FALL 2010
Eligible students will demonstrate: Strong record of attendance; no scheduling
conflicts during the Fall 2010 semester and other requisites as noted below.
ENG 1101 English Composition I Core 3 cl hrs, 3cr
Saturday (9:30-12:00)
A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding
readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Prerequisite: CUNY certification
in reading and writing or 9-12 Regents ELA- 75+.
MAT 11 75/MA 175 Fundamentals of Mathematics 4 cl hrs, 4 cr - Saturday (8:45-12t05)
Topics include linear and quadratic functions, intermediate algebra, plane geometry and trigonometry of the
right triangle. Prerequisite: CUNY certification in math or 9-12 Regents Integrated Algebra 65+ or 75+ and
Geometry 65+ or 75+ (at least one score must be 75+)
MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry MATH Core 4 cl hrs, 4 cr - Saturday (12:15-3:35)
An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations,
exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and solutions
of triangles. Prerequisites: MA T 11 75 or for new students, a score of at least 35 on the Pre-Algebra part and
of at least 40 on the Algebra part of the CUNY Mathematics Placement Test
MAT 1375 Precalculus MATH Core 4 cl hrs, 4 cr - Saturday (12:15-3:35)
A precalculus functions course including topics from advanced algebra and the theory of equations such as
solutions of polynomial equations, DeMoivre's Theorem, Binomial Theorem, vectors, lines, conic sections and
progressions. A graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MA T 1275 or, for new students, a score of at
least 50 on the Algebra part and of at least 36 on the College Algebra part and of at least 25 on the
Trigonometry part of the CUNY Mathematics Placement Test
MKT 1100/MK 100 Essentials of Marketing 3 cl hrs, 3 cr Saturday (9:30-12:00)
Functions involved in distributing goods, the role of the manufacturer in selecting target markets, types of
marketing institutions (wholesale and retail). Formulating marketing policies and strategies. The role of
government and the effects of consumerism on marketing practices. Prerequisite: CUNY certification in
reading or 9- 12 Regents ELA- 75+.
Career Exploration
ARCH 1111/AR 111
*Architectural Foundation 2 cl hrs, 3 lab hrs, 3 cr
Saturday (10:30-3:30)
Basic architectural visualization systems, with an emphasis on orthographic projections, parallel line drawings
and preliminary three dimensional models. The student will acquire skills with respect to the visual
interpretation of three dimensional objects and the delineation of same, using standard projection systems and
free hand sketching techniques to promote an ability to translate freely between two- and three-dimensional
reality. Prerequisite: None