supplementary material

Supplementary Information
Carbone et al.
Data were obtained from Carbone & Gittleman (2002) and the additional sources below.
Additional Sources for data in Table S1:
Least weasel
Mustela nivalis
Canadian lynx
Lynx canadensis
European badger
Meles meles
Canis latrans
Spotted hyena
Crocuta crocuta
Panthera leo
Panthera tigris
(Jedrzejewski et al.
(Parker et al. 1983;
Poole 1994)
(Revilla and
Palomares 2001)
(Nellis and Keith
1976; Patterson
and Meisser 2001)
(Whateley 1981;
Mills 1984; Tilson
and Henschel
1986; Fuller and
Kat 1990; SilleroZubiri and Gotteli
1992; Hofer and
East 1995; Creel
and Creel 1996)
(Rudnai 1973;
Elliott and Cowan
1978; Van Orsdol
et al. 1985;
Chellam and
Johnsingn 1993;
Viljoen 1993;
Hanby et al. 1995;
Yamazaki 1996)
(Sunquist 1981;
Mishra 1982;
Karanth 1995;
Karanth and
Nichols 1998;
Chundawat et al.
1999; Smirnov and
Miquelle 1999;
O’Brien et al.
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Jedrzejewski, W., B. Jedrzejewska, and L. Szymura. 1995. Weasel Population Response,
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Ecology 76:179-195.
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Mills, M. G. L. 1984. The comparative behavioural ecology of the brown hyaena
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Mishra, H. R. 1982. Balancing Human Needs and Conservation in Nepal's Royal
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Nellis, C. H., and J. B. Keith. 1976. Population dynamics of coyotes in central Alberta
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O’Brien, T. G., M. F. Kinnaird, and H. T. Wibisono. 2003. Crouching tigers, hidden prey:
Sumatran tiger and prey populations in a tropical forest landscape. ANIMAL
Parker, G. R., J. W. Maxwell, L. D. Morton, and G. G. J. Smith. 1983. The ecology of the
lynx (Lynx canadensis) on cape Brenton Island. Canadian Journal of ZoologyRevue Canadienne De Zoologie 61:770 -786.
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Poole, K. G. 1994. Characteristics of an unharvested lynx population during a snowshoe
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Revilla, E., and F. Palomares. 2001. Differences in key habitat use between dominant and
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Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik, Russia: Riding the Tiger: tiger conservation in humandominated landscapes. Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press.
Sunquist, M., E,. 1981, The Social Organization of Tigers (Panthera tigris) in Royal
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Journal of Wildlife Management 60:490-497.
Table S2
summary(lm(formula = logN ~ logM * logP))
-1.47015 -0.26533 -0.03806 0.28440 1.46609
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
4.485 1.16e-05
0.17167 -8.196 1.77e-14
3.998 8.62e-05
--Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘
Residual standard error: 0.4821 on 229 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.607,
Adjusted R-squared: 0.6019
F-statistic: 117.9 on 3 and 229 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
’ 1