There are an estimated nine million deaf and partially hearing people in the UK and ageing is the most common cause. Hearing loss leads to elderly isolation Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. How to stop your hard-ofhearing parent falling victim to the “isolation epidemic” There are an estimated nine million deaf and partially hearing people in the UK and ageing is the most common cause. Now Cognitive Neuroscientist Dr Lynda Shaw is calling for greater support to stop the “isolation epidemic” blighting the lives of a vast swathe of older people. Working with, the advice website for the families and friends of elderly people, she has top six tips on how the “circle of isolation” can be broken. Deborah Stone, co-founder of, says; ‘’ We are committed to supporting those older people with hearing difficulties, which are also closely linked with dementia. The community and family are vital in protecting vulnerable members of society. Isolation kills people, and it kills people slowly, so we must make every effort to help those suffering from deafness to remain autonomous, have integrity and to be heard.” Dr Shaw says we need to look again at how to involve older people with hearing problems in mainstream activities and not just restrict them to stereotypical activities for older people, such as bingo. Through a series of meetings with groups and individuals, age specialist Dr Shaw found that many of those who have lost or are losing their hearing feel isolated and depressed. In particular,” she says, “those losing their hearing find straining to hear friends and relative can be exhausting, and misunderstanding conversations can be embarrassing. “Avoiding certain social situations becomes commonplace. Indeed, they can stop socializing altogether. It becomes a circle of isolation, which is hard to break.” She also points out that the families and friends have a role to play: “If they become frustrated with repeating themselves, they can end up being patronizing.” Statistics show that of the UK’s nine million deaf and hard of hearing – one in seven of the population - some 688,000 are severely or profoundly deaf and that three quarters of people who are deaf are aged over 60. “What is especially tragic,” says Lynda, “is that these amazing people with decades of life experience and a wealth of knowledge end up losing their autonomy, are unable to maintain a prominent role in society and face unacceptable isolation due to lack of community support and the absence of social interaction. “Contrary to popular belief, the mature population who have a loss of hearing do not just want to be with other people in their own age bracket. Most would say they also want to meet with younger members of the community - and not to be treated as if they are infirm. “The focus needs to be centred on providing invigorating and current events for the older hearing challenged generation. Stereotypical activities such as bingo have been outgrown by this mature generation and activities which allow them to interact with other members of the society would be much more beneficial. have put together this very helpful guide for carers: Advice to Carers Here are’s top six tips for reducing isolation amongst the deaf and hard of hearing 1. Ignoring the loss of hearing is detrimental to our health and wellbeing 2. When dealing with hearing loss, it’s often easy to lose sight of the individual. Treat them with respect and dignity to help them feel confident and valued, however advanced their hearing loss may be 3. Equally, it is important to communicate in a clear and reassuring way to help them feel at ease 4. Even if the person doesn’t understand what you’re saying, they may pick up on non-verbal communication, so ensure your tone is warm and that your body language is open and friendly to avoid unintentionally coming across as stressed or irritate 5. Make sure all family and friends are aware of their loved ones hearing difficulties, as a visit from a family member unfamiliar with the situation runs the risk of embarrassment and frustration 6. Help them stay sociable, active and involved in family gatherings and social events. See more at For more details, please contact Deborah Stone on 07768 876871 , or by email on