WSU Student Teachers: Please transfer this data to a Word File for

WSU Student Teachers: Please transfer this data to a Word File for documentation during Student
Teaching. A Word Disk will be submitted near end of student teaching experience.
Appendix A: Student Teacher Evaluation
Learned Society Guidelines: National Council for the Social
Studies Standards (Initial Licensure)
Student Teaching Evaluation
Please rate the student teacher as follows:
Advanced, Adequate, Introductory, Not Addressed
(1) Culture: Social studies programs should include experiences that
provide for the study of culture and cultural diversity.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
2. Time, Continuity, & Change: Social studies programs should
include experiences that provide for the study of the ways human
beings view themselves in and over time.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
3. People, Places & Environments: Social studies programs should
include experiences that provide for the study of people, places, and
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
4. Individual Development & Identity: Social studies programs
should include experiences that provide for the study of individual
development and identity.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
5. Individuals, Groups, & Institutions: Social studies programs
should include experiences that provide for the study of interactions
among individuals, groups, and institution
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
6. Power, Authority, & Governance: Social studies programs
should include experiences that provide for the study of how people
create and change structures of power, authority, and governance.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
7. Production, Distribution & Consumption: Social studies
programs should include experiences that provide for the study of
how people organize for the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
8. Science, Technology & Society: Social studies programs should
include experiences that provide for the study of relationships among
science, technology, and society.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
9. Global Connections: Social studies programs should include
experiences that provide for the study of global connections and
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)
10. Civic Ideals and Practices: Social studies programs should
include experiences that provide for the study of the ideals,
principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic.
Dates of lesson:
Cite evidence in lesson to teach this theme
Cite materials used to teach this theme
Collect a sample student document(s)