Printable Color Brochure Available Here

The Community Global Seminar Series is designed to provide exciting international
continuing education opportunities for Salisbury University friends, alumni, and the
Delmarva community. Every Community Global Seminar is lead by an SU faculty
member with a special expertise in the part of the world that the Seminar visits. The
faculty leader provides informal lectures, background reading, and expert insight that
enrich the travel experience for participants. The Community Global Seminar Series
attracts community members interested in learning about foreign cultures and
LONDON THEATRE: The Community Global Seminar: London Theatre will expose participants
to the cultural richness of one of the great theater capitals of the world, London, England. The
highlights of the program are two different nights at the theater in London. The shows will be
announced in spring 08. Your faculty leader, Prof. Gerald Patt, will prepare you before each show
with background information on the shows and their cultural significance and will lead the group in
discussion on the morning following each show. In addition to the theater, the program will provide participants with two (2) three-day
London Travel Cards that include a half-day guided tour of London including Parliament and Big Ben and a ride on the London Eye.
Participants will have ample time to explore London on their own with the “tube” pass provided with the London Travel Cards. The program
will start and end with group dinners.
FACULTY LEADER: Professor Gerald Patt is recently retired associate professor of Communication Arts and
Theater. With an MFA from Southern Illinois University, Professor Patt taught Design and Technical Theatre at
Salisbury University 1983-2008. Prior to his appointment at SU, Professor Patt served as Director of Theater at
Fordham University, New York. He has traveled to London many times to take advantage of its world-class theater.
DATES: The Community Global Seminar: London Theatre will run November 8-16, 2008.
HOUSING: Throughout the program, participants will stay at a three star tourist hotel strategically located in central
COST: Total cost of the Community Global Seminar: London Theatre is estimated at $2600 for double occupancy. The final price will be
determined in the fall. The price includes: round trip international airfare from BWI airport, housing in a 3 star tourist class hotel throughout
the program, continental breakfasts daily, several special group dinners, two (2) three-day London Travel Cards that include a half-day
guided tour of London including Parliament and Big Ben and a ride on the London Eye, tickets to two (2) separate shows to be announced in
the spring 2008, and the guidance of your SU faculty leader. For a modest additional cost, group transportation can be provided for interested
participants from the SU campus to BWI airport.
DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT INFORMATION: An initial deposit of $250 is due at the time of application. This deposit is part of the total
advertised cost of the program. Once the faculty director academically admits a student, the initial non-refundable deposit is due to the
Cashier’s Office. The student will be automatically enrolled into the study abroad course. The University Billing Office will then bill each
registered student for the total cost of the study abroad program (less the deposit amount) through the regular university billing system.
Standard University deadlines for withdrawals do not apply to study abroad programs. Once the published Application Deadline occurs, the
accepted student is responsible for the entire amount of the study abroad program charge.
APPLICATION INFORMATION: Application forms are available at the Center for International Education or from the faculty director.
Completed application forms are currently being accepted by the faculty director or by the Center for International Education. Enrollment is
limited. Participants will be admitted on a rolling basis until the program is full. The application deadline is August 10, 2008. Questions
concerning the program can be addressed to the Prof. Gerald Patt, Community Global Seminar Faculty Leader . For
more information or to receive a registration form please contact the Center for International Education at or 410-3343495 or see the program website at .