BTAN 1121 MA Language Awareness (Grammmar and the Language Teacher) KGJ/2011 Instructor: Dr. Judit Kiss-GulyásCourse type: seminar Year of training: I, semester 2 (MA teacher training programme) Time: Tuesday, 14.00-15.50 Venue: Main building, Room 109 Office hours: Tuesday, 11.00-12.00 (Room 116/2), Wednesday, 15.40-16.40 E-mail address: Course description Most potential teachers are afraid of dealing with grammar in the classroom. This fear comes from the complexity and multiple demands of the task. The efficiency of the teacher’s treatment of grammar in instructed environments depends, first and foremost, on his/her own understanding of how form, meaning and function interact in the foreign language, and also on how aware s/he is of the contribution of the chosen structure and vocabulary item to the successful communication of the intended message. Equally importantly, the teacher, who acts as mediator has to adapt his/her knowledge of the grammar of a language to student needs and levels. This certainly requires awareness and special skills: awareness (i) of the similarities and differences between the mother tongue of the learners and the foreign language, and (ii) of the connection between descriptive and pedagogical grammars and the learner/user's own 'psycholinguistic' grammar. Special skills are needed to be able to decide on the best approach to introduce or practice a structure with a given group of learners, bearing in mind their proficiency level and age. In the Language Awareness course participants will have ample opportunities (i) to analyze structures for teaching purposes though language awareness raising activities, (ii) to explore areas of special difficulty for the L2 learner and discuss their implications for the classroom. Also, the course aims to equip participants with a variety of techniques and activities for the presentation and practice of structures within the communicative framework. Method(s) of assessment: Participation, presentations, microteaching Course outline WEEKS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Topics Introduction: Language awareness, basic principles. Grammar and Communication: New directions in Theory and Practice. Prescriptive grammar and language use. Pedagogical grammar – a mediator? WEEK 3 Product and process approaches to teaching grammar WEEK 4 Cross-linguistic influence: Structural areas of special difficulty for the L2 English learners of L1 Hungarian WEEK 5 Analysing structures 1. The grammar of choice. The teaching order of structures. WEEK 6 WEEK 7 Analysing structures 2. Aspects of a new structure The importance of context. WEEK 8 Ways of presenting structures according to the principles of ‘communicative grammar’ 1. MT. 1 WEEK 9 Ways of presenting structures according to the principles of ‘communicative grammar’ 1. MT. WEEK 10 Ways of practising structures 1 MT. WEEK 11 Ways of practising structures 2 MT. WEEK 12 Grammatical and lexical cohesive devices MT. WEEK 13 Error Analysis Recommended readings: AITKEN, R. 1992. Teaching Tenses. Ideas for presenting and practising tenses in English. Nelson. ANDERSON, Bruce. 2007. Pedagogical rules and their Relationship to Frequency in the Input: Observational and Empirical Data from L2 French. In: Applied Linguistics 28/2: 286-308. ARNDT, V., HARVEY, P. & NUTTALL, J. 2000. Alive to Language. Perspectives on language awareness for English language teachers. Cambridge: CUP BATSTONE, R. 1994.Grammar. Oxford: OUP. . BYGATE, M., TONKYN, A. & WILLIAMS, E. (eds.) 1994. Grammar and the Language Teacher. London: Prentice Hall. DE KEYSER, R. M. 2005. What Makes Learning Second-Language Grammar Difficult? A review of Issues. Language Learning, Volume 55, Supplement 1, pp. 1-25. HALL, N. & SHEPHEARD, J. 1991. The Anti-Grammar Grammarbook. Discovery Activities for Grammar Teaching. Longman. HINKEL, E. and FOTOS, S. (eds.) 2002. New perspectives on grammar teaching in Second language Classrooms. London: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. JAMES, C. & GARRETT, P. 1991. Language Awareness in the Classroom. Longman. ODLIN, T. 1994. Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar. Cambridge: CUP. PARROTT, M. 2000. Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP RINVOLUCRI, M. 1984. Grammar Games. Cambridge: CUP. RUTHERFORD, W. E. 1987. Second Language Grammar: Learning and Teaching. Part 1 pp.3-34. Longman SWAN, M. 1995. Practical English Usage.Second edition. OUP UR, P. 1988. Grammar Practice Activities. Cambridge: CUP WRIGHT, T. 1994. Investigating English. Edward Arnold. YIANG, Nan. 2007. Selective Integration of Linguistic Knowledge in Adult Second Language Learning. In: Language Learning, 51:1, 1-33. 2