Mattias Larsson Curriculum Vitae

Mattias Larsson Curriculum Vitae
PERSONAL DATA _________________________________________________________
Birth Date
Mattias Larsson
Brinellvägen 66, SE - 100 44, STOCKHOLM
+46 (0) 8 790 63 78, + 46 (0) 70 746 40 94
DEGREES AWARDED _______________________________________________________
Graduated as Master of Science in Materials Technology with emphasis on
Computer Systems for Design and Manufacturing. Department of Production
Engineering, the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Stockholm.
Graduated as Mechanical Engineer (gymnasieingenjör). SundstaÄlvkullegymnasiet, Karlstad.
2003 -
PhD Student, Division of Computer Science for Design and Manufacturing,
the Department of Production Engineering, the Royal Institute of Technology,
KTH Stockholm. Tasks: Research, education, project assignments,
standardisation work.
Project employment, Department for Information System Support, CERN,
Genève, Switzerland
RESEARCH PROJECTS_______________________________________________________
INNOMET II - Integrated human resources development and monitoring
system for adding innovation capacity of labour force and entrepreneurs of the
metal engineering, machinery and apparatus sector. Leonardo da Vinci
Vocational Training Programme.
VRL-KCiP Virtual Research Lab for a Knowledge Community in Production.
VRL-KCiP is a Network of Excellence in the frame of the 6th FP of the
European Commission. The main research activities are: Develop new research
tools and platforms for collaborative design and manufacturing, product
models and product development processes, and knowledge management.
PIL, the “Production Investment Guide” A Swedish project that aims to
support digital purchase and verification of machine tools. The results have
been published in the form of a Webb based handbook, that shows how digital
models can be used to support communication and collaboration between
customers and suppliers of manufacturing equipment. The research questions
are related to information management and standardisation issues.
INNOMET - Development of the innovative database model for adding
innovation capacity of labour force and entrepreneurs of the metal engineering,
machinery and apparatus sector, Leonardo da Vinci Vocational Training
RESEARCH FIELDS_______________ ________________________________________
CAD, CAM , CAPP, PLM, and PDM systems
Information management in the digital factory (e.g. STEP based applications)
Reference models for collaborative engineering
Reference data management
SELECTED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS_________________________________________
1. Ungerer M., Nielsen J., Mårtensson P., Larsson M., von-Euler Chelpin A., Holmström P.,
2003, White Paper for the Use of Standards based Data Communication Methods in
Automotive Industry, Technical Report, Interest Group Digital Plant.
2. Larsson M., Kjellberg T., 2004, Model Based Requirement Specifications, Proceedings of
the 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing
Engineering, p.455-460, Sorrento, Italy.
3. Larsson M., Kjellberg T., 2004, Human Resource Skill Management in Company
Networks, Proceedings of the 4th International DAAAM Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
4. Kjellberg, T., Larsson, M., von Euler, A., 2005, Information Management for the “24Hour Factory”, to be published.
5. Kjellberg T., Katz Z., Larsson M., 2005, The Digital Factory supporting Changeability of
Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the 38th CIRP International Seminar on
Manufacturing Systems, Florianópolis, Brazil.
6. Tangen S., Sivard G., Larsson M., 2005, Produktionsinvestering: från förstudie till
garantiuppföljning, Woxénrapport no. 40, WoxénCentrum, The Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, ISSN 1650-1888.
7. Kjellberg T., Lindfors C., Larsson M., Gustafsson J., 2006, Model Infrastructures and
Human Interaction in a Stereo Table Environment, Advances in Design, ISBN 1-84628004-4, Due December 2005.
Member of the SIS (the Swedish Standards Institute) TC 279 Industrial Automation, TC
280 STEP. Member of ISO/TC184/SC4 Industrial Data.
Fluent in English, Basic skills in German