BIOL 1010: PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY (Summer 2013-14; Class number 6072-lecture & 6073-lab; 4 Credit Hours) Web site: Time & Place: 12:55 - 2:55 pm MWF (lecture) & 12:00 - 4:00 pm Th (lab), Porter 429/300 Instructor: Dr. Allan Showalter Text: BioInquiry (Third Edition) by Nancy L. Pruitt and Larry S. Underwood, Copyright ©2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Requirements and Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to basic principles of molecular and cell biology, genetics, and evolution and to discuss current biological and environmental issues. There are no prerequisites for this course other than the ability to read a college textbook. Learning Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Understanding of scientific and biological thinking and method Knowledge of basics in genetics, molecular/cellular biology, and metabolic pathways Understanding of principles of evolution and phylogeny Ability to connect biological knowledge to society issues Basic insights into ecology issues Appreciation of biological diversity Grades will be based on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. First Hourly Exam-100 points. Second Hourly Exam-100 points. Final Exam-100 points. Emphasizing, but not limited to, the last third of the course. Classroom Attendance (5 points/per class lecture x 20 lectures)- 100 points. Laboratory-100 points. You must pass the laboratory (>60%) to pass the course. Thus, there are 500 points possible. Typically, 93.3% and above will earn an A, 90-93.3% an A-, 86.7-90% a B+, 83.3-86.7% a B, 80-83.3% a B-, 76.7-80% a C+, 73.3-76.7% a C, 70-73.3% a C-, 66.7-70% a D+, 63.3-66.7% a D, 60-63.3% a D-, and below 60% an F. Exams will be based upon material covered in class lectures as well as in the assigned readings. Also, if the instructor feels that the class is not reading the assigned material, then pop quizzes will be given in class and will also count toward the final course grade. Make up examinations will be considered only by written request to the instructor. Your request should include your name, course number, day and time of the missed class, the reason for your absence, and why you think that you should be allowed to take a make up exam or pop quiz. Office Hours: By appointment, Porter Hall-Room 504 (office phone: 593-1135 or email: 1 Academic Conduct/Misconduct: The penalty for course-related academic dishonesty (i.e., cheating on exams, plagiarism, etc.) will be failure of the entire course along with a report of the incident being sent to University Judiciaries. Note that University Judiciaries may impose additional sanctions, and students may appeal academic sanctions through the grade appeal process. Cell phones must be turned off during class; violators will be asked to bring treats for the class. Attendance Policy: Classroom attendance is mandatory and will count toward your final grade (see Grade section above). Attendance in the lab is also mandatory. Intellectual Property: The lectures, classroom activities, and all materials associated with this class and developed by the instructor are copyrighted in the name of Allan Showalter on June 30, 2014. Accommodations for Students with a Disability Policy: Any student who suspects s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the class instructor privately to discuss the student’s specific needs and provide written documentation from the Office of Student Accessibility Services. If the student is not yet registered as a student with a disability, s/he should contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services. 2 BIOL 1010: Summer 2013-14 Syllabus (Instructor: Dr. Allan Showalter) WEEK DATE CHAPTERS* TOPICS 1 June 30 July 2 July 3 July 4 Preface, 1 1, 9-4 LAB** 4, Appendix B Introduction Life and the Scientific Method LABS 1 and 2 Organic compounds and macromolecules 2 July 7 July 9 July 10 July 11 4 4 LAB - Cells and cell organization Cell membranes LABS 3 and 5 Review and Discussion/Exam I 3 July 14 July 16 July 17 July 18 10 10 LAB 10 Enzymes and Cellular respiration Cellular respiration and fermentation LABS 4 and 6 Plants and Photosynthesis 4 July 21 July 23 July 24 July 25 10 5 LAB 5 Photosynthesis Cell division and Mitosis LABS 7 and 9 Meiosis 5 July 28 July 30 July 31 Aug. 1 3 3 12-4, 13-4 LAB - Genetics Genetics Human & Plant Reproduction LABS 8 and 10 Review and Discussion/Exam II 6 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 6 6 LAB 8, 2 DNA, DNA replication Transcription and translation LABS 11 and 12 Population Genetics & Evolution 7 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 2 9-1 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 LAB - Darwinian Evolution and Natural Selection Origin of Life & Evolution of cells & Review and Discussion LAB 13 Exam III (Final Exam)- 12:55 - 2:55 pm 4 6 7 8 *These assigned readings are from BioInquiry (Third Edition) by Nancy L. Pruitt and Larry S. Underwood, Copyright ©2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. **A note about your lab from your lab instructors: Please remind the students that they are responsible for having their copy of the lab manual with them at the first lab and all subsequent lab meetings. 3