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Supplementary material online
Detailed Methods
The experimental set contained six types of speaker-inconsistent utterances: 40 were odd
for a male speaker (“Before I leave I always check whether my make up is still in place”),
40 were odd for a female speaker (“I broke my ankle playing football with friends”), 20
were odd for a young speaker (“Every evening I drink some wine before I go to sleep”),
20 were odd for an adult speaker (“I cannot sleep without my teddy bear in my arms”, 20
were odd for a speaker with an ‘upper-class’ accent (“I have a large tattoo on my back”),
and 20 were odd for a speaker with a ‘lower-class’ accent (“Every month we go to an
opera for an evening out”). The speaker identity (SI) violation always emerged at a single
critical word (italicized here, English translation sometimes requires two words), which
was never sentence-final. All sentences were recorded with a consistent and an
incongruent speaker (sex manipulation: 4 males and 4 females; age manipulation: 2
young children aged 6 and 8, and 2 adults; accent manipulation: 2 speakers with a Dutch
accent typically perceived as ‘lower-class’, and 2 with a Dutch accent typically perceived
as ‘upper-class’). Recordings contained no obviously different prosodic contours. Across
recordings, the SI congruent and incongruent critical words were matched on acoustic
duration (SI congruent: mean = 520 ms, sd = 149 ms; SI incongruent: mean = 524 ms, sd
= 140 ms).
For each trial list, 80 SI congruent and 80 SI incongruent utterances (balanced
across the six speaker subtypes) were mixed with 192 additional utterances, spoken by
four adult female speakers and one adult male speaker. Of these additional utterances, 48
contained a classic lexical semantic (LS) anomaly (e.g., “You wash your hands with
horse and water”), and 48 contained a correct control (e.g., “You wash your hands with
soap and water”). For purposes unrelated to the current issue, another 48 contained a
world-knowledge dependent anomaly (e.g., “You wash your hands with mud and water”,
see Hagoort et al., 2004), and a final 48 coherent items were true filler sentences. The
three variants of an item (e.g. “You wash your hands with soap/horse/mud and water”)
were always spoken by the same speaker. Six pseudo-randomized trial lists were created
such that no participant heard the same sentence in more than one variant, each variant
was heard by an equal number of participants, the longest consecutive sequence of trials
of the same type was two, and, for the speaker-consistency items, the same speaker
featured no more than five times in any one trial list.
After the EEG experiment participants were asked to fill out a Dutch translation
of the Empathizing Questionnaire and the Systemizing Questionnaire (Baron-Cohen et
al., 2003; Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright, 2004). These questionnaires each consist of 40
experimental and 20 control items. An example of an experimental EQ item is “I can tell
if someone is masking their true emotion”. An example of an experimental SQ item is “I
can easily visualize how the motorways in my region link up”. Responses are given on a
4-point scale ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’. Approximately half of
the items are reversed. Participants received 0 for a ‘non-empathic/systematic’ response,
whatever the magnitude, and 1 or 2 for an ‘empathic/systematic response’ depending on
the strength of the reply. Consequently, the maximum score on each scale is 80 and the
minimum score is zero. The EQ preceded the SQ.
Additional data analysis: Time-frequency analysis
To maximize finding electrophysiological markers of differential sensitivity to social
information processing, in addition to the ERP analyses, we explored inter-individual
differences in oscillatory brain activity in relation to language processing. Timefrequency (TF) analyses of EEG data reveal changes in the amplitude of oscillatory
activity over time, reflecting processes of synchronization or desynchronization of
neuronal populations (Pfurtscheller and da Silva, 1999; Rodriguez et al., 1999; TallonBaudry and Bertrand, 1999). Although the empirical relationship between oscillatory
activity and ERP magnitude in sentence processing remains to be investigated, TF
analyses of the EEG provides a complementary window on the investigation of (interindividual differences in) language processing. Evidence for this follows from recent
sentence processing experiments using both analyses techniques in event-related designs
(Bastiaansen et al., 2005; Hagoort et al., 2004; Hald et al., 2006). In the Hagoort et al.
study (2004) a dissociation between semantic and world-knowledge information was
revealed at the level of oscillatory brain dynamics, which was absent at the level of ERPs.
Whereas both types of information elicited similar N400 effects, semantic violations
resulted in an increase in theta band power in comparison to a matched control condition,
whereas world knowledge violations were associated with an increase in gamma band
In the present study we tested for inter-individual differences in oscillatory brain
activity in a wide frequency range of 1 to 100 Hz, in relation to the lexical semantic and
speaker identity violations. We hypothesized a) that oscillatory activity in these two
manipulations would affect different frequency bands, with semantic violations affecting
the theta band, and b) that oscillatory activity in these frequency bands possibly
correlated with sex and/or empathy.
Data from critical trials were analyzed according to the following procedure. After offline re-referencing of the EEG signals to the mean of the left and right mastoid, they were
filtered with a 100 Hz low pass filter. Segments ranging from 1000 ms before to 2000 ms
after the acoustic onset of the critical word were baseline-corrected by subtracting mean
amplitude in the -500 to 0 ms pre-stimulus interval, and semi-automatically screened offline for eye movements, muscle artifacts, amplifier blocking, and electrode drifting.
Segments containing such artifacts were rejected (10% for LS and 13.4% for SI
manipulations, respectively, with no asymmetries across congruent and incongruent
The data were analyzed using the Fieldtrip open source Matlab toolbox for
EEG/MEG-analysis developed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and
Behaviour ( In order to reveal event-related
changes in power for the different frequency components of the EEG, Time-Frequency
(TF) representations of the single trial data were computed by using the multi-taper
approach described by Mitra and Pesaran (1999). In order to optimize the trade-off
between time- and frequency resolution, TF representations were constructed in two
different, partially overlapping frequency ranges (see e.g. Womelsdorf et al., 2006 for a
similar approach to multitaper analysis). In the low-frequency range (2–36 Hz), 2-Hz
frequency-smoothing and 500 ms time-smoothing windows were used to compute power
changes in frequency steps of 2 Hz and time steps of 10 ms. In the high-frequency range
(30–100 Hz), power changes were computed in 5-Hz frequency steps and 10 ms time
steps, with a 10-Hz frequency smoothing and a 200 ms time-smoothing. The TF
representations of the single-trial data were averaged separately for the LS and SI
conditions. The resulting average power values were then expressed as the percentage
power increase or decrease relative to the power in a 500 ms prestimulus baseline
The statistical significance of the differences between conditions for the observed
TF representations of power change was evaluated by a cluster-based random
permutation approach (Maris and Oostenveld, 2007). This non-parametric statistical
approach corrects for the multiple-comparisons problem. Since we have little a-priori
knowledge about when and where to expect condition differences, we did not preselect
time- or frequency windows, nor EEG electrodes for statistical analysis. The approach
naturally takes care of interactions between electrodes, time points and frequency bins by
identifying clusters of significant differences between conditions in the time, space and
frequency dimensions, and effectively controls the Type-1 error rate in a situation
involving multiple comparisons. The procedure is briefly described here (for an elaborate
description of the approach, see Maris and Oostenveld, 2007).
First, for every data point (electrode-time-frequency) a simple dependent-samples
t-test is performed, resulting in uncorrected p-values. All data points that do not exceed a
pre-set significance level of .05 are zeroed. Clusters of adjacent non-zero data points are
computed, and for each cluster a cluster-level test statistic is calculated by taking the sum
of all the individual t-statistics within that cluster. Next, a null-distribution is created.
Subject averages are randomly assigned to one of the two conditions 500 times, and for
each of these randomizations, cluster-level statistics are computed. For each
randomization, the largest cluster-level statistic is entered into the null distribution.
Finally, the actually observed cluster-level test statistics are compared against the null
distribution, and clusters falling in the highest or lowest 2.5th percentile are considered
significant. Two pairwise comparisons were performed: LS correct vs. LS anomalous,
and SI correct vs. SI incorrect. To test for inter-individual differences linear regression
analyses with EQ score and SQ score as potential predictors were performed on each
electrode-time-frequency point of the TF representations of both SI and LS contrasts.
Significance of the regression coefficient was evaluated using the same cluster-based
random permutation approach as used in the analysis of power changes.
TF data of two participants were excluded from the analyses due to excessive (muscle)
artifacts, which manifest themselves primarily as broadband power increases in the
higher frequency bands. For the same reason, electrodes T7 and T8 were excluded from
the TF analyses. Supplementary Figure 1 presents the TF representations of the grand
average (N = 34) EEG power changes for both the LS and SI manipulations at a
representative electrode, Pz. For each manipulation, the raw TF difference (violation
minus correct) is shown, with the graphical representation of the results of the
randomization analysis for the same electrode. Additionally the scalp topography of the
statistically significant power changes is shown at the bottom of the figure. Statistical
analysis revealed that relative to the LS correct condition, LS violations elicited one
significant positive cluster (p = .003) in the theta band (2-7 Hz) in the 500-1100 ms
latency interval, indicating a larger theta band power increase for the semantic violation
condition compared to the semantic correct condition (Suppl. Fig. 1A). No significant
clusters were obtained in any of the higher frequency bands. In contrast to the results for
LS, analyses of SI revealed no significant power changes in any of the frequency bands,
neither in the experiment as a whole, nor in the first or second half (Suppl. Fig. 1B).
However, as presented in Supplementary Figure 2, additional regression analyses with
EQ score as a regressor (N = 25) revealed a marginally significant positive cluster of
correlations of gamma band (50-60 Hz) power with EQ score in the 300-900 ms latency
interval (p = .088). Additional analyses confirmed that this marginal effect could be
ascribed to a significant positive cluster of correlations of gamma band (50-60 Hz) power
with EQ score in the 300-900 ms latency interval in the speaker violations (p = .021),
which was absent in the speaker congruent condition. When testing for speaker identity
adaptation effects in the TF domain, the same positive cluster was obtained in the SI
incongruent condition in the first half of the experiment (p = .023), but was absent in the
second half (Suppl. Fig. 2). In contrast to the SI manipulation, no correlations of EQ
score with LS violations were obtained in any of the frequency bands.
---Insert Supplementary figures 1 and 2---
Our ERP results clearly indicate that there is a qualitative difference between the
integration of semantic and social information into the linguistic context. Although both
types elicit similar N400 effects, with similar onset latencies and topographical
distributions, a person’s ability to empathize correlates with social information
processing but not lexical semantic processing. Moreover, this difference also appears to
manifest itself in the oscillatory brain dynamics, where both types of information affect
power changes in different frequency bands. The lexical semantic manipulation revealed
a theta power (2-7 Hz) increase from 500 to 1100 ms after word onset for the incongruent
condition (Suppl. Fig. 1A). This is in accordance with previous studies revealing theta
power increases in semantic processing (Bastiaansen et al., 2008; Bastiaansen et al.,
2002; Hald et al., 2006). The speaker identity manipulation, in contrast, did not elicit
changes in theta power, nor in any of the other frequency bands (Suppl. Fig. 1B).
However, when investigating inter-individual differences in empathizing, a marginally
significant positive correlation of EQ score with increased gamma band (50-60 Hz)
power became evident in the 300-900 ms latency window (Suppl. Fig. 2A and C). Hence,
individuals with an empathizing-driven cognitive style not only revealed a larger N400
effect, but also a marginally larger gamma band (50-60 Hz) power increase in the speaker
identity contrast, which was the result of a significantly larger gamma band power
increase to the speaker identity violations. In contrast, no correlation of empathy with
lexical semantic violations was found in any of the frequency bands. These findings,
therefore, appear to constitute a difference between pragmatic and semantic processing,
with two different electrophysiological effects emerging in the time-frequency domain.
In studies investigating language processing, theta oscillations have previously
been linked to retrieval of lexical semantic information from memory (for a recent review
see Bastiaansen and Hagoort, 2006). The theta power increase in our lexical semantic
incongruent condition, relative to the congruent condition, possibly indicates that given
the preceding sentence context, semantic violations required more retrieval efforts than
semantic congruent words. The absence of a significant theta power increase in the
speaker identity violations relative to congruent condition may be ascribed to the fact that
given the preceding sentence context, these incongruent critical words were less violating
than the lexical semantic incongruent critical words, and as a result required hardly any
increased retrieval efforts. However, in individuals who empathize to a greater degree,
the brain did keep track of these speaker identity violations as revealed by an increase in
gamma band power, reflecting detection of an incompatibility of linguistic content and
context-bound stereotypical assumptions about the speaker. Although these results need
replication, they tentatively would fit with previous studies across several cognitive
domains that report a local increase of gamma power when multiple types of information
are required to be integrated, such as in integrative processes in perception and language
(Hagoort et al., 2004; Luo et al., 2009; Melloni et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 1999;
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Figure legends
Supplementary Figure 1. Graphical representation of results of randomization analyses
on Time-Frequency (TF) representations of power changes for (A) the Lexical Semantic
and (B) the Speaker Identity Manipulation. TF plots are given for representative electrode
Pz. For each manipulation the left panel reflects a TF plot of the Difference (Incongruent
minus Congruent), the right reflects the TF plot masked for significant power changes.
Supplementary Figure 2. Graphical representation of results of correlation of EQ and
gamma power increase in SI contrast. (A) shows TF plots of the correlation coefficients
in the Raw Data, (B) the scalp distribution of the gamma power increase in the Raw
Difference (Incongruent minus Congruent) correlating with EQ score, and (C) TF plots of
the Correlation Coefficients Masked for Significance. TF plots of are given for
representative electrode Pz.