Wood River Mennonite Church 14988 West Husker Hwy Wood River, NE 68883 http://www.woodrivermennonite.org/ Matt Troyer-Miller, Pastor Cell Phone: 308-380-3852 Church Office Phone: 308-583-2087 Elders: Laurel Roth, Rod Jantzi, Judy Hostetler January 4, 2015 Sunday School ……..………..……..Adult & Youth Classes, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service……………………..………………………10:25 a.m. Worship Leader…..…………….….…………….…Deanna Neubauer Chorister…………………………………............................Rod Jantzi Offertory…...….....…………….......................................Rhonda Roth Greeter……….……………………................Arch and Judy Hostetler Opening Hymns Announcements Call to Worship Moment of Silence Song of Response “Sanctuary” Confession Lighting of Advent Candles Children’s Time Scripture: Matthew 2.1-12 Message: Flying Toward the Light Hymn Offering Praise and Prayer Concerns Benediction and “Peace Before Us” _________________________ Church Calendar January 4, Potluck and Annual Business meeting January 7, 7:00 pm, Elders Meeting Wednesday, 10:00, Women’s Sewing Group Praise & Prayer Requests Martin & Elsy in Columbia Sophie’s brother Gus, who is undergoing chemo Jordan and the Robinson family. Jordan suffered a seizure this week while visiting family in Omaha Announcements If you have an item for discussion at the Business Meeting, please talk with Steve, Brad, or Rod. The Saturday evening service has been cancelled this week – for old time’s sake. In the month of February, WRMC will be hosting a weekly “Tuesdays with Dave.” On Tuesday evenings, we will watch videos of Conference Pastor David Boshart as he helps to teach Mennonites how to answer questions like “How do you invite new people to church? How do you get them to keep coming? What do you do when they keep coming?” This is sponsored by the Outreach and Service Committee of Central Plains Mennonite Church, and will be offered for all of the churches in our conference. More details will be released in the future. Please stick around for the potluck after church! “When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.” Matthew 2.9 Call to worship Call to worship (adapted from Ephesians 3) Leader: Come, let us worship the God who is here among us and desires our worship [pause]. Incarnate God, work in our hearts, that our worship would be filled with the awe that comes from remembering your saving mystery. All: In a little child, God is revealed to us. Leader: The mystery, kept hidden in ages past, has been made known. People: We, who were once outsiders, now share in the inheritance. Leader: All of us, part of the same body, sharing the same promise, People: Through the gospel of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Leader: Throwing light on the inner workings of this mystery was God’s plan from all eternity. People: God’s gift of grace is a gift to be received by all. All: In thankfulness we treasure the riches of Christ. [Observe a moment of silence. Song of response, “Sanctuary.”] (adapted from Ephesians 3) Leader: Come, let us worship the God who is here among us and desires our worship [pause]. Incarnate God, work in our hearts, that our worship would be filled with the awe that comes from remembering your saving mystery. All: In a little child, God is revealed to us. Leader: The mystery, kept hidden in ages past, has been made known. People: We, who were once outsiders, now share in the inheritance. Leader: All of us, part of the same body, sharing the same promise, People: Through the gospel of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Leader: Throwing light on the inner workings of this mystery was God’s plan from all eternity. People: God’s gift of grace is a gift to be received by all. All: In thankfulness we treasure the riches of Christ. [Observe a moment of silence. Song of response, “Sanctuary.”] Confession of Faith Confession of Faith Leader: The glory of the Lord has risen; the Light of God has come. People: You are gathering your people, all peoples, those far away and those close at hand. Leader: The mystery, long hidden, has been revealed to all. Our hearts are filled with joy! People: This mystery, until now, was revealed to the apostles and prophets. Leader: But now, in Jesus, all people are heirs to this mysterious promise. People: So grace is our rich inheritance, more precious than gold, frankincense or myrrh. All: We praise you, O God, for revealing your saving mystery. We will proclaim your promise with gratitude. Leader: The glory of the Lord has risen; the Light of God has come. People: You are gathering your people, all peoples, those far away and those close at hand. Leader: The mystery, long hidden, has been revealed to all. Our hearts are filled with joy! People: This mystery, until now, was revealed to the apostles and prophets. Leader: But now, in Jesus, all people are heirs to this mysterious promise. People: So grace is our rich inheritance, more precious than gold, frankincense or myrrh. All: We praise you, O God, for revealing your saving mystery. We will proclaim your promise with gratitude.