Work Instruction WI0017 Rev: A Linearization of Supercoiled DNA for the Stable Transfection of Cell Lines 1. Materials 1.1. Plasmid with cDNA inserted 1.1.1. Guidelines: pick a plasmid to insert your cDNA into based on which selectable marker and promoter you would like to use. This should already be prepared before using this protocol. 1.1.2. Example: pcDNA3.1(+) 1.2. Restriction Enzyme 1.2.1. Guidelines: pick a restriction enzyme that will cleave your plasmid in one location. Check the manual for the plasmid you are using for the manufacturer’s recommendations and verify the enzyme will not cleave the inserted DNA sequence. 1.2.2. Note: Restriction enzymes are generally supplied in glycerol and should be stored at -20 ºC. Therefore, do not worry about freeze/thaw cycles damaging the protein when placing in and out of the -20 ºC. Keep the restriction enzyme stock cooled at all times. 1.2.3. Verify the recommended working temperature and concentration for your restriction enzyme. Examples: I Manufacturer: New England Biolabs Concentration: 0.2 U/µL Working Temperature: 37 ºC I Manufacturer: New England Biolabs Concentration: 0.2 U/µL Working Temperature: 37 ºC 1.3. Restriction Enzyme Buffer 1.3.1. Guidelines: be sure to pick a buffer that has 100% activity with your enzyme. Most likely the enzyme will come with such a buffer. 1.4. TE Buffer 1.4.1. Composition: 10 mM Tris & 1 mM EDTA 1.4.2. Note: Qiagen elution buffer (EB) is essentially pre-made TE buffer and can be used instead. 1.5. TAE Buffer 1.5.1. Composition: 40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid & 1 mM EDTA. Adjust to pH 8.0. For 500 mL of 50× stock, mix:, 121 g acetic acid, 28.6 mL, 50 mL of 0.5 M stock to 500 mL total volume with ultrapure water and adjust pH to 8.0. 1.6. Sterile, RNAse, DNAse free eppendorf microcentrifuge tubes 1.6.1. Microcentrifuge tubes used for the protocol should come pre-sterilized and certified free of RNAses and DNAses. Be sure to store in an autoclaved container and keep the lid on when not in use. 1.7. Clean water Date: 2/08/08 1/4 Work Instruction WI0017 Rev: A Linearization of Supercoiled DNA for the Stable Transfection of Cell Lines 1.7.1. RNAse, DNAse free water is preferable for the preparation of the restriction solution, although Milli-Q filtered water can be substituted if none is available. 1.8. Mini Submersion Cell Electrophoresis Machine 1.8.1. Manufacturer: BioRad 2. Procedure 2.1. Linearize the DNA. 2.1.1. Plan for 10 µg of DNA per 5 X 106 cells if establishing a cell line via electroporation. You may wish to optimize this estimate for your cell line and transfection process. mDNA,desired,µg = 10 X Ntransfections (µg) 2.1.2. Plan on losing 10-40% of the DNA in the linearization process. Calculate one volume equivalent for the protocol for a 0.5 µg/µL DNA suspension: V = mDNA,desired,µg X 1.4 / 0.5 (µL) 2.1.3. Combine the following in the microcentrifuge tube: buffer (10X), verify buffer will have 100% activity with enzyme and does not require adding anything additional, such as BSA: Vbuffer = 0.1 X V (µL) for digest: Vundigested DNA = mDNA,desired,µg X 1.4 / Cundigested DNA, µg/µL (µL) amount of restriction enzyme to add, but do not add the enzyme yet. Usually 1 : 3 enzyme : buffer, depends on the enzyme activity. For 100% activity, a working concentration of 0.2 Units / µL frequently works well. Vrestriction = 0.2 X V / (Crestriction stock, Units/µL) sterile ddH2O. Use RNAse, DNAse free water if possible: Vsterile H2O = V – Vundigested DNA - Vrestriction - Vbuffer the restriction enzyme. gently. Do NOT vortex, just “flick,” DNA is especially sensitive to shearing prior to when the linearization step is complete. using a microcentrifuge at low speed for a couple of seconds, just a pulse to get everything to the bottom of the tube. 2.1.4. Incubate at 37 ºC for at least 2 hr, it is OK to go longer. Verify this is appropriate for your enzyme. 2.2. Run an agarose gel to verify the restriction was successful. 2.2.1. Prepare the gel (1%) in TAE buffer (0.6 g agarose + 60 mL TAE). Add 10 µL of ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL stock). ~1 min, turns clear when ready. onto the gelcaster and allow to solidify. The gel should cool in about 30 minutes. 2.2.2. Load the gel the gel in the electrophoresis machine and pour TAE buffer over the gel so it is submerged. the samples: Date: 2/08/08 2/4 Work Instruction WI0017 Rev: A Linearization of Supercoiled DNA for the Stable Transfection of Cell Lines Molecular weight ladder for lane 1, 1 µg of ladder DNA. This is 5 µL of ladder in gel loading buffer at 0.2 µg/mL. At least 0.5 µg digested DNA sample (1 µL) and enough TE buffer for 10 µL total volume. Add 2 µL of gel loading buffer. An equivalent amount of plasmid DNA and enough TE buffer for 10 µL total volume. Add 2 µL of gel loading buffer. 2.2.3. Load the samples and run the gel: 60V for about 45 min. Longer if necessary, inspect the loading buffer migration. The front need only travel about 3-4 cm to achieve sufficient separation for analysis. 2.2.4. Image the gel using UV transillumination for ethidium bromide. Note the linearized plasmid should not migrate as far as the supercoiled if the cut was successful. The linearized DNA should migrate as a single band. Sample: MW Marker Linearized Supercoiled 2.3. Clean up the DNA. 2.3.1. If the volume is less than 500 µL, dilute to 500 µL with TE buffer. 2.3.2. Phenol extraction an equal volume of tris-saturated phenol (phenol on bottom layer) solution to the DNA sample. briefly, the solution should turn a cloudy white. down the sample, 10,000 RPM for 2 min at 4 ºC. Not sensitive to precise centrifugation speed. top aqueous phase (possibly cloudy), but don’t recover any phenol, better to lose some sample than trying to recover entire aqueous layer. A concentrated protein layer may be visible at the water/phenol interface. 2.3.3. Chloroform extraction to remove phenol 1 volume of 24:1 choloroform : isoamyl alcohol to 1 volume of recovered aqueous phase to extract remaining phenol from sample. The 24:1 mixture may be be refrigerated. briefly. down the sample, 10,000 RPM for 2 min at 4 ºC. This step is not sensitive to precise centrifugation speed. Date: 2/08/08 3/4 Work Instruction WI0017 Rev: A Linearization of Supercoiled DNA for the Stable Transfection of Cell Lines the top layer, don’t recover any of the bottom layer. TE buffer can be added to the remaining sample and the mixture can be centrifuged again to improve quanitative recovery. 2.3.4. ETOH precipitation: add 3M sodium acetate, pH 5.4, as 0.1 X V to the recovered DNA sample (Adjust the V value if necessary for < 100% recovery). 100% EtOH, as 2.5 X V. 2.3.5. Give this a quick vortex. 2.3.6. Incubate at decreased temperature to allow precipipation: Nitrogen: would take approximately 2 minutes.–80 oC: would take approximately 15 minutes.–20 oC: would take approximately 1 hr. 2.3.7. Spin the EtOH/DNA sample at 16,000 x g for 10 min at 4 ºC. 2.3.8. The DNA will be a white pellet at the bottom. Pour off as much ethanol as possible and add 70% ethanol in milli-Q water to wash the pellet. The pellet will not go into solution, this step removes the salt. 2.3.9. Shake or vortex. 2.3.10. Spin 16,000 x g for 2 min. 2.3.11. Pour off the supernatant and make sure the pellet stays at the bottom. 2.3.12. Let the container sit open for a while in a sterile environment so the pellet can dry. It is OK to fully dry the pellet, this requires more time than partial drying, but requires less judgement and does not appreciably harm the DNA. 2.3.13. Once the ethanol is gone add TE buffer so the DNA is at roughly 1 µg/mL based on the starting amount: Vfinal = 0.5 X V 2.4. Store at 4 ºC, or at -20 ºC if it will be > 1 month before use. Be sure to determine the final DNA concentration and purity based on the A260 and A280 with a spectrophotometer. 3. References 3.1. Restriction Enzymes 3.1.1. New England Biolabs Website: 3.2. Plasmids 3.2.1. Invitrogen Website: 3.3. Personal communications and training 3.3.1. Konkal-Matt R. Prasad, Ph.D., University of Virginia 3.3.2. Karen R. Snapp, Ph.D., University of Illinois 4. Revision History Date Rev Description 2/08/08 Initial release. 10/10/08 A Updated detail on buffer and gel preparation. Date: 2/08/08 Revision Author Brian J. Schmidt Brian J. Schmidt 4/4