University of Belgrade Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Emails: ; Short Course 2006 Traffic Control and Transportation Planning: Fuzzy, Neuro and Soft Computing Approach 13-15 June 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Lecturers: Professors Dušan Teodorović and Katarina Vukadinović Date: 13-15 June 2006 Location: Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Fee: 950 € Scope The planning, design, and control of transportation systems (and especially Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)) are complex subjects. A wide range of traffic and transportation engineering parameters are characterized by uncertainty, subjectivity, imprecision and ambiguity. Human operators, traffic controllers, dispatchers, drivers, passengers, engineers, and planners use subjective knowledge, approximately known values, and/or linguistic information on a daily basis when making decisions. Complex traffic and transportation problems call for development of modern intelligent systems that merge knowledge, techniques, and methodologies from various scientific areas. These intelligent systems should be able to recognize different situations, and to make appropriate decision without knowing the functional relationships between individual variables. The new generation of intelligent traffic and transportation systems should be able to generalize, adapt, and learn based on new knowledge and new information. Modern intelligent systems are based on computational tools that are capable to compute with words (Fuzzy Logic), learn and adapt (Artificial Neural Networks), and perform systemized random search and optimization (Genetic Algorithms). This collection of computational tools has been known as Soft Computing. The primary goal of this short course is to acquaint the participants with the basic elements of Soft Computing, applications of Soft Computing techniques to date in traffic and transportation engineering, and to indicate the directions for future research in this area. There are numerous traffic, transportation and logistic problems where Soft Computing techniques could apply. These concepts are especially important for research activities whose unified themes are uncertainty (randomness, stochasticity, fuziness, ...) and time-dependence (dynamic, real-time). The state-of-the art Soft Computing techniques used to model various traffic and transportation engineering problems (road traffic control, ramp metering, signal control, route guidance, transportation planning, route choice, traffic assignment, vehicle routing, scheduling, and dispatching) will be presented and discussed. Because of its nature the course will be of interest to various participants. All transparency copies, and additional written material will be handed out. Who Should Attend The course should be attended by engineers, research and teaching assistants, graduate students, traffic and transportation experts, planners, researchers, consultants, and government employees, and all others who are interested in improving their knowledge, and understanding soft computing models of complex traffic and transportation phenomena. Tentative Course Contents 1. INTRODUCTION Course information Other information 2. BASIC DEFINITIONS OF THE FUZZY SETS THEORY The concept of fuzzy sets (the equality of fuzzy sets; subsets of fuzzy sets; the intersection of fuzzy sets; the union of fuzzy sets; fuzzy set height; support of fuzzy set; the scalar cardinality of fuzzy set; complement of fuzzy sets; convex fuzzy sets) Fuzzy sets and probability theory Linguistic variables and linguistic hedges Fuzzy sets as points in hypercubes Fuzzy relations Max-min composition Extension principle Alpha cut 3. FUZZY ARITHMETIC The concept of a fuzzy number Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fuzzy numbers Triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers Methods for comparing fuzzy numbers 4. THE BASIC ELEMENTS OF FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEMS Rules Fuzzy inference engine Fuzzification Defuzzifier Generating and tuning the fuzzy logic systems Fuzzy logic type 2 5. A FUZZY MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING The basic premises of Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Fuzzy Linear Programming 6. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Basic concepts of Artificial Neural Networks Neurons Characteristics of Neural Networks Classification of Neural Networks A Multilayered Feedforward Neural Network Training of a Neural Network 7. METAHEURISTIC ALGORITHMS Combinatorial optimization problems and solution approaches Tuning fuzzy logic systems as Combinatorial optimization problem Genetic Algorithms Simulated Annealing Tabu Search Ant Colony Optimization 8. MODELING ROUTE-CHOICE AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS BY FUZZY LOGIC User equilibrium and system optimum Braess paradox Stochastic traffic assignment Travel time perceptions Solving route choice problems in urban networks using fuzzy logic Modeling route choice with advanced traveler information by fuzzy logic Fuzzy-Neural approaches to route selection for dynamic route guidance 9. TRAFFIC FLOW MODELING BY FUZZY LOGIC GM based car-following models Fuzzy inference car-following models Fuzzy sets and systems for a lane-changing model 10. RAMP METERING BY SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES Ramp metering strategies Genetic-Fuzzy approach for ramp metering A Neuro-Fuzzy algorithm for coordinated traffic responsive ramp metering 11. SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES IN INCIDENT DETECTION Fuzzy logic/Neural Network based incident detection Fuzzy clustering based approach to automatic incident detection 12. SOFT COMPUTING METHODS IN TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic control strategies classification Fuzzy Logic/Neural Network models of signalized pedestrian crossing Fuzzy Logic/Neural Network models of signalized intersections Intelligent isolated intersection Distributed and cooperative fuzzy controllers for traffic intersections group 13. SOFT COMPUTING METHODS IN TRANSPORTATION DEMAND ANALYSIS Forecasting with Neural Network models Neural Network for estimation of an Origin-Destination matrix Neural Network for estimating a real-time Origin-Destination matrix from traffic counts Trip distribution modeling using fuzzy logic and a genetic algorithm Neural Network approach to transportation network improvement problem 14. SOFT COMPUTING METHODS IN VEHICLE, ROUTING, SCHEDULING, AND DISPATCHING Vehicle routing and scheduling problems characterized by travel and/or service time uncertainty Vehicle routing and scheduling problems characterized by node demand uncertainty About the Lecturers Professor Dušan Teodorović has had a full-time University career since 1974 at the University of Belgrade, Serbia and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. Dr. Teodorovic’s main contribution is pioneering scholarly research in the area of soft computing techniques (fuzzy systems, neural networks and genetic algorithms) in Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Professor Dušan Teodorović’s research interests are Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence applications in traffic and transportation engineering. He has taught various undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in the areas of transportation engineering and Operations Research. He is co-author of the book: “Traffic Control and Transport Planning: A Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks Approach”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1998), and the author of numerous technical papers. He was Guest Editor of the Special Issues of the journals Transportation Planning and Technology (1993), and Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2000) devoted to the Fuzzy Sets Theory applications in traffic and transportation. He is an Editorial Board member in a few scientific journals. Professor Teodorović in an Elected Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro. Associate professor Katarina Vukadinović’s research and teaching topics are Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence applications in transportation planning, as well as transportation system performance analysis and evaluation. She is a co-author of the book: “Traffic Control and Transport Planning: A Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks Approach”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1998), and the author of a few technical and journal papers. Fee and Registration Registration is limited to 40 participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. The fee is 950€. This fee includes: Handout material (transparency copies, reading material) Refreshments Daily lunch One course dinner Method of Payment Payment may be effectuated via: check (indication: “Short Course Professor Dušan Teodorović”) Location The course will take place at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade (located 5 Km from the Belgrade city center), Serbia and Montenegro. Accommodation Comfortable rooms in various Belgrade’s hotels will be available at special prices for the participants. Participants will have to arrange their reservations themselves. Detailed information on travel options, the Belgrade city attractions, and hotel information and prices will be provided upon receipt of the registration. To register, please send an email message to or