& I
Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotions
Dear Dr. [Referee] :
I am writing to ask your help in evaluating the professional standing of Dr.
_______________, who is a candidate for [appointment as/ reappointment as/ promotion to] [Adjunct Clinical Instructor/ Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor/ Adjunct Clinical
Associate Professor/ Adjunct Clinical Professor] in the Department of
_______________, and whose responsibilities would include
It is our normal procedure at Stanford to obtain the views of eminent consultants
[outside/inside] the University regarding the suitability of the candidate for the appointment being considered and for that reason, we seek your opinion. To assist you in evaluating Dr. _______________, I am enclosing [his/her] curriculum vitae.
[Insert here rank-and-action-specific criteria as they appear in Chapter 6 of the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook.]
Your comments on the suitability of Dr. __________ in relation to the duties and criteria described above and your answers to the additional questions below will be of great assistance to us in completing the comprehensive evaluation on which our decision to
[appoint/reappoint/promote] Dr. _____________ must be based:
1) How well and in what capacity do you know Dr. _______________?
2) How would you characterize Dr. _______________’s performance as a teacher?
3) Will you please discuss those teaching activities of Dr. _______________ that have a possible bearing on [his/her] effectiveness as a member of the Adjunct Clinical
Faculty in the long term?
[Insert the paragraph appropriate to the rank being proposed; Adjunct Clinical
Instructor and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor evaluation solicitation letters do not need this additional language.]
[For Adjunct Clinical Associate Professors]
4) Candidates proposed for [appointment/reappointment/promotion ] to Adjunct Clinical
Associate Professor must possess a regional reputation; will you please comment on
Dr. _________________’s recognition regionally?
[For Adjunct Clinical Professors]
4) Candidates proposed for [appointment/reappointment/promotion ] to Adjunct Clinical
Professor must possess a national reputation; will you please comment on Dr.
____________’s recognition nationally?
My colleagues and I value your counsel and appreciate your taking time to respond to this inquiry. It would be most helpful to receive your answer by [date within about three weeks] . It is the policy and practice of Stanford University to treat your response as confidential in the faculty review process. Response by electronic mail or facsimile is acceptable.
Enclosure: curriculum vitae and bibliography
(for use by Departments in identifying geographic area reputations)
Regional Reputation : Regional reputation is defined as prominence in the
Greater San Francisco Bay Area and/or beyond the local practice area. This must be documented in letters of recommendation from peers.
National Reputation : National reputation is defined as exceptional leadership and prominence in the United States or internationally. This must be documented in letters of recommendations from peers.
Please note that these are the general definitions of regional and national reputations. Each letter must address their specific reputation in accordance to the rank.