19th July 2006 (this time change is due to the arrival of Spanish Prime Minister for plenary session which starts at 12-kindly note that time will be needed to ensure all participants can enter the auditorium on time-security reasons and so forth) Morning 09-10.30 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Decent Work at the heart of Social Democracy More Diverse, Less Equal :Fighting Discrimination in a globalised world The dire straits of affairs in refugee camps-the Western Sahara experience The naughty word “Feminism” Students Network Meeting Queer and Politics Social Democracy in the Middle East Governance, Peace and the International System Social Democracy fighting for peace IUSY Pool of Trainers : Introduction Afternoon16.00-18.00 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Globalisation and its impact on Youth Employment Racism and Xenophobia : the fight against populism The issues and problems of intercontinental refugees flow-the experience of Burma One Feminism? Different (cultural) concepts of feminism Creating independent education systems in South America Coming Out (closed session) Public Opinion : what is our perception of the Middle East Political Globalisation Lessons Learned : IUSY action on peace Tools on how to Set up an LGBT Group 20th July 2006 Morning 10.00-11.30 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Global Social Protection : ideal or utopia? A global Alliance for Equality : International Goals, Domestic Campaigns The problem faced by internally displaced people and the absence of international law in protecting their rights-case study of the problem in Sudan Women the working poor Fighting totalitarianism in Asia IUSY Member Self-Organised Event Israel and Palestine workshop (to be finalized by vice presidents Sharon and Ismail) The status and development of International Law Kosovo: the conditions for a sustainable solution MP Training Afternoon 16.00-18.00 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Global Labour rights: Development or Protectionism? Equally Diverse: The struggle begins with you! A practical discussion around building your own diversity campaign IUSY Self Organised Event Gender and Migration Europe, the bologna process and students involvement in decision making processes Homophobia (Closed Session) Conflict moderation and transformation : Willy Brandt Centre (WBZ) The reform of Global Goverence Conflicts between military and civil society MP Training 21st July 2005 Morning 10.00-11.30 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Launch of the Campaign in main conference The impact of war and displacement on minorities What are the international protection for People in Movement Prostitution-just another work? Students in the Middle East Feminism and Homosexuality (joint LGBT and FWG) Roundtable on the Kurdish Issue New Africa/EU Policy Conflict and challenges from current social trends Election Observation and electoral processes Afternoon 16.00-18.00 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training IUSY Campaign on Rights at Work: how to get involved National ethnic minorities: building domestic alliances The influence and economic contributions of economic migrants to home countries- the experience of the Philippines Women in Politics Africa : Students. Migration and brain drain IUSY’s Global Agenda on LGBT Issues Fighting for peace in Lebanon New social movements and Globalisation Central Africa: the possibilities for social justice and peace in the region Election Observation and electoral processes Global Progressive Youth Forum (GPYF) Activities 22nd July 2005 Morning 10.00-11.30 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governence Action for Peace Training Workshop for young trade unionists I : Organizing young people Cultural Diversity and Integration: can two exist in harmony The problems and constraints in the freedom of movements-visa issues in the Balkan Trafficking of Women Women and Education Networking with Civil Society Peace Movements in the Middle East Alliance of Civilisations Child Soldiers: how to protect a peaceful childhood for everyone Campaign Workshop : How to? Part I Afternoon 16.00-18.00 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training IUSY Veterans Event Day of Europe Event Workshop for trade unionists II : the R@W agenda Religion in a diverse world: A tool to unify or divide? Women : the face of Migration Gender based role patterns and stereotypes Role of students in Social Movements Transgenders: reshaping sex and politics of gender Main Conference on Israel and Palestine 17.00 Global Goverence Working Group Meeting Black Sea Co-operation: fighting for social justice and peace Campaign Workshop : How to? Part II 23rd July 2005 Morning 10.00-11.30 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governance Action for Peace Training Decent Work and Global Governance Campaigning on LGBT Issues IUSY Anna Lindh Programme 2006 : Youth Organisation of Bhutan Violence against women IUSY Member : Self Organised Event Gay Pride: The right to Assembly What is the future for Iraq? The regulation of economic globalization part I Supporting international law and human rights in Tibet IUSY Member : Self Organised Event Afternoon 16.00-18.00 : Decent Work Equality and Diversity People in Movement Feminist Students LGBT Middle East Global Governence Action for Peace Training Fighting for Equality in the workplace Civil Unions and beyond: Campaigning tips from those who know! Mass Migration : Latin America Abortion : A basic women’s right Students Around the World (Final Seminar) Religion: the essence or the excuse for homophobia Women in the Middle East The regulation of economic Globalisation part II Conflicts between military and civil society IUSY Member : Self Organised Event