Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank SYLLABUS PART – A – THERMODYNAMICS UNIT – I 1. KINETIC THEORY OF GASES 2. THERMODYNAMICS ** 3. THERMODYNAMIC POTENTIALS AND MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS ** UNIT – II 4. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS ** 5. QUANTUM THEORY OF RADIATION ** 6. STASTISTICAL MECHANICS PART – B – OPTICS UNIT – III 7. MATRIX METODS IN PARAXIAL OPTICS 8. ABERRATIONS ** 9. INTERFERENCE ** UNIT – IV 10. DIFFRACTION 11. POLARISATION ** 12. LASER ,FIBER OPTICS AND HOLOGRAPHY ** Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 1 Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank Essay Questions From Thermodynamics 01. Write Down an Expression for Maxwell’s Distribution of Molecular Speeds and Describe it’s Experimental Confirmation. (Kinetic Theory of gases). 02. What is Transport Phenomena in Gases? Obtain on the basis of Kinetic theory an Expression for Co-efficient of Viscosity of Gases. (Kinetic Theory of gases). 03. What is Reversible Engine? Describe the working of Carnot’s Engine and Derive an Expression for its Efficiency. (Thermodynamics) 04. What is Entropy – Temperature Diagram? What are it’s uses? Obtain the Expression for the Efficiency of a Carnot’s Engine using the Entropy – Temperature Diagram (Thermodynamics) 05. Define the Four Thermodynamic potentials. Obtain Maxwell’s Thermodynamic Equations Using these Potentials. (Thermodynamics Potentials and Maxwell’s Equations). 06. What is Joule – Kelvin Effect? Describe the Porous – Pluge Experiment and indicate the result. Obtain an expression for the Cooling procedure due to this Effect. (Low Temperature Physics). 07. Explain what is meant by Adiabatic De-Magnetisation ? How it is Achieve in Practice? Discuss the result obtained (Low Temperature Physics) 08. State and Deduce Wien’s Displacement Law. (Quantum Theory Of Radiation ) 09. What is Plank’s Hypothesis? Derive Planck’s Formula for the Distribution of Energy in Black Body radiation. Show that Wien’s and Rayleigh - Jeans Laws are Special Cases of Planck’s Radiation Law. (Quantum Theory Of Radiation ) From Optics 10. What is Chromatic Aberration? Obtain an Expression for the Chromatic Aberration of a Lens. Derive the Condition for Achromatism when two lenses are In Contact. (Aberrations) 11. What is Spherical Aberration in a Lens? Deduce an Expression for the Magnitude of Spherical Aberration due to a Plane refracting surface .Explain the Principle of Achromatic Doublet. (Aberrations) 12. Describe Young’s Double Slit Experiment. Derive an Expression for the Intensity at a point in the region of superposition of to coherent waves of the same period and wavelength (Interference - I) 13. Describe Newton’s ring method for measuring the wave length of monochromatic light. Give the necessary theory. (Interference - II) Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 2 Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank 14. Describe the principle, construction and working of Michelson’s interferometer. Explain how the wave length of light is determined with it. (Interference - II) 15. Discuss the Fraunhoffer’s Diffraction due to Double - Slit and obtain the intensity distribution and position of Maxima and Minima. (Diffraction - I) 16. What are Fresnel’s Half Period Zones? Give the theory of Fresnel’s Diffraction of light at a Straight Edge and explain the intensity distribution Diffraction Pattern(Diffraction -II) 17. Describe the construction and working of a Nicol’s Prism. Explain how it can be used as Poloriser and Analyses (Polarisation ) 18. Define Specific Rotation . Describe the construction and working of Laurent’s Half – Shade Polarimeter .Explain how you would use it do determine the specific rotation of sugar – solution . (Polarisation ) 19. What do you mean by population inversion? How the population inversion is achieved in Helium – Neon LASER. (LASER, Fibre Optics and Holography) 20. Explain the principle and construction of holography. Discuss various application of holography. (LASER, Fibre Optics and Holography) Short Answer Questions From Thermodynamics 01. Outline how Kinetic Theory of gases Explain the Transport phenomena. 02. Deduce an Expression for Diffusion Co-efficient of a gas on the basis of Kinetic Theory of Gases. 03. State and Explain the Carnot’s Theorem. 04. What is meant by Indicator Diagram? What is it’s Significance. 05. What is Entropy? Give the Physical Significance of Entropy. 06. Obtain an Expression for the work done in Isothermal Process. 07. Obtain an Expression for the work done in Adiabatic Process. 08. What do you mean by Specific Heats of Gases.Obtain the of Specific Heats . 09. Derive an Expression for the Difference of two Specific Heats (CP – CV = R). 10. Explain Joule – Thomson Effect. 11. Explain the Principle of Refrigeration. 12. Explain the Principle Involved in Liquefaction of Liquid Helium. 13. Define Solar Constant. How do you Estimate the temperature of the Sun. 14. Explain Angstrom’s Pyrheliometer. 15. Describe Fery’s Black Body. Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 3 Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank 16. Write the Distinguishes between M.B ,B.E and F.D Statistics. From Optics 17. Derive the Refraction Matrix. 18. Derive the Translation Matrix 19. Derive the System Matrix 20. Explain the Cardinal Points. 21. Explain the COMA and Write the Elimination methods of it. 22. Explain the Astigmatism and Write the Elimination methods of it. 23. Explain Distortion, Curvature and Write the Elimination Methods of it. 24. Explain the Coherence and what are Sources Illuminated the Coherence Waves. 25. Derive the Cosine Law / Condition for Interference. (Reflection Case) 26. Explain Clausius –Clapeyron Equarion. 27. Explain the types Of Fringes. 28. Write the Differences between the Interference And Diffraction. 29. Explain the Zone – Plate and working of the Zone – Plate. 30. Explain the Brewster’s Law 31. Explain the Malu’s Law. 32. Explain the Double Refraction. 33. Explain the Equation for the Quarter – Wave Plate. 34. Explain the Equation for the Half – Wave Plate. 35. Explain the Functioning of the Basinet’s Compensator. 36. Explain the Optical Activity. 37. Explain the specific rotation. 38. What is meant by LASER. What are characteristics of LASER. 39. Derive the Einstein’s Co-efficient (A & B). 40. Write the principles of LASER. 41. Explain the functioning of RUBY LASER. 42. Explain the principle of Optical Fiber and structure of Optical Fiber. 43. Explain different types of Optical Fibers. 44. Explain the concept Fiber Optics Communication systems. Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 4 Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank Problems Coming Topics ------- 04 Marks From Thermodynamics 01. Efficiency of the Carnot’s Engine. a. η = 1 – T2/T1 b. η = 1 – Q2/Q1. 02. ON the Concept Of the Entropy. a. S2-S1 = L/T + 2.303 ms log10(T2/T1) b. dS = dQ/T 03. Inversion Temperature (Ti). a. Ti = 2a/bR b. dP/dT = L/T(V2-V1) (Clausius –Clapeyron Equarion). 04. Temperature of the Sun T = [( r/R )2 (S/60σ) ]1/4 and T = [( r/R )2 (S/σ) ]1/4 05. Focal length of Combined Lenses. 1/F = 1/f1 + 1/f2 – t/f1 f2 06. On Translation & Refraction Matrix Concepts. 07. Achromatic Doublet ω1/f1 + ω2 /f2 =0 08. β = λ D / 2d (Phase Shift) 09. I1/I2 = (a1)2 / (a2) 2 (Ratios Of The Intensities) 10. R = (Dm2 – Dn2) / 4λ(m - n) Cm Newton’s Rings – Radius of Curvature of the Given Lens. 11. nλ = 2µtcosr Cosine Law Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 5 Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Computer Education Physics Paper-II Question Bank 12. Dn2 = 4nλR Newton’s Rings – Radius of Curvature of the Given Lens. In Dark Conditions 13. ( e + d ) sinθ = nλ Diffraction Due to Double Slits and N – Slits also 14. ( e ) sinθ = nλ Diffraction Due to Single - Slits Only. 15. f = (rn2) / n λ And 1/v – 1/u = 1/f (Diffraction – II) 16. µ = tan p And r + p = 90° Brewster’s Angle 17. I0 = I Cos2θ Mauls Law 18. t = λ / 4 ( µ0 - µe ) Quarter – Wave Plate. 19. t = λ / 2 ( µ0 - µe ) Half – wave Plate. S=θ/l C. Specific Rotation. Department of Physics, B V R I C E Page 6