Dr. D.T.Shirke - Shivaji University

Dr. D.T.Shirke
1. Personal Details
: D.T.Shirke, Professor
2. Academic Details
: M.Sc. Ph.D
3. Research Specialization
: Statistical Inference, Industrial Statistics, Simulation
4. Teaching Experience
 U.G.
 P.G
5. Research Guidance
 UG Programs:
 PG Programs : Guidance for ¾ student per year for their project
 M.Phil
: Completed = 7, Working = 4
 Ph.D
: Completed = 5, Working = 1
6. Research Publication
1. R.N. Rattihalli and D.T.Shirke (1992) An improved confidence region for the
common mean vector of two multivariate Homoscedastic Normal Distributions.
communication in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 21(5) 1319-1325
2. D.T. Shirke and R.N. Rattihalli (1997) Uniformly. Most Accurate for the parameter of
the family of distributions involving truncation parameter Bulletin of Pure and
Applied Sci. 16(E) (2) 165-170.
3. D.T.Shirke (1999) A note on pretest Estimation for some discrete Distributions
Communications in statistics Simulation and Computation 28, (2) 431-439.
4. D.T.Shirke and B.J. Jagadale (2000-2001) Pretest estimation for the mean of Poisson
Distribution Jr. Indian Society for Prob & Statistics 5 81-91.
5. K.M.Nalawade and D.T.Shirke (2002) Pretest estimation for the mean of Parameter of
Power Series Distribution statistical Methods 4 (2) 99-112.
6. D. T. Shirke & K. T. Nalawade (2003) Estimation of the parameter of binomial
distribution in presence of prior point information. Jr. Indian Statistical Association.
Vol. 41, No.1pp117-128.
7. Kumbhar R. R. Shirke D. T (2004) Tolerance limits for lifetime distribution of k-unit
Parallel system. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume 74, Issue
3, 2004, pp 201 – 213.
8 Shirke, D. T. (2004) Shrinkage estimation of the scale parameter. J. Indian Statistical
Association Vol. 42, No.1, 121-128.
9. Kumbhar R. R. Shirke D. T. Kundu, D.(2005) Tolerance intervals for exponentiated
Scale family of distributions Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 32, Issue 10 Dec.
2005 ,pages 1067 – 1074.
10 Shirke, D.T. and Kakade, C.S.(2006): On exponentiated lognormal distribution,
International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 319326.
11. Patil M. K. and Shirke D. T. (2007) Testing parameter of the power series
distribution of a zero inflated power series model. Statistical Methodology, Vol. 4,
Issue 4, pp 393-406
12. Shirke, D.T. and Kakade, C.S.(2007): Exponentiated Gumbel distribution, is
accepted for publication in TRAJECTORY, Vol.15, No.1, 4
13. Shirke, D.T. and Kakade, C.S.(2007): Some inferences on exponentiated Gumbel
distribution, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 3, 1,pp 92–
14 Pandit P. V. and Shirke D. T. (2006) A note on repeated significance test procedure
for testing exponentiality against IFRA alternatives. Statistical Methods. Volume 8,
Number 2, pp. 206 -212.
15. Shirke, D.T. and Kakade, C.S .(2007): Inference of P(Y<X) for Exponentiated Scale
Family of Distributions, Accepted for Journal of Indian Statistical Association.
16. Shirke, D.T., Kakade, C.S. and Kundu, D.(2007): Inference for P(Y<X) in
Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution. Journal of Statistics and Applications. In press.
17 Shirke, D.T. and Kakade, C.S.(2007): Tolerance interval for Exponentiated
Exponential distribution Based on Grouped Data, is accepted in International Journal
of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2.
18. Ghute V. B. and Shirke D. T. (2007) "Joint Monitoring of Multivariate Process Using
Synthetic Control Charts", International Journal of Statistics and Management
Systems, Vol.2, 129-141.
19 . Ghute V. B. and Shirke D. T. (2007) "Robustness of Multivariate Synthetic Control
Chart to Non-normality", TRAJECTORY Vol.15, No.1, 35-49.
20 Mahadik S. B. and Shirke D. T. (2007) Economic Design of a Modified Variable
Sample Size and Sampling Interval bar-X Chart, Economic Quality Control, Vol. 22,
No. 2 pp 273-293.
21 Mahadik S. B. and Shirke D. T. (2007) On the Superiority of a Variable Sampling
Interval Control Chart. Journal of Applied Statistics, 2007, vol. 34, issue 4, pages
443- 458.
22. Ghute V. B. and Shirke D. T. (2008) "A Multivaiate Synthetic Control Chart for
Process Dispersion", Quality Technology and Quantitative Management. Vol. 5, No.
3, pp. 271- 288.
23 Ghute V. B. and Shirke D. T. (2007) "Nonparametric Synthetic Control Charts for
Bivariate Process Location", Economic Quality Control. In press
24 Ghute V. B. and Shirke D. T. (2008) "A Multivariate Synthetic Control Chart for
Monitoring Process Mean Vector", Communications in Statistics-Theory and
Methods. Vol. 37, Issue 13 pp. 2136-2148.
7. Conference Attended
1. One day workshop on “ Applications of Statistics” ( 24-2-2003)
2. XXIII Annual Conference of I.S.P.S. (18-20 Dec.2003 Nagarjunanagar ,AP)
“International conference on Statistical Inference” Punjab university Chandigadh
(21-24 Dec. 2003).
4. Workshop on “Human Value Education” (17-20 Nov 2003), Shivaji Univ.
5. National Conference on “Statistical Inference and Applications” (24-26 Feb.2005)
University, Kolhapur. (Co-ordinator)
6. “National Workshop on Nonparametric Inference” (2-3 Jan.2005) Shivaji
University, kolhapur.
7. “International Conference on recent developments in Statistics”
(I.I.T Kanpur ,4-5 Jan. 2005)
8. International Conference on interdisplinary Mathematical techniques, portugal
(8-10 Sept. 2006)
9. A National Conference on Statistical Modelling and Inference (Shivaji Uty,
Kolhapur) 12-14 Feb. 2007.
10. Annual ISPS conference, Bangalore (Dec. 2006)
11. Annual ISPS conference, Tirupti (2007)
12. Workshop on Micro-array analysis using ‘ R’ Software 21-24 Dec. 2007.
8. Research Project Work
Project Title
1 Development of need based
software for University
College Administration
2 Open source statistical
Software In distance
Funding Amount Period
UGC 3,75,560/- 2002- Completed
4,00,000/- 20072008
9. Membership / Other Charges :
 Life member : Indian Society for Probability and Statistics
 Elected Members: International Statistical Institute
 Executive Council member of ISPS
 Life member of SUSTA
10. Honors / Rewards:
- Nil
11. Fellowship / Post Doctoral:
- Nil