University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

This application and all supporting material must be submitted by 12:00 NOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27,
2015 to the Department of Biological Sciences Main Office, Lapham Hall S181,
You may apply for more than one award. Check all of the awards for which you are applying. Consult the
attached information sheet for descriptions of the awards and qualifications. Previous award recipients
are eligible to apply.
Ruth Walker Graduating Senior Award
Ruth Walker Grant-in-Aid Award (UG)
Ruth Walker Tuition Award* (UG)
Clifford H. Mortimer Award (G)
James D. Anthony Award (UG/G)
James J. Magnino, M.D. Scholarship
Robert Costello Botany Scholarship (UG)
Ivy Balsam-Milwaukee Audubon Society (UG/G)
Ray Hatcher Memorial Award (UG/G)
Hutto-Erdman Conservation Scholarship(UG)
Joseph G. Baier Memorial Scholarship (G)
Louise Neitge Mather Scholarship (G)
Richard P. Howmiller Graduate Award (G)
To apply for the above awards:
1. Submit a brief statement (1 page, maximum) with this form that describes your goals,
your outside activities, and your financial status. Your statement should also indicate if you
will be a registered student at UWM during the next academic year. For the Ivy Balsam, cite your
contribution to conservation.
2. Graduate students should submit a curriculum vitae (1 page, maximum), which should
include a description of your research publications and conference presentations.
3. Arrange to have one of your professors write a letter of recommendation for you. Have
the letter sent to the Department of Biological Sciences Awards Committee.
4. Provide a copy of your transcript with your scholarship application submission.
Name: ______________________________________ Student ID No.: _________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________
Classification and Year: ________________________
Cumulative GPA: _______________________
Expected month/year of graduation: ______________
Major: ________________________________
I have asked to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf: _________________________________
I already have tuition scholarship support for the 2015-2016 academic year.
If yes, circle:
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
*Note: Ruth Walker tuition scholarships cannot be used for any other purpose and will not be
awarded to students with concurrent tuition support from other scholarships.
The Department of Biological Sciences invites applications for
scholarships in Biological and Environmental Sciences
DEADLINE: Completed forms and letters of support must be returned to the Department of Biological
Sciences no later than 12:00 NOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 for consideration.
The Awards Ceremony will be held in conjunction with the Biological Sciences Research Symposium on Friday,
May 1, 2015 from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the Zelazo Center room 250, with refreshments starting at 1:00pm.
Awardees are encouraged to invite relatives and friends to the ceremony.
***Please note that if you do receive an award, you are required to attend the Awards Ceremony.***
Ruth Walker Awards:
• Tuition scholarships to continuing undergraduates majoring in Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences.
Two (2) scholarships for 1 semester of resident undergraduate tuition.
• Awards to graduating seniors majoring in Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences based on overall
scholarship and/or an independent study projects.
Two (2) - $500.00 graduating seniors will be awarded.
• Grants-in-Aid for undergraduate to pursue their academic or research activities.
Two (2) $500 undergraduate study Grants-in-Aid Awards.
Hutto-Erdman Conservation Scholarship:
• This award is given to undergraduates (Jr. standing or above) in Conservation or Environmental Studies.
One (1)-$500.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Ray Hatcher Memorial Award:
• Undergraduate (Jr. standing or above) and graduate students conducting research in Botany are eligible.
One (1)-$500.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Ivy Balsam-Milwaukee Audubon Society Award:
• Undergraduate (Jr. standing or above) and graduate students majoring in Biological Sciences or Environmental
Studies with an interest in and contribution to Conservation should apply.
One (1) - $500.00 scholarship will be awarded.
James D. Anthony Award:
• Undergraduate (Jr. standing or above) and graduate students in Animal Biology. Minimal GPA = 3.25.
Two (2) - $500.00 scholarships will be awarded.
Clifford H. Mortimer Award:
• Graduate students in Limnology or Related Sciences are eligible for this award.
Two (2) - $2000.00 scholarships will be awarded.
Joseph B. Baier Award:
• Graduate students in Immunology and Systematics are eligible for this award.
Two (2) - $500.00 scholarships will be awarded.
James J. Magnino, M.D. Scholarship:
• Undergraduate (Jr. standing or above) and graduate students in Biological Sciences. Minimum GPA = 3.25.
One (1)-$500.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Louise Neitge Mather Scholarship:
• Awarded to a female graduate student, unless no female candidates are otherwise qualified, who is a Wisconsin
resident as demonstrated by having graduated from a high school in the state of Wisconsin, is in need of financial
assistance to continue studies at UWM, is a returning graduate student in good standing and is actively engaged in
coursework or research and making progress toward degree completion.
One (1) - $1200.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Richard P. Howmiller Graduate Award:
• Graduate students researching freshwater biology; specifically Oligochaetes or other indicators of freshwater
One (1) - $1500.00 scholarships will be awarded.
Robert Costello Botany Scholarship:
• Undergraduate students (Jr. standing or above) conducting research in Botany are eligible.
Two (2)-$1000.00 scholarships will be awarded.