MATCHING SWERLING MODELS WITH RADAR CROSS SECTION PROJECTION INSTRUMENT ON MILITARY PLATFORMS Abstract: Although the use of “Swerling Target Models” is a well-known statistical approach found in the 1950s, today it is still extensively used especially for target RCS production at radar simulators due to its fast and simple solution performance. While it has lots of application areas, to the best knowledge of the authors, no research on the accuracy of Swerling Target Models has been reported which uses well-developed Radar Cross Section (RCS) prediction tools. This is in spite of the fact that powerful RCS prediction methods and tools have been around during the last two decades. In this paper, the Swerling Target Models of selected targets are compared with the RCS Probability Density Functions (PDFs) obtained with a Shooting and Bouncing Ray (SBR) based RCS computing program (RKAY RCS Prediction Program). This code has been developed inhouse and has been validated against results found in the literature. As a result of comparison it is seen that the Swerling Target Models are generally coherent with the RCS results of the prediction tool but since they model targets too generally, better stochastic RCS models need to be developed. Probability Density Functions of RCS of several (simple and complex) targets generated with the prediction tool will be presented at the conference. Convergence of these PDFs with respect to angular sampling rate will be discussed. Comparison of these PDFs with appropriate Swerling models will be made and discrepancies will be highlighted. Possible directions for developing new stochastic target models will be suggested. Key Words: Swerling Target Models, Radar Cross Section, Probability Density Functions, RKAY RCS Prediction Program. 1. Introduction: The first studies were done to solve the problem of detection of the signal in noise after WWII. However, these studies were not published before 1960s. After that, these studies continued in two ways. In one side Chi-Square Model, Log-Normal Model and Rice Model were suggested and on the other, parallel to the development of computational techniques calculation algorithms developed for detection. Many of today’s radar targets have complex architecture. Targets could be modeled with different statistical models when viewed from different perspectives or frequencies. This necessitates lots of mathematical models to characterize target Radar Cross Section (RCS). In 1960, Marcum J.I. published his study on Determination of Detection Probability of the Stationary RCS Targets. Then, mathematical models developed for determining detection probability of fluctuating RCS targets were published by American mathematician Peter Swerling. Swerling Target Models (STMs) are used in radar simulators due to its fast computation speed. Contrary to RCS prediction tools, STMs generate quick solutions by a simple algorithm. Since it’s based on statistical computation method, it is independent of the detection of the target. For STM, it’s enough to know of Freedom Level (m) and Average RCS Value (sigma ort) to obtain the statistical RCS outputs. Even though STM has a simple algorithm and statistical computational method it produces satisfactory results for certain targets. Modern RCS Prediction Tools, unlike STM make RCS calculations with more sophisticated algorithm. With these tools, targets’ RCS are calculated in accordance with physical laws. Thus, RCS results are directly related with the targets’ geometrical form. It also increases the computation time due to the sophisticated algorithm of the Modern RCS Prediction Tools. It’s widely used in especially while designing low RCS targets. In Modern RCS Prediction Tools, frequency, polarization, measurement technique, computation numbers and measurement of several parameters such as angle is required to be entered into the program. Even though it will bring extra load to take part in so many variables, it contributes to get more detailed and precise results. 2. Paper Contents and Requirements: Among the studies related to the RCS computation methods there aren’t any study that shows the performance of STMs by comparing it with a Modern RCS Prediction Tools. (to the best knowledge of the author).In this paper the author aims to analyze the performance of the Swerling Target Models. In this context, probability density functions (PDFs) has been used as a comparison tool. With the STMs it can be obtained only PDF as an output of the target RCS computation. In the study, it is used “RKAY RCS Prediction Program” which is based on shooting and bouncing ray (SBR) method as a Modern RCS Prediction Tool. After a period of process done to RKAY RCS Prediction Program, it’s gained the PDF graphs. The final results are obtained by making comparisons of STM’s and RKAY RCS Prediction Program’s PDF results. 3. Swerling Target Models: Even though it’s accepted that the signals returning from the target are fixed, if the target is moving they are not so. The RCS of the sophisticated structure targets are directly related with its surface, polarization and frequency. That's why returning signal changes when the surface of the target changes according to the radar position. It should be especially known that the PDF of the target and the time dependent correlation specifications in order to express the fluctuations due to the movement of a target RCS correctly. However, generally it’s not practical for many radars to make computations providing these experimental information. Swerling determined considerable statistical models for RCS fluctuations and he tried to get a method to compute the target’s RCS computations more economically by analyzing them mathematically. For these computations he used Chi-Square Distribution to model the statistical fluctuations. He calculated probability of detection for 5 different RCS models. RCS fluctuations models known as Swerling Conditions are shown in Table 1. Chi-Square Distribution is mathematical model which shows statistical fluctuations. (1) (2) Swerling Condition 1-2 characterizes the behavior of a lot of independent and similar size objects. This is suitable for many flying targets. Condition 3-4 is suitable for the targets which have big body with small particles on it. This is suitable mostly for “Ship” and “Guided Missile (G/M)” targets. In Swerling Condition 5 also named as Swerling Condition Zero there is no fluctuation in the target RCS. It’s stable and used for comparison. It’s analyzed widely by Marcum. The Sphere could be exemplified for Swerling Condition 5 since it has the same RCS in every respect. (3) Table 1-The Specifications of the Swerling Conditions Target Model Target RCS’s PDF (Freedom Level) 1 Target RCS’s Fluctuation Rate Target Geometry Sample Objective s Rayleigh (2) Slow (fluctuation scan to scan) 2 Rayleigh (2) Fast (fluctuation pulse to pulse) Numerous independent, equivalent RCS Airplane, Battle Tank 3 Chi-square (4) Slow (fluctuation scan to scan) Ship, G/M 4 Chi-square (4) Fast (fluctuation pulse to pulse) Small sections around a large RCS 5 Fixed (∞) No fluctuation Stationary RCS targets Sphere 4. Techniques and Methods Used in RCS Analysis: The techniques and methods used in the context of the paper are shown below. a. Designing targets for RCS analysis by means of Rhinoceros 3D Design Program, b. Computing RCSs of designed targets via RKAY RCS Prediction Program, c. Obtaining PDF graphs according to RCS results, d. Inputting m and σort into STM and gaining PDF graph with a MATLAB program, e. Comparing RKAY RCS Prediction Program outputs with Swerling PDF outputs for “2 norms” and “∞ norms”. 5. Designing Targets: The targets which are shown below are designed by Rhinoceros 3D Design Program. In the context of the paper it’s assumed that these targets are perfectly conductor. First of all, it is created 3 main targets and then created 3 more targets for each of them. The later targets are derived from those produced first. (Totally 12 targets are produced.) Main targets are G/M, Airplane and Ship. First of the subordinate targets are comprised of the Ellipsoid, second of the subordinate targets are comprised of the Polygon, third of the subordinate targets are comprised of the mixture of the both Ellipsoid and Polygon targets and the last subordinate targets are the real platforms. Figure 1-G/M Ellipsoid, G/M Polygon, G/M Ellipsoid with Small Parts and Penguin Models. Figure 2-Airplane Ellipsoid, Airplane Polygon, Airplane Ellipsoid with Small Parts and F-18 Models. Figure 3-Ship Ellipsoid, Ship Polygon, Ship Ellipsoid with Small Parts and Ship Models. The targets’ RCSs are computed via RKAY RCS Prediction Program for the conditions shown in Table 2. Table 2-Information on the Analysis Conducted in the Paper Target Lengt h Horizontal Angle Scanning Ranges Vertical Angle Polarization Analysis Frequency G/M 3m 360o 1o 45o(fixed) Vertical-Vertical 3/10/15 GHz Airplane 30 m 360o 2o 45o(fixed) Vertical-Vertical 3/10/15 GHz Ship 100 m 360o 2o 45o(fixed) Vertical-Vertical 3/10 GHz 6. RCS Computations of Targets via RKAY RCS Prediction Program: After creation of targets with Rhinoceros 3D Design Program, their RCSs are calculated with RKAY RCS Prediction Program. The outputs of the computations are processed with a MATLAB program. G/M Ellipsoid Elipsoid (3 GHz, 1o Horizontal) missile elips 3GHz 1lik 35 RKAY Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu RKAY PDF Probability Density Function (PDF) Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Radar Kesit Alanı 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Radar Cross Section (RCS) Figure 4-The PDF Graph of G/M Ellipsoid Model Obtained From RKAY RCS Prediction Program at 3 GHz Scanned with 1o Steps. 7. Creating Swerling PDF Graphs: STMs are comprised of “σort” Chi-Square Distribution. While for Swerling Condition 1-2 Equation 1 is used, for Swerling 3-4 Equation 2 is used. It’s created a MATLAB program to monitor the fluctuations of the STMs’ PDFs by means of the parameter “m” and “σort.” 8. Comparing the PDF Graphs of RKAY RCS Prediction Programs and Swerling Target Models: All the “m” and “σort ” are tried to discover the most compatible Swerling PDF graph with the RKAY Prediction Program generated PDF graph. The PDF graphs are compared according to “2 norm” and “∞ norm”. Target “G/M Ellipsoid” is scanned at 3 Ghz frequency, with horizontal 1 degree steps which is shown in Figure 5-6. G/M Ellipsoid Modelmissile (3 GHz, 1o Horizontal, σort=0.04, m=1.7, norm 2) elips 3ghz 1lik-norm *** Ortalama Radar Kesit Alanı=0.04 ve m=1.7 35 RKAY Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu RKAY Swerling PDF Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu Swerling PDF Probability Density Function (PDF) Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Radar Kesit Alanı 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Radar Cross Section (RCS) Figure 5-Comparison of Swerling Target Models and RCS Prediction Program’s PDFs’ Graphs of G/M Ellipse Model at 3 GHz Frequency with Horizontal 1o Steps in Norm 2. In figure 5-6, while red stripe shows the STM’s PDF graph, blue sticks show the RKAY RCS Prediction Program’s PDF graph. G/M Ellipsoid Model (3 GHz, 1o Horizontal, σort=0.045, m=1.7, norm ∞) missile elips 3ghz 1lik-MAX *** Ortalama Radar Kesit Alanı=0.045 ve m=1.7 35 RKAY Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu RKAY PDF Swerling Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu Swerling PDF Probability Density Function (PDF) Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Radar Kesit Alanı 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Cross Section (RCS) Radar Radar Kesit Alanı (metrekare) Figure 6- Comparison of Swerling Target Models and RCS Prediction Program’s PDFs’ Graphs of G/M Ellipse Model at 3 GHz Frequency with Horizontal 1o Steps in Norm ∞. 9. The Results of the Target “G/M Polygon” at 15 GHz: G/M Polygon target model comprises of polygons and hexagonal cylinder body with wings. (Figure 1) In Figure 7, it’s shown the PDF graph of the target “G/M Polygon” at 15 Ghz in RKAY RCS Prediction Programs. It’s discovered the STM’s most compatible Chi-Square distribution with RKAY PDF graph for norm 2 and norm ∞. In this condition, norm 2 is used as well. (Figure 7) It’s discovered σort = 0.03 and m= 1 the average with the result of the graph. It is stated that G/M and Ship model are categorized as Swerling Condition 3-4 and the Airplane is categorized as Swerling Condition 1-2. Here, G/M Polygon model, Ellipsoid Small Parts model and Penguin model are categorized as Swerling Condition 1-2 due to their relatively big wings and fringes. The Swerling graph confirms this. G/M Polygon Güdümlü Model (15 GHz, 1o Horizontal, σort=0.03, m=1, norm 2) Mermi Poligon Modeli-15Ghz-1lik-norm *** Ortalama RKA=0.030 ve m=1 (aynı) 50 RKAY Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu RKAY PDF Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu Swerling Olasılık Swerling PDF 45 Probability Density Function (PDF) Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Radar Kesit Alanı 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Radar Cross Section (RCS) Figure 7- Analysis results of G/M Polygon model of RKAY RCS Prediction Programs at 15 GHz and Swerling Target Models in norm 2 G/M Polygon Model (15 GHz, 1o Horizontal, σort=0.03, m=1, norm ∞) Güdümlü Mermi Poligon Modeli-15Ghz-1lik-MAX *** Ortalama RKA=0.030 ve m=1 (aynı) 50 RKAY Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 45 RKAYOlasılık PDF Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu Swerling Swerling PDF Probability Density Function (PDF) Olasılık Yoğunluk Fonksiyonu 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Kesit Alanı Radar CrossRadar Section (RCS) Figure 8-Analysis Results of G/M Polygon Model of RKAY RCS Prediction Programs at 15 GHz and Swerling Target Models in Norm ∞. It’s created totally 12 models and each models scanned at 3 GHz, 10 GHz and 15 GHz frequencies respectively in RKAY RCS Prediction Program in the context of the paper. Then, their PDF graphs are composed in the same program. Finally Swerling Statistical Models are adapted according to this graph. Final Results of the RCS computations are shown in Table 3. In Table 3, the blue numbers show the results of the STM for G/M and Airplane Models. According to the results, it is seen that STM’s outputs are compatible with the RKAY RCS Prediction Program’s outputs. However, with the red numbers, it is seen that there are discrepancies between the outputs of the two computation programs. According to the results, while G/M models were supposed to be categorized in Swerling Condition 3-4, it is seen that G/M Ellipsoid, Ship Ellipsoid and Ship Polygon models do not correspond with the Swerling Condition 3-4. It’s because there are not any fringes or parts on targets’ body. It is also seen that Ship Ellipsoid and Ship Polygon models correspond to Swerling Condition 1-2. Similar to the previous situation, while G/M Polygon, G/M Ellipsoid Small Parts and Penguin models are expected to be correspond with the Swerling Condition 3-4 it is seen that they correspond with the Swerling Condition 1-2 instead. It’s because there are parts and fringes which are as big as their body on targets’ body. According to the analysis results it is seen that all of the airplane models correspond with Swerling Condition 1-2. Lastly, while expecting Ship Ellipsoid Small Parts and Ship models to be in Swerling Condition 3-4, it’s seen that they correspond to Swerling Condition 1-2 instead. As far as the author’s assessment, this situation derives from the parts on the superstructure of the ship. These parts cause hot spots and affect the overall RCS. Table 3-Final Results of Radar Cross Section Computations G/M (3 m) 3 GHz σort m Ellipsoid 1.7 10 GHz m σort Airplane (30 m) Ship (100 m) 15 GHz 3 GHz 10 GHz σort m σort m σort m σort m σort m σort 1 14 1 12 1 13 1.05 26 1.1 25.5 m 11.1 0.03 5.7 0.03 15 GHz 3 GHz 10 GHz Polygon 1 0.02 1 0.04 1 0.03 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2.4 Ellipsoid Small Parts 1 0.8 1 1.5 1 1.7 1 19 1 19 1 18 1 1200 1 3000 Real Target 1 0.29 1 0.32 1 0.26 1 2.5 1 3.25 1 3.35 1 2500 1 4000 10. Conclusion: The assessment and conclusion of the paper which aims to analyze the STM’s RCS computation performance by comparing with RKAY RCS Prediction Program is stated below. In the context of the study 12 targets are designed in Rhinoceros 3D Design Program and these targets’ RCSs are calculated by STM and RKAY RCS Prediction Program at 3, 10, 15 GHz frequencies by means of PDFs. The PDF plot produced from RKAY RCS prediction Program scanned from 360 points for G/M target and scanned from 180 points for airplane and ship targets. Within the study all of the target RCS computations are done both with STM and RKAY RCS Prediction Program. However, in this paper only a few examples which reflect the bottom line of the study are shown. According to the study it is observed that: a. All of the Airplane targets’ RKAY RCS outputs correspond to STM, b. G/M Polygon, G/M Ellipsoid Small Parts and Penguin targets’ RKAY RCS outputs correspond to STM. However, G/M Ellipsoid target doesn’t correspond to STM due lack of parts or fringes on it, c. None of the Ship targets correspond to STM. It’s mostly because of the existing RCS hot spot parts on the ship body. According to the study it is seen that Swerling Target Model’s RCS computation performance is considerably good for both G/M and Airplane target. With its quick RCS computation speed Swerling Target Model is superior to RKAY RCS prediction Program. However, Swerling Target Model’s performance is not satisfactory for the Ship target. The reasons of the discrepancies between the two RCS computation tools have been stated above. For better RCS computation performance the Chi-Square distribution of the Swerling Target Models may be changed with the Log-normal or Rice distribution or that kind of tools. REFERENCES [1] J. I. Marcum, “Studies of Target Detection by Pulsed Radar”, IRE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-6, pp. 59-144, Apr. 1960 [2] W. W. 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