Extended Course Description

Academic Skills 1
(Tudományos íráskészség 1)
A. Description
The course focuses on developing English academic reading and writing skills necessary for success during
university studies. Through a series of in-class and home assignments, students will practice to read with a
clear purpose in mind and effectively process (i.e., understand, question and evaluate) the content of various
short academic texts; develop their reading techniques; purposefully extract, summarise and paraphrase
ideas from readings; and to write well-formed and appropriate short academic English texts based on their
readings. The course is meant to provide the foundations necessary to progress from writing one extended
paragraph long, source-based academic texts to longer, multi-paragraph academic texts, and therefore it is a
pre-requisite for the Academic Skills 2 (Tudományos íráskészség 2) course offered in the spring semester.
The Academic Skills courses are prerequisites for the BA Language Proficiency Examination (ANG11-001
Nyelvi alapvizsga angol nyelvből).
Set texts
Tankó, Gy. (2013). Paraphrasing, summarising and synthesising skills for academic writers: Theory and
practice. Budapest: Eötvös University Press. (Chapters to cover: 1, 2, 3 & 4; Available: Eötvös Point)
Academic Skills 1 Reader and Workbook (esp. Chapters on Library research skills, Note-taking skills,
Paragraph writing skills).
Prepare for and Attend classes; participate actively; complete all the assignments; prepare drafts and do
revision work; evaluate other students' drafts and give meaningful feedback; keep a folder for the
assignments and hand-outs; keep deadlines.
Based on the requirements, which can be further specified by the course tutors. The course finishes with an
Academic Skills test (for a detailed description of the test see
http://deal.elte.hu/pages/examinations_files/bbn-ang-104_zh.rtf) and the course grade is calculated so that
the coursework constitutes 60% whereas the Academic Skills test constitutes 40% of the final grade.
Absence policy
● 3 absences will be tolerated by the teacher without consequence.
● 4 absences will normally not be tolerated. The teacher may choose to tolerate 4 absences, but only if
he/she specifies the extra tasks to be per-formed in compensation of the 4th absence, and announces to agree
to such a practice at start of term. (from SEAS AP Document)
The content of the BBN-ANG-104 course
(2014 Autumn)
B. By the end of the course, the students will be able to
Library research skills
use library resources/facilities effectively (library visit and/or task sheet)
PPTs for the library visit (Hungarian version: http://seaslib.elte.hu/Elsosbemutato.ppt, English version:
Reading skills
identify the main points in an academic text, using various reading techniques
scan short and long texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to do a specific task
Note-taking skills
take efficient and reliable notes from lectures and readings with a particular purpose in mind
use a preferred note-taking system
take notes in their own words
record the basic bibliographical details of a printed source (author, year, page number)
Summarisation skills
summarise main ideas from short academic texts
distinguish between claims/main ideas and supporting details in an argumentative text
summarise the main ideas of a text in a well-formed paragraph
Paraphrasing skills
rewrite in their own words, as much as possible, the content of a source text by making lexical and
grammatical changes
distinguish specialised and non-specialised vocabulary
use a signal phrase to introduce the paraphrase and cite the source using APA citation style
Writing Skills (paragraph writing)
use planning
write structured argumentative/descriptive paragraphs with a topic sentence, support, and concluding
sentence in order to summarise the thematic aspects relevant for a guided summary
use transitional words effectively to connect sentences and paragraphs
write multiple drafts when preparing written assignments
critically assess their own and their peer’s writing (i.e., perform self- and peer revision)
give meaningful and constructive feedback to peers
react constructively to peer/teacher feedback
revise drafts based on feedback received
write clearly and concisely (APA 6th ed.; Chapter 3; Writing Style, pp. 6570; Grammar and Usage, pp.
apply the basic rules of English punctuation adequately (APA 6th ed.; Chapter 4; Punctuation, pp. 8796)
Optional component (i.e., if time allows):
write structured and developed paragraphs to achieve a variety of communicative functions with a topic
sentence, support, and concluding sentence
use various rhetorical patterns on paragraph level (in addition to the argumentative/description type
taught with guided summarisation one or more of the following: cause and effect, classification and
division, comparison and contrast, definition, exemplification, general-specific, narrative, or process
use different writing techniques, such as brainstorming, outlining, free writing,
C. Grades
Compulsory assignments
library task
completion of readings (PSS, for instance the reading task sheets/reader)
guided summary writing (reading, note-taking, paraphrasing, writing the summary in one paragraph)
punctuation task
Compulsory grades
guided summary writing
any other grade the tutor wishes to add
60% of course grade
academic skills test
40% of course grade