FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF PELHAM JR AND SR HIGH YOUTH GROUP SHOUT-OUT! 2011 MAY 2nd MONDAY LOWELL WISH PROJECT MISSION HELP We have a ton of clothes to deliver and sort for the LWP! We can use your help! 5:30 PM at the Church MAY 8th MOTHERS DAY No meeting! Celebrate the day with your Mom! MAY 14th 6:00 PM PASTA SUPPER AND ALL CHURCH TALENT SHOW We will be serving a Pasta Dinner as a fundraiser for your Mission and Bike Trips so invite as many people as you can! The cost is by donation so all can afford to come and pay as they are able! Then sit back and enjoy all the talent of the many members of our Church family! If you have a Talent to share, sign up on the signup sheet in Fellowship Hall and speak with Ken and Wendy Henderson about your act. This is always a highlight of our year! Please be here at 5 to help set up and cook! May 15th CHURCH CLEANUP DAY Sr. and Jr. High 11:30 AM We have a chance to give back to our church for allowing us to have a place for meetings and fellowship. Bring Work clothes, rakes, shovels, and a lot of effort as we have a lot of work to do. And we will feed you too! Hamburgers, Hot Dogs! MAY 22nd SENIORS CELEBRATION SUNDAY During our 10:00 Worship Service, we will be starting a new tradition by recognizing the upcoming graduates of our church family. If you are a graduating senior in High School, please let RB know what school you are graduating from, what your plans are for next year, and get him a Sr. Photo for our display. Please come and allow us to celebrate your success! 1:00 PM JR. HIGH 1:00 PM MINI GOLF Cost is $10. Bring a little extra for Ice Cream. Back at 4:00 PM MAY 29th MEMORIAL DAY Please take the time this weekend to recognize the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and safety for our country. Thank a veteran for their service! JUNE 5th 10:00 AM CONFIRMATION SUNDAY At our 10:00 Worship Service we will welcome the members of our Confirmation Class to affirm the vows made at Baptism and welcome them into full membership of our church. This year’s class includes Emily Lamport, Joseph Zannoni and Justin Frey. JUNE 5th 4:00 PM SR. HIGH BIKE TRIP PRACTICE Sr High needs to practice the protocols of bike travel! If you are signed up to go on the trip, please make every effort to be here. If you cannot be here, speak with RB. 12th JUNE 10:00 AM CHILDREN’S SUNDAY/ HEIFER SUNDAY Our Sunday School will be leading us in Worship today as we conclude our regular Sunday School church year. It is also Heifer Sunday and there are a few surprises on deck, mainly four legged ones on the church lawn! Come by and check it out! JUNE 19th END OF THE YEAR PARTY Time and Location to be announced SUMMER EVENTS JR HIGH HEIFER FARM MISSION TRIP JULY 23rd - 25th The following Youth Group members are signed up for our trip to Heifer Farm; Artie Cummings, Kevin Frey, Mark Rutherford, Sam Blanchard, Sarah Hartz, Libby Gorfine, Brianna Patterson, Taylor Patterson, Erica Rutherford, Allison Blanchard, Valya Pikulik, Christina Clarke and Sarah Zannoni. Chaperones are Sandy and Steve Blanchard and Karen Rutherford. There are no more slots left open. Final payment of $75 will be due the beginning of June. You will receive a notice and then we will schedule a night at RB’s for a barbeque to talk about expectations and what we will be doing while we are away. SR HIGH BIKE TRIP July 12 – 16th The following Sr. High Youth Group members are signed up for the Cape Cod and the Islands Bike Trip; Sammi Manners, Alison Blanchard, Danielle Winn, Erica Rutherford, Elizabeth Collins, Rebecca Collins, Chelsea Howard, Clara Duff-Marsh, Taylor Patterson, Emily Long, Shannon Oriole, Teddy Gorfine, Andrew Ferguson, Joey Zannoni, Justin Frey, Connor Patterson, Adam Duff-Marsh, Colin Duff-Marsh, Josh Clarke. Advisors are Maureen Ferguson, Judy and Gene Boucher, Denise Duff and RB. There is room for 2 more only! A second deposit of $50 is due by May 15th and the final price will be determined after the Fundraiser in May and another in June. Please make sure you get your deposits in as we need to make reservations for the Ferries and the kayaking! SUMMER MISSION MONDAYS We will be offering awesome day trip Mission opportunities for you and adults throughout the summer! Watch for dates on special Mondays as we visit ; - New Hampshire Food Bank to help package and sort thousands of food items for local Pantries, including the one h ere in Pelham, - The Seafarers Society in Portsmouth ministers to sailors from around the world as they dock in Portsmouth with cargo. They have been on the ships for months at a time, and the good folks at the Seafarers Society are allowed to board the vessels to see what needs the sailors have; anything form phone calls home, magazines, personal hygiene items. We will be helping the staff (we are not allowed to board the ships due to Customs regulations and the sailors are not allowed off the ships). Includes a trip to Wallis Sands beach when the day is over for a picnic and a swim. - The Long Island Shelter in Boston Harbor hosts job training in Agriculture and Gardening for formerly homeless people. The huge garden needs to be weeded and cleaned. A trip to Boston will follow - Lowell Wish Project work will continue throughout the summer as well. You will learn a lot and have a great time serving others! Signups will be required so watch out for the Sign In sheets in Fellowship Hall. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF PELHAM United Church of Christ 3 Main Street Pelham NH 03076 Phone 603-635-7025 Web Facebook Page – First Congregational Church of Pelham