ERATH HIGH SCHOOL 2011-2012 SUPPLY LIST This list may not include all of the supplies needed for all classes, but should give you a good base prior to the first day of school. ADVANCED MATH (B. Horaist) – 1 ½” Binder, 2 packs loose-leaf paper, dividers, pencils (#2 or lead), eraser (clic erasers are suggested), TI-83, TI-83+, 84 or 84+ graphing calculator (any of these are required and will be used in college classes as well) ADVANCED MATHEMATICS (DUAL ENROLLMENT) (B. Horaist)- 1 ½” or 2” Binder (book pages will be placed in binder), 2 packs loose-leaf paper, pencils (#2 or lead), eraser (Clic erasers are suggested),TI-83, TI-83+, 84 or 84+ graphing calculator (any of these are required and will be used in college classes as well) AGRICULTURE I, II, III (R. Bertrand/W. Mouton)– $10 lab fee for each class, $12 FFA dues, 1 three-ring binder with looseleaf paper or 3-subject notebook, ink pen or pencil AG. CARPENTRY (R. Bertrand) - $10.00 lab fee, $12 FFA dues, highlighter, (1) 3-ring binder w/loose-leaf paper or marble-back notebook, pencils, black pens, (1) dust mask to be used when in shop and (1 set) ear plugs, safety glasses AG. ELECTIVE (W. Mouton) - $10 lab fee, $12 FFA dues (optional), (1) 3-ring binder w/loose-leaf paper or 3-subject notebook, ink pen or pencil AG. ELECTRICITY (W. Mouton) - $10 lab fee, $12 FFA dues (optional), (1) 3-ring binder w/loose-leaf paper or 3-subject notebook, ink pen or pencil AG. POWER EQUIP. (R. Bertrand) - $10.00 lab fee, $12 FFA dues, Highlighter, (1) 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper or 3 subject notebook, black ink pens, pencils, Bring old shoes for lab days, safety glasses AG. WELDING (W. Mouton) – Coveralls (long sleeves), leather high-top shoes or boots, welding cap) ALGEBRA I PART I (L. Vincent) - pencils, scientific calculator (TI 30 Xa-preferred), 5-subject composition ALGEBRA I PART II (N. Broussard) –pencils, scientific calculator (TI-30Xa – preferred), 12 inch ruler, graph paper, 2 manila folders ALGEBRA I & ALGEBRA I HONORS (N. Broussard) – pencils, graph paper, graphing calculator (TI 83 or TI 83+ or TI 84 or TI 84+) 12 inch ruler, 2 manila folders ALGEBRA II (B. Horaist) –1 ½” Binder, 2 packs loose-leaf paper, dividers, pencils (#2 or lead), erasers (CLIC), TI-83, TI-83+, 84 or 84+ graphing calculator (any of these are recommended and will be used in Advanced math next year, as well as college) AMERICAN HISTORY (A. Duhon) – 1 ½” binder & loose-leaf paper or 3-subject notebook, 1 pack of dividers, highlighters, ink pens or pencil, 1 pack of index cards, 1 manila folder ART I & II (R. Barras) - $30.00 Art Fee, 1 pocket folder, 1 manila folder, 1 white poster, 1 Black Fine & 1 Black Ultra-fine Sharpie BAND – (K. Broussard) See Handbook BIOLOGY I (S. Berard) – $10.00 lab fee, pencils, blue or black ink pens, (2) red ink pens, college ruled loose-leaf paper, calculator, highlighters, zipper pouch with holes that fit into your binder, 1 roll of paper towels, Suggested: 3 or 4 packs of 3”x 5”ruled index cards; Bring any one of the following: box of Kleenex, graph paper, Crayola markers, expo eraser, pencil colors, construction paper, box of latex gloves BIOLOGY II –(Mr. Gradnigo & Ms. Berard) $10.00 lab fee, Large 3-ring binder, College ruled loose-leaf paper, dividers, pencils and eraser, Black, red and blue pens, ruler, Calculator, 1 pack of colored pencils (more colors are better), 3 or 4 packs of 3”x 5” ruled index cards, Zipper pouch with holes that fits into your binder, 1 pack of Expo markers, highlighters, graph paper; BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (J. Breaux/K. Simon) – $5.00 lab fee, 1 plastic folder with prongs CALCULUS (B. Horaist) – Can use same 2” binder as Adv. Math, pencils, TI 83+ or TI 84+ graphing calculator, CHEMISTRY (A. Noel) - $5 lab fee, binder or notebook, 1 pack wide ruled loose-leaf paper (no college ruled), black or blue ink pen, pencils, pocket folder, graph paper, scientific calculator. If you will be using a graphing calculator for Algebra II, you may use it for Chemistry. CIVICS (N. Faciane) – black or blue pens, pencils, highlighters, loose-leaf paper, Optional: colored pencils, index cards, 1 box Kleenex ENGLISH - SR. APPLICATIONS (E. Broussard) – Required: $5.00 lab fee, 1-inch binder w/loose leaf paper, 5 pocket folders, black & blue ink pens, one pack of standard size post-it notes; Suggested: reinforcements, highlighter, liquid paper (dry preferred) ENGLISH - TECHNICAL READ/WRITE (E. Broussard) - Required: $5.00 lab fee, 5 pocket folders, 1-inch binder w/loose leaf paper, black & blue ink pens, one pack of standard size post-it notes, Suggested: reinforcements, highlighter, liquid paper (dry preferred) ENGLISH I (T. Hebert) – REQUIRED: Wide-ruled loose-leaf paper, black ink pens, pencils or lead pens, Highlighters – Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink or Red (No color substitutions!), Copy of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton for the 5th six weeks. SUGGESTED: Reinforcements, liquid paper, one pack of post-it notes/page markers ENGLISH II (L. Viator) – 2 letter-sized manila folders, 2 packs loose-leaf paper, dark blue or black ink pens, highlighters, white liquid paper or correction tape, colored pencils (to keep in book bag) ENGLISH III (B. Buck/L. Viator)– REQUIRED: 3-ring binder w/dividers, loose leaf paper, 1 manila folder, Black and blue ink pens, 3” x 5” lined index cards, The Crucible, play by Arthur Miller.; SUGGESTED: Reinforcements, Highlighter, Liquid paper (dry preferred), clear page protectors. ENGLISH IV (B. Buck) – 3-ring binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, 3” x 5” lined index cards, 1 box of Kleenex, white-out or correction tape, black and/or blue ink pens, pencil, highlighter, 1 manila folder, clear page protectors, Lord of the Flies, novel, and The Odyssey, prose – Rouse Translation (Summer Reading) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (S. Gradnigo) - $10.00 lab fee, 3-ring binder, 2 pack wide-ruled loose-leaf paper (no college ruled), black or blue ink pen, (2) red pens, colored pencils, pencils, pocket folder, 1 Mead composition journal FINANCIAL MATH (J. Breaux) – $5.00 lab fee, 2-inch Binder, calculator (cheap with % key), pencils, dividers, TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator if you already have one, loose-leaf paper FINE ARTS SURVEY (C. Fontana) – (1) composition, black ink pens FIRST RESPONDER (W. Mouton) - $5 lab fee for BLS card, binder, dividers, loose-leaf paper, blue or black ink pen FRENCH I & II (M. Colin) – 1 manila folder, blue/black/red ink pens, 1-subject notebook, English-French dictionary GED/OPTIONS (B. Strother) – READING, LANGUAGE, MATH, SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE –1 box of Kleenex, highlighters (5 different colors), 1 pack loose-leaf paper, 1 pack of pencils (12), 1 pack black ink pens, 1 pack red ink pens, white-out tape GEOMETRY (E. Zegura) – loose-leaf paper, pencils, graph paper, TI-84+ or TI-84+ Silver Edition calculator GUITAR (K. Broussard) - $15.00 Book Fee, Acoustic Guitar HEALTH – 1 subject composition, pocket folder HOME EC – (FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE I & II, FOODS & NUTRITION) (D. Granger) – (1) 2” binder, black or blue pens, pencils, 1 manila folder, and 1 pocket folder for each class, 1 roll of paper towels (2 rolls for foods class), loose-leaf paper Fam. & Con. Science I - $10.00 Lab fee Fam. & Con. Science II -$10.00 Lab fee Foods & Nut./Adv. Foods & Nut.- $25.00 Lab fee Food Service - $25.00 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (J. Breaux/K. Simon) – $5.00 lab fee JOURNEY TO CAREERS (R. Bertrand & Y. Hebert) –Loose-leaf paper, 6 dividers w/tabs, black pens, 1 pack of color markers, 1 pack of color pencils, glue stick, scissors, white-out, 2 black Sharpie markers, 3 white posters LEADERSHIP I AND LEADERSHIP II (E. Zegura) MATH ESSENTIALS (L. Vincent) – Pencils, 5-subject notebook, scientific calculator (TI 30 Xa – preferred) PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P.E.) - $20.00 for a P.E. uniform PHYSICAL SCIENCE – (Mrs. Amy Noel) - $5.00 lab fee, wide-ruled loose leaf paper, blue or black ink pen, pencils, scientific calculator, graph paper, metric ruler; (Mr. Gradnigo) - $10.00 lab fee, 2 packs wide-ruled loose-leaf paper, graph paper, pencils, calculator, metric ruler, 5 dividers (label and put in this order: study guides, notes, handouts, lab sheets, loose leaf), black or blue ink pen, (2) red pens, colored pencils; (Mr. Jonathan Bouillion) - $5.00 lab fee, Notebook or binder, wide-ruled loose leaf paper, blue or black ink pen, pencils, scientific calculator, graph paper, metric ruler PHYSICS (A. Noel) - $5.00 lab fee, binder or notebook, 1 pack wide-ruled loose-leaf, black or blue ink pen, pencils, pocket folder, graph paper, scientific calculator (If you will be using a graphing calculator for Trig and Advance Math or Calculus, you may use it for Physics) PIANO I (M. Trahan) – $10.00 lab fee, 1 pocket folder, pencils; PIANO II – $10.00 lab fee, 1 pocket folder, pencils; PIANO III (M. Trahan) – $10.00 lab fee, 1 pocket folder, pencils PUBLICATIONS I & II (J. Breaux) – Camera, blue/black pens, highlighters, loose-leaf paper STUDY SKILLS I, II, III, IV (L. Bercegeay) – loose-leaf paper, pack of highlighters (5), black pens, pack of pencils, box of Kleenex TECHNICAL MATH (J. Breaux) – $5.00 lab fee, 2” binder, loose-leaf paper, 8 dividers, scientific calculator or graphing calculator, pencils TRANSITIONS (K. Richard) – 1box of Kleenex, 1 roll paper towels, highlighters (5 different colors), (3) packs loose-leaf paper, pack of pencils, pack of black or blue ink pens, 10 manila folders, 1pack dry erase markers, ruler, color pencils, calculator, 2” binder, white-out tape, stapler, scissors, stick glue, Windex wipes, germ-x WORLD GEOGRAPHY (E. Broussard/A. Duhon) –1 box color pencils (16 or more colors), Black ink pens, loose-leaf paper, one pack of standard size post-it notes; Suggested: Reinforcements, highlighter, flat binder 3-hole punch. WORLD HISTORY (R. Barras/N. Faciane) – 1 ½” binder, loose leaf paper, pack of dividers, blue or black pens,1 manila folder, Kleenex, highlighter, Optional: Colored pencils, index cards FRESHMEN: Some supplies will be purchased by school using a freshman supply fee of $25. The $25 fee must be paid at orientation. This includes the following: 4 three-ring binders – (1 for each of the following: World Geography, English, Journey to Careers, Physical Science); (1) 5-subject composition for Math; 7 pocket folders, dividers for English I. DO NOT purchase these items – the school will buy in bulk. However, please check individual class supply list for additional supplies needed for each specific class. SOPHOMORES: - Some supplies will be purchased by school using a sophomore supply fee of $25. The $25 fee must be paid at orientation. This includes: (2) 1” binders (Biology & Civics), (2) 2” binders (English II & Geometry), 2 packs index cards (English II & Geometry), dividers (English II & Geometry), 4 folders (Civics & Biology), 1 Mead journal (Biology). DO NOT purchase these items – the school will buy in bulk. However, please check individual class supply list for additional supplies needed for each specific class.