principle 2)
Para 11 – Does the notification contain a justification demonstrating from a
well engineering and operations perspective that a non-production
installation that is to be converted for use as a production installation is
suitable for such conversion.
(APOSC Principle 26)
Para 12 – For a production installation is to be moved to a new location or
serve a different production operations. Does the notification contain a
demonstration that the installation is suitable for the proposed production
(APOSC Principle 26)
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
Page 7 of 8
Document Title: Well Eng & Ops Design & Relocation Inspection Template – Production Installation
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
Case Title - [Safety Case Title]
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
NAI – Non Acceptance Issue
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
1. Design / Relocation Notification Requirements
a) Schedule 5 – Particulars to be included in a design
notification or a relocation notification for a
production installation
TRIM: 2015/273591
Revised: 22 July 2015
Owner: ED 4.4
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