Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskor 2011 feb Forskande sjuksköterskor inom hälso- och sjukvård för barn och ungdomar Sjuksköterskor som disputerat Clara Aarts År Avhandlingens titel 2001 Nina Andersson 2006 Exclusive breastfeeding-Does it make a difference?: A longitudinal, prospective study of daily feeding practices, health and growth in a sample of Swedish infants Professional identity and competence in practice : self-evaluation of nurses in paediatric care Children with cancer- focusing on their fear and how their fear is handled Agneta Anderzen-Carlsson 2007 Christina Baggens 2002 Barns och föräldrars möte med sjuksköterskan i barnhälsovården Anita Berlin 2010 Ylva Benderix 2007 Cultural competence in Primary Child Health Care services - interaction between Primary Child Health Care nurses and parents of foreign origin and their children Familjers och vårdpersonals erfarenheter av barn och vuxna med autism Leeni Berntsson 2001 Health and well-being of children in the five Nordic countries in 1984 and 1996 Barbro Binett 1988 Mor och barn. en studie av samspel och tidiga relationsmönster hos mödrar och barn med olika familjebakgrund Maria Björk Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen 2008 2006 Anna Carlsson 2010 Kyllike Christensson 1994 Living with cancer in childhood - family experience and needs Iron nutrition during early childhood. Factors influencing iron status and iron intake. Child Injuries at Home – Prevention, Precautions and Intervention with focus on scalds’ Care of the newborn infant, satisfying the need for comfort and energy conservations Eva Clausson 2008 Ann-Charlotte Dalheim Englund 2005 Marie Edwinson-Månsson 1992 Ann-Charlotte Egmar 2005 Birgitta Edlund 1997 Tobias Edbom 2009 Cecilia Ekéus 2004 Gunnel Elander 1986 Karin Enskär 1997 Elisabeth Ericsson 2007 School health nursing, perceiving, recording and improving schoolchildren’s health Skydda och frigöra. En studie av föräldrar till barn med astma och av professionella vårdare. The value of informing children prior to investigations and procedures Katten också! Exponering för pälsdjur och dess konsekvenser för pälsdjursallergiska barn Dieting on Swedish children and adolescents Self-esteem, sense of coherence and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : A longitudinal study from childhood to adulthood Teenage parenthood: parental characteristics and child health outcomes The effect of perturbations on Mother-Infant interaction, studies of hospitalisation, especially during the first six months of life Assessing the life situation in children and adolescents with cancer and their families. Health and well-being of children and young adults in relation to surgery of the tonsils. Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskor 2011 feb Sjuksköterskor som disputerat Mats Eriksson Ann-Charlotte Falk Renée Flacking År Avhandlingens titel 2004 2008 2007 Maria Forsner 2006 Eva-Lotta Funkquist Astrid Fägerskiöld 2010 2002 Eva Gronowitz Gunilla Glad 2008 2002 Maria Gradin 2004 Aspects of prevention and assessment of neonatal pain. Head injuries in children - Incidence, sequele and informational needs Breastfeeding and Becoming a Mother – Influences and Experiences of Mothers of Preterm infants Att vara barn i sjukdom och sjukvård: barns berättelser om sina upplevelser av sjukdom och sjukvårdsrädsla Policies and practices in neonatal nursing related to nutrition Support of mothers and their infants by the child health nurse: expectations and experiences. Studier relaterade till benmassa hos patient med cystisk fibros To void at will. Investigation and treatment of children with bladder dysfunction Procedural pain reducing methods and pain assessment in newborns. Karin Guldbrandsson 2005 Agneta Gånemo 2002 Elisabet Hagelin 1998 Lena Hanberger 2010 Kerstin Hedberg Nyqvist 1999 Anna-Lena Hellström Gerth Hedov 1990 2002 Karina Huus 2009 Karin Jackson 2005 Annkristin Jansson 2000 Anna-Karin Johansson 2004 Inga-Britt Johansson 2002 Leena Jylli 2004 Agneta Kleberg Susanne Knutsson 2006 2006 Ulrika Kreicbergs 2004 Inger KristenssonHallström Inger Kull Viveca Lindh 1998 Birgitta Lindberg 2009 2005 2002 Child health promotion: analysis of activities and policy processes in 25 Swedish municipalities Hereditary ichthyosis Barnhälsovårdsjournalen som kunskapskälla, en analys av fullständighet, instruktionsenlighet och tillförlitlighet. Quality of Care in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives Development of breastfeeding behavior in preterm infants. Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence of early competence. Dys-functional bladder in children - Epidemiology and uro-therapy Swedish Parents of Children with Down Syndrome: A study on the initial information and support, and the subsequent daily life Weight gain in children -possible relation to the development of diabetes. Att vara förälder till ett för tidigt fött barn- en prospektiv studie om upplevelsen av föräldraskap och möten med vården. Sjuksköterskan i primärvård med särskilt fokus på barnhälsovård. Passive smoking in children. The importance of parents' smoking and use of protective measures Annorlunda men funktionellt beteende Identifiering och förståelse av typiskt och avvikande beteende i åldrarna 1-3 år hos barn med medfödd blindhet Acute pain in pediatric patients. Aspects of pain management and pain assessment Promoting preterm infants’ development and mother child interaction Barns delaktighet genom besök hos närstående som vårdas på en intensivvårdsavdelning To Lose a Child to Cancer -A nationwide Study of Parental Experiences Parental participation in paediatric surgical care. Clinical, ethical and economic considerations. Infant feeding and allergy in children Procedural pain and distress in infants. Alleviation of acute pain assessed by heart rate variability and behavioural maesures. When the baby is premature: experiences of parenthood and getting support via videoconferencing Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskor 2011 feb Sjuksköterskor som disputerat Britt-Marie Lindblad År Avhandlingens titel 2006 Helene Lindfred 2010 Anna Lindholm Olinder Anita Lundqvist 2010 2003 Pia Lundqvist 2008 Margaretha Magnusson 1999 Maria Magnusson 2011 Ruth Mannerfeldt 2002 Ewa Mårtensson (Wikström) Evalotte Mörelius 2009 Att vara förälder till barn med funktionsnedsättning- erfarenheter av stöd och att vara professionell stödjare Ungdomars och deras föräldrars erfarenhet av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom med fokus på hälsa, självkänsla och egenvård Self-management of diabetes in adolescents using insulin pumps When birth turn to loss and grief - experiences, veiws and care in neonatal end-of-life practice. Children born prematurely- trends in the southern region and fathers experiences Barnhälsovård, studier av effektivitet och föräldratillfredsställelse Childhood obesity prevention in the context of socio-economic status and migration Skolbarn, kristid och hälsa - En uppföljningsstudie av stockholmsbarn födda 1933 Information exchange in paediatric care Stefan Nilsson 2010 Margaretha Nolbris 2009 Solveig Pedersen Pernilla Pergert Anna Post Lene Povlsen 2008 2008 2009 Ingrid Runeson Ingela Rydström 2002 2005 Ingela Rådestad Lena Räty 1998 2003 Inger Skolin 2005 Maja Söderbäck 2000 Venke Sørlie 2001 Britt-Marie Ternestedt 1989 Agneta Tinnfält 2008 Björn Tingberg Lars Wallin 2010 2003 Anne Wennick 2007 Helena Wigert 2008 2006 Stress in infants and parents. Studies of salivary cortisol, behaviour and psychometric measures Procedural pain in children – experiences, assessments and possibilities to reduce pain, distress and axiety in relation to the procedure Att vara syskon till ett barn eller ungdom med cancersjukdom - Tankar, behov, problem och stöd. Recurrent Pain and Quality of Life in Young Schoolchildren Transkulturell omvårdnad Issues of validity in longitudinal studies of youth tobacco use Diabetes in children and adolescents from non-western immigrant families – health education, support and collaboration. Children's participation in decision-making in health care Jag vill också ha en hund, en studie av barn och tonåringar med astma och deras mammor. Att föda ett dött barn Living with epilepsy: young people with uncomplicated epilepsy and adults with newly debuted epilepsy Nutritional consequences in children undergoing chemo-therapy for malignant disease Encountering parents professional action styles among nurses in pediatric care. Being in difficult care situations. Narrative interviews with registered nurses and physicians within medicine, oncology and paediatrics Hjärtopererad som barn - hur gick det sedan? Adolescents' perspectives - on mental health, being at risk, and promoting initiatives Child abuse - clinical investigation, management and nursing approach Knowledge utilisation in Swedish neonatal nursing. Studies on guide line implementation, change processes and contextual factors. Living with childhood diabetes. Family Experiences and Long-term effects. Health care professional, hermeneutics, lifeworld, mother-child, mothers’ experience, neonatal intensive care unit, newborn caring, parental participation, parental presence, phenomenology. Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskor 2011 feb Sjuksköterskor som disputerat Gunnel Wiklund Britt Marie Ygge År Avhandlingens titel 2008 2004 Charlotte ÅngströmBrännström Annica Örtenstrand 2010 Education for Teenagers with Type 1 Diabetes Parental involvement in pediatric hospital care- implications for clinical practice and quality of care Comfort as expressed by children, parents and one nurse in pediatric care. 2005 Sjuksköterskor med licentiatexamen Berit Björnestam 1999 Marianne Brydolf 1996 Kerstin Sundell Bergström 2010 Siv Morberg 2008 Maria Öjmyr Joelsson 2005 Pediatrisk omvårdnad och föräldraskap. Studie av ett vårdprogram med tidig hemgång av underburna barn, mödrars upplevelse av vården vid BVC samt föräldrastress. Avhandlingens titel Enteral and parenteral nutrition in children Livsvillkor för ungdomar med ulcerös kolit Asthma in adolescents, during the transition from child to adult, effects on physiological parameters and health related quality of life Ensam i sin profession i skolans värld – skolsköterskans upplevelser av förutsättningarna att utöva och utveckla yrket Children with High and Intermediate Imperforate Anus. Aspects of care and psychosocial effects of the malformation