Variation of Evaporation from Florida Bay William K. Nuttle Consultant, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada René M. Price Florida International University, SERC and Dept. of Earth Sciences, Miami, FL Peter K. Swart University of Miami, RSMAS-MGG, Miami, FL Any attempt to evaluate the effects of hydrologic restoration on Florida Bay’s ecosystem must also account for the natural variation in evaporation and rainfall over the Bay. The current goal for restoration will reduce direct runoff into the northeast portion of the Bay by about 35 percent, based on comparison of D13R to 95 Base scenarios. On the basis of an average year, the amount of fresh water entering directly from the Everglades is only a fraction of rainfall and evaporation, Figure 1. Seasonal and year-to-year variation in direct evaporation and rainfall overshadow the influence of runoff on salinity variation – a key characteristic that influences the distribution and composition of plant and animal communities (Nuttle et al. 2000). Therefore, patterns of rainfall and evaporation must be characterized well before we can evaluate the consequences of anticipated changes in Everglades’ hydrology on the Florida Bay ecosystem. This study characterizes variation of evaporation from Florida Bay over time and space. Little is known about this important component of the water balance, and the information that is available covers only a short period of time, i.e. Smith (2000), Pratt and Smith (1999). By comparison, fairly complete rainfall records exist for eight locations in the Bay spanning about ten years. This study employs several methods to estimate the average rate of evaporation from Florida Bay and characterize its variation. The Priestly-Taylor method estimates evaporation as a component of the thermal energy budget, and the Dalton Law method estimates evaporation as a vapor flux. Data on the energy balance and vapor flux were collected at platforms in the west (Rabbit Key) and the east (Butternut Key). Additional information on the spatial variation in the radiation budget was collected during two synoptic surveys, in June 2001 and in January 2002. Finally, a mass balance model for salinity was applied to estimate average monthly evaporation from an analysis of salinity, rainfall, and runoff data for the period 1993 through 1999. 1 Estimates of annual evaporation rates range between 125 cm to 169 cm, Table 1. The Priestly-Taylor method resulted in rates of 169 cm/yr for Rabbit and 163cm/yr for Butternut. Rates of 155 cm/yr for Rabbit and 133 cm/yr for Butternut were obtained using Dalton Law developed by Satori (2000). These annual rates of evaporation are about 30% higher than the box model estimate of 125 cm/yr, bay wide. From analysis of salinity patterns for the period 1996 through 2001, we estimate annual evaporation to be 125 cm/yr, slightly less than combined input by rainfall and direct runoff. Results with the box model are most sensitive to uncertainty in estimated rainfall over the Bay, and to a lesser degree, uncertainty in estimated average water depth and freshwater runoff. Table 1. Summary of Monthly Rainfall and Evaporation Rates in cm. Month Rabbit Rabbit Butternut Butternut Box Model Vapor Priestly- Vapor PriestlyFlux Taylor Flux Taylor Jun 2001 16.8 21.01 6.22 19.98 14.81 Jul 2001 16.95 20.21 6.59* 6.11* 16.06 Aug 2001 17.33 19.96 13.77 15.8 15.80 Sep 2001 14.94 14.9 12.73 14.59 14.10 Oct 2001 12.6 16.4 12.14 12.27 11.42 Nov 2001 10.44 14.6 9.19 9.27 8.47 Dec 2001 9.25 10.3 9.18 8.46 6.05 Jan 2002 7.7 13.7 7.36 10.13 4.80 Feb 2002 9.68 11.1 9.84 10.14 5.06 Mar 2002 4.65 1.94 11.51 15.08 6.76 Apr 2002 16.4 9 17.05 20.51 9.44 May 2002 18.71 16.64 17.65 21.44 12.39 Total 155.45 169.76 133.22 163.79 125.24 *Data missing from 12 July to 7 August 2001 Evaporation varies seasonally, between 5-9 cm per month in the winter and 16-21 cm per month in the summer, coefficient of variation (c.v.) ~ 0.32. By comparison, variation in rainfall, c.v. 0.85, is larger and dominates the seasonal variation in net freshwater supply to the Bay’s water column, Figure 1. The seasonal pattern of evaporation estimated both by the box model and the Dalton Law method follows the seasonal pattern of thermal loading to the Bay’s waters by solar radiation. This supports the hypothesis that solar radiation drives 2 seasonal variation in evaporation, a finding that is consistent with the results obtained by German (2000) in his study of evaporation in the Everglades. Components of the thermal radiation budgets measured at the two monitoring locations are similar, and there was little difference in monthly averaged values between two years of radiation measurements. The synoptic surveys found differences in albedo related to characteristics of the water column, similar to measurements reported previously by Stumpf et al. (1999). However, it does not appear that this contributes to significant variation in the rate of evaporation. The rate of evaporation over the extensive, shallow banks may be different than our estimates reported above. Neither our instrumented platforms nor the synoptic radiation survey characterize conditions over shallow, seasonally exposed banks. Although we expect that the radiation forcing over the banks will be the same as elsewhere, the different characteristics of the water column (shallow) and bottom (dense sea grass) might affect how outgoing heat flux is partitioned between long wave radiation, conduction, and evaporation. Figure 1: Evaporation is the largest single flux of freshwater in Florida Bay. Direct runoff into the northeastern portion of the Bay is a small component of the water balance, but it accounts for about a third of the net freshwater supply in late summer. Evaporation rates from box model. Monthly Water Flux (cm) 20 Rainfall 10 Runoff 0 Net -10 Evaporation -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Month William, Nuttle, 11 Craig St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 4B6, phone: 613233-4544,, Question 1. 3