Disposal of waste products policy It is very important that procedures for dealing with body fluids and waste products are adhered to correctly. This minimises the risk of spread of diseases such as AIDS/HIV, hepatitis and infections like tummy upset and diarrhoea. Dealing with soiled nappies, diarrhoea and puddles of urine: If necessary get help from another member of staff to make the area safe or warn off other children from the area Always wear a fresh pair of disposable plastic gloves Reassure child and deal with them gently and sensitively Remove soiled nappy or clothing Ensure that the child is clean and dry and put on clean clothing Place soiled clothes in a sealed plastic bag for home Get the child to wash their hands before returning to play area Clean and disinfect any areas that have been affected by spillage (with disposable gloves on) Dispose of disposable gloves by turning inside out and place in a sealed bag with nappy and or wipes etc. Place sealed bag in PHS bin. Wash hands thoroughly with soap Dealing with blood spillages: Wear disposable plastic gloves Area should be wiped over with a gloved hand using disposable cloths, thoroughly disinfect area using antibacterial wipes. Place all soiled cloths, wipes and gloves into a bag and dispose of directly into the outside black bin. Dispose of disposable gloves by turning inside out. Wash hand thoroughly with soap Should blood come into contact with broken skin, the area should be thoroughly washed with soap and medical attentions sought Disposal of broken glass and sharp objects Make the area safe, ensure children are warned away from the area in a calm but firm manner Call for help if necessary Wrap sharp objects in paper, put in a sealed bag and place directly in an outside bin Inspect area of accident to ensure it is completely safe before allowing anyone to enter This policy has been adopted by Stepping Stones, Nettleham. Signed on behalf of the setting by: …......................……………………………………………….............................................................................................................. Victoria Smith, Allison Faulkner and Suzanne Hayden, Owners Date: Review Date: