SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 210A); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. H Huum maann G Geenneettiicc TTrraaiittss ____________________ (Student Name) Assignments 1. Determine your own phenotype for each of the heritable traits listed and explained in Table 1 (see Website) and protocol them in the Assignment Table 1 below. 2. Based on your noted phenotype, record your genotype for each of the traits examined in this lab - Remember: if you found out that you have a recessive characteristic for a certain trait, you must have both recessive alleles on both of your homologous chromosomes; you are homozygous recessive for this trait! - But if you have a dominant characteristic you may either have two dominant alleles for this trait, or one dominant and one recessive allele; under these circumstances you may be homozygous dominant or heterozygous 3. Compile the class data for each of the traits in the right column of the Assignment Table and calculate the class room percentages for each of the traits with the help of your instructor 4. Analyze your findings and answer the following questions below: a. For the traits observed, did you find that the dominant allele was expressed most often in your class? ____________________________________________________________ b. Did you observe the typical Mendelian 3:1 pattern (75% dominant; 25% recessive) for the examined dominant and recessive phenotypes in the classroom? _____________________________________________________________ If no, which factors do or might account for the discrepancy? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ c. For which of the traits you examined did you NOT find the dominant phenotype be the most prevalent in the class room population? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ d. How would you explain the eventual occurred discrepancies? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 1 SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 210A); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. 5. After completion of the table below, pick a member of your lab to serve as a “model individual” 6. Everyone in the lab should stand up at this point 7. Have the “model individual” call out his or her phenotype for each of the traits studied and previously recorded in the Assignment Table 1 above. As each phenotype is called out, all those who do not have this phenotype should sit down 8. Proceed with this until no one else is left standing. Analyze your findings and then answer the following questions below. a. How many characteristics/traits had to be called out until the “model individual” turned out to be truly individual regarding the examined traits? ______ characteristics Note: keep in mind that humans have about 40,000 traits; here we are only looking at 11 of these 40,000 !! b. In the United States, as an open and immigration nation, a great deal of mixing of genotypes has taken place through its history. In a country where there is little influx of other groups, would you expect a similar “model individual” to stand out sooner or later than observed in you lab today? Sooner ____ Later _____ Why? ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2 SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 210A); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. Assignment Table: Classroom Data – Human genetic traits Personal Data Human trait Your phenotype Your possible genotype(s) Classroom Data Number Percentage Ratio (% : %) Dominant Recessive Dominant Recessive Dimples (D or d alleles) Free ear lobe (E or e alleles) Widow’s peak (skip if baldness exists) (W or w alleles) Ability to taste PTC (T or t alleles) Interlocking fingers (F or f alleles) Bent little finger (B or b alleles) Long palmar muscle (L or l alleles) Pigmented iris (P or p alleles) Mid digital hair (M or m allele) Six fingers (S or s allele) Second finger length (a sex/genderinfluenced trait) (M= male; f = female) (MS or FS allele) Calculations: 3 SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 210A); Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. 9. Instead of considering the inheritance of only ONE of the traits just studied, now consider the inheritance of two of these traits. All of these 11 traits happen to be unlinked, i.e. they are not located on the same but each of them on a different chromosome, thus Mendel’s Principle of Independent Assortment applies a. What is the phenotype of a person with the genotype EETT? ________________________________________________ b. What gamete genotypes could this individual produce? ___________________________________________ c. What is the phenotype of a person with the genotype eett? ___________________________________________ d. What gamete genotypes could this individual produce? ___________________________________________ e. If the two individuals above (EETT and eett) produce offspring, what would be the expected genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring? Genotypes ______________ Phenotypes __________________ In comparison to the study of heredity in plants, such as corn and garden pea, however, where organisms can be crossed under well-controlled conditions in a laboratory or an experimental field setting, where large numbers of progeny are produced – allowing relatively easy and valid statistical analysis of the data – and no serious ethical concerns are raised regarding selection of mating partners to match the considered scientific questions, the study of inheritance of human traits is much more difficult due to reasons as outlined below: First of all, scientists can only study and analyze the result of matings (‘crosses’) that have already occurred. Secondly, matings cannot – due to mandated and understandable ethical reasons – be controlled and lastly, the numbers of human individuals is very limited – a human geneticist normally deals with small family units These limitations and difficulties often force geneticists to study human heredity using unique tools of which pedigree (= family history) analysis and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis are the most important one, both of which you will be studying in the second section of this “Human Genetics” lab - while “classical” pedigree analysis has been used since the beginning of modern genetics, the more sophisticated RFLP method which allows more detailed genotypic analysis of human genetic traits is only beginning to be routinely used in human genetic and clinical analysis 4