Friends of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge

Friends of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Scholarships for Conservation Studies
2014 Scholarship Application Form
Application deadline is April 7, 2014
All responses should be typewritten or printed:
Name of current/last education institution attended:__________________________________________
City_________________________________State__________Course of Study____________________
Current Class Standing (Check One) [ ] Sophomore [ ] Junior [ ] Senior
Grade Point Average: ______________Anticipated Graduation Date (Month and Year) ______/______
List all extracurricular activities which you have participated in while in high school; indicate also all
offices held and special awards received. Do not include classes for which you received credit:
List any non school-related activities or community service or projects in which you are involved.
Include offices held and special awards and your hours and activities of volunteer contributions.
Name of College/University you have been accepted: ________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________Email_______________________________
What is your long-range career goal?
Explain how you plan to finance your education?
Provided a brief summary, describing how this scholarship award will help you achieve the goal you
have set for yourself.
Include any additional information which you feel explains why you should be awarded this
I give my permission to release this application and a transcript of my school records to the Friends of
Necedah NWR Scholarship Committee. I certify that this application is true to the best of my
knowledge and that I personally completed this application. If I am awarded this scholarship, I
understand that any change in my educational plans may jeopardize my qualifying for the scholarship. I
understand that this scholarship will be awarded in 2 parts, the first half upon proof of registration in my
planned educational program and the second half upon proof of second semester registration.
Parents’ signature_____________________________________________________________________
Application Materials:
Please submit with this application:
1. Three letters of reference concerning academic ability, interest in the environment and
conservation studies, and personal character.
2. Official school transcripts of courses completed within the last four years with a minimum of a
passing average.
3. Typewritten Essay: Please discuss your philosophy of fish and wildlife conservation as it relates
to environmental stewardship (about 150 words).
Must be local resident.
Must be pursuing a career in a field related to natural resources conservation with a cumulative grade
point average of 2.5 (4.0 scale).
25 hours volunteer community service in last 2 years.
Qualifying Courses:
Wildlife Management
Fisheries Management
Plant Pathology
Soil Science
Law Enforcement
Environmental Education
Public Relations/Visitor Services
Natural Resource Engineering
Fish and Wildlife Biology
Scholarship conditions:
The scholarship grants $250 per semester. Payment will be made to student upon written proof of
enrollment. Monies may be applied to tuition, enrollment fees and/or books. Applicants must submit a
renewal application along with current official transcripts before the deadline of each semester to
continue funding. Upon completion of their Freshman Year, Applicants may apply for additional
scholarship funds by submitting a new application to the scholarship committee.
Selections are based purely on merit, without discrimination to race, sex, religion, age, color or natural
Mail your completed form and materials to:
Friends of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Scholarship Program
N11385 Headquarters Road
Necedah, WI. 54646